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Network Types: LAN, WAN, Peer-to-Peer, Cloud Computing

Network types
What is a network?
Two or more computers connected together to share data can be simply defined as a
network. The connection can be established by using wired or wireless media. Numerous
network types are in use, which is classified based on size and connection type. All network
types have their own range.
Network types
There are numerous types of network systems in use. Computer networks are categorized by
their size. There are four main network types, but there are more network types in use.
1. LAN
1.1. WLAN
2. MAN
3. WAN
4. PAN
Those are the four main network types. But there are a few more network types in use.
5. Peer-to-Peer network
6. Cloud computing
7. Client–Server
8. CAN (Campus area network)
9. EPN (Enterprises private network)
Peer-to-peer network
A peer-to-peer network is essentially a straightforward network where each computer serves
as both a node and a server for the files it has stored. P2P network is also known as an
"equal client" system, in which instead of obtaining data from a server, "peer" machines just
swap them amongst themselves. These resemble a network at home or at work. However,
after installing P2P networks on the internet, more data may be shared because of the
network’s scale and the number of files that are accessible. While late P2P networks like
GAZA and BitTorrent were divided amongst numerous nodes to free up the bandwidth and
leave the central server, earlier P2P networks like Napster used client software and a central
server. Peer-to-peer networks are frequently linked to unlawful file sharing and online theft.
P2P usage and network exclusivity are no longer enjoyed by anyone. P2P networks with the
following include e Donkey, Gnutella, Ares Galaxy, Soulseek, BitTorrent and Utorrent.
However, the common use of peer-to-peer network is sharing files on internet.
Figure 1 peer-to-peer network
Table 1 peer to peer network
There is already software integrated into the
P2P networks are not centralized. So, a
operating system for creating the P2P
single person can’t administer the whole
network. Finding files becomes more
difficult for users as a result.
P2P networks are inexpensive to set up.
A peer-to-peer network faces performance
degradation. The network's performance
will suffer when each computer is accessed
by other users.
There is no need for network specialists to
Peer-to-peer networking offers relatively
set up, handle, and maintain the network.
less security for individual files. Assigning
because any person with normal ICT
permission is the only permission for the
knowledge can handle this new work.
individual files.
Easy to add another node to the network.
Peer-to-peer networking offers relatively
less security for individual files. Assigning
permission is the only security that peer-topeer networks have.
The connected devices have simultaneous
There is a possibility of accessing files by
resource provision and consumption
remote users without any permission.
It will make the network compromised.
Even if there another client added to the
Taking data backups in P2P networks is a
network the performance will not go down.
difficult task. Data is not centralized on P2P
networks. Therefore, taking backups needs
to be done separately on each computer, or
there should be a backup system for each
This network is not dependent on a
There is a high risk of spreading viruses on
centralized server. It means even if one part
P2P networks since each computer
of the network fails, other parts of the
connected is independent to each other. If
network will work properly.
one of the computers gets infected, all other
computers in the network will get infected
easily even there is a virus guard on them.
Most often these P2P networks are used to
share copyrighted contents without proper
Cloud computing
Cloud is a virtual space that contains resources for a targeted audience. There 4 types of
cloud networks, public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds, and multi-clouds. In cloud
computing Clients access resources through the internet from a virtual space or cloud. A
public cloud is a virtual space carrying software resources and clients of that network can
access those resources by connecting to that cloud through the internet. The private cloud is
the important cloud type in here. These private clouds are used in companies either to get
resources that are needed to the company or make private networks to the company easily.
Private clouds are dedicated to a single user and all resources needed in the company
environment are contained there, Employees can access that through the internet and take
resources from the cloud. If a company needs to make its own network for its business it can
make these networks by using cloud networks, Cloud computing networks provide network
tool resources through the internet. Those clouds contain virtual firewalls, load balancers, and
many other network tools. So, it’s easy to make a private network for a company using this
cloud network with only an internet connection.
Table 2
cloud computing
Figure 2 Cloud
Cost reductions – Good in-house servers and
Need of a high-speed internet connection – an
other network equipment are very expensive.
Internet connection is required to use a cloud
But clout network service providers provide a
network. The speed of the internet connection
very powerful network for a monthly or yearly
directly affects the network. As long as the internet
subscription. That is cheap than using an in-
connection is out clients can’t make connections with
house network. Also, when the network is not
needed we can remove it very easily.
Powerful security systems – cloud service
Keeping sensitive data in an external place –
providers have thousands of important data in
In cloud computing, all data is stored in the cloud
their databases. So, they have specialized teams
service provider’s storage. Keeping sensitive data of
to keep the network secure.
a company in a cloud service provider’s storage can
be a security issue.
Reliability - If the computer server faces a hard
Less control – the company has less control over the
drive failure all server-based applications will
network. Cloud service provider is the controller of
be unavailable soon. But cloud service
the network.
providers store data in multiple locations. So,
one hard drive failure can’t affect the serverbased applications.
Flexible to growth – Cloud computer networks
use the wireless connection. So, it’s easy to
expand the network than other network types.
Accessibility – Cloud network users can log in
to the cloud network from anywhere. It’s very
Easy to implement – cloud service uses a
wireless connection. So, in the implementation,
no cable connections are required. So, it makes
it easy to implement the network.
Client-server network
Client-server networks consist of a single computer that functions as a server and directs
several computers. Clients of the server computer can access shared files and other
resources according to the permission level of the client. Some online games like World of
Warcraft, StarCraft, Overwatch are good examples for the client-server networks.
Figure 3 Client server network
Table 3 client server network
Centralizations – All essential data stored
Network traffic – If a big number of clients
in a single location gives good security for
tried to take shared resources from the
the data. user authorization and
network will slow down or crash.
authentication much easier and issues of
the network can solve easier because of the
centralization of the network
Easy to manage – All client computers are
High cost – implementing and maintaining
connected to a server computer. The whole
the cost of this network is high. For the
network can be easily managed by using
implementing process and for the
the server.
maintenance company needs network staff.
Data security – centralized design of this
Maintenance difficulties – Client-server
network type gives extra protection because networks always required good care to
all essential data is stored in the server.
reduce issues in the network. If there are
Also, access controls can be used to control
any mistakes in the network they must
the clients’ access level.
solve as soon as possible.
Software and hardware sharing – Client-
Robustness – If the server fails the whole
server networks can share software and
network will fail
hardware. It reduces the cost of hardware
and software.
Local area network (LAN)
The local area network is the smallest network type after the peer-to-peer network. This
network type can implement in a single location like a single building. Wireless connections
and wired connections both can be used in LAN networks. The LAN networks which use
Wireless connections are known as WLAN (wireless local area network).
Table 4 local area network
Hardware and software can be shared – In
Geographical restrictions – The biggest
LAN networks hardware components and
constraint of the LAN network are
software are shareable.
geographical restrictions. LAN network can
be implemented only in a small area like a
single building.
High data transfer rate - LAN networks
Not flexible – Because of the LAN
have data transfer rate up to 1000 Mbps
networks’ geographical restrictions users
can’t connect anywhere they want.
Easy to control – Most LAN networks use a
Hard to share data via outside sources –
client-server model. The limited size and the sharing data from outside sources is difficult
centralization of this network make it easy
and time-consuming because data
to manage the network and fix errors.
transportable media like pen drives can’t
conveniently perform on all devices on the
Does not cost too much – LAN networks
are more inexpensive than other networks
because of their small size. LAN networks
do not require many powerful servers and
other network hardware. Because LAN
networks does not have big number of
Metropolitan area network (MAN)
A metropolitan area network connects computers within a metropolitan area. This area can
be a city or multiple cities or a given large area. MAN is in between LAN and WAN in size.
MANs are created using a few LAN networks. Fibre cables are mostly used to make
connections between LAN networks in the MAN network. MAN can range from 5km to
50km. The speed of the metropolitan area network is about 1000 Mbps to 100 Gbps. MAN
networks have different technologies to establish the network.
1. FDDI (Fiber distribution data interface) – within 200km
2. ATM (Asynchronous transfer mode)
3. SMDS (Switched multi-megabit data service)
Table 5 metropolitan area network
Can send data to both sides simultaneously
Managing difficulties – MAN networks are
hard to manage because MAN networks
have many clients. So, security problems,
and maintenance can arise at any time.
Gives security than WAN – MAN networks
When connecting two LAN networks using
are much more secure than WAN networks
fibre cable is very important. Because
because of the limited size of MAN
copper cables can’t give the needed speed
networks. MAN networks have less number
of clients than WAN networks. So, MAN
networks are much more secure than WAN
High speed – MAN networks can use fibre
Specialized staff in networking is important
connections. So, MAN networks have very
– network specialized staff is needed to
high data transfer speeds from 1Gbps to
implement and maintain the MAN network.
Because the MAN network is more complex
than LAN network.
Sharing internet – Some MAN installations
More wires required - Another issue with
clients are allowed to share an internet
MAN is that additional cables are needed to
join two LANs.
Campus area network (CAN)
Campus area networks are spread in a limited area. This type of network is used to
interconnect LANs within an educational or corporate campus. CAN network size be in
between LAN and WAN networks? , Most of the CAN networks connect with the public
network. CAN networks share internet access among clients and clients of the networks can
access to the resources according to their permission level.
Table 6 campus area network
Accessibility of data - CAN networks
Connection node bound -It doesn’t support
connect several campus departments to one
the maximum number of nods. Due to
another. Thus, a single message is fired, and
electrical overload, it is able to connect up to
it readily spread to all nodes.
64 nodes.
Wireless connections – In CAN networks
Cable length limit – cable length in the CAN
wireless connections can be used to connect
network is limited to 40 metres.
various departments of the organization.
High network speed – high speed of this
Even if CAN reduce costs by sharing internet
network allows to share of big-size files over
connection, hardware and software resources
the network.
maintenance and software development cost
will be high.
Sharing internet connection – in most cases
CAN area networks are used to share internet
connection. One ISP can share to all clients
of the network. Internet expenses can reduce
using this method.
Wide area network (WAN)
Wide area network type is the biggest network type. It doesn’t have geographical restrictions.
So, it can be spread all around the world. Simply, a wide area network means a form of a
telecommunication network that can connect devices from multiple locations and across the
globe. internet is the best example of WAN networks.
Table 7 wide area network
Cover large geographical area – WAN
Security issues – WAN networks have
networks don’t have geographical restrictions different types of clients from all around the
like other networks. They can be spread
world. The large size of the network makes
everywhere where in the world.
security risks.
Centralization – Head office servers are the
Setup cost is high – implementing cost of a
centre of the network. All essential data and
WAN network is a very high cost.
network controls are gathered into the head
office servers.
Send updated files and data - Software
Troubleshooting issues – WAN is a very
developers share updated files through a live
large network type which spreads all around
server. Hence, all programmers and office
the world. WAN networks have undersea
personnel instantly receive updated versions
cables. So, when trouble arises in the
of files.
network it is hard to solve it.
Sharing resources – Software and other
computer resources like RAM and Hard
drives can share in WANs.
Helps to global business – Anyone with
computer skills can spread their businesses
High bandwidth
Network topologies
The physical and logical configuration of a network's nodes and links is known as its
topology. Network topologies are usually represented using graphs.
Network topologies give a good idea about the placements of the nodes and the traffic flow
of the network. Network administrators can decide the best places to place nodes and give
the best path to traffic flow based on the network topology graph.
Network topology directly affects network functionality. Choosing the right topology can
improve the efficiency of the network. So, choosing the best topology is a very sensitive
task in networking. well-defined network topology makes it easier for network
administrators to locate faults allocate network resources and troubleshoot issues. There are
network topologies in use.
Topologies can be divided into two types.
1. Logical topologies
The arrangement of network nodes and devices to create a logical or physical structure is
known as logical topology. The arrangement of network nodes to create the network
structure can be done using a variety of network topologies. Simply, logical topology
explains how devices communicate and the path that use to communicate.
2. Physical topologies
The connections between the devices are described by a physical topology. Physical
topologies give a good idea of how devices should connect and the ideal locations for
devices. This includes the physical connection of cables, switches, routers, hubs and other
network hardware.
Bus Topology.
Ring Topology.
Star Topology.
Mesh Topology.
Tree Topology.
Hybrid Topology
Bus Topology
The simplest type of topology is called a bus topology, in which network communication
takes place over a single bus or channel. There are numerous taps and droplines linked to
the bus. Droplines are the wires that connect the bus to the computer, whereas taps are the
connectors. In other words, each node is connected to a single transmission line.
Table 8 bus topology
Data travels to both ends in 10mbps to 100mbps speed in bus topology. The backbone is the
most sensitive place in bus topology. Backbone failure will fail the whole network. RJ45
network cables or coaxial cables mostly use as the connection method of the network.
Table 9 bus topology
Ideal for small networks
Backbone failure fails the entire network.
Low cost
Low data transfer speed
Easy to install and eject devices from the
Not good for large or medium size networks
One device failure does not affect to other
Adding more devices will decrease network
Does not require much cabling.
Because every device is receiving the
identical signal from the source, there is low
Ring topology
Ring topology is the most basic network topology. Ring topology network configuration
connects devices in a circular path. Each device connects with two other networks. This
network type is good for a network with only a few devices. A large amount of cables is
needed. packets of data travel from one device to the next until they reach their destination
and it takes big time. Most ring topologies allow data packets to travel only one direction.
There are many security risks in this topology. One device failure fails the entire network.
Table 10 ring topology
Because to the one-way data flow, there are
High expenses
fewer chances of packet collisions.
More workstations can be added later in this
One cable or device failure fails the entire
architecture without affecting the network's
Equal access to the resources
Slowed when compared to bus topology
The connectivity between the nodes in the
All computers must be turned on in order for
topology can be managed without the use of
them to connect with one another.
a server.
Minimum collision.
Difficult to troubleshoot problems
Ring topology performs better than bus
It is Expensive.
topology under heavy traffic since token
passing is present.
Ring topology performs better than bus
topology under heavy traffic since token
passing is present.
Star topology
One of the most typical network configurations is a star topology, sometimes known as a
star network. With this setup, each node is connected to a hub, switch, or computer that
serves as the primary network hub. In a network, the main device serves as the server, and
the other devices are the clients.
The number of computers that can be linked together in a star topology is technically
unlimited. Yet as more computers are connected, network performance may suffer, slowing
down the overall network speed.
Table 11 star topology
Network administration that is controlled
if hub or switch goes down entire network
from a central computer, hub, or switch.
will down.
Easy to add more devices to the network
Extra hardware required it means extra cost
will add.(switch or hub)
Even one cable or device fails network
Performance will predict on the switch or
works properly without that failed device.
Inserting and removing devices can be done
without turning off the network
Each device require only one port
simple defect identification because the
relationship is frequently simple to identify.
Figure 4 star topology
Mesh topology
A network configuration known as a mesh topology has devices such as computers and
routers connected to one another. Most transmissions can be spread with this architecture
even if one of the connections fails. It is a topology that wireless networks frequently
employ. Here is a picture of a straightforward computer configuration on a mesh network.
Figure 5 mesh topology
Failure of single device won’t fail the
High cost because high amount of cables
need to implement the network
Fault identification is straightforward
High risk of redundant connections
Provides high privacy and security
Installing mesh topology is extremely
Adding new device is not an obstacle for
data transmission
This topology has powerful robust features.
Data transmission is more consistent
Tree topology
Maintenance is very difficult in mesh