A Survey Questionnaire on Technology Available at Home Name (optional):_____________________________ Age:_____ Address:_____________________________ Please answer the questions honestly. (Put a check mark ✓on the line provided) 1. Do you have a computer at home? ____Yes ____No 2. If your answer is NO, what is the reason? _______________________________________ 3. Do you have an internet connection at home? ____Yes ____No 4. If your answer is YES, what kind of internet connection do you have? ____WIFI ____ Line ____Others: Please specify:______________ 5. Do you have an android phone? ____ Yes ____No ____Others: Please specify:______________ 6. How many gadgets do you have at home? ____1 ____2 ____3 or more 7. What kind of gadgets do you have?(you can choose more that one) ____cellphone. ____desktop ____tablet ____Others: Please specify:___________ 8. Should students have computers or any gadgets home? ____Yes ____No 9. If you answered yes, which of the following are your reasons? (You can choose more than one) ____ It is useful for school works. ____ Everybody has it already. ____ It can be used for business. ____ Others, please specify: _________________ 10. If you answered no, which of the following are your reasons?(you can choose more than one) ____ It is expensive. ____ It is not needed. ____ Cellphones can be used in its place. ____ Others, please specify: _________________