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How Do I Register a Private Limited Company In India

How Do I Register a Private Limited Company In
A private limited company is an entity separate from its
owners. The number of shares that any owner owns will
determine the extent of their legal liability. Doing this reduces
the owner's risk if the company does poorly. The steps for pvt
ltd company registration in india are as listed below.
Process for Online Company Registration in
The Pvt Ltd company registration in India is a bit
complex, for which you will require an agency to
register a company in India. Lawgical India is the top
company in India that can help you with private limited
company registration in India.
These are a few steps to follow for Pvt ltd
company registration in India
1. Obtain a digital signature certificate (DSC)
2. Request a DIN (Director Identification Number)
3. Name approval
4. SPICe+ Form (INC-32)
5. (INC-33) e-MoA and e-AoA (INC-34)
6. PAN & TAN Application
For further information, go to Lawgical India.
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