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Tori Amos: Leadership, Music, and Personal Empowerment

In 1994 the sound of little earthquakes and under the pink played out of my speakers while I sat on the
ugly brown carpet of my first dorm room and I felt immediately more in love with music for Tori Amos
not only would she masterfully play complex and beautiful original piano pieces but she would
complement the sounds with words which carry their own melody I've spent years only allowed to play
classical music or hymns hearing her music stunned and changed me I realized I had options when
making decisions after being told my options for college were to become a teacher or nurse both careers
I could easily leave to raise a family I suddenly believed I did not need to follow the rules forced on me by
society I memorized every word and often heard her music in my head and I was told I could not do
something secondary to a religion or my gender while Tori is a leader for so many because of her
musicality originality role in the music industry and her time spent as the spokesperson for rain the rape
abuse and incest national network I have always looked up to her for breaking the rules imposed for how
I was supposed to play my music and how I was supposed to live my life in her book piece by piece Tori
Amos explains she was born a feminist by age three she was playing piano by age 5 she was the youngest
accepted into Peabody institute at John Hopkins and by age 11 her scholarship was reclaimed for musical
insubordination Tory quickly realized to use music and symbology for sharing what she believed in an
unedited way Robert Webb wrote in an article for the independent about tori's popular song cornflake
girl being a message against female circumcision Tory was so mad after she read Alice walkers possessing
the secret of joy and she immediately shared her message through music Elizabeth Aubrey interviewed
Tori for an article in the independent where she talked about recreating her sound and how she
empathized with other female artists who tried to grow and change their styles only to be squashed by
the industry Tory stated you have to look at this systemic toxic environment that it is if you're only having
so many females at a festival and you're only having so many females on alternative radio or country
radio then the industry itself has set up a place where there isn't enough to go around they have set up
scarcity they've set up this survival of the fittest mentality which is so destructive Tori not only inspires
other musicians but other artists there are multiple comic book and graphic artists and tattooers wildly
inspired by Tory Tori constantly challenges people Michael kavanaugh wrote in the Washington Post
about her struggle with starting in the music industry although male artist were allowed to play the
piano on pop radio Atlantic records asked Tori to silence the ivories Tory successfully fought that battle
and paved the way for future piano players some people have never heard of Tori amos's music and only
know her as a spokesperson for rain rape abuse and incest national network Tory song me and a gun
recount the story which made her a sexual abuse survivor she revisits the lasting trauma in a song called
29 years as people in power continue to change rules which protect survivors Tory challenges them to
man the phone lines at rain blood Tori is a musician she is an artist but she is aware and encourages
other artists Lauren Hayes was a photographer who was trying to capture a photo while Tori was being
interviewed Lawrence film ran out and Tori left later without a request from Lauren Tori returned to the
same position until Lauren took the photo Tory encourages people to flourish and what makes them feel
alive Tori was so inspired by a book from Neil Gaiman she wrote a song about it that in turn started a
whole slew of art for meal and others based on tori's lyrics the art in this video is from a book compiled
from artist renditions of her songs I found Tori Amos in an unexpected place and she has been a leader
for me in unexpected ways when we listen to read from watch and work with others we can find leaders
everywhere when you feel inspired by another person narrow down what it is that makes you feel that
way and learn from it allow yourself to feel moved then identify ways they model the way they inspire
shared vision challenged the process they enable others to act and the way they encourage the heart
who knows you might find a new favorite song in the process Here here do you yeah
The Leadership Challenge is a book by James Kouzes and Barry Posner that
outlines five practices of exemplary leadership:
1. Model the way. Leaders set the example for others to follow. They act
in ways that are consistent with their values and beliefs.
2. Inspire a shared vision. Leaders create a clear and compelling vision
for the future. They articulate this vision in a way that inspires others
to want to achieve it.
3. Challenge the process. Leaders are not afraid to question the status
quo. They are always looking for ways to improve and to make things
4. Enable others to act. Leaders empower others to take action. They
provide them with the resources, the training, and the support that
they need to succeed.
5. Encourage the heart. Leaders celebrate the successes of their
followers. They recognize their contributions and they let them know
that they are valued.
Emily's writing about Tori Amos aligns with the Leadership Challenge in a
number of ways. Tori Amos is a role model for Emily. She is someone who
has used her platform to speak out about important issues and to make a
difference in the world. Tori Amos is also someone who is not afraid to
challenge the status quo. She is always looking for ways to improve and to
make things better.
Tori Amos's music has inspired Emily to be a better person. It has inspired her
to stand up for what she believes in and to never give up on her dreams. Tori
Amos's music has also inspired Emily to be a leader. It has shown her that
she can make a difference in the world, even if she is not famous or has a lot
of money.
I think Emily's writing is a great example of how the Leadership Challenge can
be applied to everyday life. We can all be leaders, even if we don't have a title
or a position. We can start by being kind to others, by standing up for what we
believe in, and by never giving up on our dreams.
Jennifer, you did a wonderful job breaking down Tori Amos’s leadership style. I really enjoyed your
presentation about how her music has inspired you to be a better person and a leader.
Tori Amos is a great example of a leader and you were able to capture that through your presentation.
You mentioned that she uses her music to speak out about important issues such as sexual abuse and
mental health, which led me to do my own research on her. I was intrigued by her music lyrics and her
powerful song. One of my favorites is the one when she challenges people to question their own beliefs
with the song Muhammed, My Friend. She is a talented musician and a role model for many people,
including myself.
You used a few specific examples to illustrate her points. For example, when you talked about how Amos
used her music to speak out against sexual abuse with the songs “29 Years” and “Me and a Gun” which
was a very emotional song. You also talked about how Amos has inspired other people to be leaders.
I learned that leaders can be anyone, no matter their race, gender, or profession, Amos was a great
example to illustrate that music can be a way to lead. I will be more open to gaining insights from leaders
of all backgrounds and professions.
What are some of the challenges that she might have faced with a song like “Muhammed, My Friend”
and what are the benefits she might have earned from it?
I think
I think it is important to remember that we all have the potential to be leaders. We don't
need to be famous or have a lot of money to make a difference. We can start by being
leaders in our own lives. We can be leaders by being kind to others, by standing up for
what we believe in, and by never giving up on our dreams.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading about your journey and I
am inspired by your commitment to leadership.
Sincerely, [Your name]