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Psychotic Disorders & Schizophrenia: Lecture Outline

Psychotic Disorders – Lecture Outline
I) The Psychoses
A set of disorders involving alterations of perception, thought, and consciousness.
II) Schizophrenic Disorders –
A) Dimensions
1) Positive Symptoms – Presence or Addition of behaviors
2) Negative Symptoms – Absence of behavior.
3) Acute Schizophrenia – Type I Schizophrenia
4) Chronic Schizophrenia – Type II Schizophrenia
B) Characteristic Symptoms
1) Hallucinations –
2) Delusions –
Most common:
3) Loosening of Associations –
4) Odd Speech –
5) Inappropriate Emotion –
6) Loss of Ego Boundaries –
7) Strange Motor Behaviors –
8) Lack of Motivation –
9) Inappropriate Social Behavior –
C) Clusters of Schizophrenic Symptoms (Formerly Subtypes – DSM-IV)
1) Catatonia
Prominent Sx’s: Bizarre or unusual body movements
2) Disorganized
Most bizarre & obvious symptoms
3) Paranoid (formerly Paranoid Schizophrenia)
All delusions & hallucinations related to persecution themes
4) Undifferentiated –
5) Residual –
No new prominent symptoms – still some lingering
D) Phases of Schizophrenia
1) Prodromal Phase –
Period of progressive deterioration of behavior
2) Active Phase –
Period of prominent intense symptoms
Duration -
3) Residual Phase –
Continuing symptoms of disturbance, but not as intense
E) Treatment
Neuroleptics -
1) Problems –
Tardive Dyskinesia –
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome –
Symptoms: High Fever
Increase in white blood cells
Kidney Problems
Liver Problems
Difficulty Swallowing
2) Psychodynamic & Other Psychotherapies
3) Behavioral –
F) Causes (Some clues…)
 Positive Symptoms [Acute / Type I] –
- Respond better to currently available meds that act on Dopamine.
- Dopamine Hypothesis: An excess of Dopamine @ the synapse
Negative Symptoms [Chronic / Type II] –
- Do not respond as well to current meds
- Those with more neg. symptoms – enlarged ventricles in the brain –
- May represent a deterioration of brain tissue
G) Industrialized (Developed) vs. Non-Industrialized (Developing) Countries &
- Two Explanations
 Biological
- Type II -> Virulent form – more often seen in Developed countries
- Type I -> Benign form – more often seen in Developing countries
- With our medical technology –
- Therefore ->
- Collectivistic (Developing) countries ->
- e.g., Sharma et al. (India) –
H) Cultural Issues in Schizophrenia
- Culture can affect how:
1) Symptoms are displayed.
- Schizophrenics in Western societies report more ->
- Schizophrenics in non-Western societies report more ->
2) Symptoms are interpreted.
- Studies from the U.K. & the U.S. Schizophrenia is diagnosed more often among -
Other Psychotic Disorders
A) Schizoaffective Disorder (also has elements of Mood Disorder)
- Overlap between Schizophrenia & a mood disorder
- DSM – Sx’s of Schizophrenia are present & they experience sx’s of depression or
mania – With the Mood disorder being prominent.
- Distinction:
- Better prognosis than -
B) Brief Psychotic Disorder (Formerly known as “Nervous Breakdown”)
- Sx’s: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, prominent affective sx’s
- Previously known as:
- DSM -
- Specifiers: With or without marked stressors
C) Schizophreniform Disorder
- Bridge between - Sx’s:
D) Delusional Disorders
- A single striking delusion – could conceivably be true
1) Erotomania –
Delusion that one of higher status is in love with or infatuated with you.
2) Grandiose Delusional Disorder –
Delusion of inflated worth or power.
3) Jealous Delusional Disorder –
Delusion that one’s partner is unfaithful
4) Persecutory Delusional Disorder –
Delusion that one’s being persecuted or plotted against
5) Somatic Delusional Disorder –
E) Shared Psychotic Disorder – “Folie a’Deux”
- One or more people develop psychotic sx’s from their close association with a
psychotic individual
F) Causes of Psychotic Disorders
1) Genetic Links –
2) Biological Findings
 Dopamine –
Dopamine Hypothesis
Related more to positive sx’s
Enlarged Ventricles –
Evidence toward -
MRI Studies: Decreased functioning in areas associated with attention, planning,
and volition.
3) Unusual Family Relations / Communications
“Schizophrenic Families” –
4) Stressful Events may precipitate the first psychotic Episode…
Diathesis- Stress Model
G) Schizophrenic – Spectrum Disorders
More likely to occur in families of individuals with Schizophrenia:
 Schizotypal PD
Schizoid PD
Paranoid PD
Schizophreniform Disorder
Delusional Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
H) Positive Prognostic Signs
The following signs predict an adequate remission once Schizophrenia is
Married, or at least prior history of stable sexual/social adjustment
Having fewer Negative Symptoms
Family history of Affective rather than Schizophrenic disorder
Presence of an affective response (elation/depression) in acute stage.
Abrupt onset and/or precipitating factors present
Onset later than early childhood
Being of higher SES
Adequate premorbid school /vocational adjustment
Premordbid competence in interpersonal relations
Short length of hospitalization of hospitalized
No history of ECT (electroconvulsive) treatment
Stimulation-receptive rather than stimulation-avoidant response style
Family environment: Lower levels of hostility, criticism and emotional over
involvement upon hospital release.