MTAP II: HEMATOLOGY 1 GLOBIN CHAIN COMPOSITIONS CBC (COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT) Quantitative determination that yields qualitative interpretations Dependent on Sex, Age, Population Variables that dictate the reference ranges in a CBC PARAMETERS OF A CBC REPORT RESULTS SEEN ON AUTOMATED CBC: RESULTS SEEN ON MANUAL CBC: o Hematocrit o RBC count derive the value for Hemoglobin (rule of 3) o WBC count o Platelet count Qualitative reporting No numerical equivalent value *Red cell indices NOT included on manual CBC results 🔔 Rule of Three Applicable only to normocytic / normochromic RBCs RBC INDICES INDEX MCH (Mean Cell Hemoglobin) MCV (Mean Cell Volume) RDW (Red cell Distribution Width) CORRELATION Color Color is attributed to Hgb content or RBC Size Uniformity / heterogeneity in size Indicates possible anisocytosis 🔔 Thalassemia: Disorder of globin chain synthesis Absent globin chain is substituted by delta chain instead CELLULARITY OF BONE MARROW SOME CLINICAL CORRELATIONS OF RBC INDICES/ CBC RESULTS Disease Aplastic Crisis (aplasia) Blastic crisis (i.e. leukemia) Myelofibrosis (deposition of fibrous connective tissue = replaces bone marrow tissue) Effect RBC indices All values DECREASED WBC count RBC & Plt Values DECREASED REVIEW OF HEMATOPOIESIS Child: Red bone marrow (red-shaded areas) is located throughout the skeletal system Adult: Yellow marrow replaces red marrow in the adult skeletal system (Retrogression @ 4-7 y/o). Red marrow activity occurs in the central portion of the skeleton. (sternum, vertebrae, scapulae, pelvis, ribs, skull, and proximal portion of the long bones) and CD8+ T cells Suppress Treg responses, mediator of immune tolerance Indications for bone marrow studies: Blastic crisis suspicion (High WBC & diff Count) Anemia (only if secondary to leukemic disorders) Observation of M:E ratio 🔔 Where is the most ideal site of collection for bone marrow studies? Superior ileac crest It is the Safest area to puncture BONE MARROW STUDIES Core biopsy Aspiration Trephine biopsy needle Aspiration needle COLLECTION Jamshidi needle University of Illinois sternal needle IL-3 Taking out a fraction of a bone Just aspirating bone marrow M:E RATIO OBSERVATION (Myeloid-to-Erythroid precursor ratio) Normal Infection Leukemia 2:1 – 4:1 6:1 25:1 (ave 3:1) NORMAL CELLS FOUND IN THE MARROW All developing hematopoietic cells Macrophages Mast cells -Make use of blood as transport Confused w/ basophils Osteoblasts -Young bone cells Confused w/ megakaryocyte Osteoclasts -Mistaken for Plasma cells IL-6 Activated Tcells, NK cells T cells Macrophages Fibroblasts Hematopoieti c stem cell and progenitors Proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors T cells B cells Liver Co-stimulation with other cytokines, cells growth/ activation of T cells and B cells, megakaryocyt e maturation, neural differentiation, acute phase reactant IL-10 CD4+ Th2 T cells Monocytes Macrophages T cells Macrophage Inhibits cytokine production, inhibits macrophages IL-12 Macrophages T cells T cell, Th1 differentiation IL-15 Activated CD4+ T cells CD4+ T cells CD8+ T cells NK cells CD4+ / CD8+ T cell proliferation CD4+ / NK cell cytotoxicity IFN-a Dendritic cells NK cells T and B cells Macrophages Fibroblasts Endothelial cells Osteoblasts Macrophage NK cells Antiviral, Enhances MHC expression CYTOKINES INVOLVED IN HEMATOPOIESIS Cytokine EPO Source Peritubular interstitial cells G-CSF Endothelial cells Placenta Monocytes macrophages GM-CSF T-cells Macrophages Endothelial cells Fibroblasts Mast cells IL-2 CD4+ T-cells NK cells B cells Target cell BFU-E CFU-E Neutrophil precursors Fibroblasts Leukemic myeloblasts Bone marrow Progenitor cells Dendritic cells Macrophage NKT cells T-cells NK cells B cells Monocytes Effect Stimulates proliferation of erythroid progenitors and prevents apoptosis of CFU-E Stimulates granulocyte colonies, differentiation of progenitors towards neutrophil lineage and maturation Promotes antigen presentation, T-cell homeostasis, hematopoietic cell growth factor Cell growth/activati on of CD4+ Therapeutic Applications - Anemia of chronic disease -chronic anemia patients -Treatment of anemia in cancer patients on chemotherapy -Autologous predonation blood collection -Anemia in HIV infection to permit use of zidovudine (AZT) -Post autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant Chemotherapyinduced neutropenia Stem cell mobilization Peripheral blood/bone marrow transplantation Congenital neutropenia Idiopathic neutropenia Cyclic neutropenia Chemotherapyinduced neutropenia Stem cell mobilization Peripheral blood/bone marrow transplantation Leukemia treatmen Metastatic melanoma Renal cell carcinoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Asthma -Stem cell mobilization -Postchemotherapy/ transplantation -Bone marrow failure state -Stimulation of Plt production (but not at tolerable doses) -Melanoma -Renal cell carcinoma -IL-6 inhibitors may be promising -target lymphokines in prevention of Bcell lymphoma and EBV -lymphomagenesis -HIV infection - Allergy treatment - Adjuvant for infectious disease therapy -Asthma - Possible role for use in vaccines -melanoma -RA -Adoptive cell therapy -Generation of Agspecific T cells - Adjuvant treatment for stage II/III melanoma - Kaposi sarcoma, hairy cell leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia PROCESS OF HEMATOPOIESIS 🔔 Progenitor cell: NON-COMMITTED immature cells (i.e. CFU-GEMM) Precursor cell: Committed cell lineages (i.e. megakaryoblast) ERYTHROPOIESIS BFU-E 3. PRONORMOBLAST CFU-E MATURE RED CELL (8-32 cells) *Total of 18-21 days for RBC maturation Pro-erythroblast Basophilic erythroblast Polychomatic erythroblast Pro-rubricyte Rubricyte Meta-rubricyte reticulocyte Erythro blastic Orthro Chromatic Erythroblast Rubri cytic reticulocyte Normoblastic nomenclature Rubriblast Morph. Comments -largest stage -highly basophilic -stays in BM for 24 hrs -capable of mitotis -accumulates materials for globin chain synthesis -w. intense staining due to high activity of cell in synthesizing Hemoglobin -color unaltered -stays in BM (24hrs) -capable of mitosis -Transition in color Blue – grey – pink due to increasing synthesis of Hgb -last stage capable of cell division -has a single color -stage where the cell extrudes its nucleus -stays 48 hours before it gives out its nucleus -NRBC “Polychromatophilic reticulocyte” -stains cytoplasm pink -stays in BM for 1 day, then peripheral circ for 1 day -DNA, RNA, Ribosomes stains Mature Erythrocyte 4. 5. The nuclear chromatin pattern becomes coarser, clumped, and condensed. Nucleoli disappear. Nucleoli represent areas where the ribosomes are formed and are seen early in cell development as cells begin actively synthesizing proteins. As RBCs mature, the nucleoli disappear, which precedes the ultimate cessation of protein synthesis The cytoplasm changes from blue to gray-blue to salmon pink. Blueness or basophilia is due to acidic components that attract the basic stain, such as methylene blue. The degree of cytoplasmic basophilia correlates with the amount of ribosomal RNA. Early release of reticulocytes Prevent apoptotic cell death Reduces maturation time inside BM HYPOXIA & EPO EPO induces changes in the adventitial cell layer of the marrow/sinus barrier that increase the width of the spaces for RBC egress into the sinus “Shift Reticulocytes”/ macrocytic retics o Larger retics that didn’t stay for 1 day in the BM EPO is able to stimulate production of various anti-apoptotic molecules, which allows the cell to survive and mature JAK2 protein: activates the signal transduction and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway, leading to the production of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-XL EPO can remove an apoptosis induction signal Fas (CD95) With the decreased cell cycle time and fewer mitotic divisions, the time it takes from pronormoblast to reticulocyte can be shortened by about 2 days total. 🔔 Hypoxia: lack of O2 in tissues 🔔 EPO: major stimulatory cytokine for RBCs EPO’s effect is mediated by the transcription factor GATA-1, which is essential to red cell survival HOW THE BODY RESPONDS TO HYPOXIA Chemical Reponse Physical response Hematologic response Skin appears pale since there is EPO stimulation 2,3 DPG (right Redistribution of blood from the shift) skin to more important parts of the body EMP TRENDS IN RBC MATURATION 90% ATP used by RBCs -anaerobic METABOLIC PATHWAYS HMP LeuberingRapaport Shunt Source of 10% ATP -aerobic Source of 2,3 DPG Methemoglobin Reductase pathway Converts ferric iron to its ferrous state RBC HEMOLYSIS EXTRAVASCULAR HEMOLYSIS 1. 2. The overall diameter of the cell decreases. The diameter of the nucleus decreases more rapidly than does the size of the cell. As a result, the N:C ratio also decreases. INTRAVASCULAR HEMOLYSIS RULE OF THREE Hct 3 MCV LABORATORY METHODS HEMATOCRIT: MCH MCHC RBC LEUKOPOIESIS RDW more significant index NEUTROPHILS MCV MCH MCHC RDW RBC INDICES SUMMARY Lower than RV Reverence value <80 fL 80-100 fL Microcytic RBC Normocytic RBC <26 pg 26-32 pg Hypochromic Normochromic <11.6 anisocytosis Higher than RV >100 fL Macrocytic RBC >32 pg Hyperchromic (Spherocytes & Macrocytes) PRODUCTION 32-36% 11.6-14.6 CI (COLOR INDEX) -same as MCH -reflects Hgb SI (SATURATION INDEX) -same with MCHC VI (VOLUME INDEX) -same with MCV Myeloblast MCD (MEAN CELL DIAMETER) -size of red cell Pro myelocyte Myelocyte MCAT (MEAN CELL AVERAGE THICKNESS) -Red cell thickness is not uniform due to its central pallor Meta myelocyte Type II myeloblast have 15-20 azurophilic primary granules near golgi complex & mitochondria Larger than myeloblast (14 to 20 um) (+) azurophilic granules Sudden change in color -due to secondary/ specific granule presence Last stage capable of mitosis D-shaped nucleus “Dawn of Neutrophilia” First stage to show a change in nuclear presentation (indented nucleus) “juvenile cell” Increased indentation (more than half of nucleus) Band Segment ed Neutrophil Mature neutrophil with 3-5 segments in nucleus *Hypersegmentation: Vit. B12 / folate deficiency; macrocytic anemias *Hyposegmentation: Pelger-huet anomaly FUNCTION Pools involved in Neutrophil Maturation: a. Mitotic Pool Consists of cells that are actively dividing CFU-GEMM, CFU-G myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte Location: BM b. Storage Pool bound for maturation ; prepares for maturation non-dividing Consists of metamyelocyte, band, neutrophil Location: BM c. Circulating Pool Neutrophils that are present in peipheral circulation FUNCTIONS Degranulation Regulation of immune response Indicator of parasitic infections Hallmark of allergic reactions BASOPHILS d. Marginating Pool Ready to undergo diapedesis Exit of neutrophil from the blood vessel due to chemotaxis Facilitated by integrin & selectin PRODUCTION e. Tissue Pool Fulfills/ performs its function: phagocytosis Death occurs Granules: metachromatic, water soluble; obscures nucleus Phagocytosis: 1. Recognition of pathogen 2. Attachment to receptors in target bacterium 3. Engulfment of bacterium & killing – formation of phagosome Release of reactive substances (superoxide, H2O2) – alters pH to damage outer membrane of bacteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FUNCTIONS Responds to adrenal corticosteroids Immediate hypersensitivity reactions Delayed hypersensitivity reactions Heparin *absorbs deep blue staining Histamine Peroxidase Release of cytokines Induction of Ige Synthesis Angiogenesis Control of helminth infections Basophil vs. MAST CELL: 🔔 Mast cells contain proteolytic enzymes (digestion) and serotonin (induces vasoconstriction) NEUTROPHIL GRANULES MONOCYTES & MACROPHAGES Biggest cell in peripheral circulation Show vacuolations, grey ground-glass / lace-like cytoplasm; (+) esterase = α-napthyl acetate, or α-napthyl butyrate esterase Scavengers of the body PRODUCTION Secretory granules 1st to be secreted Primary granules last to be secreted EOSINOPHILS PRODUCTION In electron microscopy: show heavy granulation & granules appear crystalloid MBP: takes up acidic stain due to its granules being alkaline 1. 2. 3. 4. FUNCTIONS Innate immunity Adaptive immunity Housekeeping functions- ingests cellular debris Induce cytokines that influence hematopoietic functions LYMPHOCYTES Innate immunity : NK cells Adaptive immunity: B cells Humoral: B cells Cellular immunity: NK cells & T cells T Cell Blastogenesis PRODUCTION A. B-Lymphocyte Development TdT HALA earliest recognizable precursor CALLA Naïve B cells/ hematogotes -migrates to 2ndary lymphoid organs SIG (surface Ig) C. NK Cells B Cell Blasogenesis: acquisition of new function due to Ag exposure Forms plasma cell to produce Ab’s Or produce a memory cell FUNCTIONS A. B-Lymphocyte B. T Lymphocyte Development B. T Lymphocyte C. CD4+ T lymphocytes CELL COUNTS GENERAL PRINCIPLES (Hemocytometry & Other principles) FUCHS-ROSENTHAL HEMOCYTOMETER USE WBC COUNT NAME 2% Acetic acid Turk’s solution DILUTING FLUIDS COMPOSITION Glacial acetic acid Distilled water 1% aqueous gentian violet (1mL) Glacial acetic acid (2mL) Distilled water (100 mL) COMMENTS Glacial acetic acid lyses RBCs Gentian violet stains nuclei of WBCs (methylene blue can also be used) Randolf’s solution EOSINOPHIL COUNT Speirs-Levy Hemocytometer Propylene glycol (50 mL) Pilot’s solution 10% acqueous solution Na2CO3 (1 mL) Heparin (100 units) Phloxine Improved Neubauer Counting Chamber Gower’s solution RBC COUNT Hayem’s solution Toisson’s solution Dacie’s solution Isotonic saline Distilled water (40 mL) Anhydrous sodium sulfate (12.5 g) Glacial acetic acid (33.3 mL) Distilled water (100 mL) Sodium sulfate (2.5g) NaCl (0.5g) HgCl2 (0.25 g) Distilled water (100 mL) Sodium sulfate (8 g) NaCl (1 g) Methyl violet (0.25 g) 40% formalin (10 mL) 3% w/v trisodium citrate to 990 mL Lyses RBC (acts as stain transporter due to its viscosity and does not evaporate quickly) Lyses all WBCs, other than the base-resistant eosinophils Enhances staining Prevents clumping Stains eosinophilic granules red POISSON’S LAW OF DISTRIBUTION Diluting Pipettes used: SIGNIFICANCE OF MANUAL CELL COUNTS (Henry, 23rd ed) ROUTINE COMPUTATIONS ROUTINE DILUTION WBC COUNT RBC COUNT Blood up to 0.5 mark Blood up to 0.5 mark DF up to 11 mark DF up to 101 mark PLT COUNT Blood up to 0.5 mark; DF to 0.5 mark DF to 101 mark EOSINOPHIL C Blood up to 1 mark DF to 11 mark Charge hemocytometer Charge hemocytometer Charge hemocytometer Focus under LPO Focus under HPO Count cells in 5 intermediate squares Focus under HPO Charge hemocytometer; Stand for 15 mins to allow lysis of cells Focus under LPO Count cells in all corner squares Count cells in all 9 squares Count cells in all corner squares INVERTED L RULE: LEUKOCYTE COUNT NORMAL REFERENCE VALUES DIFFERENTIAL COUNT CORRECTED WBC COUNT Reference ranges: ABSOLUTE LEUKOCYTE FRACTION COUNT The Schilling Hemogram EOSINOPHIL COUNT: THORN TEST SHIFT TO THE LEFT: BASOPHIL COUNT: COOPER AND CRUICKSHANK METHOD Fuchs-Rosenthal or Speirs-Levy Normal Value for adults: Hemocytometer 0-200/cumm ARNETH COUNT MEGAKARYOPOIESIS AND THROMBOPOIESIS Method of viewing PBS: PLATELET QUANTITATION Laboratory Methods for Platelet Count: Direct Rees and Ecker Method PBS Platelet Estimation THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD SMEAR Automation MPV (Coulter) PERIPHERAL BLOOD SMEAR EVALUATION: RBC morphology WBC Estimate Differential count Platelet estimate Presence of immature cells Presence of malarial parasites PREPARATION REPORTING