TEAM 2 MEETING AGENDA Meeting called by: Location: Resource Room Date: 1/30/23 Time: 3:15 Attendees: Agenda items 1. Introduce project 2. Distribute copies of current school improvement plan 3. PowerPoint presentation by Tori and group discussion 4. Discuss the following: a. The major areas-for-growth identified in the school improvement plan. b. The one area where your group has decided to focus on: i. Why this area-for-growth was included in the school improvement plan? ii. Initiatives taken to improve the area iii. What did the initiatives consist of? iv. How effective were those initiatives? v. What data do you currently have to indicate that the area you’ve identified still needs considerable attention c. Discussion: i. What has worked well in trying to improve your identified area-for-growth? 5. Set next meeting date with smaller group Action items Deadline Status Prepare Presentation 1/30/23 Tori will facilitate this Next Meeting 2/9/23 Team 1