Vocabulary Nouns from the film @English_through_Films 1) Sleepover 2) Casting 3) Audition 4) Twin 5) Mic 6) Disruption 7) Reunion 8) Patience 9) Capability 10) Mischief 11) Thoughtfulness 12) Villain 13) Treat 14) Despair 15) Alliance 16) Threshold 17) Bond 18) Adulation 19) Redemption 20) Wig 21) Rib 22) Sidekick 23) Insecurity 24) Kinship 25) Confrontation 26) Adversity 27) Costar 28) Relic 29) Playfulness 30) Veil 31) Complexity 32) Crony 33) Fame 34) Pen friend 35) Misfit 36) Affection 37) Hatred 38) Empathy 39) Struggle 40) Wickedness 41) Precision 42) Coffin 43) Stunt 44) Sibling 45) Adversary 46) Pillar 47) Wobble 48) Escapism [ ˈslipəuvə ] |ˈkɑːstɪŋ| |ɔːˈdɪʃ(ə)n| |twɪn| |ˈmaɪk| |dɪsˈrʌpʃn| |riːˈjuːnjən| |ˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns| |keɪpəˈbɪlɪtɪ| |ˈmɪstʃɪf| [ˈθɔːtfəlnəs] |ˈvɪlən| |triːt| |dɪˈspeə| |əˈlaɪəns| |ˈθreʃəʊld| |bɒnd| |ædjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n| |rɪˈdem(p)ʃ(ə)n| |wɪɡ| |rɪb| |ˈsaɪdkɪk| |ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊrətɪ| |ˈkɪnʃɪp| |ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn| |ədˈvɜːsɪtɪ| |ˈkəʊstɑː| |ˈrelɪk| |ˈpleɪfəlnəs| |veɪl| |kəmˈpleksətɪ| |ˈkrəʊnɪ| |feɪm| |pen frend| |ˈmɪsfɪt| |əˈfekʃ(ə)n| |ˈheɪtrɪd| |ˈempəθɪ| |ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l| |ˈwɪkɪdnəs| |prɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n| |ˈkɒfɪn| |stʌnt| |ˈsɪblɪŋ| |ˈædvəs(ə)rɪ| |ˈpɪlə| |ˈwɒb(ə)l| |ɪˈskeɪpɪz(ə)m| Піжамна вечірка Відбір акторів на фільм Прослуховування, кастинг Близнюк Мікрофон (Microphone) Втручання Воз’єднання, зустріч після розлуки Терплячість Здатність Пустощі, шкода Продуманість Лиходій Задоволення від якоїсь події Відчай, безвихідь Союз, дружба Бар’єр, межа Зв’язок (між людьми) Надзвичайне захоплення кимось або чимось Спокута, вивільнення від гріхів Парик Ребро Друг Невпевненість Рідство, спорідненість (Kin – родич) Протистояння Нещастя, горе, біда Партнер по фільму, актор з яким разом знімаєтесь Раритет, реліквія Грайливість, пустотливість Завіса Складність, заплутаність Хороший друг Слава Друг по переписці Невдаха, людина яка не сприймається суспільством Прихильність, симпатія Ненависть Співпереживання (здатність розуміти та співчувати) Зусилля Злість, греховність Точність, влучність Труна Трюк Брат чи сестра Ворог, противник Опора, підтримка Вагання Втеча від реальності (від проблем та негараздів в уяві) @English_through_Films Adjectives and adverbs from the film 1) Hushed 2) Obsessed 3) Vivid 4) Relatable 5) Intricately 6) Seemingly 7) Gripped 8) Daunted 9) Surreal 10) Arguably 11) Fearless 12) Effortless 13) Overwhelmed 14) Relentless 15) Adamant 16) Tremendous 17) Mind-blowing 18) Frenetic 19) Immensely 20) Essential 21) Remarkable 22) Paternal 23) Villainous 24) Endearing 25) Nerdy 26) Self-conscious 27) Rigid 28) Vulnerable 29) Otherworldly 30) Intimidating 31) Desensitized 32) Adolescent 33) Jealous 34) Knackered 35) Restrained 36) Desperate 37) Visceral 38) Palpable 39) Devastated 40) Ingrained |hʌʃt| |əbˈsest| |ˈvɪvɪd| |rɪˈleɪ.tə.bəl| [ˈɪntrɪkətlɪ] |ˈsiːmɪŋlɪ| |ɡrɪpt| |ˈdɔːntɪd| |səˈrɪəl| |ˈɑːɡjʊəblɪ| |ˈfɪəlɪs| |ˈefətlɪs| |ˌəʊvəˈwelmd| |rɪˈlentləs| |ˈædəm(ə)nt| |trɪˈmendəs| |ˈmaɪndbləʊɪŋ| |frəˈnetɪk| |ɪˈmenslɪ| |ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l| |rɪˈmɑːkəb(ə)l| |pəˈtɜːn(ə)l| |ˈvɪlənəs| |ɪnˈdɪərɪŋ| |ˈnɜːdɪ| |ˌselfˈkɒnʃəs| |ˈrɪdʒɪd| |ˈvʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l| |ˌʌðəˈwɜːldlɪ| |ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪtɪŋ| |diːˈsensɪtaɪz| |ædəˈles(ə)nt| |ˈdʒeləs| |ˈnækəd| |rɪˈstreɪnd| |ˈdesp(ə)rət| |ˈvɪs(ə)r(ə)l| |ˈpælpəb(ə)l| |ˈdevəsteɪtɪd| |ɪnˈɡreɪnd| Тихий (про голос) Одержимий (якоюсь справою, коли всі думки про це) Красномовний Зрозумілий читачеві, близький (про героя) Заплутано Здавалося б Захоплений чимось Наляканий Дивно, незвично Безсумнівно Безстрашний Без жодних зусиль Повністю захоплений своїми думками чи почуттями Невблаганний, безжалісний Категоричний, неприклонний Колосальний, неймовірний Запаморочливий, вражаючий Шалений Надзвичайно, вкрай Надважливий, основний Видатний Батьківський Лиходійський Милий, привабливий Непривабливий, незграбний (від слова nerd - ‘ботан’) Сором’язливий Негнучкий, непластичний (в плані танців) Вразливий Надприродній Лякаючий (intimidated – наляканий) Байдужий, позбавлений співчутливості Юнацький Заздрісний Дуже втомлений, без сил Стриманий Той, який відчуває сильне бажання Який відчуває інтуїтивно, покладаючись на почуття Відчутний, явний Спустошений, розбитий в плані почуттів Вкоренілий (наприклад про відчуття чи звичку якої важко позбутися) @English_through_Films Verbs from the film 1) To convince 2) To refuse 3) To mill 4) To congregate 5) To cast 6) To distract 7) To wane 8) To huddle 9) To interact 10) To threaten 11) To expand 12) To endure 13) To overshadow 14) To convey 15) To treat someone 16) To rib someone 17) To forge 18) To cackle 19) To induct 20) To contemplate 21) To manifest 22) To tiptoe 23) To grieve 24) To pity 25) To bewitch 26) To relish 27) To corpse |kənˈvɪns| |rɪˈfjuːz| |mɪl| |ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt| |kɑːst| |dɪˈstrækt| |weɪn| |ˈhʌd(ə)l| |ɪntərˈækt| |ˈθret(ə)n| |ɪkˈspænd| |ɪnˈdjʊə| |əʊvəˈʃædəʊ| |kənˈveɪ| |triːt| |rɪb| |fɔːdʒ| |ˈkæk(ə)l| |ɪnˈdʌkt| |ˈkɒntempleɪt| |ˈmænɪfest| |ˈtɪptəʊ| |ɡriːv| |ˈpɪtɪ| |bɪˈwɪtʃ| |ˈrelɪʃ| |kɔːps| Переконати Відмовитись Пересуватись безцільно (групою людей, як стадо) Збиратись, кучкуватись разом Відбирати актора на роль Відволікати Зменшуватись, спадати Обговорювати щось таємно в групі людей Взаємодіяти, спілкуватись Погрожувати Розширяти Пережити щось, витримати (зазвичай щось неприємне) Затьмарювати, залишати когось в тіні Передати щось, виразити за допомогою чогось Ставитись до когось ‘Підколювати’ когось, жартувати над кимось Сформувати, виробити ‘Хіхікати’, сміятись Призначити когось на якусь посаду, призвати Роздумувати Проявляти, продемонструвати Прокрадатись Горювати Жаліти когось Зачарувати Насолоджуватись, ‘кайфувати Починати сміятись під час виступу, чи репетиції Useful phrases and idioms from the film 1) Down the road 2) To fall in love 3) To do voices 4) Off the rack 5) To jump off the page 6) To turn something upside down 7) To look forward to 8) To have a ball 9) In all but name 10) (like) chalk and cheese 11) To well with tears 12) (criminal) on the loose 13) To have an in with someone 14) To have a crush on someone 15) First and foremost 16) To have a soft spot for someone 17) To keep someone in tow 18) One-on-one 19) Tipping point 20) To call it a day 21) To hit home 22) To go toe to toe (with) 23) To be beside oneself 24) To go all in 25) To take care of someone 26) To go for it 27) To die in vain В майбутньому Закохатись Пародіювати голоси (про одяг) звичайний одяг з масмаркету (стандартних розмірів) Бути дуже цікавим та вартим уваги Перевернути щось з ніг на голову З нетерпінням чогось чекати Гарно провести час Коли щось є правдою або існує але не має офіційного підтвердження ‘як небо і земля’, дуже різні (про очі) наповнитись сльозами (про злочинців) які втекли і перебувають в пошуку Мати гарні стосунки з кимось Відчувати симпатію до когось, подобатись В першу чергу Мати симпатію до когось Бути відповідальним за когось, тримати під наглядом Тет-а-тет Переломний момент Припинити займатись чимось, покинути якусь справу Попасти в саму точку, ‘задіти за живе’ Позмагатись, постаратись перемогти когось на рівні Бути в якомусь конкретному стані (гніву, радості, тощо) Піти на все, йти до кінця, ризикнути усім Піклуватись про когось Спробувати щось, піти на це Померти даремно (коли не зробили чогось корисного) @English_through_Films Pay attention! Після фрази `to look forward to` вживаємо дієслово з закінченням –ing-: I am looking forward to going on holiday! Phrasal verbs from the film 1) To end up 2) To come out 3) To stay up 4) To look for 5) To sign on 6) To look back 7) To muck about 8) To play someone off 9) To turn into 10) To tap into something 11) To wind someone up 12) To pull something off 13) To pull out 14) To line up 15) To talk back to someone 16) To dwell on something 17) To make out (with someone) 18) To black out 19) To speak up 20) To wrap up 21) To fit in @English_through_Films Опинитись в якісь ситуації чи становищі після певних дій Вийти, опублікуватись (про книгу, фільм, пісню, тощо) Довго не лягати спати, засидітись допізна Шукати Записатись, зареєструватись Згадувати минуле Валяти дурня, байдикувати Переграти когось, старатись зіграти чи зробити щось краще Перетворити Задіяти щось, використати Вивести когось на емоцію, роздратувати, надокучати Досягти у чомусь успіху Піти геть Вишикуватись в чергу Огризатись, перечити комусь Зациклюватись на чомусь Цілуватись (з кимось) Втрачати свідомість Висловлювати свою думку та позицію Завершувати щось (часто успішно) Вливатись в нову групу людей, чи колектив Pay attention! Фразові дієслова – це особливі дієслова англійської мови, що складаються зі власне смислового дієслова та одного або декількох прийменників. Фразові дієслова слід сприймати як одне ціле та запам'ятовувати їхнє значення як одного сталого виразу, адже значення фразових дієслів часто відрізняється від значення окремих слів, з яких вони складаються. Види фразових дієслів Неперехідні фразові дієслова можуть використовуватися самі по собі та не потребують після себе прямого додатку, тобто вони вказують на те, що підмет виконує дію самостійно над собою. Mike passed out! - Макс знепритовнів Перехідні фразові дієслова в реченні потребують після себе використання додатку, в більшості випадків вони не використовуються самі по собі. We have to put off our meeting till next Monday. Перехідні фразові дієслова також можуть бути separable (подільні) та inseparable (неподільні). Їхнє використання слід перевіряти за словником. В неподільних фразових дієсловах прийменник ніколи не відокремлюється від дієслова та вживається одразу після нього. Ann is counting on our help. – Енн розраховує на нашу допомогу. В подільних фразових дієсловах прийменники можуть ставитися як перед, так і після додатку. Put on your hat, it’s cold outside. – Одягни шапку, на вулиці холодно. Put your hat on, it’s cold outside. – Одягни шапку, на вулиці холодно. Part 1. Before watching @English_through_Films Task 1: Match the nouns with their definitions Sleepover Casting Audition Twin Mic Disruption Reunion Patience Capability Mischief Thoughtfulness Villain Treat Despair Alliance Threshold Bond Adulation Redemption Wig Rib Sidekick Insecurity Kinship Confrontation Adversity Costar Relic Playfulness Veil Complexity Crony Fame Pen friend Misfit Affection Hatred Empathy Struggle Wickedness Precision Coffin Stunt Sibling Adversary Pillar Wobble Escapism 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) the state of thinking carefully about something a type of party when a young person stay for the night at the house of a friend the action of preventing something from continuing as usual or as expected the state of being freed from the power of evil a feeling of lacking confidence and not being sure of your own abilities an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist a close friend or companion a feeling of liking for a person a very great effort to do something a way of avoiding an unpleasant or boring life, especially by thinking, reading, etc. a brother or sister the fact of being morally very wrong or bad the quality of being funny and not serious a fight or argument the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult situation a character in a book, play, film, etc. who harms other people the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen a friend the ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time without becoming angry either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion the process of choosing the actors for a film or play an event that gives you a lot of pleasure and is usually unexpected very great admiration or praise for someone one of the 12 pairs of curved bones that surround your chest one of two or more famous actors who appear together in a film or play the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems a long box in which the body of a dead person is buried someone who has a strong character and helps or supports other people the qualities of being careful and accurate a feeling of not being certain about something the state of having many parts and being difficult to understand or find an answer to someone you write friendly letters to, especially someone in another country who you have never met someone is not accepted by other people because their behaviour is strange or unusual the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc. an extremely strong feeling of dislike an exciting action, usually in a film, that is dangerous or appears dangerous and usually needs to be done by someone skilled an enemy a feeling of being close or similar to other people or things a thing that serves to cover, conceal, or disguise a difficult or unlucky situation or event a covering of artificial hair worn on the head the ability to do something a short performance that an actor, musician, dancer, etc. gives in order to show they are suitable for a particular play, film, show, etc. a piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds behaviour, especially a child's, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage a situation when people meet again after they have not seen each other for a long time a bond or connection between families or friends a close connection joining two or more people Task 2: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box escapism despair 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) insecurity wickedness relics siblings confrontation disruption redemption thoughtfulness For many people going on holiday is a form of ____________________. I have four ___________________: three brothers and a sister. Some couples seem to like ____________________, but Josh and I hardly ever argue. In ____________________, the theatre director searched everywhere for a new lead actor. He made his reputation as an actor playing ____________________. They would be punished for their _____________________. Games, DVDs, and junk food are ____________________ mainstays for both boys and girls. The expression on his face seemed placid, midway between a daze and ____________________. There will be some ____________________ to traffic while the work is in progress. And his soul, a vulgar a numb find ____________________. His ____________________ has kept him from having the success he deserves. Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like ____________________ of an ancient time. affection twin auditions 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) patience playfulness sidekick bond cronies threshold struggle casting mic He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his _____________________. He remembered the teachers at his first school with great ____________________. Many freedom fighters were imprisoned, but they never gave up the ____________________. Your date is filled with laughs and ____________________. I felt myself at the ____________________ of another breakthrough, another change. Mark has been Luke's ____________________ since junior high school. The director is holding ____________________ next week for the major parts. There has been a close _____________________ between them ever since she saved him from drowning. My ____________________ sister and I have got the same nose. They are looking for actors for a new film. So, there will be _____________________ tomorrow. The interviewer asked her to speak into the ____________________. In the end I lost my ____________________ and shouted at her.. Misfit 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) sleepover villains kinship coffin co-star fame mischief pillar empathy precision stunts hatred adversary Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his ____________________ Oliver Hardy. Both authors have the skill to make you feel great _____________________ with their heroines. They lowered the _____________________ into the grave. You’ve been a _____________________ of strength to me. He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him from getting into ____________________. His relationship with his mother left him with a psychotic _____________________ of women. It's a typical action movie with plenty of spectacular ____________________. His books are a pleasure to read because he writes with such clarity and _____________________. I was a bit of a social ____________________ at college because I didn't like going out at night. She first rose to ______________________ as a singer at the age of 16. He saw her as his main ____________________ within the company. He felt a real sense of _____________________ with his friend.. @English_through_Films @English_through_Films wig 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) adversity adulation wobble reunion pen friend alliance treat veil She's having a bit of a _____________________ about the move to New York. I was astonished by the size and ____________________ of the problem. Nancy and her ______________________are talking in English. She had a tearful _____________________ with her parents at the airport. I have a great _____________________ with my friend. We are match. The view over the lake was obscured by a ______________________ of mist that hung in the air. The people are brave, resilient, humorous, friendly in the face of great change and _____________________. She was wearing a blonde _____________________. You have the ______________________ to do this job well. When we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real ____________________. Harley wasn't prepared for the fame and ______________________ that came with being a star athlete. She was taken to hospital with a broken arm and ______________________.. Task 3: Name the pictures complexity capability Sleepover Casting Twin Mic Reunion Patience Mischief Thoughtfulness Villain Despair Alliance Bond Adulation Wig Rib Insecurity Kinship Confrontation Adversity Relic Playfulness Complexity Crony Fame Pen friend Misfit Affection Empathy Struggle Coffin Stunt Sibling Adversary Wobble Escapism ribs @English_through_Films Task 4:Read the definitions and write the correct adjectives or adverbs Hushed Obsessed Vivid Relatable Intricately Seemingly Gripped Daunted Surreal Arguably Fearless Effortless Overwhelmed Relentless Adamant Tremendous Mind-blowing Frenetic Immensely Essential Remarkable Paternal Villainous Endearing Nerdy Self-conscious Rigid Vulnerable Otherworldly Intimidating Desensitized Adolescent Jealous Knackered Restrained Desperate Visceral Palpable Devastated Ingrained 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) quiet, or talking quietly (about voice) that someone can understand or feel sympathy for frightened or worried done well or successfully and without any effort unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in something very great in amount or level, or extremely good Extremely a feeling that is so strong that other people notice it and can feel it around them (of beliefs, attitudes, or habits) so established that they are difficult to change very shocked and upset unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise person or an action that is evil being less sensitive and less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of suffering making someone like you not flexible not attractive and awkward or socially embarrassing very tired based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought more closely connected to spiritual things than to the ordinary things of life making you feel frightened or nervous vivid memories, writings, descriptions etc are so clear that they seem real used to indicate how something appears or seems in a way that has a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way in a way that can be shown to be true determined to do something and refuses to give up, strict extremely exciting or surprising extremely important and necessary typical of or like a father, especially a kind father feeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had controlled and not emotional able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you between the ages of a child and an adult needing or wanting something very much excited and interested in something very strange and difficult to understand unwilling to be persuaded to change an opinion or decision completely overcome in mind or feeling having no fear involving a lot of excited movement or activity ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ @English_through_Films Task 5: Unscramble the words to complete the sentences 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) Anger gave me otrwerldohly _____________________strength, and I managed to force the door open. She was, uagarbly ____________________, the best female basketball player of all time. He was dpesetrae ____________________to tell someone his good news. The audience is epgripd ____________________by the dramatic story. His approach to acting is vcisaerl ____________________rather than intellectual. She was a brave woman but she felt antuedd ____________________by the task ahead. He looked uncomfortable, like a slfe-cnosoucis ____________________ adolescent. The two oladenesct ____________________boys made their mother very tired. Sometimes, in hshued __________________voices in the evenings, I heard my mum and the dad talking about money. Mark won quickly and with confidence, in a way that looked completely ertlfefoss _____________________. The 20th century was rarkelemab ____________________for its inventions. Harriet was oervwlheedm _____________________by a feeling of homesickness. She was a bold and felesars ______________________climber. Maybe he's jueloas _____________________ because I got the job and he didn't. People who watch such movies become dzednsitesei ____________________to violence. She laughs at herself a lot, which is always eendrinag ____________________. And he had this very rresual _____________________sense of humor. After weeks of efrntiec ____________________activity, the job was finally finished. One of the reasons for her success is that the characters in her books are so rlaebltae ____________________. The ilvolnuais _______________________ Darth Vader also plays a cameo role. He's oesedbss _____________________with Barbra Streisand and collects anything and everything connected with her. They were making a trmeeounds _____________________amount of work last week. She's an iemsemnly _____________________talented young athlete. She can be very inidtitimang _____________________when she's angry. You have to be as single-minded and rnsstlelee ____________________as your rivals if you want to get to the top. Professor Johnson was always there for pernatal _____________________advice. I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's amadant ______________________that she's coming. Her black suit was rstraiened ______________________and expensive. Older people are especially vneraulble ____________________ to cold temperatures even inside their homes. He remains confident and smineegly _____________________untroubled by his recent problems. The hijacking operation was ricateintly ____________________planned. The tension in the room was ppaalble _____________________during the exam. Include details to make your story as vidvi ____________________as possible. The special effects in this film are pretty mnid-blwiong _______________________. A good diet is esesiantl _______________________for everyone. Saying “Thank You” became such a deeply igrnaneid _______________________habit that he never forgot to do it. She was utterly deavsetatd ______________________when her husband died. She asked me to dance with her, but I had to refuse because I am so rgiid _______________________. These glasses and stupid trousers make me feel nrdey _______________________. I'm too kacnkeerd ______________________to go out this evening. I prefer to stay in. Task 6: Translate the words • • • • • • • • • • Hushed Surreal Arguably Vulnerable Otherworldly Intimidating Obsessed Vivid Fearless Effortless • • • • • • • • • • Relatable Immensely Essential Intricately Overwhelmed Relentless Adamant Tremendous Mind-blowing Frenetic • • • • • • • • • • Remarkable Paternal Villainous Endearing Devastated Ingrained Nerdy Self-conscious Rigid Jealous • • • • • • • • • • Knackered Restrained Desensitized Adolescent Desperate Visceral Seemingly Gripped Daunted Palpable Task 6: Find the adjectives and adverbs in a wordsearch • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hushed Obsessed Vivid Relatable Intricately Seemingly Gripped Daunted Surreal Arguably Fearless Effortless Overwhelmed Relentless Adamant Tremendous Mind-blowing Frenetic Immensely Essential Remarkable Paternal Villainous Endearing Nerdy Self-conscious Rigid Vulnerable Otherworldly Intimidating Desensitized Adolescent Jealous Knackered Restrained Desperate Visceral Palpable Devastated Ingrained H F T R E M E N D O U S D E R N M K H E U R G T Y D A B G E N D E A R I N G J F S E E M I N G L Y F D E S P E R A T E F H N O T H E R W O R L D L Y D F S A D O E E C V N R R F V A R G U A B L Y J L R D T X Z D D G H I N T R I C A T E L Y T R I G I D Y C A V S D I F T Y U P U I L R C X Z R S F D I G F P S G H O D F V E E O B S E S S E D B V P C F G V R W I S L F P A L P A B L E F E A R L E S S L S E C D D A U N T E D A D F G Z R A D L V N X P A T E R N A L D F F D F W S B A I T D C B A D A M A N T D A Z V H E N I N L Z B M B V F D C I M M E N S E L Y N T E F D R L S G E S S E N T I A L F N O I S U R R E A L B G H G F F N V M C M U M S S A Q D F X Z F H J G D G I E O B S I X R E M A R K A B L E F S R S D N F D D M I N D B L O W I N G G E A C F S V F A K N A C K E R E D F H J T I E D C C N T D R E S T R A I N E D N Y N R F I B M I V U L N E R A B L E N M J E A L O U S N D E V A S T A T E D D E R D L G U F S G W E D E S E N S I T I Z E D F X S D F C @English_through_Films Task 7: Solve the crossword @English_through_Films @English_through_Films Task 8: Translate the words in bold to complete the sentences 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) She's already had to пережити ____________________ three painful operations on her leg. Men таємно спілкуються ____________________ in twos and threes, talking about this and that. I enjoyed our vacation, but didn’t отримала задоволення ___________________ the twenty-hour trip back home. I hope this will переконає ____________________ you to change your mind. He asked me to give him another loan, but I відмовив ______________________. The accident сформував _____________________ a close bond between the two families. A group of women were хіхікали _____________________ in a corner. He was зачарований _____________________ by her beauty. I шкодую ____________________ anyone who's never been in love. The air in the balloon розширяється ______________________ when heated. They погрожували _____________________ to kill him unless he did as they asked. Karen has always felt затьмареною ______________________ by her famous elder sister. His brothers підколювали ____________________ him about his new girlfriend. He had a tendency to сміятись ____________________ in the middle of the performance. He is still горює ____________________ for his son`s death. Dominique's teacher says that she спілкується _____________________ well with the other children. He was often обраний на роль _____________________ as the villain. The teacher had to separate the two friends because they tend to відволікати ____________________ each other in class. My parents ставились до ____________________ us all the same when we were kids. Crowds of students were безцільно ходили _____________________ around in the street. A crowd зібрався ____________________ around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the actors. By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to зменшуватись _____________________. Please вирази _____________________ our condolences to the family. Last weekend, the group прийняли _____________________ 600 more members at another ceremony. I'm роздумую над ______________________ going abroad for a year. The workers chose to проявити ______________________ their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. He waited until his daughter was asleep, then прокрався ____________________ quietly out of the room. Task 9: Unscramble and translate the verbs To ierntact To ovhadersow To rbi To cveony To taret To bitcewh ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ To riselh To cvonince To resfue To cropes To coregngate To csat __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ To ilml To teahrten To epaxnd To enurde To disactrt To newa __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ To huddle To frgoe To tpiy To cklace To idunct To gevrie ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ To conpltemate To amifenst To ttoipe __________ __________ __________ Task 10: Match the halves to complete the phrases 1) To have a 2) To keep someone 3) To go toe to 4) To be beside 5) To go 6) Down 7) To fall in 8) To do 9) One-on10) Tipping 11) To call it 12) To hit 13) Off the 14) To jump off 15) To turn something 16) To go for 17) To die 18) To look 19) To have 20) First and 21) To have a soft 22) In all 23) (like) chalk 24) To well with 25) (criminal) on 26) To have an 27) To take care @English_through_Films 1) the road 2) voices 3) of someone 4) the page 5) upside down 6) in with someone 7) spot for someone 8) the loose 9) foremost 10) home 11) crush on someone 12) in tow 13) oneself 14) toe (with) 15) forward to 16) and cheese 17) tears 18) it 19) a ball 20) in vain 21) all in 22) rack 23) but name 24) love 25) one 26) a day 27) point _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Task 11: Fill in the gaps to complete the definitions to the phrases clothes different attention good important happening two informed realize much eyes people future prison love happen achieving relationship stop after completely ahead not officially equally well feeling risk 1) Down the road in the _______________ 2) To fall in love to love or suddenly start to _______________someone very much 3) To do voices reproduce the voices of other _______________ or animals 4) Off the rack ________________ that are made and bought in standard sizes 5) To jump off the page to grab your ______________, especially an image or written description in a book 6) To turn something upside down to change something _______________, often in a way that is bad 7) To look forward to to feel happy and excited about something that is going to _______________ 8) To have a ball to have a very _______________ time 9) In all but name true, even though people do not _______________ say that it is true 10) (like) chalk and cheese completely _______________ from each other 11) To well with tears (about _____________) to fill with tears 12) (criminal) on the loose escaped from _______________ 13) To have an in with someone to have good ________________ with someone 14) To have a crush on someone to be in love with someone but do ______________ have a relationship with them 15) First and foremost used to emphasize the most _______________ quality, purpose, reason etc 16) To have a soft spot for someone to feel that you like someone very _______________ 17) To keep someone in tow to be with someone, to be _______________about someone`s actions 18) One-on-one a discussion or meeting between ________________ people 19) Tipping point a time when important things start _______________ in a situation 20) To call it a day to ______________ what you are doing because you do not want to do any more 21) To hit home to cause you to _______________ exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is 22) To go toe to toe (with) to be performing ________________in a competition, so that it is not clear who will win 23) To be beside oneself to have a particular ________________ or emotion 24) To go all in to do something in a way that shows a lot of determination take a big _______________ 25) To take care of someone to look _______________ someone or something 26) To go for it Go ________________! Give it a good try! 27) To die in vain to die not ________________ anything @English_through_Films Task 12: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences 1) The novel’s - really jumped off - main character - the page. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) I don't have an - Unfortunately - in with my mother-in-law. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I had a - football captain - crush on the - at school. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) are as different as chalk - The two brothers - and cheese. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) She’s - had a soft spot - always - for Grant. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Hannah - to keep her kids - always tries - in tow. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) The president - with the - had one-on-ones - other leaders. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) The pair - to toe - until - went toe - the third set. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9) know his - world to son did - He wants the - not die in vain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10) She - wife in all - was his - but name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) my father - When I was a child - used to do - me laugh - voices - which made - every time. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12) It was - a cheap suit - only, - off the rack - bought. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13) and her eyes - with tears - She looked upset - started to well. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14) The hotel - the tipping - industry stands at - point of something remarkable. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15) In No - a player can go - Limits poker, - "all-in" at any time. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16) beside himself with - He was - grief when she died. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17) I have to - afternoon - my little sister - take care of - this. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18) "I'm thinking - that job." "Go for - of applying - for it!“ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19) Somewhere, - they’re going to - down the road - get married. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20) with a - He fell in love - young student - German. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21) John - prison last year - escaped from - and - on the loose - has been - ever since. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22) It is a - and foremost about - film first - loss. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23) been turned upside - My world has - by this - down - disease. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24) worked hard - forward to his - He had - and was looking - vacation. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25) a ball - The kids had - building sandcastles. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26) His comment - me, as both therapist - hit home for - and layperson. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27) It's - it a day - time - I called . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ @English_through_Films Task 13: Create your own sentences using new phrases @English_through_Films 1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task 14: Read the definitions and write the correct phrasal verbs If a book, record, film, etc. ____________________, it becomes available for people to buy or see to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that group ___________________ to stand in a line to tease or annoy someone ____________________ to stop being involved in an activity and go away ____________________ _____________________ to think about something that happened in the past ____________________ _____________________ __________________ to become unconscious suddenly but for a short period _____________________ to go to bed later than usual to keep thinking or talking about something to play a game or games to try to win and see who is the winner ____________________ to finally be in a particular place or situation _____________________ to search for someone or something ______________________ to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected to kiss and hold someone romantically ______________________ ______________________ to complete something successfully or to finish doing something to change or develop from one thing to another to manage to use something in a way that brings good results ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to reply rudely to someone to behave in a silly way to sign a document saying that you will work for someone or do a particular job or activity ____________________ ________________________ to express your opinion ______________________ ____________________ @English_through_Films Task 15: Circle the correct preposition to complete the sentences @English_through_Films 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) For a few seconds, he thought he was going to black in/out. When does their new album come out/off? He keeps complaining and it really winds me in/ up. Lack of funding leaves us with no choice but to pull out/off. Thousands of people lined up/away to buy tickets on opening night. My guess is they'll wrap the meeting on/up fairly quickly. Rain in the morning will turn to/into snow during the afternoon. If only we could tap into/for all that energy and creativity. Children who talk back/off are regarded as disrespectful. Stop mucking around/about and listen! I’m looking for/from Jim. Have you seen him? They nearly managed to get the loan but just failed to pull it of/off. All the high school kids go up there to make away/out in their cars. If you disagree, please speak on/up. She's signed on/for with a temp agency. He tends to dwell on/to the negative aspects of his performance. She says that she doesn't fit on/in at her new school. One day we'll look back/off on this and laugh. After working her way around the world, she ended up/in teaching English as a foreign language. The kids were allowed to stay off/up till midnight on New Year's Eve. The 16 finalists will play off/of to see who will win the championship. Task 16: Match the verbs with prepositions to create phrasal verbs 1) To talk _____ to someone 2) To stay _____ 3) To look _____ 4) To sign _____ 5) To tap _____ something 6) To muck _____ 7) To play someone _____ 8) To turn _____ 9) To wrap _____ 10) To pull _____ 11) To line _____ 12) To wind someone _____ 13) To pull something _____ 14) To black _____ 15) To dwell _____ something 16) To fit _____ 17) To end _____ 18) To come _____ 19) To speak _____ 20) To look _____ 21) To make _____(with someone) Up Out For On Back About Off Into In _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Task 17: Create your own sentences using new phrasal verbs @English_through_Films 1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answers Task 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Thoughtfulness Sleepover Disruption Redemption Insecurity Relic Crony Affection Struggle Escapism Sibling Wickedness 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) Playfulness Confrontation Despair Villain Threshold Sidekick Patience Twin Casting Treat Adulation Rib 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) Costar Empathy Coffin Pillar Precision Wobble Complexity Penfriend Misfit Fame Hatred Stunt Task 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) For many people going on holiday is a form of escapism. I have four siblings: three brothers and a sister. Some couples seem to like confrontation, but Josh and I hardly ever argue. In despair, the theatre director searched everywhere for a new lead actor. He made his reputation as an actor playing villains. They would be punished for their wickedness. Games, DVDs, and junk food are sleepover mainstays for both boys and girls. The expression on his face seemed placid, midway between a daze and thoughtfulness. There will be some disruption to traffic while the work is in progress. And his soul, a vulgar a numb find redemption. His insecurity has kept him from having the success he deserves. Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time. He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies. He remembered the teachers at his first school with great affection. Many freedom fighters were imprisoned, but they never gave up the struggle. Your date is filled with laughs and playfulness. I felt myself at the threshold of another breakthrough, another change. Mark has been Luke's sidekick since junior high school. The director is holding auditions next week for the major parts. There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning. My twin sister and I have got the same nose. They are looking for actors for a new film. So, there will be casting tomorrow. The interviewer asked her to speak into the microphone. In the end I lost my patience and shouted at her. Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his co-star Oliver Hardy. Both authors have the skill to make you feel great empathy with their heroines. They lowered the coffin into the grave. You’ve been a pillar of strength to me. He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him from getting into mischief. His relationship with his mother left him with a psychotic hatred of women. It's a typical action movie with plenty of spectacular stunts. His books are a pleasure to read because he writes with such clarity and precision. I was a bit of a social misfit at college because I didn't like going out at night. She first rose to fame as a singer at the age of 16. He saw her as his main adversary within the company. He felt a real sense of kinship with his friend. She's having a bit of a wobble about the move to New York. I was astonished by the size and complexity of the problem. Nancy and her pen friend are talking in English. She had a tearful reunion with her parents at the airport. I have a great alliance with my friend. We are match. The view over the lake was obscured by a veil of mist that hung in the air. The people are brave, resilient, humorous, friendly in the face of great change and adversity. She was wearing a blonde wig. You have the capability to do/ this job well. When we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real treat. Harley wasn't prepared for the fame and adulation that came with being a star athlete. She was taken to hospital with a broken arm and ribs. 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) Adversary Kinship Veil Adversity Wig Capability Audition Mic Mischief Reunion Alliance Bond Answers Task 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Contemplation Despair Alliance Wobble reunion Patience 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Adversary Bond Struggle Escapism Empathy Mischief 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) Pen friend Adulation Wig Mic Insecurity Sibling 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) Sleepover Complexity Adversity Misfit Affection Coffin 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Twin Kinship Rib Confrontation Playfulness Crony Task 4 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Hushed Relatable Daunted Effortless Obsessed Tremendous Immensely Palpable Ingrained Devastated 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Remarkable Villainous Desensitized Endearing Rigid Nerdy Knackered Visceral Otherworldly Intimidating 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Vivid Seemingly Intricately Arguably Relentless Mind-blowing Essential Paternal Jealous Restrained Task 5 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) Anger gave me otherworldly strength, and I managed to force the door open. She was, arguably, the best female basketball player of all time. He was desperate to tell someone his good news. The audience is gripped by the dramatic story. His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual. She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent. The two adolescent boys made their mother very tired. Sometimes, in hushed voices in the evenings, I heard my mum and the dad talking about money. Mark won quickly and with confidence, in a way that looked completely effortless. The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions. Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness. She was a bold and fearless climber. Maybe he's jealous because I got the job and he didn't. People who watch such movies become desensitized to violence. She laughs at herself a lot, which is always endearing. And he had this very surreal sense of humor. After weeks of frenetic activity, the job was finally finished. One of the reasons for her success is that the characters in her books are so relatable. The villainous Darth Vader also plays a cameo role. He's obsessed with Barbra Streisand and collects anything and everything connected with her. They were making a tremendous amount of work last week. She's an immensely talented young athlete. She can be very intimidating when she's angry. You have to be as single-minded and relentless as your rivals if you want to get to the top. Professor Johnson was always there for paternal advice. I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming. Her black suit was restrained and expensive. Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside their homes. He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems. The hijacking operation was intricately planned. The tension in the room was palpable during the exam. Include details to make your story as vivid as possible. The special effects in this film are pretty mind-blowing. A good diet is essential for everyone. Saying “Thank You” became such a deeply ingrained habit that he never forgot to do it. She was utterly devastated when her husband died. She asked me to dance with her, but I had to refuse because I am so rigid. These glasses and stupid trousers make me feel nerdy. I'm too knackered to go out this evening. I prefer to stay in. 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) Vulnerable Self-conscious Adolescent Desperate Gripped Surreal Adamant Overwhelmed Fearless Frenetic Answers Task 6 Task 7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Corpse Expand Rib Relish Convince Refuse Congregate 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Wane Convey Induct Contemplate Manifest Grieve Pity 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) Tiptoe Forge Interact Mill Cast Distract Threaten Task 8 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg. Men huddle in twos and threes, talking about this and that. I enjoyed our vacation, but didn’t relish the twenty-hour trip back home. I hope this will convince you to change your mind. He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused. The accident forged a close bond between the two families. A group of women were cackling in a corner. He was bewitched by her beauty. I pity anyone who's never been in love. The air in the balloon expands when heated. They threatened to kill him unless he did as they asked. Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister. His brothers ribbed him about his new girlfriend. He had a tendency to corpse in the middle of the performance. He is still grieving for his son`s death. Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children. He was often cast as the villain. The teacher had to separate the two friends because they tend to distract each other in class. My parents treated us all the same when we were kids. Crowds of students were milling around in the street. A crowd congregated around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show. By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to wane. Please convey our condolences to the family. Last weekend, the group inducted 600 more members at another ceremony. I'm contemplating going abroad for a year. The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. He waited until his daughter was asleep, then tiptoed quietly out of the room. 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) Overshadow Cackle Bewitch Treat Endure Huddle Answers Task 11 in the future to love or suddenly start to love someone very much reproduce the voices of other people or animals clothes that are made and bought in standard sizes to grab your attention, especially an image or written description in a book to change something completely , often in a way that is bad to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen to have a very good time true, even though people do not officially say that it is true completely different from each other (about eyes) to fill with tears escaped from prison to have good relationship with someone to be in love with someone but do not have a relationship with them used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc to feel that you like someone very much to be with someone, to be informed about someone`s actions a discussion or meeting between two people a time when important things start happening in a situation to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is to be performing equally well in a competition, so that it is not clear who will win to have a particular feeling or emotion to do something in a way that shows a lot of determination take a big risk to look after someone or something Go ahead! Give it a good try! to die not achieving anything Task 12 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) The novel’s main character really jumped off the page. Unfortunately I don't have an in with my mother-in-law. I had a crush on the football captain at school. The two brothers are as different as chalk and cheese. She’s always had a soft spot for Grant. Hannah always tries to keep her kids in tow. The president had one-on-ones with the other leaders. The pair went toe to toe until the third set. He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain. She was his wife in all but name. When I was a child my father used to do voices which made me laugh every time. It was only a cheap suit, bought off the rack. She looked upset and her eyes started to well with tears. The hotel industry stands at the tipping point of something remarkable. In No Limits poker, a player can go "all-in" at any time. He was beside himself with grief when she died. I have to take care of my little sister this afternoon. "I'm thinking of applying for that job." "Go for it!“ Somewhere down the road, they’re going to get married. He fell in love with a young German student. John escaped from prison last year and has been on the loose ever since. It is a film first and foremost about loss. My world has been turned upside down by this disease. He had worked hard and was looking forward to his vacation. The kids had a ball building sandcastles. His comment hit home for me, as both therapist and layperson. It's time I called it a day. Answers Task 14 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Come out Wind up Dwell on Fit in Black out Pull out 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Line up Look back End up Stay up Play off Look for 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) Pull off Make out Speak up Wrap up Turn into Tap into Task 15 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) For a few seconds, he thought he was going to black out. When does their new album come out? He keeps complaining and it really winds me up. Lack of funding leaves us with no choice but to pull out. Thousands of people lined up to buy tickets on opening night. My guess is they'll wrap the meeting up fairly quickly. Rain in the morning will turn into snow during the afternoon. If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity. Children who talk back are regarded as disrespectful. Stop mucking about and listen! I’m looking for Jim. Have you seen him? They nearly managed to get the loan but just failed to pull it off. All the high school kids go up there to make out in their cars. If you disagree, please speak up. She's signed on with a temp agency. He tends to dwell on the negative aspects of his performance. She says that she doesn't fit in at her new school. One day we'll look back on this and laugh. After working her way around the world, she ended up teaching English as a foreign language. The kids were allowed to stay up till midnight on New Year's Eve. The 16 finalists will play off to see who will win the championship. 19) Talk back 20) Muck about 21) Sign on