Uploaded by Fernando Abayan Jr.

Technology at Home Survey Questionnaire

A Survey Questionnaire on Technology Available at
Name (optional):_____________________________
Please answer the questions honestly. (Put a check mark ✓on the line provided)
1. Do you have a computer at home?
2. If your answer is NO, what is the reason?
3. Do you have an internet connection at home?
4. If your answer is YES, what kind of internet connection do you have?
____ Line
____Others: Please specify:______________
5. Do you have an android phone?
____ Yes
____Others: Please specify:______________
6. How many gadgets do you have at home?
____3 or more
7. What kind of gadgets do you have?(you can choose more that one)
____Others: Please specify:___________
8. Should students have computers or any gadgets home?
9. If you answered yes, which of the following are your reasons? (You can choose
more than one)
____ It is useful for school works.
____ Everybody has it already.
____ It can be used for business.
____ Others, please specify: _________________
10. If you answered no, which of the following are your reasons?(you can choose
more than one)
____ It is expensive.
____ It is not needed.
____ Cellphones can be used in its place.
____ Others, please specify: _________________