Notes Final (1)

Financial Management
Book pages: Pg # 373 to 395
Uniform System of accounts serves as a turnkey because it can be quickly adapted to the needs and
requirements of new and expanding food service businesses.
In 1926, uniform system of accounts for hotels was published.
With the increase in lodging, National Restaurant Association published the Uniform System of Accounts
for Restaurants in 1930.
Operations budget enables management to plan and control. It is used to:
Project Revenue
Determine profit requirements
Estimating expense levels
A control tool
A food service operations income statement provides important financial information regarding the
results of operations for a period of time, usually one month.
Concerned about operations financial status are top-level managers, owners, investors and creditors.
Ratio analysis is used for:
Corrective action when comparing past months
Comparing industry averages
Comparing against planned/ budgeted ratio goals
Fixed costs= occupational costs
Cost of sales = Beg inv + Purchases – End Inventory
Food cost % = Total cost of sales/ Food rev *100
Bev cost % = Total cost of bev sales/ Bev rev *100
Food transfers = Transfers from kitchen to the bar
Beverage transfers= Transfers from bar to kitchen
Liquidity ratios:
Current ratio: Current assets/ Current liabilities
Solvency ratio= Total assets/ Total liabilities
Activity ratio:
Food inventory turnover= Cost of food used/ Average Inventory
Profitability ratio:
Profit Margin= Net Income before taxes/ Total Food and Beverage Revenue
Labor Cost percentage= Labor cost/ Total Food and Bev Rev
Avg Check= Total Rev/ Number of guests served
Seat Turnover= Number of guests served/ Number of available seats
Technology used includes:
Accounts receivable software
Accounts payable software
Payroll Accounting software
Financial reporting software
Sanitation and Safety
Book Pages: Page # 294 to 336
Video 1: Food Worker Training Video – English (40:40)
Video 2: Chasing Outbreaks: How Safe Is Our Food? | Retro Report | The New York Times (11:23)
Video 3: Introduction to OSHA Video (16:18)
Basic Principles: Clean, Separate, Chill, Cook
Microorganism temperature danger zone: 5- 60 degree Celcius
Referigerate below 5 degree C
Hot food needs to be kept above 60
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dairy, and opened store product at less than 5
Eggs, Shellfish less than 7
Frozen less than -18
Food Poisoning occurs when germs get into food & produce wastes. It is the poison that causes the
illness, not the germs themselves.
Food Infections are caused by bacteria & viruses in food that are consumed with food & later reproduce
inside the body.
Sanitation is important when food is:
Unsafe food is because of:
Chemical poisoning: When toxic substances contaminate food and beverages ( chemicals can be
added before the arrival or even after)
Microorganisms like Bacteria, molds, parasites and viruses
To multiply germs need:
Comfortable temperature (5-60 degrees)
Types of food poisoning:
Staphylococcal poisoning (staph): Staph germs are found on the skin, and in the nose and throat of
people with colds and sinus infections. Meats like ham, poultry and meat salads and cream foods are
highly prone. It usually occurs within 4 hours of eating the food. Symptoms are nausea and diarrhea.
Botulism: Can be fatal. Results from eating improperly processed canned foods. Botulin cannot be
detected by smelling, tasting or looking. Occurs within 12 to 36 hours. Symptoms like dizziness,
weakness and doubled vision.
Types of Food infections:
Salmonellosis: Sam germs live in intestinal tracts of people and some animals like hogs and chickens.
Ground beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs and egg products and baked goods with cream fillings are highly
susceptible. Occurs within 12- 48 hrs. Symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and chills.
Unspecified illnesses:
Clostridium: Caused by eating food contaminated by food handlers due to contamination by insects.
Food high in protein content like meats, poultry and sauces with gravy are commonly associated with
the illness.
Escherichia coli (E. coli): Eating food contaminated with organism. Raw undercooked beef,
unpasteurized milk and apple juice, salami, lettuce and bean sprouts are susceptible.
Trichinosis: Caused by eating contaminated pork products.
Tuberclosis: Eating food contaminated by food handlers with the disease. Food high in milk and milk
products is highly susceptible.
Procedures for safe handling:
USDA inspects processing plants for:
Meat and poultry products have the proper quality
Plant is clean
Proper handling procedures are used by plant employees
Food grading involves analysing foods relative to specific, defined standards to assess quality. For meat
tenderness, juiciness, and flavour is tested.
For poultry, normal shape, meaty and free from defects is checked. Quality grades like prime,
choice, and select are given. Yield grades (1 to 5) indicate the amount of usable meat from the
carcass. 1 is highest (lean and heavily muscled.)
Veal and calf are graded prime, choice, good, standard, and utility.
Lamb for only prime and choice.
Pork for acceptable and utility.
Poultry for A, B, and C. A only likely to be available in retail.
Storing and issuing:
5.1 cm (2 in) away from the wall
15.2 cm (6 in) above the floor
Internal temp of 5 C of referigerators with humidity at 80 to 90%
Freezer should be -18 C (0F)
Dry food products between 10 to 21 C, humidity 50 to 60%
Don’t leave overnight to thaw. Thaw in any of the following ways:
In referigerators
Under running water with 21 C or below
In microwave
To kill germs:
In normal foods, heat above 60 C
In poultry 74
Pork 63
Perishable and potentially hazardous leftovers would be refrigerated in pans no more than 4 in deep
and should be served or discarded within 24 hrs.
Protein foods must be kept above 60 or below 5.
Potentially hazardous foods should be cooked to min internal temp of 63 C. Field-dressed wild game
animals, poultry, stuffed fish, stuffed meats, stuffed pasta, stuffed poultry should be cooked above 74 C
for at least 15s. Hazardous foods to be cooked above 74 and left covered for at least 2 mins.
Sanitising hot water temp is above 77.
HACCP: Hazard analysis Critical Control Point has 7 principles:
Hazard analysis
Identify critical control points
Establish critical limits/ preventive measures
Establish procedures to monitor CCP
Establish necessary corrective action
Establish an effective recordkeeping system
Establish procedures to verify that the HACCP system is working
Safety means prevention of accidents. OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) has created
guidelines to improve safety in work environments. Major components included recordkeeping
requirements, inspection and fines. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) has information to help in safe
Top 4 restaurant injuries:
One in twenty on-job injuries happen in eating and drinking establishments. OSHA estimates that 1$
spending can save 4 to 6$ in health costs.
Lacerations/ punctures: Cuts
Sprains/ strains: overarching, muscle pull
Eye injuries: Splashes of grease
Fundamentals of Management
Book pages: Pg 62 to 76
Video 1: Inside The Royal Kitchen: Hidden Secrets (British Royal Family Documentary) | Real Stories (47:
Video 2: The Sweetgreen Factory (3:20)
Video 3: A day in the sweetlife - careers at sweetgreen (2:28)
Article 1:
Article 2:
Article 3:
Research and read about: Ian Schranger and Andree Putman
Types of resources available for a manager:
Equipment and Space
Management process:
Planning: Information, communication, flexibility, and implementation are important
Organising: How to best assemble and use the limited human resources? Empowerment
Coordinating through delegation. Assigning, communication.
Staffing: Hiring, screening, job specifications
Directing: Getting work done from other people. Supervising, scheduling and disciplining
6. Controlling: Developing and implementing control systems. SOPs.
7. Evaluating: Review, measure, assess
Management tools:
Long range plan
Business plan
Marketing Plan
Operating Budget
Primary groups:
Area/ Regional directors
Other managers
Secondary groups:
Local Community
Government regulatory agencies
Site Visit
- [ ] First aylanto in karachi
- [ ] Aylanto means tree of heaven
- [ ] Karachi aylanto had 35-40 seats
- [ ] 27 year ago
- [ ] People said aylanto will be a failure in Lahore open Butt karahi
- [ ] New restaurant in plans named fine food
- [ ] Fuschia is thai pan asian food
- [ ] Dont fall in trap of starting big-start small
- [ ] Be careful of food and other costs- even if your restaurant is full you will not be making money
- [ ] Aylanto now has 200 seats
- [ ] Lifetime of restaurant is normally 7 years
- [ ] Success of restaurant is consistency of food
- [ ] There is a lot of difference between home cooking and an outlet as there are utilities and overheadsthere is no fixed orders like cooking in home but you have to be prepared for every guest, there are
perishable items etc
- [ ] Service is another product along with food for which there training programs-e.g parking areas,
- [ ] 2 fuschia in dubai and 1 in lahore with 300 seats, 1 in karachi
- [ ] 2 aylantos in lahore, 1 is opening raya
- [ ] Always introducing specials
- [ ] Pizza hut franchise contract says you have to change outlets in 7 years as customers get bored- so
keep changing
- [ ] Owners started as sandwich makers and kept on moving
- [ ] Most beautiful noise is when you hear people talking
- [ ] Owner says this is the business of making memories
- [ ] They have been nearly bankrupt but kept going
- [ ] There is no grading of food in Pakistan and so consistency was difficult
- [ ] Thai was not the owners forte
- [ ] Taste has developed in pakistan as people are travelling and there are food shows
- [ ] Madison square chef says 1. Taste, 2. Creativity, 3. How to put them together
- [ ] People feel like aylanto is second home
- [ ] Dont keep guests in pressure as they leave after they eat
- [ ] Matches in ghaddafi affect the restautant
- [ ] Many people say success of restaurant is location location and location
- [ ] Food costs dictate pricing
- [ ] Owners wanted a modern concept for fuschia
- [ ] Fuschia interior is pink which matches the name
- [ ] Have sops for consistency
- [ ] Restaurant is not functional without team- spend time building a team
- [ ] Owner spends 12 hours a day and does everything
- [ ] Everyone is competitor indirectly
- [ ] Owners change buildings for restaurants
- [ ] Rent has to be 10 percent and all areas are rented
- [ ] Fuschia cheque avg is 1700-1800
- [ ] Aylanto cheque average is 2300
- [ ] Contracts with banks are important
- [ ] Fuschia turns 200 tables on a weekday and 300 on a weekend
- 6 woks
- [ ] Fuschia is completely different in Dubai
- [ ] Aylanto has done better
- [ ] Owner wants customers to come at all times
- [ ] Warmers- keep food and plates warm
- [ ] Flaupes
Ambiance Boutique hotel:
- [ ] Maam shireen designed it
- [ ] Previously JS bank
- [ ] Art based
- [ ] Art competition to select 200 pieces for restaurant
- [ ] Ali sarwar restaurant manager
- [ ] Sidra guest relations manager
- [ ] 7am- 1 am
- 30 seater cafe
- [ ] 26 rooms
- [ ] Kitchen does room service as well as well restaurant breakfast
- [ ] Owner is qasim soori
- [ ] Big challenge with low ceiling heights and converting bank into hotel
- [ ] Owner is art collector
- [ ] Want customer to feel like they are in paris
- [ ] Everything is curated from carpets to furniture
- [ ] Cushion range from 35000-45000
- [ ] Different furniture providers and things from dubai and germany
- [ ] Ganda naala and traffic outside but once you enter you feel you are in paris
- [ ] Colonial and modern mixed as brass and paintings, brick architecture
- [ ] Entrance door represents church door
- [ ] Floor is classic italian made from local material
- [ ] Everything is a talking point
- [ ] Has owners books depicting owners mind
- [ ] Opened in covid- even sanitizers were curated
- [ ] Music was curated by maam shireen
- [ ] Opening ceremony invited small groups and bnu students did performances by recreating stories of
pieces in rooms
- [ ] Menu is comfort food which lahoris like e.g mac and cheeze
- [ ] 4 types of rooms deluxe, luxury,simple
- [ ] Pricing depends on occupancy
- [ ] French influence and inspired with local touches which is art- creating balance is difficult
- [ ] Main tone is grey and it is played with everywhere
- [ ] General manager recently joined from rumi and was his 4th day
- [ ] Boutique is in karachi as well and hunza
- [ ] Maam doesnt need to be in all outlets
- [ ] Everything is curated from curved windows, embroidered coasters, round place mats, toilet signs,
melamine glasses which shows elegance, authenticity and abstract
- [ ] Art and cushion from sadqain
- [ ] Qasim soori owns bnu and education facilities but collector of arts which shows in restaurant
- [ ] Rennovations are crazy difficult
- [ ] Addition of new floor
- [ ] 24 seater space for restaurant and lounge
- [ ] Walking up stairs is also an experience
- [ ] Chughtai cushions
- [ ] Adjusting language services for portugese guests
- [ ] Linen was specially designed which is soft and makes people feel like at home
- [ ] Amazon and smart tv servoves
- [ ] Placing holy bible for european guest with english translation
- [ ] Charge slightly higher than commercial hotels
- [ ] Focus on accommodation rather than spas stc
- [ ] 13500plus taxes starting price
- [ ] Staff makes sure you are comfortable
- [ ] Dedicated floor for smoking
- [ ] 7 or maybe 27 staff for kitchen
- [ ] Serve prawn linguini
- [ ] Burners, foreburners, grills, and pass with heating elements, grease traps, sinks
- [ ] Chinaware
- [ ] Chef aqeel
- [ ] Tissue box is art and shows marketing and instagrammable
- [ ] French toast with brioche bread, mac and cheese, cheeseburger