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Napoleon abueva

Napoleon "Billy" Veloso Abueva (January 26, 1930 –
February 16, 2018)
Napoleón Isabelo Veloso Abueva (born January 26, 1930),
more popularly known as Napoleón Abueva, is a Filipino artist.
He is a sculptor given the distinction as the Philippines'
National Artist for Sculpture. He is also entitled as the "Father
of Modern Philippine Sculpture". He was awarded National
Artist of the Philippines in the field of Visual Arts.
Finishing his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture at the University
of the Philippines (UP) in 1953 and after studies abroad,
Abueva helped shape the local sculpture scene in the
Philippines .
First Prize, Sculptural Exhibition by the Art Association of the Philippines
First Prize in the Fifth Annual Art Exhibition (1974)
First Prize and Special Award on the Fourth Sculptural Exhibition (1952)
Awardee, "The Unknown Political Prisoner" in the International Sculpture
Competition by the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (1953)
First Prize and Special Award, Kaganapan (Marble), in the Semi-Annual Art
Exhibition by the Art Association of the Philippines (1953)
First Prize, "Kiss of Judas" (Wood) in the Religious Art Exhibition in Detroit,
Michigan, USA (1955)
Purchase Prize, "Water Buffalo" (Marble), in the Annual Show, at St. Louis,
Missouri, USA (1956)
First Prize, "Figure" (Wood) in the Annual Show of the Art Association of the
Philippines (1957)
Most Outstanding Alumnus of the School of Fine Arts, U.P. Golden Jubilee
Republic Award for Sculpture (1959)
Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) Awardee in Sculpture
Winner, U.P. Gateway Design Competition (1962)
Winner, Cultural Heritage Award (1966)
ASEAN Awards for Visual Arts in Bangkok (1987)
Fourth ASEAN Achievement Award for Visual Arts in Singapore (July 1995).
Major works
Kaganapan (1953)
Kiss of Judas (1955)
UP Gateway (1967)
Thirty Pieces of Silver
The Transfiguration (Eternal Gardens Memorial Park) (1979)
Sandugo (Blood Compact)
Mini-Waterfalls (Legaspi Towers 300) (~1980)
The Fredesvinda (Fort Canning Park – Singapore) (1982)
Siyam na Diwata ng Sining (Nine Muses) (1994)
UP Faculty Center
Sunburst (The Peninsula Manila Hotel) (1994)
Memorial Park)
Kiss of Judas (1955