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Networking Technology
Building a Computer Network for “Flexi Lease
Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”
Networking Technology
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Networking Technology
Exclusive Summary
This scenario was basically based upon implementing of a networking system to “Flexi
Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” Firstly a suitable topology and network architecture had to be
chosen for the network system of “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. Then the routing
protocols had to be recommended according to the requirements requested from “Flexi
Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” to the network system that is to be implemented. Then suitable
hardware and software for this new infrastructure had to be selected along with their
functions mentioned. Then the network system had to be provided along with necessary
justification where possible. Under the practical session installation of a server OS and
setting up of Active directory and DNS were undertaken. At last a maintenance schedule
was provided to support with the network system which included backups, upgrades,
security and auditing.
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Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 2
Exclusive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8
Task 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 9
What is a network? ..................................................................................................................... 9
Types of networks........................................................................................................................ 9
LAN – Local Area Network ....................................................................................................... 9
MAN – Metropolitan Area Network ......................................................................................... 10
Benefits of networking .......................................................................................................... 10
Drawbacks of networking ...................................................................................................... 11
What is a topology? .............................................................................................................. 11
Benefits of Star Topology .......................................................................................................... 12
Drawbacks of Star Topology ...................................................................................................... 12
Benefits of Bus topology ........................................................................................................... 13
Drawbacks of Bus topology ....................................................................................................... 13
Benefits of Ring Topology.......................................................................................................... 14
Drawbacks of Ring Topology ..................................................................................................... 14
Benefits of Tree Topology ........................................................................................................ 15
Drawbacks of Tree Topology ..................................................................................................... 15
Benefits of Mesh Topology ....................................................................................................... 15
Drawbacks of Mesh Topology ................................................................................................... 15
Recommended Topology to the network system ...................................................................... 16
Networking Architectures ......................................................................................................... 16
Benefits of Peer to peer network .............................................................................................. 17
Drawbacks of Peer to peer network .......................................................................................... 17
Benefits of Client- server network ..................................................................................... 17
Drawbacks of Client- server network ................................................................................. 18
Recommendation of Network Architecture to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”
........................................................... 18
Task 2 ................................................................................................................................... 19
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What is Bandwidth? .............................................................................................................. 19
What is a Throughput? ..........................................................................................................19
How to get the maximum throughput? .................................................................................20
Comparison between various IEEE 802 standards ..................................................................20
IEEE 802.3: Ethernet ......................................................................................................21
IEEE 802.4: Token Bus.................................................................................................... 21
IEEE 802.5: Token Ring .................................................................................................. 22
Recommendation of a suitable IEEE 802 standard to the Dress designing company ““Flexi Lease
Finance (Pvt.) Ltd””
Task 3 ................................................................................................................................... 23
What is Routing? ................................................................................................................... 23
Difference between routed and routing protocols ................................................................. 23
Routed Protocol .................................................................................................................... 23
Routing Protocol ................................................................................................................... 23
Distance Vector Routing Protocol .......................................................................................... 24
Advantages of Distance vector routing protocol .................................................................... 24
Disadvantages of Distance Vector routing protocol ............................................................... 24
Link- State Routing Protocol .................................................................................................. 25
Advantages of Link-state routing protocol ............................................................................. 25
Disadvantages of Link-state routing protocol......................................................................... 25
Hybrid Protocols ................................................................................................................... 25
Task 4 ................................................................................................................................... 27
Hardware Devices ................................................................................................................. 27
Monitor ................................................................................................................................ 27
Switch ................................................................................................................................... 28
Cables ................................................................................................................................... 28
Server computer ................................................................................................................... 28
Routers ................................................................................................................................. 29
Network interface card ......................................................................................................... 29
Printer................................................................................................................................... 29
Firewalls................................................................................................................................ 29
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Software ............................................................................................................................... 30
Task 5 ................................................................................................................................... 32
Webmail Server ....................................................................................................................32
DNS Server ............................................................................................................................32
DHCP Server ..........................................................................................................................33
File Server .............................................................................................................................33
Print Server ........................................................................................................................... 34
Task 6 ................................................................................................................................... 35
Network interface card ......................................................................................................... 35
Processor .............................................................................................................................. 35
RAM 36
Hard disk ............................................................................................................................... 36
Monitor ................................................................................................................................ 36
Mouse................................................................................................................................... 36
Keyboard .............................................................................................................................. 36
Task 7 ................................................................................................................................... 37
Marketing department .......................................................................................................... 37
Account department ............................................................................................................. 38
IT department ....................................................................................................................... 39
Design department ............................................................................................................... 40
Task 8 ................................................................................................................................... 42
Critically evaluate and justify the network design you created. (L3.2) .................................... 42
Task 9 ................................................................................................................................... 43
Task 10 ................................................................................................................................. 43
Task11 .................................................................................................................................. 43
Task 12 ................................................................................................................................. 43
Tasks 13 ................................................................................................................................ 44
Task 14 ................................................................................................................................. 64
Hardware .............................................................................................................................. 64
Software ............................................................................................................................... 64
Design ................................................................................................................................... 64
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 65
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Task 15 ................................................................................................................................. 66
Maintenance Schedule - Upgrades / Updates / Security ........................................................66
Maintenance Schedule - Auditing ..........................................................................................67
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................68
Lesson Learned Report .........................................................................................................69
Referencing .......................................................................................................................... 70
Content of Figures
Figure 1: Star Topology…………………………………………………………………………..12
Figure 2: Bus Topology ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3: Ring Topology ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4: Tree Topology ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5: Mesh Topology .......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6: Peer to peer network .................................................................................................. 16
Figure 7: Client- server network ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 8: Monitor ...................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 9: Switch........................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 10: Printer ...................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 11: Microsoft Office....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 12: NIC .......................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 13: Mouse ...................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 14: Keyboard ................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 15: PC, Printer, switch, router ........................................................................................ 37
Figure 16: marketing department ............................................................................................... 37
Figure 17: Account department ................................................................................................. 38
Figure 18: IT department........................................................................................................... 39
Figure 19: Designing department .............................................................................................. 40
Figure 20: Whole network ......................................................................................................... 41
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Networking Technology
This scenario is basically based upon implementing a networking system to “Flexi Lease
Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. A network is a series of computer systems that are linked together so
that they are able to share computing power or storage facilities among others system of
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. Then the routing protocols have to be recommended
according to the requirements requested from “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” to the
network system that is to be implemented. Later the suitable hardware and software for
this new infrastructure has to be selected along with their functions mentioned. Then the
network system has to be provided along with detailed justification where possible.
Firstly a suitable topology and network architecture has to be chosen for the network.
Under the practical session installation of a server OS and setting up of Active directory
and DNS is being undertaken along with some screen shots provided with this. At last a
maintenance schedule has to be provided to support with the network system which
included backups, upgrades, security and auditing
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Propose a suitable topology and a system type for the above mentioned
organizing by discussing the benefits of different topologies and system
What is a network?
A network is a series of computer systems that are linked together so that they are able to
share computing power or storage facilities among others. There are various types of
networks available. They are:
LAN – Local Area Network
WAN – Wide Area Network
MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
PAN – Personal Area Network
CAN – Campus Area Network
Types of networks
LAN – Local Area Network
Basically LAN refers to a network within a small geographical area. Usually this small
area can in a single building or sometimes LANs can be spread through several buildings
on the same site. LANs are mostly owned and managed by a single person or by a
particular company. Technologies used in LAN are Ethernet and Token Ring.
• WAN – Wide Area Network
Generally WAN is regarded as a collection of LANs. It spreads within a wide
geographical area. Using WANs, computers may be linked together in different countries
using satellites, microwaves or telecommunication links. In here separate LANs would be
connected to separate routers in order to perform a wide area network. WANs are not
owned and managed by a single person, it has distributed owners. Technologies used in
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WANs are ATM, frame relay and x.25
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• MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
It is a new class of a network where it serves a role which is quite similar to ISP. A MAN
often acts as a high speed network to allow sharing of resources. It is larger than a LAN
but smaller than a WAN. Generally MANs can be used in a city. WAN is not owned by a
single organization but it is owned a single network provider who sells the service to the
• PAN – Personal Area Network
When compared to local area network, wide area network PAN is quite different. It is
because Personal are network can be interconnected without wires to the internet or other
networks. Generally PAN is a communication among the personal devices themselves, or
for connecting to a higher level network and the internet.
CAN – Campus Area Network
CAN is referred to the networks required by campuses. It is larger than a single LAN but
smaller than a MAN. Generally in here CAN is interconnecting few LANs within a
university campus.
Benefits of networking
• Expensive peripheral devices can be shared among users which would be much
more beneficial.
• It avoids having duplication of information as all users can access the same files.
• Data and software can be stored centrally which means the maintenance would be
much easier.
• Users within the network can communicate among each other which would be
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Drawbacks of networking
• Higher security risk is being involved.
• Skilled IT staff is required to setup networks and for management of networks.
• Data traffic might arise which would be difficult.
• Viruses can be spread easily within a network of several nodes being connected to
each other.
• In case of sever failures the network would be affected.
• Cost incurred is quite high.
What is a topology?
Basically networking topology is referred to the way in which the elements of a network
are mapped. Networking topologies are divided into physical and logical topologies.
Physical topologies are referred to the configuration of cables, computers and other
peripheral devices whereas logical topologies are referred to as passing down the
information among the work stations. Generally networking topologies can be divided
into several types as listed below.
Types of Networking Topologies
• Star Topology
Bus Topology
Ring Topology
Tree Topology
Star Topology
One of the common types of networking topologies used today is star topology. Generally
it is regarded as star topology since each and every computer within the network is being
directly connected to a central network known as hub or switch and are allocated
according to a format of a star as shown below.
Commonly in a star topology the data passes
through the switch/ hub before reaching the
destination point. It is said that the hub/ switch
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acts as a repeater to the data flow in a star topology since it
manages and controls all the
Figure 1: star topology
Functions within the network
Benefits of Star Topology
• Can be expanded easily without any disruption to the network.
• It is quite easy to troubleshoot.
• One of the major benefit is that data doesn’t pass through various nodes in the star
topology unlike in the Bus topology
• Broken – down nodes within the network can be easily removed without affecting
to the other nodes within the network.
Drawbacks of Star Topology
• If the switch/ Hub fail to work then the nodes connected will be affected.
• Transfer of data and the capability is based mainly upon the capability of the central
• Cost is incurred when installing of switch/ hub to the network in order to connect
the nodes in the network.
Bus Topology
Unlike star topology, in the bus topology all the
nodes are not connected to a central hub / switch.
Therefore it is very much clear that each and
every node in the network has an equal status. In
the bus topology the data is not being sent to all
the devices within the particular network at the
same time which means that if one node is not
working properly where the others computers
won’t be affected which is much more Figure 2:
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Bus topology beneficial when compared with other network topologies available.
Benefits of Bus topology
It is cheap and reliable.
• It is quite easy to connect the devices in the network to a linear bus
• It requires less cable length when compared to star topology
• Less cost id required when compared to star topology since no central hub/ switches
are being required
Drawbacks of Bus topology
• If a problem occur within the main cable then the whole network would be affected
• It is quite difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shut down at once
• Network disruptions might arise when computers are being added or removed
Ring Topology
In the ring topology all the nodes and other devices
within the network are connected together in a circle
like a ring as shown in this picture.
Benefits of Ring Topology
• Easy to wire and install
• It is quite easy to detect faults
• It has equal access to all the devices no one
computer will use all the bandwidth
Figure 3: Ring topology
Drawbacks of Ring Topology
• If there is a break down in any part of the communication line then all the devices
within the network would be affected
• It is slow since the signals goes in a sequential order
• Single break in cable can disrupt the flow of network
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Tree Topology
When compared to the above mentioned main topology types, tree topology is quite
different. A tree topology connects multiple star networks to other star networks as
shown below in the diagram. Nodes within the star
topologies would be able to communicate among
each other. However if the main cable where the
star topologies are connected fails then those
networks would be unable to communicate among
each other.
Figure 4: Tree topology
Benefits of Tree Topology
• It is more manageable as it divides the network into sub- parts
• It is quite efficient and suitable for larger networks where ring and star topologies
are not that effective enough
Drawbacks of Tree Topology
• The network is vulnerable since it depends upon the main cable. If the main cable
fails then the star / ring topologies connected to the main cable would be unable to
communicate among each other
• If the network becomes too much large then it would be difficult to manage
Mesh Topology
Simply mesh topology is defined as it combines the
characteristics of bus, ring and star topologies. Basically it
consists of groups of star- configured workstations connected
to a linear bus backbone cable and ring networks. It is said
that mesh topologies allow for the expansion of an existing
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Figure 5: Mesh topology
Networking Technology
network and enable companies to configure a network to meet their needs effectively.
Benefits of Mesh Topology
• It provides redundant paths between devices
• The network can be expanded without any disruption to current uses
Drawbacks of Mesh Topology
• Complicated implementation is being required
• If the backbone line breaks unfortunately then the whole segment goes down
Requires more cables than other LAN topologies
Recommended Topology to the network system
According to the data provided in the scenario it is said that “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.)
Ltd” It is said that all the servers are in the IT room and files are to be stored in a central
location as well as they require common network drive of the network for the proposed
one to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” and also it is clearly said that the marketing and
all the departments too are considered to be on different networks. Therefore
recommending star topology as a suitable networking topology for “Flexi Lease
Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” would be much more applicable since a common network is being
required. Also it can be expanded easily without any disruption to the network. However
recommending ring or bus won’t be worthwhile since they don’t have common network
within the network as “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” .top level designers accessing the
company network from outside.
Networking Architectures
There are two types of networking architectures available. They are:
1. Peer to Peer
2. Client – server
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Peer to peer
Basically peer to peer network architecture is referred to as a network which is
being created when two or more nodes are
connected to each other and resources are
being shared among them rather than through a
dedicated server computer. It can be a network
on a much large scope where special protocols
set up direct relationships among users over
the internet.
Figure 6: Peer to peer network
Benefits of Peer to peer network
• Less cost is incurred as servers are not required
• There is no need to full- time administrators
• The user can control their shared resources as they want
• Peer to peer is much more reliable as central control is eliminated
• Failure of one peer won’t affect the functioning of the other peers unlike in client
server once the server breaks down then the whole network would be affected.
Drawbacks of Peer to peer network
• The level of security is quite less
• Unlike client server, in P2P the whole system is not centralized.
• Data recovery is quite difficult.
• Each and every node should have their own back-up systems.
Client- Server Network Architecture
When compared to P2P the client server network architecture is quite different. Clientserver network architecture is a network in
which many clients appeal and receive
resources from a centralized server or the
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host computer. Here the servers wait for the requests and provide with what the clients
Benefits of Client- server network
• It is easier to back up files
Level of security is quite high.
Figure 7: client-server network
• Centralized resources
• All the data are stored in one location where searching for a particular file would be
much easier.
• It is efficient when compared to P2P.
Drawbacks of Client- server network
• Initial cost is high
• Skilled people are required for configuration and management
• If the server breaks down then the whole network would be badly affected.
Recommendation of Network Architecture to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”
According to the scenario it is said that Thoughts refer a common network within the
whole system. Therefore when considering the above mentioned points of both peer to
peer network and client- server network, recommending Client- server network
architecture to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” would be much more applicable though
the cost is high having a common network drive is much more important.
Task 2
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Discuss the importance of bandwidth for the organization while
mentioning how to get the maximum throughout? Compare various
IEEE 802 standards and recommend one or more standards for the
organization with reasoning. (L1.2)
What is Bandwidth?
Basically bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transferred
through a network for a specified period of time while the throughput is the actual
amount of data that can be transferred through a network during a specified time period.
Bandwidth also determines how fast a website takes to load its page. Also it is said that
that Bandwidth is the cause why an internet user might experience a file or a video to
download faster from one website and the exact file to take longer to download from
another website.
What is a Throughput?
Generally network throughput refers to the volume of data that can be sent through a
network. The network throughput is constrained by factors such as network protocols,
capabilities of routers as well as switches and the type of cabling used to create a network
whereas the network throughputs in wireless networks would be affected by the
capability of network adapters on the client systems. Network throughput is measured in
bits per second (bps).
How to get the maximum throughput?
Generally maximum throughput is very much closely related to the network capacity
which is the highest speed of delivery in a much complex network. Therefore in order to
obtain the maximum throughput some steps have to be undertaken as mentioned below.
• Firstly the bandwidth size has to be finding out in terms of bits per second.
• Then have to determine the minimum latency between the PC and the web page.
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• Next have to note the time displayed in milliseconds.
• At last have to multiply the lowest latency time by the bandwidth in order to obtain
the maximum throughput.
Comparison between various IEEE 802 standards
IEEE 802.1: Bridging and Management
IEEE 802.2: Logical Link Control
IEEE 802.3: Ethernet
IEEE 802.4: Token Bus
IEEE 802.5: Token Ring
IEEE 802.6: MANs
IEEE 802.7: Broadband LAN using coaxial cable
IEEE 802.8: Fiber Optic TAG
IEEE 802.9: Integrated Services LAN
IEEE 802.10: Interoperable LAN Security
IEEE 802.11: Wireless LANs
IEEE 802.13: Unused
IEEE 802.14: Cable Modems
IEEE 802.15: Wireless PANs
IEEE 802.16: Broadband Wireless MANs
IEEE 802.17: Resilient Packet Rings
IEEE 802.18: Radio Regulatory TAG
IEEE 802.19: Wireless Coexistence Working Group
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IEEE 802.20: Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.21: Media Independent Handover Access
IEEE 802.22: Wireless Regional Area Networks
IEEE 802.23: Emergency Services Working Group
IEEE 802.24: Smart Grid TAG
IEEE 802.3: Ethernet
Basically Ethernet refers to a computer network architecture which consists of various
specified local area network protocols, connections methods as well as devices. Ethernet
refers to a protocol that controls the way the data is being transmitted over a LAN.
IEEE 802.4: Token Bus
Token bus is regarded as a LAN access method which uses the token passing technology.
The PCs’ are logically connected in a ring but are physically connected by a common
bus. In here all the tokens are broadcast to every single PC within the network except the
PC with the destination address which responds.
IEEE 802.5: Token Ring
When compared to token bus and the Ethernet the token ring is different. It is because
token ring uses a token ring access method. All the PCs’ are connected to a central wiring
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Recommendation of a suitable IEEE 802 standard to the “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.)
According to the scenario as a network has to be implemented to the recommending
IEEE 802.3 standard (Ethernet) would be much more
Applicable. It is because as Ethernet refers to a protocol that controls the way the data is
being transmitted over a LAN.
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Task 3
Explain how routed protocols and touring protocols differ from each
other. Discuss on any two routing protocols and select an appropriate
one for your organization by providing strong justifications. (L1.3)
What is Routing?
The basic process in routing is the movement of packets within a network from one host
to another host. It is usually performed by committed devices known as routers. Each
router has a routing table. When the router gets a request he checks with the routing table
and if the particular entry for the network is there in the routing table then he will forward
the relevant packet to the destination.
Difference between routed and routing protocols
Routed Protocol
In routed protocols it actually sends traffic between devices running at layer 3 in the OSI
model. Routed protocols carry information used by routing protocols.
Routing Protocol
Routing protocols helps the router to decide which paths to send traffic. It allows the
routers to dynamically advertise and learn and use efficient routes to the destination. Also
the routing protocols specifies how routers changes and share information with the other
routers in the network that they can reach. A routing protocol allows the network to
dynamically adjust to change conditions else all the routing decisions have to be
predetermined and will remain static. Routing protocols are generally divided into
distance vector, Link-state, etc.
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Distance Vector Routing Protocol
Basically routers use distance vector-based routing protocols in order to periodically
advertise the routes within their routing tables. Basically the distance vector routing
protocol know routes by measures of distance and vector as reported by the neighboring
routers. Distance-vector routers are compared with information from road signs.
Advantages of Distance vector routing protocol
• Simpler
• Easy to configure
Disadvantages of Distance Vector routing protocol
• Larger routing tables
• High network traffic overhead
• High convergence time
 RIP v1 (Routing Information Protocol)
RIP V1 (Routing Information Protocol) is a type of a distance - vector protocol that uses
the hop count as it’s metric. The routing information protocol is been rapidly used for the
routing traffic within the global internet and is an central gateway protocol (IGP) which
means that it performs routing only within a single autonomous system.
 RIP V2
RIP V2 is also a distance vector routing protocol and it consist of the following features.
 Authentication is available
 Flat network structure
 Routing table update
 No. of hop count is 15
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Link- State Routing Protocol
When compared to distance vector routing protocol link state routing protocol are routing
protocols whose algorithms that calculate the best paths to networks differently. Also the
link state routing protocol calculate their network routes by building a complete topology
of the whole network are and then only the calculation of the best path from the topology
is undertaken or mapping of all the interconnected networks take place.
Advantages of Link-state routing protocol
• Lower convergence time
• Low network overhead
• Smaller routing tables
Disadvantages of Link-state routing protocol
• More difficult to configure
• Complex
 OSPF ( Open Shortest Path First)
OSPF (Open shortest path first) is a link - state routing protocol which is being developed
for Internet Protocol (IP) networks by the interior gateway protocol (IGP).
Hybrid Protocols
Hybrid routing protocols are a combination of both distance vector routing protocol as
well as the link- state routing protocol.
 EIGRP (Enhanced interior gateway routing protocol)
Basically Enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP) is known as a central
gateway protocol which is being appropriate for many different topologies and Medias.
EIGRP is a combination of both distance- vector and link- state routing protocol known
as hybrid protocol. In a well designed and implemented network system the
EIGRP would scale properly and provide with extremely quick convergence times with
minimal network traffic. Most beneficial is that it has rapid convergence times for
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changes in the network topology. Even if a change occur only the routing table will be
changed where necessary not the entire routing table will change which will ultimately
reduce the load that the routing protocol itself places on the network. Only very low
usages of network resources are being required at normal an operation which is another
benefit of this protocol.
Therefore when concerning upon the scenario provided in the case recommending the
EIGRP protocol as a routing protocol would be much more applicable since it would be
much more suitable to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” the newly established Dress
designing company as it tackles with the required recommended topologies to the system
provided and also EIGRP would be much more applicable since all the networking
products that are used by “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” dress Designing company is
Cisco products.
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Task 4
Critically discuss and select a suitable hardware and software
components needed in order to create this new network infrastructure
by mentioning their functions. (L2.1)
Hardware Devices
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices.
Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives and RAM. External
hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, printers and scanners. Following listed
hardware devices would have been recommended for Sky-net which would help them to
satisfy the requirements of the management.
Within the modern world today monitor has become one of the common output device. It
is also known as VDU (Visual Display Unit). Pixel is the
name given to a picture element and refers to the smallest
area of the screen. The entire screen is made out of lot of
pixels. Screens are normally classes as low resolution,
medium resolution and high resolution. Different types of
monitors are available: standard computer monitors, Liquid
Figure 8: Monitor crystal display and standard television set. Therefore
according to the given scenario recommending LCD monitors as a hardware component
would be wise since the case is basically based upon Dress designing company and staff
recommending LCD monitors would be suitable as it would have less affection to the
eyes and as well as its eco friendly.
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Figure 9: Switch
Networking Technology
Switch is a common connection point for devices in a network. It is generally regarded as
an intelligent device. Switches are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. A
switch contains of multiple ports. The basic process in a switch is that the data packet will
be sent to the particular destination once the destination IP is being recognized. As the
scenario says that the system requires a common network recommending a Cisco switch
for the implementation of the new networking to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” would
be much more reasonable.
Basically network cables are used to connect network devices to another network device.
There are different types of cables available. They are: fiber optic, copper cables, twisted
pair and co-axial cables. This is the cable suitable to a network. These can be used to
connect routers, switches as well as PCs to the network. Therefore recommending RJ45
cable would be much applicable according to the information provided in the scenario
about the requirements of the “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” dress designing company.
According to the scenario provided as the newly established dress designing company
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” is requiring a fast Ethernet to their network system
recommending UPT category 5E cables to the network system would be much more
Server computer
It would be easier to maintain. With the use of server computers the files can be managed
in a much easier manner. The server can be updated when necessary.
Routers are layer 3 devices which is the network layer. Each port of a router is in one
collection domain and one broadcast domain. Routers can be used as they can identify the
path of the network. Routers would be much more suitable in order to connect all the
switches in separate floors where then it can be linked to the DNS server and then
through the firewall directly to the internet. Therefore recommending Cisco routers to
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“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” dress designing company would be much more
Network interface card
Generally network interface card is used to connect a computer to an Ethernet network.
According to the scenario as the Ethernet is being recommended this workstation
hardware would be much more suitable.
Printer is device that is device that is being used to prepare
hard-copy outputs. Printers come in the form of several Figure 10: Printer types namely as
Dot-matrix, Ink-jet and Laser Printers. Printer is generally regarded as a common output
device. Printing quality, cost, multi stationery, speed vise Dot-matrix is cheap and low
speed and quality where as Ink-jet in an average position and laser with high quality plus
expensive. According to the scenario it is said that each department has a separate printer
to be equipped. Therefore it is clear that printer has to be listed out as a suitable hardware
requirement to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”.
Generally firewalls can be defined as Hardware or Software that is being used to secure
the network. The Firewall controls all incoming and outgoing data packets and allows
only data packets that are necessary in all 7 layers and secure to the network. Basically a
fire wall is placed between the public network and the beginning of the private LAN.
Software is the general program given to all the programs that can be run on computer
hardware. It consists of programs and applications that run on computers as software runs
on computer hardware, software programs often have system requirements that list the
minimum hardware required for the software to run. Software is categories into system
software and application software.
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 Application Software
Application software is used to perform a specific task. It is an
additional issue. Unlike system software, application software
Figure 11: Microsoft office
is not compulsory to be installed as computers will run without application software.
Eg: Microsoft word (Word Processing), MySQL(Database software), Microsoft Power
point(Presentation Software), Adobe Photoshop (Graphics software) and also Flash
player software.
According to the scenario as this is dress designing company availability of the
application software as mentioned above like Microsoft word, power point, and
Photoshop recommending this to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” would be much more
 System Software
However when compared with application software, system software is quite different.
System software includes of the software need to run the system and it is a must to have
system software in order to run the system. This is similar to an operating system.
Without an operating system a computer would be useless as operating system is the
program that manages and control hardware and software directly. Eg: Windows 7, BIOS
software, windows 8
Windows 7 for workstations
One of the famous currently used operating system these days is windows 7. It is being
used by various users such as in institutes, offices, home and many more places as it is
available with many functions and mainly since it user friendly. Such facilities available
• Libraries
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• Network and sharing revisions
• View available networks
• Direct access
• Smart network power
As it is available with more valuable functions recommending windows 7 as
important system software to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” would be much more
applicable as it is a dress designing company with staffs and designers.
Server 2008
According to this scenario given a network system has to be designed to a newly
established dress designing company known as “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”.
Therefore server 2008 has been recommended to this company.
Task 5
Discuss on the types of servers you need for this organization with reasoning.
According to the data provided in the scenario as the network has to be implemented to
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” the Dress designing company, recommending the
followings servers would be much more applicable.
• Webmail Server
• DNS Server
• DHCP Server
• File Server
• Print Server
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Webmail Server
The role of a webmail server is quite different when compared to DNS server and DHCP
server. It is because if a company or an organization wants to maintain their own mail
address then the webmail server would be much more essential. Email server is also
responsible for saving all emails of the user accounts and also to send and receive Emails
from other Email services.
So it is clear that recommending the webmail server to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”
dress designing company would be much reasonable since it would require their own
mail address as it is a dress designing company and as it would be much easier when
dealing with emails.
DNS Server
DNS server generally stands for Domain Name server. Basically the main purpose of this
server is that it provides particular IP addresses when needed for particular websites
where you no more have to memorize all the IP addresses in order to log into a particular
website. DNS server makes it possible for the users of client computers to use names
instead of numerical values for the IP addresses in order to identify their remote hosts.
Once the name of a remote host has been sent to the DNS server it would respond with a
matching IP address. Then the client computer would be easily able to send messages
directly to the remote host’s IP address.
Therefore according to the data provided in the scenario as a network has to be
implemented to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” dress designing company,
recommending Domain Name Server (DNS Server) as a server would be much more
reasonable. It is because as this company will consist of several department with many
computers equipped which will require certain IP addresses; it would help in identifying
the proper IP address in order to transfer data to when necessary rather than memorizing
the IP addresses.
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DHCP Server
Generally DHCP server stands for Dynamically Host Configuration Protocol. The main
purpose of the DHCP server is that it dynamically configures IP addresses. It centrally
manages IP addresses and related other information and provide to the clients
automatically. DHCP server would allow you to arrange client network settings at a
server rather than configuring them at each and every client computer. Therefore in order
to distribute IP addresses to the client computers configuring the computer as the
dynamically host configuration protocol (DHCP Server) would be reasonable.
However as the DHCP server plays a major role in networking, recommending it as a
server to “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” dress designing company would be much more
applicable when configuring IP addresses to the computers.
File Server
One of the most important servers that are needed for a network is the file server. It is
because the file server provides a centralized location to the network in order to store and
share all the files with the users within the network. If a user request for an important file
then they can easily access that particular file on the file server which would save time
too. Therefore if the users want to access to certain files and network accessible
applications then configuring this as the file server would be reasonable enough.
So as a result recommending the file server to the implementation of the network to the
dress designing company would be much more applicable since it would provide a
centralized location to store and share important files within the network and among the
users within the network.
Print Server
Basically this print server is required to a network mainly in order to perform printing
related tasks. Here the print server makes queue of printing jobs according to its origin of
priority. Also it informs the printer status to administrator for example the server
indicates that the printer is running out of printing ink, running out of paper, etc.
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According to the data provided in the case as it says that each department is accompanied
by a separate printer recommending the print server for the implementation of the
network system to Dress designing company “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”would be
much applicable.
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Task 6
Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with network
components. (L2.3)
The following will show the necessary requirements that are being required by client
users of “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” within the network system.
Network interface card
Generally network interface card is used to connect a
computer to an Ethernet network. According to the
scenario as the Ethernet is being recommended this
workstation hardware would be much more suitable.
Mostly performed function of a network interface card is Figure 12: NIC to provide with a
physical link to a computer network. This connection will basically allow the computers
to communicate within the servers as well as with the other computers within the
network. Each network interface card (NIC) has a unique serial number which is also
known as a MAC address. Each and every computer that is being connected to the
network is required to have a unique MAC address that has to be stored with the network
interface card. Therefore it is quite clear that a network interface card plays a quite major
important role when regarding of a network system. Therefore it is quite clear that
recommending Chelsio Network Interface Card to this network system would be much
more reasonable.
Intel core i5 processor would be much more applicable to this as there is a higher speed
which would be reasonable when compared to other processors.
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Recommending Intel motherboard to the dress designing company as mentioned in the
scenario would be much more applicable since it includes of a higher processor speed.
4 GB RAM would be much reasonable since it would raise the speed as well as the
efficiency when running the system in the institute.
Hard disk
Recommending 500 GB hard disk would be much more applicable since it provides with
a good storage space and the speed of processing would be high.
According to the given scenario recommending LCD monitors as a hardware component
would be wise since the case is basically based upon a dress designing company of
managers and staff recommending LCD monitors would be suitable as it would have less
affection to the eyes and as well as its eco friendly.
Mouse is also a main input device which is required by
computer systems. Mouse translates its actions on the desktop
into digital information; this is fed to the computer which in
turn causes the cursor to move on the screen. As the scenario is
based upon implementing a network system to a newly
Figure 13: Mouse
““Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd””,
Recommending a laser mouse (USB port) would be much more suitable as it is featured
by scrolling wheel and soft rubber grips which make the mouse comfortable to use.
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One of the important workstation hardware requirements required by
the computer system is a keyboard. Once a key has been pressed, if
it has a code that depend on which key has been pressed is sent to
the processing unit. Therefore it would be better if LA USB natural
4000 ERGO is being recommended as a workstation hardware to this
network as it is mainly featured by spill proof and zoom slide
Figure 14: Keyboard
Task 7
Design a suitable networked system for the mentioned organization with
proper equipment and cabling. (L3.1)
Figure 15: PC, Printer, switch
Loan department
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Figure 16: Marketing department
According to the data given in the scenario the marketing department has 10 computers
with a printer as it says.
IP Range: to
Savings department
Figure 17: Account department
According to the data given in the scenario the Account department has 8 computers with
a printer as it says
IP Range: to
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Pawning department
Figure 18: IT department
It is says that 4computer and server include in the department (file severe, print server,
DHCP server, webmail server, DNS)
IP Range: to
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Leasing department
 Leasing Department
 Loan department
 Pawning department
Figure 19: Designing department
According to the data given in the scenario the
Designing department has 15 computers. It says that design department has sub
departments wedding, casual, office which are include.
IP Range: to
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Loan department
Account department& Administration
Figure 20: whole network
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Task 8
Critically evaluate and justify the network design you created. (L3.2)
According to the scenario the network system was to be implemented to “Flexi
Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”
The marketing department has 10computers with a printer which had been
connected to a switch as shown in the above task. The Account and administration
department s has 8 computers with a printer which had been connected to a switch. In the
IT department there are 4 computers which had been connected to a switch. All the
servers had been kept in the IT room (file server, print server, DNS server, webmail
server, DHCP server) which will be connected to a switch and each sub department in
design department has 15 computers.
Then all the switches within the building of “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” will
be connected to a router. Then the router will be connected to the firewall and end up in
connecting to the internet.
Tasks 13
Record and analyze your test results with the expected outputs. Discuss
your finding. (L4.3)
Test case
TC 1
Test Objective
Installation Process of windows 2007
Installing the windows 2007
Expected Results
Get windows 2007 installed in the client machines
Actual Results
Windows 2007 has been successfully installed
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Actual Results matched with the expected results
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Test case
TC 2
Test Objective
Configuring of IP addresses
Configure the IP addresses
Expected Results
Actual Results
Proper IP addresses, subnet masks and default gateways
IP addresses has been accepted by the client machines
Actual Results matched with the expected results
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Test case
TC 3
Test Objective
Installation of Active directory Domain services
Install the Active Directory domain
Expected Results
Get Active directory Domain installed
Actual Results
Active directory domain had been successfully installed
Actual Results matched with the expected results
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Once the above screen shot appear new forest root domain has to be entered. Then it will
automatically check whether the new forest name is already in use or not. If not it will
proceed to the next step of the active directory domain installation process.
Within the active directory domain installation process when the following screens
appear DNS server has to be selected as additional domain controller option and
proceed with the installation.
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Once the installation of the active directory domain is complete the above screen will be
displayed. Once the finish button is clicked then installation of the active directory will
be done.
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Preparation of groups within the newly created forest during the installation of the
active directory domain
When the following screen is displayed the group name has to be entered.
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Once the groups are being created then they will appear as follows
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One SS is named as “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”- Users
Different user groups are based on the departments (Administration, Accounts, Marketing,
design, IT) as shown in the following screen.
Create new users.
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Preparation of users within the created groups
Once the above screens appear the first name, last name and user logon name has to be
Test case
TC 4
Test Objective
Setting an appropriate password to a user created along with
the permission selected
Test Data
Select the option user cannot change the password
Expected Results
The user will be unable to change the password
Actual Results
The user will be unable to change the password
Actual Results matched with the expected results
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It will be same with the other options as well. It will correspond according to the option
that has been selected.
File sharing process is being showed below.
The following screen shot shows the selection of people within the network in order to
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share the file with administrator/ accounts/ marketing/ designing/ IT.
Once the particular file is being shared then the following screen will be displayed
requesting whether to change the sharing permission or either to stop sharing.
Test case
TC 5
Test Objective
Changing sharing permission
Select the option allow read
Expected Results
The user will only be able to read
Actual Results
Allow only to read not to change
Actual Results matched with the expected results
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It will be same with the other options as well. It will correspond according to the option
that has been selected. In the permission for accounts part if the full control option is
allowed then the particular user will be able to either change and to do what the user
wish. If the change option is selected then the user will only be able to change but not to
read. However if the access is denied then the user will be unable to access that particular
shared file.
A text document is being created and saved in the newly created shared folder named as
Test share as shown below.
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Test case
TC 6
Test Objective
Verifying whether the file server had been installed properly
Checking it out by sharing a folder within the server computer
Expected Results
Actual Results
Expecting that particular folder to be shared within the client
Had been successfully shared and available to the users.
Actual Results matched with the expected results
Verifying the newly created file folder being shared as shown in the following screen.
As the read option was only allowed when changing the sharing permission the user will
be only able to read the text document created within the shared folder.
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However the user will be unable to change the data within the text document as the user
permission is set as only to read. If the user attempt to change the data a message will be
displayed as follows saying that the access is denied.
Test case
TC 7
Test Objective
Installation of print server
Install the print server
Expected Results
Get print server installed
Actual Results
Print server had been successfully installed
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Actual Results matched with the expected results
When the adding role wizard is displayed then the print services has to be selected in order
to get it installed on the server.
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Installation of the print driver to the network
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Test case
TC 8
Test Objective
Verifying whether the print server had been installed properly
Checking it out by sharing the printer within the server
Expected Results
Expecting the printer to be shared within the client machines
Actual Results
Had been successfully shared and available to the users.
Actual Results matched with the expected results
Test case
TC 9
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Test Objective
Changing print sharing permission
Select the option allow print
Expected Results
The user will only be able to print
Actual Results
Allow only to print not to manage printers
Actual Results matched with the expected results
It will be same with the other options as well. It will correspond according to the option
that has been selected. If Manage printer’s option is selected then the user will only be
able to manage printers but not to manage documents and will be same to the other
option as well, special permissions. However if the user tries to manage printers while
only given permission to print then the access will be denied.
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Before the user print the following screen will be displayed.
Task 14
Recommend the enhancements you could include into this network (in
terms of hardware and software or design) (L4.4, D3.6)
 Instead of recommending of 4GB RAM it would be better if it had been upgraded
to 8GB RAM where the speed as well as the efficiency would be raised.
 Instead of recommending of 500 GB of hard disk it would be better if it being
raised to 750 GB where the speed of processing where storage capacities are
would increase.
 Rather than recommending UTP Category 5E cables to this network system, it
would have been better if fiber optic cables have been used. It is because it carries
much greater bandwidth.
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 When compared to the windows 7, the window 8 is the latest release. It consists of
various features such as Windows store, Automatic maintenance,
Performance Boost. Therefore it would have been better if they are upgraded to
Windows 8 as the maintenance is would be much easier.
 Rather than using 1 router to the entire network system, would have used more
than 1 router so that the network system would have been handled in a much more
efficient manner.
 Instead of recommending the star topology it would have been much better if
Mesh topology had been used along with introducing the Wi-Fi system to “Flexi
Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” where it would be easy with the maintenance of the
network within the entire building.
Cloud computing is known so since the information being accessed is found in the clouds
and does not require a user to be in a specific place in order to gain access to it. Therefore
recommending Cloud computing as the technology would be much more applicable to IT
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. It is because the use of Cloud computing technology
would help “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” in case of expanding the network in the
future. Also it is suitable as it would reduce the cost of information management and
since cloud computing structure allows the company to upgrade software more quickly
would be a great benefit to a dress designing company like “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.)
Therefore it is quite clear that if the above mentioned actions would have been considered
then it would have helped to achieve a much more successful goal.
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Task 15
Design a maintenance schedule to support the network system which
includes backups, upgrades, security and auditing. (L4.5,M2.5)
Maintenance Schedule - Backups
Starting Time
Time Duration
5:00 PM
1 Hour
6:00 PM
45 minutes
6:00 PM
1 Hour & 30 minutes
6:00 PM
1 Hour
5:00 PM
30 minutes
6:30 PM
45 minutes
Maintenance Schedule - Upgrades / Updates / Security
Client Operating Yearly
System updates
Server Operating Yearly
System updates
Software - Firewall
Ones a month
Security software
Starting Time
5:00 PM
Time Duration
2 Hours
6:00 PM
4 Hours
6:00 PM
2 Hour
6:00 PM
2 Hour
5:00 PM
2 Hours
Maintenance Schedule - Auditing
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Starting Time
Time Duration
5:30 PM
1 Hour
6:00 PM
1 Hour
6:00 PM
1 Hour
6:00 PM
1 Hour
5:30 PM
1 Hour
6:30 PM
1 Hour
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This report was basically based upon implementing a suitable network system to newly
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. Firstly a suitable topology and suitable network
architecture was selected before designing the network system to “Flexi Lease Finance
(Pvt.) Ltd”. Then within the next task a suitable IEEE 802 standard was recommended to
“Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”. Then appropriate routing protocols were selected for
the network system of “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” along with suitable hardware and
software was requirements were recommended to the “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd”.
Under task 5 the types of servers required to the network system had been mentioned
along with their suitability to the “Flexi Lease Finance (Pvt.) Ltd” network system. Then
within the next task the interdependence of the selected workstations with the network
components had been listed out along with the suitable reasons. With all the requirements
requested the network system was prepared.
The process of installation of the server OS and setting up of the Active directory and
the DNS, the steps incurred in order to add a workgroup computer to the domain created
by assigning appropriate IP addresses, as well as the process of installing a server OS and
setting up Active directory and DNS had been carried out within the practical session of
this networking module. Within the next task the Installation of server OS and setting up
of Active directory and DNS had been provided along with the screen shots attached to
this report where the test results were analyzed with its expected outputs.
Within the next task further enhancements in terms of hardware, software and design
were mentioned clearly. At the end a maintenance schedule was provided along with
backups, upgrades, updates, security and auditing. Therefore as a result it is quite clear
that the major aim of implementing a proper network system to “Flexi Lease Finance
(Pvt.) Ltd” would have been succeeded.
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