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TravelMate Project Report: Travel App Development

Informatics College Pokhara
Final Year Project
(Final Report)
Project title: TravelMate
Submitted By:
Submitted To:
Suraj Subedi
1st Supervisor: Ms. Pratibha Gurung
London met Id: 20048741
2nd Supervisor: Mr. Sandip Adhikari
Date: April 19, 2023
The project aims to develop a travel planning mobile and web application called TravelMate that
promotes local businesses and less-travelled tourist destinations. The app will provide a platform
for users to connect and share their travel stories and will include features for safety details, chat
and connection with other travellers and a rating and recommendation system for places. The
app will also make use of various APIs to show data and information from different platforms
and will be designed with a simple-to-use user interface that is translated into multiple local
languages. The main aim of the app is to digitalize the tourism industry in developing and
emerging nations and to create a space for people to connect and discover new travel options
and experiences.
In addition to the main aim of promoting local businesses and lesser-known tourist destinations,
the TravelMate app aims to provide a convenient and easy-to-use platform for travellers to plan
and share their trips. The app will include features such as emergency contacts and important
things to consider, making it easier for users to relax and enjoy their travels rather than worrying
about logistics. The app will also include a social platform for users to connect and share their
travel stories, providing a sense of community and support for those planning and undertaking
their trips. The use of various APIs and a rating and recommendation system will ensure that the
app provides accurate and up-to-date information for users to make informed decisions about
their travels. Overall, the TravelMate app aims to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly
travel planning and discovery solution.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Current Scenario ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1. Current State ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2. Gap ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Project as a Solution ................................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Aims and Objectives ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Expected outcomes and deliverables ...................................................................................... 5
Background.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Related Projects ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1. Wander log ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2. Tripadvisor ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.2. Comparison ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Research and review of Journal Articles ................................................................................ 11
Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1. Pre-planning .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1. Requirement Gathering ................................................................................................... 14
3.1.2. Survey ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.3. Work Breakdown Structure ............................................................................................. 20
3.1.4. Milestone Listing.............................................................................................................. 21
3.1.5. Project Gantt Chart.......................................................................................................... 22
3.2. Different methodologies overview (Considered Methodologies) ............................................ 23
3.3. Selected methodology - Iterative methodology ...................................................................... 29
3.4. Reason for selecting an iterative methodology ...................................................................... 30
Design.......................................................................................................................................... 31
4.1. Entity Relation Diagram ......................................................................................................... 31
4.2. Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................. 33
4.3. Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................................................ 34
4.4. Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................. 35
4.5. Database Design ................................................................................................................... 36
4.5.1. Users table structure ....................................................................................................... 36
4.5.2. Admins table structure ..................................................................................................... 36
4.5.3. Addresses table structure ................................................................................................ 37
4.5.4. Categories table structure ............................................................................................... 37
4.5.5. Favourites table structure ................................................................................................ 37
4.5.6. Follows table structure .................................................................................................... 38
4.5.7. Messages table structure ................................................................................................ 38
4.5.8. Ratings table structure .................................................................................................... 38
4.5.9. Payments table structure ................................................................................................. 39
Post Pictures table structure ........................................................................................ 39
Post Plans table structure ............................................................................................ 40
Post stats table structure.............................................................................................. 40
Posts table structure .................................................................................................... 41
Reports table structure ................................................................................................. 41
Verification code table structure ................................................................................... 42
4.6. Access Matrix ........................................................................................................................ 43
4.7. Wireframes ............................................................................................................................ 44
4.7.1. Login page and pick username page .............................................................................. 44
4.7.2. Sign up page and Drawer ................................................................................................ 45
4.7.3. Home page and detail post page..................................................................................... 46
4.7.4. Chat page and favorite page wireframe .......................................................................... 47
4.7.5. Profile page wireframe .................................................................................................... 48
4.7.6. Add post page wireframe ................................................................................................ 49
4.8. Prototype design .................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.1. Prototype design of login page ........................................................................................ 51
4.8.2. Prototype design for signup and pick username page ..................................................... 52
4.8.3. Home page with and without drawer ............................................................................... 53
4.8.4. Chats page and favourite page ....................................................................................... 54
4.8.5. Profile page and detailed post page prototype ................................................................ 55
4.8.6. Add post page design ...................................................................................................... 56
4.8.7. Shimmer effect component design .................................................................................. 57
4.8.8. Stripe payment component design .................................................................................. 58
Implementation ............................................................................................................................ 59
5.1. Login Screen .......................................................................................................................... 59
5.2. Pick username page .............................................................................................................. 60
5.3. Sign up page .......................................................................................................................... 61
5.4. Home page ............................................................................................................................ 62
5.5. Favourite page ....................................................................................................................... 63
5.6. Profile view ............................................................................................................................ 64
5.7. User QR and Scan QR modal ................................................................................................ 65
5.8. Edit profile and update profile image...................................................................................... 66
5.9. Searching for Post/User ......................................................................................................... 67
Add/ Remove from favourite ............................................................................................... 70
Rating post ......................................................................................................................... 71
Chats View ......................................................................................................................... 72
Detailed chat/messages view ............................................................................................. 73
Full screen view of post Images ......................................................................................... 74
Forgot Password Screen .................................................................................................... 75
OTP verification page ......................................................................................................... 76
Change new password view ............................................................................................... 77
Change password view....................................................................................................... 78
Add new post view .............................................................................................................. 79
Followers/following view ..................................................................................................... 83
Home page with ads ........................................................................................................... 84
Buy premium view .............................................................................................................. 85
Payment options view ......................................................................................................... 86
Admin panel dashboard view .............................................................................................. 88
Admin panel payments view ............................................................................................... 89
Top posts based on view (admin panel) ............................................................................. 90
Add Admin user .................................................................................................................. 91
Add category admin view.................................................................................................... 92
Reports view (admin panel) ................................................................................................ 93
Sustainability................................................................................................................................ 94
6.1. Business Plan ........................................................................................................................ 94
6.1.1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 94
6.1.2. Market Analysis ............................................................................................................... 94
6.1.3. Marketing Strategy .......................................................................................................... 94
6.1.4. Revenue Streams............................................................................................................ 95
6.1.5. Financial Plan .................................................................................................................. 95
6.2. Business Rule ........................................................................................................................ 96
6.3. SRS ....................................................................................................................................... 98
Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 101
7.1. User mobile app testing ....................................................................................................... 102
7.2. Admin web app testing......................................................................................................... 133
Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 143
8.1. SWOT analysis .................................................................................................................... 143
8.2. PEST Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 144
8.3. Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................. 145
8.4. Internal Pre-launch Survey .................................................................................................. 146
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 149
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 150
Table of Tables
Table 1: Login form validation for empty fields .................................................................................. 102
Table 2: Login validation for not registered user ............................................................................... 103
Table 3: Login validation for incorrect password ............................................................................... 104
Table 4: Pick username form validation ............................................................................................ 105
Table 5: Sign up form validation........................................................................................................ 106
Table 6: View count to increase after each view ............................................................................... 107
Table 7: Add to favourite ................................................................................................................... 109
Table 8: Remove from favourite ........................................................................................................ 110
Table 9: To rate the post ................................................................................................................... 111
Table 10: Searching for posts and users .......................................................................................... 112
Table 11: Filtering search result based on posts or users ................................................................. 113
Table 12: Generating QR as per user ............................................................................................... 114
Table 13: Scanning the QR Code ..................................................................................................... 115
Table 14: Testing Unfollow/remove user feature ............................................................................... 116
Table 15: Testing null name on edit page ......................................................................................... 117
Table 16: Testing edit profile feature................................................................................................. 118
Table 17: Test remove/update profile picture .................................................................................... 119
Table 18: Test if user is able to save post as draft with edit/delete option ........................................ 120
Table 19: Testing view post by category ........................................................................................... 122
Table 20: Testing password validation on empty fields ..................................................................... 123
Table 21: Testing change password with inconsistent passwords .................................................... 124
Table 22: Testing change password with an incorrect password ...................................................... 125
Table 23: Testing switch dark theme feature .................................................................................... 126
Table 24: Testing change app language feature ............................................................................... 127
Table 25: Testing send/receive message feature ............................................................................. 128
Table 26: Testing if ads are visible on non-premium user timeline. .................................................. 129
Table 27: Testing payment feature for all payment options .............................................................. 130
Table 28: Admin login form validation testing.................................................................................... 133
Table 29: Login validation for not registered admin .......................................................................... 134
Table 30: Login validation for incorrect password ............................................................................. 135
Table 31: Testing if category without image is not allowed to add .................................................... 136
Table 32: Testing if add category feature works correctly ................................................................. 137
Table 33: Testing if add admin features works correctly ................................................................... 138
Table 34: Acting on report feature testing ......................................................................................... 139
Table 35: To test category delete functionality .................................................................................. 141
Table 36: SWOT analysis for TravelMate ......................................................................................... 143
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Tourism industry projection for 2030 (UNWTO, 2022) ........................................................... 1
Figure 2: Global disruption in tourism due to pandemic ........................................................................ 2
Figure 3: Journal article about digital marketing in the tourism industry .............................................. 11
Figure 4: The article about future of tourism ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Survey response for Question-1 .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 6: Survey response for Question-2 .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Survey response for Question-3 .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 8: Survey response for Question-4 .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 9: Survey response for Question-5 .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 10: Survey response for Question-6 ........................................................................................ 17
Figure 11: Survey response for Question-7 ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 12: Survey response for Question-8 ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 13: Survey response for Question-9 ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 14: Survey response for Question-10 ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 15: Work breakdown diagram .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 16: Milestone listing (revised) .................................................................................................. 21
Figure 17: Gantt chart (revised) data table ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 18: Gantt chart (revised) .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 19: Waterfall methodology step-wise diagram ......................................................................... 23
Figure 20: Spiral model step-wise diagram ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 21: Scrum methodology step-wise diagram ............................................................................. 27
Figure 22: Iterative methodology step-wise diagram (inflectra.com, 2022) ......................................... 29
Figure 23: Initial entity relationship diagram ........................................................................................ 31
Figure 24: Final ERD Diagram ............................................................................................................ 32
Figure 25: Use case diagram for TravelMate ...................................................................................... 33
Figure 26: Data Flow Diagram (DFD 0) .............................................................................................. 34
Figure 27: Sequence diagram of TravelMate ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 28: Users table structure .......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 29: Admins table structure ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 30: Addresses table structure .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 31: Categories table structure .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 32: Favourites table structure .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 33: Follows table structure ....................................................................................................... 38
Figure 34: Messages table structure ................................................................................................... 38
Figure 35: Ratings table structure ....................................................................................................... 38
Figure 36: Payments table structure ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 37: Post pictures table structure .............................................................................................. 39
Figure 38: Post plans table structure .................................................................................................. 40
Figure 39: Post stats table structure ................................................................................................... 40
Figure 40: Posts table structure .......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 41: Reports table structure ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 42: Wireframe of login page and pick username page ............................................................. 44
Figure 43: Sign up page and drawer wireframe .................................................................................. 45
Figure 44: Home page and detail post page wireframe ...................................................................... 46
Figure 45: Chats page and favourite page wireframe ......................................................................... 47
Figure 46: Profile page wireframe ....................................................................................................... 48
Figure 47: Add post page wireframe ................................................................................................... 49
Figure 48: Prototype building tool (AdobeXD) ..................................................................................... 50
Figure 49: Prototype design for login page ......................................................................................... 51
Figure 50: Prototype design for pick username and sign up page ...................................................... 52
Figure 51: Home page with and without drawer prototype .................................................................. 53
Figure 52: Chats and favourite page prototype ................................................................................... 54
Figure 53: Profile page and detailed post design ................................................................................ 55
Figure 54: Add post design prototype ................................................................................................. 56
Figure 55: Shimmer effect design for place component ...................................................................... 57
Figure 56: Stripe payment component design..................................................................................... 58
Figure 57: Login Screen ...................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 58: Pick username page .......................................................................................................... 60
Figure 59: Sign up page ...................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 60: Home page ........................................................................................................................ 62
Figure 61: Favourite page ................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 62: Profile view with my posts and drafts ................................................................................. 64
Figure 63: User QR and can QR modal .............................................................................................. 65
Figure 64: Edit profile and update profile image .................................................................................. 66
Figure 65: Searching for all/post ......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 66: Searching for user.............................................................................................................. 68
Figure 67: Search result containing both user and post ...................................................................... 69
Figure 68: Added /Removed from favorites ........................................................................................ 70
Figure 69: Rating the post ................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 70: Chats view (Direct message) ............................................................................................. 72
Figure 71: Detailed chat/message view .............................................................................................. 73
Figure 72: Full screen views of posts images ..................................................................................... 74
Figure 73: Forgot password screen .................................................................................................... 75
Figure 74: OTP verification page ........................................................................................................ 76
Figure 75: Change new password page ............................................................................................. 77
Figure 76: Change password view ...................................................................................................... 78
Figure 77: Add new post view ............................................................................................................. 79
Figure 78 Select option for country and modo to reach ..................................................................... 80
Figure 79: Detailed planning view for the post .................................................................................... 81
Figure 80: Option for showing certain places on map ......................................................................... 82
Figure 81: Followers/following view .................................................................................................... 83
Figure 82: Home page view with ads .................................................................................................. 84
Figure 83: Buy premium view.............................................................................................................. 85
Figure 84: Payment option view with khalti ......................................................................................... 86
Figure 85: Payment option with esewa and stripe ............................................................................... 87
Figure 86: Admin panel dashboard view ............................................................................................. 88
Figure 87: Admin panel payment view ................................................................................................ 89
Figure 88: Top posts based on view ................................................................................................... 90
Figure 89: Add admin user view.......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 90: Add category (admin view) ................................................................................................ 92
Figure 91: Reports view (admin panel) ............................................................................................... 93
Figure 92: Login form validation for empty fields............................................................................... 102
Figure 93: Login validation for not registered user ............................................................................ 103
Figure 94: Login validation for incorrect password ............................................................................ 104
Figure 95: Pick username form validation ......................................................................................... 105
Figure 96: Sign up form validation .................................................................................................... 106
Figure 97: View count to increase after each view (Part I) ................................................................ 107
Figure 98: View count to increase after each view (Part II) ............................................................... 108
Figure 99: Add to favourite ................................................................................................................ 109
Figure 100: Remove from favourite ................................................................................................... 110
Figure 101: To rate the post .............................................................................................................. 111
Figure 102: Searching for post and users ......................................................................................... 112
Figure 103: Filtering search result by posts/users............................................................................. 113
Figure 104: Generating QR as per user ............................................................................................ 114
Figure 105: Scanning the QR code ................................................................................................... 115
Figure 106: Testing Unfollowing user feature.................................................................................... 116
Figure 107: Testing null name on edit page ...................................................................................... 117
Figure 108: Testing edit profile feature ............................................................................................. 118
Figure 109: Remove update profile image ........................................................................................ 119
Figure 110: Testing post saved as draft feature ................................................................................ 120
Figure 111: Testing draft edit/delete feature ..................................................................................... 121
Figure 112: Testing view post by category ........................................................................................ 122
Figure 113: Testing change password on empty fields ..................................................................... 123
Figure 114: Testing inconsistent passwords ..................................................................................... 124
Figure 115: Testing change password with an incorrect password ................................................... 125
Figure 116: Testing switch dark theme feature ................................................................................. 126
Figure 117: Testing change app language feature ............................................................................ 127
Figure 118: Testing send/receive message feature .......................................................................... 128
Figure 119: Testing ads visibility for non-premium user .................................................................... 129
Figure 120: View to buy premium membership ................................................................................. 130
Figure 121: First payment option – KHALTI ...................................................................................... 131
Figure 122: Khalti OTP received for payment verification ................................................................. 131
Figure 123: Admin login form email validation testing ....................................................................... 133
Figure 124: Login validation for not registered admin ....................................................................... 134
Figure 125: Login validation for incorrect password .......................................................................... 135
Figure 126: Testing category without image not allowed validation. ................................................. 136
Figure 127: Testing of add category feature ..................................................................................... 137
Figure 128: Adding new user testing ................................................................................................. 138
Figure 129: New user login testing.................................................................................................... 138
Figure 130: Report view seen by the admin ...................................................................................... 139
Figure 131: Report status changed after dismissed .......................................................................... 140
Figure 132: Report status after report dismissed .............................................................................. 140
Figure 133: Category list before deleting category............................................................................ 141
Figure 134: Confirmation while deleting category ............................................................................. 142
Figure 135: Category list after data deletion ..................................................................................... 142
Figure 136: Survey response for Question-1 .................................................................................... 146
Figure 137: Survey response for Question-2 .................................................................................... 146
Figure 138: Survey response for Question-3 .................................................................................... 147
Figure 139: Survey response for Question-4 .................................................................................... 147
Figure 140: Survey response for Question-5 .................................................................................... 148
1. Introduction
1.1. Current Scenario
Tourism is one of the world’s largest contributors to the global economy it accounts for
more than 7% of the global trade as well as the third in number just after fuels and
chemicals. For some countries which is more dependent on tourism than other, it can
represent 20% of their GDP. Nepal is a developing nation and one of the richest in culture
and natural beauty it has a large opportunity to become a global hub for tourism and to
build the foundation of the national economy on the base of the tourism industry.
(UNWTO, 2022)
Although the travel industry has taken a back foot for a few years due to the pandemic
the number of people travelling is returning to normal and due to the international
restrictions on travel, the number of internal tourists is also increasing which now opens
new opportunities for business and different customer category to cater for the tourism
industry. It is projected to grow exponentially in the coming years creating new
opportunities for emerging nations like Nepal that want to build their country economy on
tourism where on average 1 million international tourists visit Nepal there is scope for
Figure 1: Tourism industry projection for 2030 (UNWTO, 2022)
1.2. Problem Statement
1.2.1. Current State
Right now, there are many tourists in European countries and recently a large number
of tourists are flooding the emerging global hub like Dubai. However, there is still
hesitance for people to travel to developing countries like Nepal. Many people are still
preferring to travel to places like Dubai and Singapore which is significantly smaller in
comparison to Nepal with far less natural beauty but still, there is some gap in
countries like Nepal where, the number of tourists yearly (pre-pandemic, 2019) was
on average 1 million for Nepal and almost 20 million for Singapore and Dubai per year.
1.2.2. Gap
Figure 2: Global disruption in tourism due to pandemic
Here, in the figure above we can see that in comparison to 2021 how fast the economy
recovers in 2022 for developing parts of the world like Europe and the Americas but
many countries in Asia and the Pacific still struggles. There is a gap in tourism that
needs to be served for developing countries so, they can recover faster and grow even
stronger than ever, here are some of the bullet points that can give a clearer idea on
what are the gaps that are needs to be solved.
Not accessible data and information on pandemic-related restrictions and other
restrictions like visa periods, local laws, etc.
Safety concerns and unclear information about destinations.
Not properly documented data for destinations. E.g.: you can find information
about fancy restaurants or resorts but there are much more places that you may
like but you don’t know about and those places are still out of reach for
digitalization in their business and advertising.
Lack of fast adaptation and delay in updating the information, even though there
is some platform that provided information on many places to travel they are not
updated regularly and are outdated which brings even more uncertainties and
dilemma for both international and national tourists.
Not proper platform for promoting small businesses and destinations that are
worth visiting but not highlighted as much as the same regular popular
destinations which are mostly overcrowded and are in a bad condition due to
large queues and traffic.
Project as a Solution
To fill all these gaps, I will like to purpose a project as a solution. A travel planning
mobile and web application named TravelMate. Here are the key points on how this
project will tackle the issues and act as a gap filler to the currently outstanding
Focusing on the less highlighted places as well bringing new opportunities for
small businesses and places as well as more diverse travelling options and
experiences for the visitors.
Community-supported platform for the latest updates and for discovering the
many new travel options and plans.
Emergency contacts and important things to be considered are listed in the
app for more time enjoying less time worrying.
Sharable travel plans between friends and the public.
Better search results with proper rating and recommendation algorithm
implemented based on the user ratings and reviews.
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of this app is to promote the local business (local family-owned restaurants/
homestays) as well as the less travelled tourist destinations that have the potential to
become the major tourist hub. This application will cater for the need for digital space in
the most previously unknown palaces to most. It will focus more on community support
for the data and as well create space for people to connect. This app is towards the
digitalization of the tourism industry for developing/emerging nations and places with high
tourism potential.
A. Aims
To create a web and mobile application named TravelMate, which will be a
travel planner app with the feature to connect with other fellow travellers.
To create a platform that is easy to use for all people.
To create a digital space for all kinds of places along with those with less digital
presence before.
To create a social platform for users to connect to and share their travel stories
and read to others.
To create a travel planner app that has support for the local languages and is
very easy to use as well.
To make it easier for friends and groups to share their travel plans break down
expenses and keep track of their budgets.
B. Objectives
Create a mobile application and a web application for travel planning.
Include the features for the safety details.
Include features to chat and connect with travellers online.
To develop and implement the algorithm from the rating and recommendation
system of the places.
To make use of different APIs provided by different platforms to show the data
and information from various platforms.
To design the app with a simple-to-use user interface and translate it into many
local languages.
Expected outcomes and deliverables
Here, is the list of expected outcomes at the end of the project:
Mobile Application
At the end of the project mobile application is expected to be built which will have
the all above-mentioned features and is ready to be deployed. It will be a travel
planner as well as an app to connect with other travellers. It will run on all the
supported latest android mobile phones, and iPhone devices as well as on android
tablets thanks to its responsive build.
Key features:
➢ A trip planner where you can add adventures and places to your bucket list.
➢ Can connect with people with chat functionality.
➢ User-friendly and easy-to-use design.
➢ Recommendation and rating algorithm.
➢ Integrated map with locations.
B. Web application
At the end of the project, there will also be a web app that will provide the admin with
the features of controlling and analyzing and yearly/month on month sales growth.
Admin will also be able to enjoy other key features what will be essential for the app
like, other metrics of application such as user growth, posts growth, top viewed posts
and more.
C. Documentation
Proper documentation of the process as well as a reference guide for anyone who will
be working on this project to upgrade this project or to learn about the project workflow,
algorithm and more.
It will also cover the details about the database and how to make the API call with the
proper table list of API endpoints and what it will return as well as the parameters
needed to call that API.
2. Background
Here, is the overall background about the project, which includes the discussion about related
projects and other research materials.
2.1. Related Projects
2.1.1. Wander log
This is a similar kind of trip planner app as I purpose. This is made in California and
is often popular in European and American cities. It includes road trips. Create a trip
itinerary, organize flight, hotel, and car reservations, view places to visit on a map and
collaborate with friends. (WanderLog, 2019)
A. WebApp
B. Mobile application
2.1.2. Tripadvisor
The trip advisor assists hundreds of millions of people in improving their travel
experiences, from preparation to booking to actual travel. Travellers from all over the
world use the Tripadvisor website and mobile app to find places to stay, things to do,
and places to eat based on recommendations from other travellers. Travellers use
TripAdvisor, which has more than 1 billion evaluations and opinions of close to 8
million companies, to locate discounts on lodging, reserve experiences, book tables
at delectable restaurants, and learn about amazing destinations nearby.
A. WebApp
B. Mobile Application
Here, is the comparison of the key difference between other already existing related
projects and the travel mate application that I am purposing to build. This will further clear
and give a proper view of why the new app is needed to solve the above-listed problems.
Relate projects
(purposed by me)
(Wanderlog, Tripadvisor)
Travel mate will be focusing on the
places and hotels/restaurants that are
less known and have a lesser digital
These projects mostly focus on the
already visited by lots of tourists.
Along with the travel planner app, it will
also be a social app for travellers where
travellers around the world can connect
They work more as digital travel guides
and are only limited to being the source
of information not connecting.
and share their travel stories and plans.
This will mainly be community-based
and will help to promote emerging
nations like Nepal as it will include
languages like Nepali and other local
These apps mostly focus on the country
from Europe and America and do not
have excellent support for local culture
and traditions.
It will allow you to track your travel
expenses and share among groups if
needed with the integration of payment
They don’t include a full solution for
expense management and integration of
local digital wallet payments support.
The application purposed by me will have other features which will be more clearly
mentioned with the prototype in the interim report.
10 | P a g e
Research and review of Journal Articles
Figure 3: Journal article about digital marketing in the tourism industry
11 | P a g e
This paper discusses the importance of digital marketing in the tourism industry. The advent of
internet technology has transformed the way businesses engage with their customers and track
user behaviour in real time. Digital marketing allows businesses to reach out to new and existing
audiences through various channels such as websites, search engine optimization, email
marketing, social media, and mobile-friendly platforms. In the tourism industry, digital marketing
plays a critical role in promoting offers, prices, and information to potential customers. The paper
argues that for businesses in the tourism industry to be successful, they must have a strong
digital presence and utilize various digital marketing strategies such as a quality website, search
engine optimization, email marketing, social media presence, and mobile-friendly design.
(Kaur, 2017)
Figure 4: The article about future of tourism
12 | P a g e
This paper discusses the challenges and limitations of predicting the future of tourism.
Forecasting the future of tourism is difficult due to the dynamic and constantly changing nature
of the industry, as well as the influence of external factors such as economic and political events.
The paper discusses various approaches to forecasting, including quantitative methods and
qualitative expert judgment, but notes that no single method is necessarily more accurate than
others. The paper also discusses the influence of futurists, who are influential in shaping
government and industry decision-making and popular perceptions of the future, but notes that
their predictions are often inaccurate. The paper concludes by stating that despite the challenges
and limitations of predicting the future of tourism, it is still important to try to anticipate and plan
for potential future developments to be better prepared for the future. (Hall, 2005)
13 | P a g e
3. Methodology
3.1.1. Requirement Gathering
For the development of the project certain resources are required so, here is the
detailed specification of the resources that are required for this project.
Hardware Requirements:
Computer or laptop with sufficient disk space preferably more than 50GB
Computer system having RAM of 8 GB, more the better
Decent processor ideally latest want from 8th to 12th generation i5 or i7(intel
configuration can be alternate by the similar spec of other CPUs like AMD)
Internet connection.
Software Requirements:
Operating system: Windows 10 or later / Mac OS /Linux
Application development: Flutter SDK (Developed by google, available for free)
NodeJS, Golang, Socket IO for backend development.
Database: MySQL
Server for local development test: Apache
For design: AdobeXD & Figma
Map data from APIs: Google Map (free for 90 days, testing purposes), free
alternative: OpenStreetMap (Stadia Maps)
Documentation: Microsoft Word
API testing: Postman
Text Editor: Visual Studio Code
Virtual testing: Android Emulator (comes with android studio)
Web technologies: ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
These are all the resource requirements as per the initial planning, more or less may
be used as the overall project catches a pace which can be implemented accordingly
in new iterative as per the need and demand of the project.
14 | P a g e
3.1.2. Survey
I have conducted survey on various questions regarding my app and here are the results
of the survey with total 156 participants including, friends, teachers and people from
online Facebook groups.
Figure 5: Survey response for Question-1
Figure 6: Survey response for Question-2
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Figure 7: Survey response for Question-3
Figure 8: Survey response for Question-4
16 | P a g e
Figure 9: Survey response for Question-5
Figure 10: Survey response for Question-6
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Figure 11: Survey response for Question-7
Figure 12: Survey response for Question-8
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Figure 13: Survey response for Question-9
Figure 14: Survey response for Question-10
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3.1.3. Work Breakdown Structure
Work breakdown is a visual representation of the project divided into small chunks so, it
could be easier to track down each function and implement it in software accordingly. For
project managers, it is a useful diagram because it enables them to deconstruct the scope
of their projects and see all the tasks that must be completed for them to be completed.
The work breakdown structure chart is an indispensable tool for project planning because
it lists every stage of the project's work in detail. The WBS diagram is divided into layers,
with the top level representing the final project deliverable and the tasks and work
packages related to it, and the levels below representing the tasks, deliverables, and work
packages required to complete the project from beginning to end. (ProjectManager.com,
Figure 15: Work breakdown diagram
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3.1.4. Milestone Listing
Figure 16: Milestone listing (revised)
21 | P a g e
3.1.5. Project Gantt Chart
The project as some changes in timeline here is the latest one:
End Date
Start Date
Iteration 1
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Iteration 2
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Iteration 3
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Figure 17: Gantt chart (revised) data table
Gantt Chart for TravelMate Application
Iteration 1
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Iteration 2
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Iteration 3
1.1. Planning
1.2. Requirements
1.3. Analysis & Design
1.4. Implementation
1.5. Testing
1.6. Evaluation
Figure 18: Gantt chart (revised)
22 | P a g e
Different methodologies overview (Considered Methodologies)
Every project follows a set of patterns and ways of completing the project which can be
called methodology. Over the years different people have purposed different
methodologies and over time the methodologies are filtered out and some of them have
been accepted and used widely according to the use case and project type.
Each methodology has its software development life cycle commonly referred to as
SDLC. SDLC is the list of phases that a developer goes through when completing the
project which includes the phases such as planning, analysis, design and implementation.
(S.Balaji, 2012)
There are lots of methodologies that can be followed and here are short descriptions of a
few of them with the details on the methodology chosen for this project.
A. Waterfall Methodology
In SDLC waterfall is one of the popular linear approach methodologies. In a
waterfall workflow, each stage of the process must be finished before going on to
the next. While there are many different project management approaches,
Waterfall is best suited for initiatives where the goals are established front.
(Leeron Hoory, 2022)
(StormForge, 2021)
Figure 19: Waterfall methodology step-wise diagram
23 | P a g e
❖ Advantages of Waterfall methodology
Easy for developers to understand and implement it into their projects.
Widely used and known.
Less costly in comparison to other methodologies.
No complexity in understanding it.
Suitable for small projects with not much innovation and complexity.
It identifies all the major milestones and what needed to be delivered at the end f
the project.
❖ Disadvantage of Waterfall methodology
It can cause problems if all the requirements are not clearly stated at the beginning
of the project.
Any changes made after completion of requirement gathering can significantly cost
a lot of time, effort and cost of the project.
Not suitable for the project with complexity and little too much innovation needed.
Based too much on the assumption of nothing will go wrong.
Poor emphasis on the overall risk management of the project.
(Dr. Borislav D Dimitrov, 2010)
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B. Spiral Model
The spiral model is another popular SDLC methodology that is more used with the
project which has more risk factors and needs very high innovation. In this model, the
cycle of the project consists of 4 major steps and they are:
Risk Analysis
Information is gathered in the planning phase then the risk is analysed then the
prototype is produced at the end of this phase which is then further developed and
tested. In this model, the project is divided into various spirals and at the end of
each spiral different version of the project is built so, this can be also compared to
the iterative model which gives an iterative build at the end of each iteration.
(Techno Alliance India, 2019)
Figure 20: Spiral model step-wise diagram
25 | P a g e
❖ Advantages of the Spiral model
High emphasis on risk analysis and risk management.
Suitable for large critical projects with a need for innovation.
Software is produced early in the overall life cycle of the software development.
Allows for flexibility and changes to be made during the development process.
Provides opportunities for early user feedback and testing.
Allows for the gradual development and refinement of the software.
Can handle complex and evolving requirements effectively.
❖ Disadvantage of the Spiral model
It is a comparatively costly model to use.
High level of expertise and experienced developers are needed.
Not suitable for small projects with a low budget and less complexity.
Project success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.
Can be difficult to accurately estimate project timelines and costs.
Requires a high level of communication and collaboration among team members.
Risk analysis can be time-consuming and may not always be accurate.
Can be challenging to manage if the project scope changes significantly over time.
(Dr. Borislav D Dimitrov, 2010)
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C. Agile Methodology
Unlike other methodologies which are classical agile methodology modern
methodology to cater the need of modern software development need. Unlike other
methodology, agile itself is not a methodology rather it states key principles and all
methodologies which follows the agile principles are the agile methodologies. It
believes in self-management and values adaptability and flexibility.
It is a more modern and practical approach to software development, while other
traditional classical methodologies focus more on requirement gathering and
documentation it focuses on development and testing which makes it easier to adapt
to new changes and keep options for the update and become more flexible than other
classical methodologies. Some of the SDLC methodologies that come under agile
methodologies are as followed:
Extreme Programming (XP)
Feature-driven development (FDD)
Figure 21: Scrum methodology step-wise diagram
(popular agile methodology)
27 | P a g e
❖ Advantages of Agile methodologies
It can change with the changing need of the project, flexibility and adaptation.
Direct communication between customer and developer.
Can reduce the overall developing time and serve the customer fast.
Allows for continuous delivery and improvement of the product.
Promotes collaboration and teamwork among team members.
Can be more responsive to changing business needs and customer requirements.
❖ Disadvantage of Agile methodologies
Without all needed requirement documents large projects can go off track and
goals can get distracted easily.
Always changing design makes it difficult to focus on design and documentation.
Suitable more for senior developers while can cause trouble for newbies.
May not be suitable for projects with fixed budgets and timelines.
May require a high level of discipline and organization to be effective.
May be challenging to manage if the team lacks experience with Agile
May not be suitable for projects with strict regulatory or compliance requirements.
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Selected methodology - Iterative methodology
It is one of the most popular development methodologies among developers. Rather than
focusing on the whole project at once, this focuses on the small chunks at a time called
iteration. Then along with the time with the multiple iterations, it completes the final
software. Each iteration will deliver a new version of useable software which makes it
more popular as it delivers usable software fast with space for improvements and
changes in the next iteration. (Pedamkar, 2020)
Here, is the step-wise breakdown of the iterative methodology:
A. Initial planning
B. Iterations (This phase can repeat multiple times)
a. Planning
b. Requirements
c. Analysis & Design
d. Implementation
e. Testing
f. Evaluation
C. Deployment
Initial planning and deployment can be for a single time but the planning to evaluation
phase can be divided into small chunks and repeated multiple times to produce a new
version at end of each iteration which can be clear in the figure below:
Figure 22: Iterative methodology step-wise diagram (inflectra.com, 2022)
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Reason for selecting an iterative methodology
Here are the reasons for selecting the iterative methodology for my final year project:
Software can be built in small chunks and after every new iteration issues of
the previous iteration can be solved.
Can have space for the changes as changes can be easily implemented in
the next iteration.
Divides software and functions into small chunks so, that we can focus on
specific features at a single iteration.
Although it is not an agile methodology iterative with incremental can be an
agile methodology which makes it better than other classical methodologies.
As I need to submit my project once at last this can be a useful methodology
even if it is not agile in nature.
Fewer chances for flaws in the final software.
Concept of parallel development can be implemented easily.
It gives more time for designing and implementing the concept rather than
spending more time on documentation.
This can be efficient for projects with continuous changes.
This can help reduce the risk of failure.
Modular software can be built easily.
Easy to use and very little to moderate knowledge required.
Can be easily applied by the solo developer and is perfect for me for my final
year project as it is not a group project and can be easy for me to build in
small chunks rather than try building whole software at once with first
collecting all requirements.
Gives the flexibility to work on finalized designs and implement remaining
functionalities for the next iteration.
30 | P a g e
4. Design
Entity Relation Diagram
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of the relationships between
entities in a database. It is used to model the data and the relationships between different data
elements in a database. The above attached ERD is for the TravelMate.
Figure 23: Initial entity relationship diagram
31 | P a g e
Figure 24: Final ERD Diagram
32 | P a g e
Use Case Diagram
Figure 25: Use case diagram for TravelMate
33 | P a g e
Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of how data flows through a
system. It is used to show how data is input, processed, and output in a system, and how
it moves from one process to another. A DFD illustrates the relationships between
different components of a system and helps to identify the inputs and outputs of each
component. It is a tool commonly used in software engineering, systems analysis, and
business analysis to visualize and document the flow of data within a system.
DFDs use symbols and lines to illustrate the flow of data between various entities in the
system, such as inputs, outputs, processes, and data stores. They are useful for
visualizing complex systems and understanding how data moves through them.
DFDs are hierarchical in nature, meaning that they can be broken down into smaller and
more detailed diagrams to represent different levels of abstraction. They are often used
in the early stages of software development to help designers and developers understand
the data flow of a system, and can be used as a communication tool between
stakeholders to help them understand how the system works. (Visual Paradigm, 2023)
Figure 26: Data Flow Diagram (DFD 0)
34 | P a g e
Sequence diagram
Te t is not
cannot display
Figure 27: Sequence diagram of TravelMate
35 | P a g e
Database Design
Here, are the complete database structures:
4.5.1. Users table structure
Figure 28: Users table structure
4.5.2. Admins table structure
Figure 29: Admins table structure
36 | P a g e
4.5.3. Addresses table structure
Figure 30: Addresses table structure
4.5.4. Categories table structure
Figure 31: Categories table structure
4.5.5. Favourites table structure
Figure 32: Favourites table structure
37 | P a g e
4.5.6. Follows table structure
Figure 33: Follows table structure
4.5.7. Messages table structure
Figure 34: Messages table structure
4.5.8. Ratings table structure
Figure 35: Ratings table structure
38 | P a g e
4.5.9. Payments table structure
Figure 36: Payments table structure
Post Pictures table structure
Figure 37: Post pictures table structure
39 | P a g e
Post Plans table structure
Figure 38: Post plans table structure
Post stats table structure
Figure 39: Post stats table structure
40 | P a g e
Posts table structure
Figure 40: Posts table structure
Reports table structure
Figure 41: Reports table structure
41 | P a g e
Verification code table structure
42 | P a g e
Access Matrix
43 | P a g e
A wireframe is a visual representation of a website, web page, or mobile app that shows
how users will interact with it. It is like a digital sketch or prototype that displays the
placement and relationship of each element within the user interface.
The primary goal of wireframing is to finalize the UX design concept before coding the
website or app. This allows designers, developers, and stakeholders to make important
design decisions early on and collaborate more effectively. Wireframes help to ensure
that the final product is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and meets the needs of users.
(Coursera, 2023)
4.7.1. Login page and pick username page
Figure 42: W ireframe of login page and pick username page
44 | P a g e
4.7.2. Sign up page and Drawer
Figure 43: Sign up page and drawer wireframe
45 | P a g e
4.7.3. Home page and detail post page
Figure 44: Home page and detail post page wireframe
46 | P a g e
4.7.4. Chat page and favorite page wireframe
Figure 45: Chats page and favourite page wireframe
47 | P a g e
4.7.5. Profile page wireframe
Figure 46: Profile page wireframe
48 | P a g e
4.7.6. Add post page wireframe
Figure 47: Add post page wireframe
49 | P a g e
Prototype design
Prototype design is the process of creating a working model or mock-up of a mobile app
to test its design, functionality, and user experience. Designers use tools like digital
prototyping software such as Figma or Sketch to create interactive prototypes that allow
users to test the app and provide feedback. (Cardello, 2023)
Creating a prototype helps app developers to identify and resolve design flaws and
usability issues early on in the development process, reducing the risk of costly rework
later. It also allows developers to showcase the app to stakeholders and investors
before the final product is released.
Overall, prototype design is a crucial step in app development that helps to ensure that
the final product meets the needs of users, is easy to use and navigate, and provides an
excellent user experience.
(Thakkar, 2023)
Figure 48: Prototype building tool (AdobeXD)
For my project I have used the AdobeXD for building the prototype design of my
application. Adobe XD is a user experience design and prototyping tool developed by
Adobe. It is used by designers to create interactive prototypes of websites, mobile apps,
and other digital products. Its key feature is the ability to create clickable, interactive
prototypes that simulate the user experience. Adobe XD also offers a range of plugins
and integrations to improve productivity. (Adobe, 2023)
50 | P a g e
4.8.1. Prototype design of login page
Figure 49: Prototype design for login page
51 | P a g e
4.8.2. Prototype design for signup and pick username page
Figure 50: Prototype design for pick username and sign up page
52 | P a g e
4.8.3. Home page with and without drawer
Figure 51: Home page with and without drawer prototype
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4.8.4. Chats page and favourite page
Figure 52: Chats and favourite page prototype
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4.8.5. Profile page and detailed post page prototype
Figure 53: Profile page and detailed post design
55 | P a g e
4.8.6. Add post page design
Figure 54: Add post design prototype
56 | P a g e
4.8.7. Shimmer effect component design
Figure 55: Shimmer effect design for place component
57 | P a g e
4.8.8. Stripe payment component design
Figure 56: Stripe payment component design
58 | P a g e
5. Implementation
This section includes all the stills from the final application which is developed at the
end of the project. And brief notes when needed to further understand the features and
use case for that screen.
Login Screen
Figure 57: Login Screen
59 | P a g e
Pick username page
Figure 58: Pick username page
60 | P a g e
Sign up page
Figure 59: Sign up page
61 | P a g e
Home page
Figure 60: Home page
62 | P a g e
Favourite page
Figure 61: Favourite page
63 | P a g e
Profile view
Figure 62: Profile view with my posts and drafts
64 | P a g e
User QR and Scan QR modal
Figure 63: User QR and can QR modal
65 | P a g e
Edit profile and update profile image
Figure 64: Edit profile and update profile image
66 | P a g e
Searching for Post/User
Figure 65: Searching for all/post
67 | P a g e
Figure 66: Searching for user
68 | P a g e
Figure 67: Search result containing both user and post
69 | P a g e
5.10. Add/ Remove from favourite
Figure 68: Added /Removed from favorites
70 | P a g e
5.11. Rating post
Figure 69: Rating the post
71 | P a g e
5.12. Chats View
Figure 70: Chats view (Direct message)
72 | P a g e
5.13. Detailed chat/messages view
Figure 71: Detailed chat/message view
73 | P a g e
5.14. Full screen view of post Images
Figure 72: Full screen views of posts images
74 | P a g e
5.15. Forgot Password Screen
Figure 73: Forgot password screen
75 | P a g e
5.16. OTP verification page
Figure 74: OTP verification page
76 | P a g e
5.17. Change new password view
Figure 75: Change new password page
77 | P a g e
5.18. Change password view
Figure 76: Change password view
78 | P a g e
5.19. Add new post view
Figure 77: Add new post view
79 | P a g e
Figure 78 Select option for country and modo to reach
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Figure 79: Detailed planning view for the post
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Figure 80: Option for showing certain places on map
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5.20. Followers/following view
Figure 81: Followers/following view
83 | P a g e
5.21. Home page with ads
Figure 82: Home page view with ads
84 | P a g e
5.22. Buy premium view
Figure 83: Buy premium view
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5.23. Payment options view
Figure 84: Payment option view with khalti
86 | P a g e
Figure 85: Payment option with esewa and stripe
87 | P a g e
5.24. Admin panel dashboard view
Figure 86: Admin panel dashboard view
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5.25. Admin panel payments view
Figure 87: Admin panel payment view
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5.26. Top posts based on view (admin panel)
Figure 88: Top posts based on view
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5.27. Add Admin user
Figure 89: Add admin user view
91 | P a g e
5.28. Add category admin view
Figure 90: Add category (admin view)
92 | P a g e
5.29. Reports view (admin panel)
Figure 91: Reports view (admin panel)
93 | P a g e
6. Sustainability
Business Plan
6.1.1. Executive Summary
- Introduction to TravelMate, a social media app for travel enthusiasts
- Description of features, including travel planning and sharing, connecting with other
travelers, and discovering new destinations
- Focus on highlighting underrated and lesser-known places in Nepal
- Target audience, including backpackers, solo travelers, and families
- Available in English and Nepali languages
6.1.2. Market Analysis
- Overview of the travel industry and its rapid growth
- Importance of social media platforms as a source of travel inspiration and information
- Identification of significant gap in the market for a social media app dedicated solely to
travel planning and sharing that also promotes underrated places in Nepal
- TravelMate’ s unique selling proposition and its potential to provide a unique user
experience to travel enthusiasts
6.1.3. Marketing Strategy
Social media marketing: Social media is a powerful tool to promote TravelMate. We will
leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote the app to our target
audience. We will create social media posts that showcase the app's features and
benefits and encourage users to download the app. We will also use targeted advertising
to reach potential users who are interested in travel.
Influencer marketing: Collaborating with Instagram influencers who are already
promoting travel in Nepal can help us reach a wider audience. We will identify and reach
out to travel bloggers, Instagram accounts, and vloggers who have a significant following
in Nepal and who would be interested in promoting TravelMate. We will offer them
monetary compensation or access to the app's premium features in exchange for
sponsored posts, stories, and videos that showcase the app's features and benefits.
94 | P a g e
Content marketing: We will create high-quality content, such as blog posts, articles, and
videos, that highlight the hidden and underrated places in Nepal. This content will be
shared on our website and social media channels to attract users to the app. We will also
encourage users to share their travel experiences and plans on the app, which will create
user-generated content and attract more users.
Referral programs: Referral programs can encourage users to invite their friends to join
TravelMate. We will offer incentives, such as access to premium features, to users who
refer their friends to the app.
Search engine optimization (SEO): We will optimize our website and app store listing
with relevant keywords and metadata to improve our search engine rankings. This will
make it easier for potential users to discover TravelMate when searching for travel-related
6.1.4. Revenue Streams
- Description of how TravelMate will generate revenue through Google Ads integrated
within the app
- Offer of premium membership without ads, and additional features such as personalized
travel recommendations, exclusive deals on travel products and services, and priority
customer support for a monthly or yearly subscription fee
- Integration of local payment wallets such as Khalti and Esewa to facilitate payments for
premium memberships and other in-app purchases
6.1.5. Financial Plan
- Overview of financial plan, including initial investment to cover app development, server
costs, and marketing expenses
- Expectation to break even in the first year and generate a profit in the following years
- Revenue forecast based on user acquisition and retention rates, conversion rates, and
average revenue per user (ARPU).
95 | P a g e
Business Rule
Registration and User Accounts:
Users can register for a TravelMate account by providing a valid email address and
creating a password.
Once registered, users can edit their profile information, including their name, profile
picture, and bio.
Posting and Sharing Travel Experiences:
Users can post about the places they have visited and their travel experiences.
Each post can include photos and videos, along with text describing the
Users can also post day or week wise breakdowns of their travel plans, including
places to visit and things to do.
Posts will be visible to all users on the app, and users can rate and provide
feedback on the posts.
User Profile and QR Code:
Each user will have a profile that displays their posts, travel plans, and other
Users can scan the QR code of other users to visit their profile and follow them.
The profile will also display the user's favorite posts, and users can access their
own saved posts from their profile.
Draft Saving and Deletion:
Users can save drafts of their posts locally on their device, and come back later to
edit and complete the post.
If the user uninstalls the app, any unsaved drafts will be lost
Ads and Revenue:
The app will display ads to generate revenue.
The ads will be targeted to users based on their interests and location, to provide
relevant and useful content.
Users who prefer an ad-free experience can purchase a premium membership,
which will also provide access to additional features such as unlimited travel plan
96 | P a g e
Search Functionality:
Users can search for other users and posts using keywords or hashtags.
The search results will display posts and users that match the search criteria.
Users can filter search results by location, date, and other parameters.
Forgot Password Functionality:
Users who forget their password can reset it by clicking on the "Forgot Password"
link on the login screen.
The app will send an OTP code to the user's email address on file.
The user can follow the link to create a new password and regain access to their
Consent to Share Name and Image:
Users will be prompted to give their consent for sharing their name and profile
picture in search results.
Users who do not give their consent will not be included in search results.
Users can change their consent settings at any time from their account settings.
Profile Picture and Information:
Users can update their profile picture and other information, such as their bio and
The profile picture and information will be visible to other users on the app, and
may also be included in search results.
Users can also choose to make their profile picture and information private, so that only
their followers can see it.
97 | P a g e
Project title: ‘TravelMate’ – a social media platform for travel enthusiasts
Category: Mobile application (Android and iOS)
The purpose of developing this application is to create a platform where travel enthusiasts
can share their travel experiences, itineraries, and plans with others. The application will
also allow users to discover new and underrated travel destinations, and plan their own
trips based on the experiences of other users.
Project scope:
The scope of this project is global, with a focus on countries with untapped tourism
potential. The goal is to create a platform that promotes sustainable and responsible
tourism by showcasing underrated travel destinations and supporting local businesses.
The platform will have a social media aspect, with features such as timelines, ads,
follow/following, chat, QR code scanning, and dark theme. It will also have a premium
membership option that removes ads and provides additional features.
Existing system: There are several travel-related websites and applications, but most of
them focus on popular tourist destinations and cater to mass tourism. There is a lack of
platforms that promote sustainable and responsible tourism by showcasing underrated
travel destinations.
They don’t provide localization support in Nepali language as well as no local wallets
included as payment option like esewa, khalti.
98 | P a g e
Proposed system:
The proposed system of TravelMate offers the following advantages:
• A platform that promotes sustainable and responsible tourism.
• An opportunity for travel enthusiasts to share their travel e periences, itineraries, and
plans with others.
• A platform that helps users discover new and underrated travel destinations.
• A social media aspect that allows users to follow and interact with each other.
• An opportunity for local businesses to promote their services to a global audience.
• A premium membership option that provides additional features and removes ads.
Functional Requirements:
• Registration: Users can create an account and profile.
• ocial media features: Users can create posts, timelines, ads, follow/following, and chat.
• Discover new places: Users can search for and discover new travel destinations.
hare travel e periences: Users can create posts about their travel experiences,
itineraries, and plans.
• Rating: Users can rate and provide feedback on posts.
• QR code scanning: Users can go to user profiles by scanning a QR code.
• Localization: Users can view the application in their preferred language.
• Draft system: Users can save posts as drafts.
• Payment: Users can make payments using local payment wallets like Khalti and E-sewa.
• Forgot password: Users can reset their password if forgotten.
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Non-Functional Requirements:
• Performance: The performance of the application is smooth and responsive.
• ecurity: The application ensures the security of user data and transactions.
• Compatibility: The application is compatible with Android and iO .
• Maintainability: The application is well-organized and easy to maintain.
• Usability: The application is easy to use and navigate.
Software specification: Android and iOS.
Hardware specification: The application can run on low-end devices, but a minimum of
2GB RAM is recommended.
100 | P a g e
7. Testing
Testing in software development refers to the process of evaluating a software product or
application to identify any defects, errors, or bugs that may affect its functionality, performance,
or user experience. The goal of testing is to ensure that the software meets its requirements,
works as intended, and is reliable and robust. (Paul Ammann, 2017)
There are several types of testing in software development, including:
Unit testing: This is a type of testing that focuses on individual components or
modules of the software. The purpose is to verify that each component works as
expected and meets its specifications.
Integration testing: This is a type of testing that checks how different components
of the software work together. The goal is to ensure that the different parts of the
software integrate seamlessly and function correctly as a whole.
System testing: This is a type of testing that evaluates the software as a
complete system. The purpose is to verify that the software meets its functional
and non-functional requirements and performs as expected.
Acceptance testing: This is a type of testing that involves end-users or
stakeholders testing the software to determine if it meets their requirements and
Performance testing: This is a type of testing that evaluates the software's
performance under different workloads and stress conditions. The goal is to
ensure that the software can handle high volumes of traffic and transactions
without slowing down or crashing.
Security testing: This is a type of testing that focuses on identifying vulnerabilities
and potential security risks in the software. The purpose is to ensure that the
software is secure and protects sensitive data from unauthorized access.
(Atlassian, 2023)
These are just a few of the most common types of testing in software development. By
testing software thoroughly and systematically, developers can identify and fix issues
before they affect end-users and ensure that the software meets its quality standards.
101 | P a g e
User mobile app testing
Table 1: Login form validation for empty fields
To test if login form validates correctly.
To click on login button without data.
Expected result
To show the warning message for empty field.
Actual result
Showed the warning message for empty field.
Test result
Figure 92: Login form validation for empty fields
102 | P a g e
Table 2: Login validation for not registered user
To validate the user if registered.
To click on login button with not registered email.
Expected result
To show the snack bar message user not found.
Actual result
Showed the snack bar message user not found.
Test result
Figure 93: Login validation for not registered user
103 | P a g e
Table 3: Login validation for incorrect password
To validate the incorrect password.
To click on login button with wrong password.
Expected result
To show the snack bar message Incorrect Password.
Actual result
Showed the snack bar message Incorrect Password.
Test result
Figure 94: Login validation for incorrect password
104 | P a g e
Table 4: Pick username form validation
To validate the uniqueness of username.
To enter already taken username.
Expected result
To show the error saying username already taken.
Actual result
Showed the username already taken error message.
Test result
Figure 95: Pick username form validation
105 | P a g e
Table 5: Sign up form validation
To validate the sign-up form
To enter sign up button with empty fields.
Expected result
To show the error message for empty fields.
Actual result
Showed the error message for empty fields.
Test result
Figure 96: Sign up form validation
106 | P a g e
Table 6: View count to increase after each view
To check if view count increase after each view.
To go to detail post view clicking on the post card.
Expected result
To increase the view count when refreshed.
Actual result
Increased the view count when refreshed.
Test result
Figure 97: View count to increase after each view (Part I)
107 | P a g e
Figure 98: View count to increase after each view (Part II)
108 | P a g e
Table 7: Add to favourite
To add post to favourite.
To go to detail post view, and clicking favourite icon.
Expected result
To get added to favourite and also show message.
Actual result
Added to favourite and showed success message.
Test result
Figure 99: Add to favourite
109 | P a g e
Table 8: Remove from favourite
To remove post from favourite.
To go to detail post view, and clicking favourite icon.
Expected result
To get removed from favourite and also show message.
Actual result
Removed from favourite and showed success message.
Test result
Figure 100: Remove from favourite
110 | P a g e
Table 9: To rate the post
To rate the post (Also valid to give half rating).
To go to detailed post view and click give your rating.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To show option for rating, allow half rating and success
message on submit.
Showed option for rating, allowed half rating and showed
success message on submit.
Figure 101: To rate the post
111 | P a g e
Table 10: Searching for posts and users
To search for (e.g. Mahan) and get both post and user
Tap on search bar and start typing word Mahan (e.g. Mahan)
Expected result
To show the posts made by (e.g. Mahan) and profile for user.
Actual result
Showed the posts made by user and also user profile option.
Test result
Figure 102: Searching for post and users
112 | P a g e
Table 11: Filtering search result based on posts or users
To filter out the post or user only results from the search.
Tap on user to filter only user and post to filter only post.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To show the posts and users when tapped posts and users
Showed the posts and users when tapped posts and users
respectively as expected.
Figure 103: Filtering search result by posts/users
113 | P a g e
Table 12: Generating QR as per user
To test if QR is generated when tapped on QR Icon.
Tap on QR icon located on profile page.
Expected result
To show customized QR based on user when tapped.
Actual result
Shoed the customized QR based on user when tapped.
Test result
Figure 104: Generating QR as per user
114 | P a g e
Table 13: Scanning the QR Code
To check if when tapped QR it takes to user’s profile page.
Tap on scan QR button and see if it takes to user’s profile
Expected result
To vibrate device and take to user’s public profile page.
Actual result
Test result
ibrated the device and takes to user’s public profile page.
Figure 105: Scanning the QR code
115 | P a g e
Table 14: Testing Unfollow/remove user feature
To test if the unfollow/remove button works on following
Tap on unfollow/remove button through following page.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To ask for confirmation then unfollowing/removing on confirm
nothing when cancelled.
Showed confirmation then unfollowed/removed on confirm
and nothing when cancelled.
Figure 106: Testing Unfollowing user feature
116 | P a g e
Table 15: Testing null name on edit page
To test if null name is allowed to edited on the edit page.
Try to click on update button with empty name value.
Expected result
To show warning message saying it can’t be null.
Actual result
Showed warning message saying it can’t be null.
Test result
Figure 107: Testing null name on edit page
117 | P a g e
Table 16: Testing edit profile feature
To test if user details are update when provided correct data.
Try to change something and update user profile.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To successfully update the user profile and display success
User profile update successfully and displayed success
Figure 108: Testing edit profile feature
118 | P a g e
Table 17: Test remove/update profile picture
To test if user is able to remove/update the profile picture or
Try to remove/upload new profile image.
Expected result
To be able to upload/remove the profile image.
Actual result
Successfully able to upload/remove the profile image.
Test result
Figure 109: Remove update profile image
119 | P a g e
Table 18: Test if user is able to save post as draft with edit/delete option
To test if user is able to save the uncompleted post as draft
and able to edit or delete later.
To click on save button or just go back when adding post.
Expected result
Post to be saved locally as draft and show message.
Actual result
Post saved locally as draft and also showed the message.
Test result
Figure 110: Testing post saved as draft feature
120 | P a g e
Figure 111: Testing draft edit/delete feature
121 | P a g e
Table 19: Testing view post by category
To test if user is able to view the posts by its category.
To click on the category on home page.
Expected result
To fetch and show the all post on that particular category.
Actual result
Fetched and showed the post on particular category.
Test result
Figure 112: Testing view post by category
122 | P a g e
Table 20: Testing password validation on empty fields
To check if change password form validates on empty field.
Click on change password with empty fields.
Expected result
To display the error message showing fields can’t be empty.
Actual result
Displayed the error message showing fields can’t be empty.
Test result
Figure 113: Testing change password on empty fields
123 | P a g e
Table 21: Testing change password with inconsistent passwords
To test if form validates when new password and confirm new
password are note same.
To enter different password for new and confirm field.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To display the error message when trying to enter different
password for new and confirm password field.
Displayed the error message when trying to enter different
password for new and confirm password field.
Figure 114: Testing inconsistent passwords
124 | P a g e
Table 22: Testing change password with an incorrect password
To test if it validates the current password and restricts
incorrect current passwords.
To enter the wrong current password and try to change the
Expected result
To display the message saying incorrect password.
Actual result
Displayed the message saying incorrect password.
Test result
Figure 115: Testing change password with an incorrect password
125 | P a g e
Table 23: Testing switch dark theme feature
To test if the app switches to a dark theme when clicked dark
theme button on the drawer.
Click on the dark button icon on the drawer.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
To switch to the dark mode and light mode when clicked
Switched to the dark mode and back to the light mode when
clicked again.
Figure 116: Testing switch dark theme feature
126 | P a g e
Table 24: Testing change app language feature
To test if app switches to Nepali language when clicked on
Nepali language option. (Localization)
Click on the Nepali button on drawer.
Expected result
To switch to the Nepali and English language seamlessly.
Actual result
Switched to the Nepali and English language seamlessly.
Test result
Figure 117: Testing change app language feature
127 | P a g e
Table 25: Testing send/receive message feature
To test if user is able to send and receive message.
To compose message and sending it to another user.
Expected result
To be able to send and receive message from another user.
Actual result
User is able to send and receive message from another user.
Test result
Figure 118: Testing send/receive message feature
128 | P a g e
Table 26: Testing if ads are visible on non -premium user timeline.
To test if ads are visible on timeline.
To login through non-premium user and scrolling to the
Expected result
Ads to be displayed after certain posts.
Actual result
Ads are displayed after some posts in timeline.
Test result
Figure 119: Testing ads visibility for non-premium user
129 | P a g e
Table 27: Testing payment feature for all payment options
To test payment feature for all payment options
Click on remove ads button then try to make payment.
Expected result
Actual result
Test result
Payment to work for all options and ads to be removed
immediately after payment.
Payment worked for all options and ads are also remove
immediately after payment.
Figure 120: View to buy premium membership
130 | P a g e
Figure 121: First payment option – KHALTI
Figure 122: Khalti OTP received for payment verification
131 | P a g e
132 | P a g e
Admin web app testing
Table 28: Admin login form validation testing
To test if admin login form validates email as expected.
To login invalid email format.
Expected result
To show the warning message validating email.
Actual result
Warning message showed saying invalid email.
Test result
Figure 123: Admin login form email validation testing
133 | P a g e
Table 29: Login validation for not registered admin
To test if not registered admin validation works.
To click on login button with not registered email.
Expected result
To show the snack bar message user not found.
Actual result
Showed the snack bar message user not found.
Test result
Figure 124: Login validation for not registered admin
134 | P a g e
Table 30: Login validation for incorrect password
To validate the incorrect password.
To click on login button with wrong password.
Expected result
To show the snack bar message Incorrect Password.
Actual result
Showed the snack bar message Incorrect Password.
Test result
Figure 125: Login validation for incorrect password
135 | P a g e
Table 31: Testing if category without image is not allowed to add
To validate category will not be added without image.
To click on the add category button without image.
Expected result
To show the message saying please upload an image.
Actual result
Showed the message saying please upload an image.
Test result
Figure 126: Testing category without image not allowed validation.
136 | P a g e
Table 32: Testing if add category feature works correctly
To validate if add category works as expected.
To add new category with image.
Expected result
To show the success message and to update category list.
Actual result
Category added successfully and updated the category list
Test result
Figure 127: Testing of add category feature
137 | P a g e
Table 33: Testing if add admin features works correctly
To validate if add admin features works correctly.
To add new user for the system and try login with it.
Expected result
To show the success message and able to login with it.
Actual result
Abled to add the new user and login with it.
Test result
Figure 128: Adding new user testing
Figure 129: New user login testing
138 | P a g e
Table 34: Acting on report feature testing
To test if admin is able to act on pending reports.
To dismiss/delete the reported post.
Expected result
To dismiss the post report when dismiss is click and to delete
when delete is clicked.
Actual result
Abled to take dismiss or delete action on post successfully.
Test result
Figure 130: Report view seen by the admin
139 | P a g e
Figure 131: Report status changed after dismissed
Figure 132: Report status after report dismissed
140 | P a g e
Table 35: To test category delete functionality
To test delete category functionality.
To delete the category clicking on select and delete button.
Expected result
Category to be deleted and list to be updated.
Actual result
Category delete and list updated.
Test result
Figure 133: Category list before deleting category
141 | P a g e
Figure 134: Confirmation while deleting category
Figure 135: Category list after data deletion
142 | P a g e
8. Analysis
SWOT analysis
Table 36: SWOT analysis for TravelMate
Unique travel experience sharing platform,
Easy to use interface for sharing and
discovering travel experiences,
In-app local payment options for seamless
Integration with social media platforms for
wider reach,
Influencer marketing strategy to boost app
Ability to search for users, posts, and travel
Lack of login with social media
No travel planning feature currently
Limited search functionality,
No login with Google,
Limited promotion budget,
No support for iOS devices.
Increasing demand for unique and
personalized travel experiences,
apps such as TripAdvisor and Airbnb,
Growing tourism industry in developing
Potential for expanding to iOS devices,
Inclusion of travel planning feature,
Expansion to other countries with
underrated tourist destinations.
Economic downturn affecting travel
Changing government regulations
affecting travel and tourism,
Opportunity to collaborate with local travel
Competition from established travel
Security threats in some travel
Technological disruptions affecting the
app functionality,
Lack of interest from potential users in
sharing their travel experiences.
143 | P a g e
PEST Analysis
This is the analysis, which tends to cover the aspect like political, economic, sociocultural and technological aspect.
Government regulations on travel industry,
Visa and immigration policies,
Political instability and conflicts in certain
Changes in travel trends and preferences,
Influence of social media on travel
Diversity and cultural differences in
Health and safety concerns for travelers.
Inflation and cost of living in popular
Tax policies on travel-related expenses.
Exchange rates and currency
Economic growth in countries attracting
Availability of funding for travel.
Advancements in travel-related
Availability of high-speed internet and
mobile data,
Mobile applications and online booking
Impact of technology on traditional travel
industry players.
144 | P a g e
Risk Assessment
Nothing is risk-free so, along with TravelMate there may arise some risks, here is the
identification of the risks that may arise on the journey.
Technical Risks:
System failure
Data loss or corruption
Security vulnerabilities
Integration issues with third-party services
Financial Risks:
Low profitability due to low user adoption
Difficulty in monetizing the platform
High operating costs
Dependence on external funding sources
Legal and Regulatory Risks:
Compliance with data privacy laws and regulations
Intellectual property disputes
Liability for user-generated content
Compliance with travel industry regulations and laws
External Risks:
Competition from other travel and social media platforms
Economic and market fluctuations
Natural disasters or other unexpected events impacting travel industry
Changes in technology and social media trends
145 | P a g e
Internal Pre-launch Survey
Internal Pre-launch survey was conducted after the completion of app with 25 people
including friends and teachers.
Figure 136: Survey response for Question-1
Figure 137: Survey response for Question-2
146 | P a g e
Figure 138: Survey response for Question-3
Figure 139: Survey response for Question-4
147 | P a g e
Figure 140: Survey response for Question-5
148 | P a g e
9. Conclusion
The development of TravelMate has been a challenging and exciting journey for me
as a student. Through the process, I was able to gain valuable skills in project
management, software development, and user experience design.
The continuous support and guidance of the supervisor also helped be tackle different
logical as well as business aspect of the app which can be beneficial for me.
One of the key takeaways from this project is the significance of user feedback.
Conducting user testing allowed me to identify areas of the application that needed
improvement and make necessary changes to enhance the user experience. By
involving users in the development process, I was able to create an application that
better met their needs and expectations.
Moreover, the project also emphasized the importance of thorough planning and risk
assessment. Developing a comprehensive SRS and conducting a risk assessment
helped me identify potential obstacles and plan ahead, resulting in a smoother and
more efficient development process.
Throughout the project, I faced several challenges and obstacles. However, these
challenges helped me grow and improve as a developer. They taught me how to
persevere and find creative solutions to problems.
In conclusion, the development of TravelMate has been a valuable and rewarding
experience for me. I am proud of the final product and the skills I gained throughout
the journey. I look forward to further exploring the possibilities of TravelMate and
potentially bringing it to the market in the future.
149 | P a g e
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