Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404 – 428 Dual-season mapping of wetland inundation and vegetation for the central Amazon basin Laura L. Hess a,*, John M. Melack a, Evlyn M.L.M. Novo b, Claudio C.F. Barbosa c, Mary Gastil a a Institute for Computational Earth System Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA Remote Sensing Division, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), C.P. 515-CEP 12201-970, São José dos Campos, Brazil c Image Processing Division, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), C.P. 515-CEP 12201-970, São José dos Campos, Brazil b Received 5 November 2002; received in revised form 28 March 2003; accepted 29 April 2003 Abstract Wetland extent was mapped for the central Amazon region, using mosaicked L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery acquired by the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1. For the wetland portion of the 18 8j study area, dual-season radar mosaics were used to map inundation extent and vegetation under both low-water and high-water conditions at 100-m resolution, producing the first high-resolution wetlands map for the region. Thematic accuracy of the mapping was assessed using high-resolution digital videography acquired during two aerial surveys of the Brazilian Amazon. A polygon-based segmentation and clustering was used to delineate wetland extent with an accuracy of 95%. A pixel-based classifier was used to map wetland vegetation and flooding state based on backscattering coefficients of two-season class combinations. Producer’s accuracy for flooded and nonflooded forest classes ranged from 78% to 91%, with lower accuracy (63 – 65%) for flooded herbaceous vegetation. Seventeen percent of the study quadrat was occupied by wetlands, which were 96% inundated at high water and 26% inundated at low water. Flooded forest constituted nearly 70% of the entire wetland area at high water, but there are large regional variations in the proportions of wetland habitats. The SAR-based mapping provides a basis for improved estimates of the contribution of wetlands to biogeochemical and hydrological processes in the Amazon basin, a key question in the Large-Scale Biosphere – Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia. D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dual-season mapping; Central Amazon Basin; Vegetation; Wetland mapping; Amazon floodplain; Wetland remote sensing; Wetland inundation; JERS-1; LBA; Image segmentation 1. Introduction Riverine floodplains and other wetlands are common features of the Amazon basin, where they alter flood waves (Richey, Mertes, et al., 1989), store sediments (Dunne, Mertes, Meade, Richey, & Forsberg, 1998), and provide important ecological habitats (Junk, 1997). Measurements in floodplains have shown the significance of these environments to regional carbon biogeochemistry (Melack & Forsberg, 2001; Richey et al., 1990). For example, outgassing of CO2 from water to the atmosphere, extrapolated over the whole basin, is at least 10 times the fluvial export of organic carbon to the ocean (Richey, Melack, Aufdenkampe, Ballester, & Hess, 2002). The outgassing is fueled primarily by * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-805-893-8339; fax: +1-805-8932578. E-mail address: (L.L. Hess). 0034-4257/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2003.04.001 organic carbon from riparian and flooded forests and floating macrophytes and fluctuates seasonally with changes in inundation. Emission of CH4 fluctuates seasonally as well, and accurate estimation of methane emissions from Amazonian wetlands requires knowledge of seasonal changes in vegetation (Devol, Richey, Forsberg, & Martinelli, 1990) and inundation (Rosenqvist, Forsberg, Pimentel, Rauste, & Richey, 2002). In addition to biogeochemical applications, information on the seasonal extent of floodplain habitats is also required for effective management of Amazon fisheries, since many key fish species harvested in the Amazon basin obtain nutrition in flooded forests (Goulding, 1980) or from organic matter derived from floodplain algae (Forsberg, Araujo-Lima, Martinelli, Victoria, & Bonassi, 1993). Mapping of wetlands extent and inundation is thus essential to the Large-Scale Biosphere – Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia (LBA), which focuses on understanding the ecological functioning of the region with particular L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 emphasis on the carbon cycle (Avissar & Nobre, 2002). Although estimates of wetland area in the Amazon basin exceed 1 million km2 (Junk, 1997), this value is based on actual measurements in few places. The quantitative analysis of inundation and vegetation dynamics of wetlands in the Amazon basin requires appropriate remotely sensed data, acquired basin-wide. Optical sensors such as Landsat Thematic Mapper have been used to map wetland vegetation in the Amazon (Mertes et al., 1995; Novo & Shimabukuro, 1997), but are limited by the fact that vegetation often covers underlying waters, and clouds or smoke frequently obscure the ground. Global or continental maps of land cover derived from coarse-resolution optical data have emphasized nonwetland cover: they have either omitted wetlands as a class (Hansen, Fries, Townshend, & Sohlberg, 2000; Stone, Schlesinger, Houghton, & Woodwell, 1994) or have significantly underestimated wetland area (Loveland et al., 2000). Passive and active microwave sensors, which are much less influenced by clouds and smoke and can penetrate vegetation at some wavelengths, have also been employed for wetlands mapping (Melack & Hess, 1998; Prigent, Matthews, Aires, & Rossow, 2001; Sippel, Hamilton, Melack, & Choudhury, 1994). Many studies (reviewed by Lewis, 1998) have successfully used synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors to map inundation and wetlands vegetation. When specular reflections from an underlying water surface interact with vegetation via double-bounce or multiple scattering, SAR backscattering is enhanced (Hess, Melack, & Simonett, 1990). Although C-HH sensors (Cband, horizontal send polarization, horizontal receive polarization) such as RADARSAT are able to delineate subcanopy inundation in some types of floodplain forests (Townsend, 2001), the longer wavelength of L-HH sensors such as the Japanese Earth Resource Satellite-1 (JERS-1) maximizes canopy penetration and discrimination between flooded and nonflooded forest (Hess, Melack, Filoso, & Wang, 1995). Flooding in forested wetlands of the Amazon has been successfully mapped using L-HH imagery from JERS-1 (Melack & Wang, 1998; Rosenqvist et al., 2002; Saatchi, Nelson, Podest, & Holt, 2000) and Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) (Hess, 1999). The combination of JERS-1 L-band and RADARSAT C-band data is preferable to either sensor alone for studying biomass and species composition of aquatic macrophyte communities of Amazon lakes and reservoirs (Costa, Niemann, Novo, & Ahern, 2002; Novo, Costa, Mantovani, & Lima, 2002). However, the sites for which near-simultaneous JERS-1 and RADARSAT data have been acquired are few. SAR images of the Amazon basin acquired by JERS-1 during low- and high-water periods (Rosenqvist et al., 2000) provide the first data set suitable for regional mapping of Amazon wetlands. We present here our approaches for mapping wetland vegetation and inundation for the central Amazon at approximately 100-m resolution, and for validating these products using high-resolution digital videography. In addition to producing the first high-resolution 405 wetlands map for the region, our study addresses general questions relevant to wetlands mapping and to land cover mapping of large regions at high resolution, such as: How useful is image segmentation for delineating the complex spatial patterns of riverine wetlands, and for increasing the ease with which they can be distinguished from spectrally similar nonwetland land cover types? Is it practical to apply image segmentation to large data sets having both complex land cover patterns and significant radiometric uncertainties? Given the inherent limitations of using a single wavelength and polarization to map a broad range of vegetation types, how can dual-season data, timed to high- and low-water periods, be used to best advantage in a classifier? In remote, cloud-covered regions, what is an appropriate validation method for high-resolution maps of dynamic processes such as flooding? 2. Methods 2.1. SAR mosaics The Amazon wetlands mapping was carried out using mosaics of SAR images acquired by JERS-1 as part of the Global Rain Forest Mapping (GRFM) Project. Begun in 1995, the GRFM project is an ongoing effort led by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) to produce spatially and temporally contiguous SAR data sets over Earth’s tropical regions (Rosenqvist et al., 2000). Since the primary scientific objective for the Amazon basin acquisitions was to determine seasonal patterns of inundation, two basin-wide data sets were acquired, timed to low- and highwater stages of the Amazon River (Freeman, Chapman, & Siqueira, 2002). The GRFM Amazon data were processed at NASA’s Alaska SAR Facility and NASDA’s Earth Observation Center into images of normalized radar backscatter (rj), which were mosaicked and radiometrically calibrated at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as part of NASA’s JERS-1 Amazon Multi-Season Mapping Study (Chapman, Siqueira, & Freeman, 2002; Siqueira et al., 2000). Characteristics of the GRFM Amazon mosaics are reviewed by Chapman et al. (2002) and summarized in Table 1. Pixel dimensions were increased from the origTable 1 Data characteristics of GRFM Amazon mosaics JERS-1 SAR frequency and polarization JERS-1 SAR incidence angle range Mosaic pixel dimensions Acquisition period, low-water mosaic Acquisition period, high-water mosaic Noise equivalent rj Calibration uncertainty a With exceptions noted in text. L-band (1275 MHz), HH-pol 34 – 43j 3 arcsec (approx. 100 m) August – September 1995 May – August 1996 20 to 15 dB F 0.2 dBa 406 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 inal 12.5 m pixel spacing by averaging over 8 8 pixel windows, and the mosaics were generated in a geographic format with pixel dimensions of 3 arcsec. This spatial averaging reduced the mosaics to a size of 1.9 Gbyte per season and ameliorated the effects of radar speckle. At the equator, the resulting pixel dimensions are 93 m. In this study, when classified mosaics were converted to an equal area projection for calculation of areas, a 100-m pixel size was used. In addition to the mosaics of rj at low- and high-water seasons, a texture mosaic was generated for the low-water season in which each pixel digital number (DN) is equal to the standard deviation of texture of its constituent 8 8 window (Freeman et al., 2002). Although radiometric calibration succeeded in reducing range-dependent and processing-dependent uncertainty in rj to within F 0.2 dB, three additional sources of calibration error in the backscattering mosaics were not correctable (Chapman et al., 2002). First, some along-track calibration errors result from a lag time in adjustment of the instrument’s automatic gain control when passing from a high-return target such as flooded forest, or a low-return target such as water, to an intermediate target such as rainforest (M. Shimada, personal communication). Since this sequence is common in regions with large rivers, these radiometric anomalies occur often enough to impact the accuracy of the Amazon mosaic classification. Second, because high-resolution terrain data were not available for the Amazon region at the time of processing, backscatter values could not be corrected for terrain-induced distortions (see Siqueira, Chapman, & McGarragh, this issue). Finally, the thermal noise equivalent rj for the JERS-1 SAR ranges from 20 to 15 dB, compressing the dynamic range for low-return targets such as open water and bare ground. This study focused on a subset of the basin-wide mosaics, extending 18j in longitude by 8j in latitude and corresponding to the central Amazon region (Fig. 1). With an area of 1.77 million km2, the study quadrat covers about one third of the lowland Amazon basin (defined as areas less than 500 m in elevation), and includes the main stem of the Amazon River from slightly downstream of the Napo River confluence to slightly downstream of the Tapajós River, the Negro River south of the Uaupés River Fig. 1. Global Rain Forest Mapping Project radar mosaic showing central Amazon study quadrat (black) and boundary of the Amazon basin (white). The quadrat extends from 72jW, 0jN to 54jW, 8jS. L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 confluence, and the lower reaches of the Tapajós, Trombetas, Madeira, Purus, Japurá, Juruá, and Icßá rivers. The quadrat received complete coverage during the low-water imaging; at high-water stage, scenes covering approximately 12,000 km2 were not imaged. For the quadrat area, the co-registered mosaics were warped to video-based and map-based ground control points using Delaunay triangulation, to correct geolocation errors found in the original mosaic products. The inundation patterns imaged on the GRFM mosaics must be considered in relation to long-term river stage records. Timing of the annual flood wave varies little, but the wave amplitude is affected by regional climatic factors such as ENSO events (Richey, Nobre, & Deser, 1989). For the main stem floodplain near Manaus, the high-water mosaic images were acquired at river stages approx. 20 cm higher than the long-term mean high-water stage and the low-water mosaic images were acquired at river levels about 3.5 m below mean low-water stage. The recurrence interval for river stage as low as that captured on the JERS-1 lowwater mosaic is 10 years. Thus, the GRFM mosaics represent average high-water conditions, and lower than average lowwater conditions, for the central main stem floodplain. Timing of the mosaics relative to inundation periodicity for the entire study area is analyzed in Section 4. 2.2. Videographic surveys Four aerial videographic surveys were carried out in order to acquire data sets suitable for training of classification algorithms and assessment of classification accuracy. These Validation Overflights for Amazon Mosaics (VOAM) surveys, described in detail by Hess et al. (2002), made it possible to obtain ground documentation of temporally dynamic inundation status over a large, remote region with persistent cloud cover. The initial surveys, VOAM95 and VOAM96, were flown during the GRFM imaging periods for the central Amazon and were limited to areas within 600 km of Manaus. Video data were acquired by handheld analog camcorder aimed obliquely from light aircraft, at flight altitudes of 300– 500 m. Handrecorded global positioning system (GPS) coordinates and times allowed rough geolocation by comparison with the time display on the recorded videotape. Acquired nearly simultaneously with the JERS-1 mosaic scenes covering the survey flight lines, the 25 h of VOAM95 and VOAM96 data provide a permanent record of the floodplain conditions captured by the GRFM Amazon mosaics, and were used primarily for locating training sites for classification algorithms. In order to expand the ground data set to a more extensive region and to improve the geolocation accuracy and resolution of the video data, follow-up surveys were flown in 1997 and 1999 from an aircraft operated by Brazil’s Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), timed to correspond in season with the previous surveys and 407 with the GRFM mosaics. The video systems used for these surveys, developed in collaboration with JPL, INPE, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass), used digital camcorders and a Horita time code generator to encode GPS location on the audio track of the videotapes. The VOAM99 system, operated by UMass, incorporated further features including real-time differentially corrected GPS, an attitude reference system, a laser altimeter, and a tandem wide-angle and zoom camcorder setup. Automated video mosaicking and geolocation software developed by UMass allowed efficient processing of the VOAM97 and VOAM99 data sets. After transferring the video data to computer disk using a digital video capture card, individual frames were extracted, automatically labeled with GPS timecode, and mosaicked into georeferenced images using auxiliary flight log data. This allowed precise location of training and test samples on the GRFM mosaics. The suitability of the VOAM data sets for validation depends on their correspondence to GRFM mosaic conditions. The timing of the GRFM and video mosaics relative to Amazon river stage levels is shown in Fig. 2. Because the VOAM95 and VOAM96 surveys were carried out during the JERS-1 imaging periods, floodplain inundation conditions recorded during those surveys correspond to those on the mosaics. Stage levels during the VOAM99 survey were 0 –1 m higher than during the GRFM high-water imaging, and those during the VOAM97 survey were 1 –2 m higher than low-water GRFM levels. Given the 13-m difference in Amazon River stage between the low- and high-water mosaics, the VOAM97 and VOAM99 surveys adequately represent water levels on the GRFM mosaics for the central Amazon. Each validation sample comprised a 100 100-m area on a VOAM97 or VOAM99 video mosaic (Fig. 3), and the accompanying video clips. Center points of these 1-ha samples were selected by random sampling of flight times along flight tracks within the study quadrat. Three constraints were placed on the sample selection: samples could not be located within 10 flight seconds of one another, to avoid overlapping samples; a maximum of two samples was allowed within each cell of a 5 5-km grid superimposed on the mosaics, to avoid oversampling areas with multiple flight lines; and areas used for classifier training were excluded from consideration. Positioning of sample center points on the GRFM mosaics incorporated uncertainty from both the GRFM mosaics and the video mosaics. Geolocation certainty was estimated to be F 150 m for VOAM97 and F 10 m for VOAM99 along the center third of the swath. 2.3. Creation of wetlands mask The first step in the wetlands mapping was creation of a wetlands mask, a binary classification denoting wetland and nonwetland areas. For this study, wetlands are defined 408 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Fig. 2. Timing of GRFM mosaic acquisitions and VOAM surveys relative to long-term stage records for the Amazon River at Manacapuru (60.6jW, 3.3jS). Manacapuru data courtesy of Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica. Long-term maximum and minimum calculated from Manaus stage levels given by Smith (1981) converted to Manacapuru levels using relationship given by Richey, Mertes, et al. (1989). as (1) areas that were inundated during either or both JERS-1 mosaic acquisition periods and (2) areas not flooded on either date, but which are adjacent to or surrounded by flooded areas and which display landforms consistent with wetland geomorphology. For the central Amazon, the high-water mosaic was acquired concurrent with main stem stage levels 0 – 1 m higher than long-term mean high water stage, and it can reasonably be assumed that nearly all wetland areas were in fact inundated. Most of the mapped wetlands thus fell under the objective criterion of condition 1. Condition 2, which requires human interpretation, allowed for the inclusion as wetlands of features such as high levees, which may not be inundated every year. This prevented the labeling as nonwetland of features that are situated on and genetically related to a floodplain, while allowing upland (terra firme) outliers that are surrounded by floodplain to be correctly labeled as nonwetland. Creation of a wetlands mask accomplished two goals: calculation of total wetland area and spatial distribution, and elimination from the classification process of nonwetland areas with backscattering statistics similar to those of wetlands. Nonwetland targets with low L-HH returns such as deforested areas, dry savannas, and northwest-facing hillslopes are not spectrally distinct from wetland targets such as open water or exposed lake beds, and the bright returns from urban areas and southeast-facing hillslopes are nearly equivalent to those from flooded forests. Although such features cannot be discriminated based on the back- scattering coefficients of individual pixels, they are recognizable to a human interpreter by their spatial patterns. Because of the large size of the quadrat (21,600 9600 pixels), delineating these spatial patterns by hand was not feasible. A hybrid machine and human-interpreted approach was therefore employed, in which homogeneous regions were created using an automated image segmentation and polygon clustering, with the resulting polygons edited by human interpreters. Although classification of images into land cover units is perhaps the most common remote sensing task, classification procedures are typically based on the properties of individual pixels, the boundaries of which are imposed during data processing and lack an intrinsic relationship to the boundaries of landscape elements. Pixel-based classifications can be problematic for ecological applications because low statistical separability of classes results in low accuracy or the use of very generalized classes, and the spatial distributions of the classes are not depicted with high accuracy (Lobo, 1997). An alternative approach is to segment the image into more or less homogeneous regions which become the objects to be classified, based on aggregate statistics of the pixels within the region. Shimabukuro, Duarte, Mello, and Moreira (1999) concluded that the complex spatial patterns of ‘‘fish-bone’’ deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon could be accurately mapped by a procedure of segmentation of the shade fraction of Landsat data, followed by a polygon-based classification. Image segmentation is of particular interest L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 409 Fig. 3. Digital videography used for validation. (a) Flightlines for VOAM97 (timed to low-water stage; shown in yellow) and VOAM99 (high-water stage; red) digital video surveys. (b) Mosaicked low-water video segment for várzea (white floodplain) site near Parintins and (c) same segment at high-water stage. (d) Enlargement of blue inset from (c), showing projected ground track of laser altimeter (red) and 100-m UTM grid (white). A 1-ha validation sample (black square) is centered on randomly selected point along flightline (marked by X). This sample had mixed cover of flooded forest and open water at high water stage. Smooth green patches at lower left of inset are floating grasses at high water, grass and bare soil at low water. for classification of SAR images because of the need to reduce the noise-like effects of radar speckle (Caves, Quegan, & White, 1998; Dong, Milne, & Forster, 2001). Costa et al. (2002) used image segmentation to map Amazon floodplain communities with RADARSAT and JERS-1 data, and Sgrenzaroli, Grandi, Eva, and Achard (2002) found that wavelet segmentation yielded better results than pixel-based clustering for mapping spatially fragmented forest landscapes at three Amazon sites with JERS-1 imagery. For the GRFM Amazon mosaics, the speckle problem had already been reduced by the multilooking carried out when generating the mosaics, but the non-uniqueness of wetland backscattering coefficients combined with the distinctiveness of wetland spatial patterns made segmentation and polygon-based classification a promising method for accurate wetlands delineation. The wetlands delineation procedure, described in detail by Barbosa, Hess, Melack, and Novo (2000), was performed using the Sistema de Processamento de Informacßões Georeferenciada (SPRING), 410 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 a freeware geographical information and image processing system with an object-oriented data model allowing the integration of raster and vector data formats in a single environment (Câmara, Souza, Freitas, & Garrido, 1996). The steps of the procedure are: 1. Region-growing segmentation and attribute extraction. The SPRING segmentation uses a region-growing process in which regions are grown from individual pixels and iteratively merged according to similarity and minimum area thresholds set by the user (Bins, Fonseca, Erthal, et al., 1996). If the mean difference in DNs between adjacent pixels or sets of pixels is less than the similarity threshold, the pixels belong to the same region. Preliminary tests evaluated the use of a difference image between the low- and high-water mosaics as input to the segmentation. While the difference image was excellent for separating static features such as hillslopes, urban areas, and clearings from seasonally changing wetland areas, wetlands with static signatures (e.g., permanently flooded forests and river channels) were misidentified as nonwetlands. The segmentation was therefore carried out on the co-registered high- and low-water mosaics. Both dates were input to the segmentation, to allow for the possibility of inundation seasonality contrary to the general regional pattern and to allow at least partial delineation in the small regions lacking high-water data. Because of the large data volume, the study quadrat was divided into six 4j 6j tiles for segmentation. Following segmentation, the SPRING software calculates statistical attributes (mean and variance for each region), generating a list of regions and attributes, sorted by region size. 2. Unsupervised classification and merging of classes. An iterative clustering algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance (Bins, Erthal, & Fonseca, 1993) is applied to the region and attribute list. A user-defined percentage acceptance threshold controls the total number of classes. Following this, the user labels the resulting classes as either wetland or nonwetland, generating a preliminary wetlands mask. 3. Editing. The preliminary mask is superimposed on the original mosaics and edited to (1) remove features such as hillslopes and upland clearings from the wetlands class; (2) outline low-contrast features such as small floodplains that have been omitted from the wetlands class; and (3) verify that small ‘‘outliers’’ of nonwetland within larger wetland features have been correctly classified. For segmentation, the mosaic DN values were transformed to decibel scale, so that the increment in decibel between successive DNs was constant throughout the range of DNs. A similarity threshold of 0.6 dB and area threshold of 50 pixels (approx. 50 ha) were selected following preliminary tests to determine parameters that would give adequate but not excessive delineation of landscape units. For the six tiles of the study area, segmentation resulted in 43,000 – 78,000 polygons per tile. 2.4. Mapping of vegetation and inundation Following wetlands delineation, areas within the wetlands mask were classified into ‘‘cover states’’ for both seasons. The 10 possible cover-state classes consisted of 5 vegetation cover classes, combined with inundation state (flooded or nonflooded) at the time of imaging. The five vegetation classes (Table 2) correspond to physiognomic classes of the National Vegetation Classification Standard (NVCS; Federal Geographic Data Committee, 1997). This vegetative-hydrologic classification scheme meets the criteria for a ‘‘functional parameterization’’ of wetlands (Sahagian & Melack, 1998), with classes suitable for biogeochemical modeling of wetland functions. For Amazonian wetlands, emission rates for trace gases such as methane are primarily a function of flooding status and vegetative cover (Melack & Forsberg, 2001). Since inundation periodicity and vegetation structure are key determinants of fish habitat quality (Henderson & Robertson, 1999), occurrence of economically significant tree species (Parolin, 2000), and agricultural potential (Gutjahr, 2000), the classes are also applicable to a variety of resource management applications. In contrast to the polygon-based procedure used for wetlands delineation, cover-state mapping used a parallelpiped classifier applied to the two-season backscattering coefficients of individual pixels. The change in method follows from the different spatial scales of the land cover units targeted during the two phases of the mapping. Wetlands delineation identified landscape units larger than 50 Table 2 Relation of vegetation cover classes to National Vegetation Classification Standard Vegetation cover class National Vegetation Classification Standard Nonvegetated Nonvegetated ( < 1% vegetation cover). Sparsely vegetated (1 – 10% vegetation cover) Herbaceous (dominated by nonwoody plants, with < 25% cover by trees or shrubs; herbaceous cover is usually z 25% but may be less if herbaceous cover exceeds that of other life forms) Shrubland (dominated by shrubs,a with individuals or clumps not touching to interlocking; shrub cover is usually z 25% but may be less if shrub cover exceeds that of other life forms) Open tree canopy (dominated by trees with crowns not touching, generally forming 25 – 60% cover, but may be less if tree cover exceeds that of other life forms) Closed tree canopy (dominated by trees with interlocking crowns, generally forming 60 – 100% of crown cover) Herbaceous Shrub Woodland Forest Source: National Vegetation Classification Standard, Appendix III (Federal Geographic Data Committee, 1997). a Shrubs are defined as woody plants taller than 0.5 m with multiple stems and a bushy appearance; trees are defined as generally having a single main stem and a more or less definite crown. Where it is difficult to distinguish trees from shrubs based on these characteristics, woody plants less than 5 m tall are defined as shrubs. L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 pixels (approx. 50 ha), within which all wetland classes were merged. The cover-state mapping sought to retain as far as possible the spatial patterns of common floodplain features such as meander scrolls, which are on the order of tens to hundreds of meters wide. At the spatial resolution of the GRFM mosaics, the small minimum area parameter required to capture such areas during segmentation results in over-segmentation of larger landscape units and an excessively large number of polygons for regional-scale mapping. It was known from prior work (Hess, 1999) that some floodplain vegetation types that cannot be discriminated using a single L-HH image are identifiable by a distinctive two-date backscattering response resulting from changes in the amount of canopy emergent above water (including the case of complete submersion). Furthermore, if an a priori assumption can be made regarding the directionality of such change, the total number of possible classes is constrained, increasing classification accuracy for the remaining classes. The first phase in developing a classification algorithm was, therefore, extensive viewing of videography in conjunction with the co-registered mosaics to attempt to locate any areas that deviated from the general pattern of higher water levels during the high-water mosaic imaging relative to the lowwater imaging. This ‘‘high-water assumption’’ is known to be valid for seasonally inundated floodplains of the Amazon main stem and major tributaries (those with watersheds >100,000 km2), for which inundation is driven primarily by regional precipitation patterns, generating a predictable flood pulse (Richey, Mertes, et al., 1989). For smaller streams and interfluvial wetlands, however, inundation levels are influenced to a greater extent by local precipitation and are thus less predictable. Prance (1979) used the predictability of inundation to classify forests inundated by regular annual cycles, and those inundated by irregular rainfall (generally in the upper reaches of rivers) as distinct types. As described in a later section, examination of precipitation and river stage records showed the high-water assumption to be valid for nearly the entire study area. Given the assumption that water levels cannot be higher on the low-water mosaic than on the high-water mosaic, the number of possible two-date combinations of the 10 coverstate classes can be reduced from 100 to 13. For example, the transition from forest at low water to flooded forest at high water is allowed, but the reverse transition is not. The total number of combinations is further reduced by eliminating those that do not occur because of height restrictions or ecological constraints. For example, forests are too tall to transition to open water (though shrubs may), and shrubs do not transition to macrophytes because canopy shading discourages macrophyte growth (Junk & Piedade, 1993). Transitions related to human activities during the 8 months between mosaic acquisitions, such as forest conversion to pasture, were assumed to be negligible for the wetland areas, as were transitions involving creation and destruction 411 of floodplain features; land use change, sedimentation, and bank erosion are important ongoing processes on the floodplain, but cannot be studied adequately at the time and spatial scale of the GRFM mosaics. For the 13 remaining two-date cover-state combinations, decision boundaries were derived by analysis of backscattering response for training polygons and of values reported in the literature for these communities from other studies (Costa et al., 2002; Hess et al., 1995). 3. Results 3.1. Wetlands mask The wetlands mask for the central Amazon is shown in Fig. 4a. Seventeen percent of the quadrat, approximately 300,000 km2, is occupied by wetlands. This figure represents the maximum inundatable area, not the area actually flooded on the high-water mosaics. Because of regional differences in the timing of inundation, the entire wetland area would not be flooded on a single date. Moreover, the highest elevations on floodplains may not flood every year. Channels and seasonally inundated floodplains of large rivers are the predominant wetland features in the quadrat (Fig. 4b), accounting for 51% of the wetland area. The floodplain of the Solimões– Amazon River constitutes 28% of the total wetland area, and channels and floodplains of eight major tributaries which arise beyond the bounds of the quadrat (the Icßá, Juruá, Japurá, Purus, Negro, Branco, Madeira, Trombetas, and Tapajós) occupy a further 23%. The remaining 49% of the wetland area comprises minor tributaries, interfluvial wetlands, and the Balbina reservoir. For the wetlands mask, an appropriate validation sample size was selected using the tables provided by Ginevan (1979), which give optimal sample sizes (N) and associated critical values (X, the maximum number of misclassifications allowed before rejecting the map as inaccurate), based on the binomial distribution. The optimal level is one that balances the defined acceptable user’s risk (b, the risk of accepting an inaccurate map) and producer’s risk (a, the risk of rejecting an accurate map), for chosen accuracy proportions Q2 (the accuracy level one wishes to reject with probability of 1 b) and Q1 (the level one wishes to avoid rejecting with probability a). For a desired 5% risk of accepting a map that is less than 90% accurate (b = 0.05, Q2 = 0.90) and a 2.5% risk of rejecting a map that is more than 95% accurate (a = 0.025, Q1 = 0.95), the optimal sample size N is 356 and X, the critical number of errors for rejecting the map, is 26. Nine of the 365 video samples examined could not be unambiguously labeled. Of the remaining 356 samples, 339 (95.2%) were mapped correctly on the wetlands mask. With less than 21 misclassified samples, the map therefore is accepted according to the specified standard of a less than 412 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Fig. 4. (a) Wetlands mask for the central Amazon; wetlands (white) occupy 17% of the total area. (b) Channels and floodplains of Amazon River main stem and eight major tributaries (black). Floodplains of large seasonally inundated rivers occupy 51% of the area mapped as wetland. 5% chance that the map is less than 90% accurate. The 17 misclassified samples were evenly divided between errors of commission (wrongly mapped as wetlands) and errors of omission (wrongly mapped as nonwetland). Misclassified samples were examined to determine the source of the error, and categorized as classification errors, registration errors, size-based errors, and errors related to apparent disparities in flooding between video flight and mosaic. Most errors of commission were nonwetland clearings and second growth adjacent to rivers or lakes. Registration errors involved samples within 1.5 pixels of a wetland/ nonwetland boundary, and size-based errors resulted when a land cover unit smaller than the 50-ha minimum mapping was identifiable on the videography. While classification errors identified problem areas that can be targeted in future revisions of the wetlands masking, registration and sizebased errors are determined by the geolocation accuracy and resolution of the mosaics, and are not correctable by mask revision. 3.2. Dual-season backscattering signatures Fig. 5 shows probability density function (PDF) plots for backscattering coefficients of pixels from the 10 coverstate classes (excepting nonflooded woodland, for which a sufficiently large training sample could not be identified) and for 2 additional vegetation classes of interest (flooded palms and stands of the aroid Montrichardia arborescens). Table 3 lists commonly used descriptive terms corresponding to the plotted classes. For all classes except flooded shrub, PDFs were derived from the high- and low-water GRFM mosaics based on 112 training polygons, with 4 to 12 polygons for each class and polygon sizes ranging from 15 to 100 pixels. For flooded shrub, training data were derived from SIR-C data obtained in October 1994 (Hess, 1999). The median, range, and various quantiles were used as descriptive statistics, since several of the distributions are non-normal. Comparisons with SIR-C data refer to swaths L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 413 Fig. 5. Probability density functions for backscattering coefficients of training pixels. Distributions are plotted for 9 of the 10 cover-state classes and for 2 distinctive wetland vegetation types common in the study area. Separate plots are shown for backscattering values lower than 10 dB (a) and greater than 10 dB (b); the shrub-nonflooded and woodland-flooded classes extend across both plots. 414 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Table 3 Common terminology corresponding to cover-state classes and specific wetland vegetation types Cover state classes Equivalent terms (English, Portuguese) Nonvegetated-flooded Open water; água, rio, lago, paraná, igarapé, furo Aquatic macrophyte, floating meadow, marsh; macrófitas aquáticas, capim flutuante, campos inundáveis Shrub swamp; vegetacßão arbustiva inundada, campinas inundadas Woodland, savanna; chavascal, pântano, savanas inundadas Floodplain forest, swamp, gallery forest; mata de várzea, várzea estacional, igapó (estacional ou permanente), restinga, floresta inundada, floresta de pântanos (permanente) Bare soil, sand bar, mud bank; solo nu, terreno desnudo, bancos de areia, margens lamosas Grassland, pasture; campo, campo limpo, campos de várzea Shrubland; vegetacßão arbustiva, campina Forest; floresta, mata (many subtypes) Herbaceous-flooded Shrub-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-flooded Nonvegetated-nonflooded Herbaceous-nonflooded Shrub-nonflooded Forest-nonflooded Specific vegetation types Montrichardia arborescens Palms-flooded aningal Palm swamp; buritizal Sources: Ayres (1993), Junk and Piedade (1997), Prance (1980). 46.7 and 110.5 (Hess, 1999; Hess et al., 1995). The distribution for open water areas (nonvegetated-flooded) reflects the high noise floor of the JERS-1 sensor. The thermal noise equivalent, ranging from 20 to 15 dB, contributes to a higher median ( 16.7 dB) and a broader range than would normally be the case for water; median SIR-C rjLHH for open water was 22 to 19 dB, depending on the roughness of the water surface. The PDF for bare soil (nonvegetated-nonflooded) is bimodal, with peaks at 14.6 dB for dry soil and 11.9 dB for wet soil. Wet soils occurred primarily at the lowest elevations in lakebeds recently exposed by the very low water levels of October 1995, or in deep swales of scroll-bar topography. As shown in Fig. 5a, the bare soil distribution overlaps that of open water. With a median backscattering of 12.6 dB, the herbaceous-nonflooded class (dry or moist ground with green grass, sedges, or forbs) is largely coincident with the bare soil class. This is expected, since at the L-band wavelength of 23.5 cm there are no significant scatterers in either cover type to yield strong returns. Although in some cases there are abrupt boundaries on the floodplain between herbaceous cover, dry soil, and wet soil, these classes also may grade continuously or occur in complex mosaics; the classes also grade temporally, depending on length of exposure following inundation. Nonvegetated-nonflooded and herbaceous-nonflooded were therefore combined into a single class for cover-state mapping. The forest-nonflooded class median of 7.4 dB is typical of values reported for tropical forest (Rignot, Salas, & Skole, 1997; Salas, Ducey, Rignot, & Skole, 2002; Santos, Lacruz, Araujo, & Keil, 2002) and is 2.1 dB lower than the forest-flooded median of 5.3 dB, owing to increased double-bounce returns caused by flooding. These values are similar to those reported by Rosenqvist et al. (2002) who, in a study of the inundation patterns in the Jaú river basin using a time series of JERS-1 data, found mean rjLHH of 7.3 dB for terra firme forest, 7.1 dB for nonflooded igapó forest (seasonally or permanently flooded forest of blackwater rivers), and 4.6 dB for flooded igapó forest. The highest backscattering returns for natural land cover come from flooded palms (median = 3.1 dB). The depth of wetland palm canopies is small relative to total tree height, and stand densities tend to be low, with few interlocking crowns. These characteristics reduce canopy attenuation, allowing ample signal penetration and strong double-bounce interactions with tree trunks. Because the distribution for flooded palms overlaps that for flooded nonpalm forest, however, it cannot reliably be distinguished as a subtype. Median returns for aquatic macrophytes (herbaceousflooded) are 8.3 dB, a value comparable to the mean JERS-1 backscattering of 8.8 dB reported by Costa et al. (2002) for floating meadow stands near Santarém in May 1996. The upper quartile of the distribution for macrophytes coincides with the lower quartile for nonflooded forest. The curve shown for herbaceous-flooded in Fig. 5b does not include stands of the shrubby aroid M. arborescens, a conspicuous species forming monospecific stands (aninngais) at semi-permanently flooded sites along the central and lower main-stem floodplain. Because these stands reach heights of up to 4 m, with semi-woody stems, L-HH backscattering from Montrichardia is nearly identical to that from nonflooded forest. Woodland-flooded (median backscattering = 6.8 dB) has the largest dynamic range of any class, with nearly 7 dB separating the 5% quantile ( 11.5 dB) and 95% quantile ( 4.6 dB). Variability is high because flooded woodland sites encompass a wide range of stand densities, have macrophyte understories varying from dense to absent, include flood-deciduous tree species, and include both seasonally flooded and semi-permanently to permanently flooded regimes. The remaining two classes, nonflooded and flooded shrub, coincide spectrally with other classes described above: shrub-nonflooded (median = 8.8 dB) with herbaceous-flooded, and shrub-flooded (median = 4.5 dB) with forest-flooded, woodland-flooded, and palm-flooded. From Fig. 5, it is clear that the 10 cover-state classes cannot be distinguished solely on the basis of the single-date backscattering coefficient. Other studies have found multiscale texture measures useful for mapping land cover types from JERS-1 data (Podest & Saatchi, 2002). Texture values from the low-water texture mosaic (Freeman et al., 2002) L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 were extracted for the same training areas, to test whether that texture measure increased the ability to discriminate among cover-state classes. For the classes and scale used in the current study, the standard deviation of texture mosaic did not aid in class discrimination. 3.3. Classification into cover states Fig. 6 shows the decision boundaries for mapping the two-date vector for each pixel into 1 of the 13 classes. The principal reasons for using a simple parallel-piped-type classifier are that (a) only two decision variables are available (the two dates); (b) classifiers assuming normal or other distribution functions are not suitable; (c) the decision boundaries are transparent, without any ‘‘blackbox’’ components that limit the ability to test it on other data sets; and (d) the classifier can easily be modified, since modification of a decision boundary affects only the adjacent classes, not the entire classification. The collapsing of the transition matrix from 100 to 13 classes allows the identification of some classes that cannot be discriminated using a single date. For example, the backscattering distribution for shrub-flooded is similar to that of forest-flooded (Fig. 5b). However, because forest trees are assumed to be too tall to be completely submerged at high water, there is no class transitioning from open water 415 to flooded forest; the decision space for pixels with very low returns at high water, followed by very high returns at low water, is occupied only by the nonvegetated-flooded/shrubflooded class (Fig. 6). On both dates, pixels with rjLHH < 14 dB are classified as nonvegetated-flooded (open water). The herbaceousflooded class covers a broader range at high water ( 7.8 to 14 dB) than at low water ( 8.5 to 11 dB). The upper limit is higher during high water, since floating grasses such as Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Echinochloa polystachya, and Paspalum repens are close to peak growth then (Costa et al., 2002). At high water, the lower range has been extended below what is shown in Fig. 5b, to include areas with sparse macrophyte canopies, patches of macrophytes interspersed with open water, or macrophyte species such as Oryza perennis, which were observed to have begun senescing at the time of the high water acquisition. A boundary of 6.5 dB separates flooded from nonflooded forest. The class at the upper left of the diagram, which transitions from very high to very low returns, is a mixed class that does not correspond to any training category. It occurs along the borders of waterways mainly in a few areas of the mosaic where there is local misregistration between the high- and low-water scenes. Fig. 7 shows the classified high- and low-water mosaics. Two hundred thousand square kilometers, two- Fig. 6. Decision rules for cover-state classification. Pixels are mapped into 1 of 13 dual-season cover-state classes, labeled in figure as ‘‘high-water class’’/ ‘‘low-water class’’. 416 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Fig. 7. Mapping of wetlands vegetation and inundation at (a) low-water stage (September – October 1995), and (b) high-water stage (May – June 1996). Floodplain reaches pictured in Fig. 8 are shown in red. thirds of the total wetland area, is forested (Table 4); of this, the flooded portion decreases from 72% at high water to 22% at low water. Woodland, occupying 8% of the wetland area, does not change in extent or in flooding status between high and low water, because the classifier maps semi-permanently to permanently flooded woodland; only the depth of flooding changes between seasons. The third woody category, shrub, constitutes 3% of the wetland area; one-third of the shrub area is completely submerged at high water, and the remainder is flooded but emergent. Fourteen percent of the wetland area is open water at highwater stage, decreasing to 12% at low water. Most of the 2% difference results from the transition to bare ground or to nonflooded herbaceous vegetation in shallow lakes. The 8% of the wetland area occupied by aquatic macrophytes at high-water stage drops to 5% at low water; some areas remain as macrophyte, while some transition to bare ground, nonflooded herbaceous, or open water. Consider- ing all cover types together, 80.5% of the wetland area is flooded in the high-water mosaic, decreasing to 39% in the low water mosaic. Of the area flooded at low water, 30% is open water, 36% is flooded forest, and 20% is flooded woodland. Considering the entire study area of 1.77 million km2, flooded area decreases from 14% to 7% between high- and low-water seasons. 3.4. Accuracy of cover-state mapping Video-based accuracy assessment of the low-water and high-water cover-state maps omitted the shrub-nonflooded and shrub-flooded classes, owing to insufficient survey coverage of these cover types. The mixed class, an artifact of mosaic generation, was also omitted. For the remaining five high-water and six low-water classes, a precision of 5% was targeted at the 90% confidence level. The sample sizes required for these error estimates were calculated L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Table 4 Areas of wetland cover states for central Amazon quadrat as mapped from high- and low-water JERS-1 mosaics Nonvegetated-flooded Nonvegetated or herbaceous-nonflooded Herbaceous-flooded Shrub-nonflooded Shrub-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-nonflooded Forest-flooded Mixed Total Area (103 km2) % of wetland area High Low High Low 43 0 35 14 14 0 12 5 26 0 6 24 59 144 1 303 16 10 0 24 160 43 1 303 8 0 2 8 20 48 0 100 5 3 0 8 53 14 0 100 based on the multinomial distribution. Following the formulation of Congalton and Green (1999), for a given number of classes k, desired precision b, and desired confidence level 1 a, the required sample size n is given by n ¼ BPð1 PÞ=b2 ; ð1Þ where B is equal to the upper (a/k) 100th percentile of the v2 distribution with 1 degree of freedom and Pi is the proportion of the population in the ith category, for i = 1,. . .,k. P was set to equal 0.5, since both mosaics had classes covering nearly 50% of the wetland area. Eq. (1) thus simplifies to n = B/4b2 (Congalton & Green, 417 1999). The required sample sizes for error matrices are 542 for the high-water map and 573 for the low-water map. Producer’s and user’s accuracies calculated from error matrices are suitable measures of thematic map accuracy only if the set of test pixels represents true class proportions in the scene (Richards, 1996). In this study, it was assumed that the mapped class proportions were representative of actual class proportions. Randomly selected video samples were therefore labeled and accumulated until the target proportion for each class was achieved. Approximately 30% of the 100 100-m video samples contained two or more classes. Samples visually estimated not to have at least two-thirds coverage by a single class were not used in the accuracy assessment; this represented about 16% of the initial sample set. Accuracy results are given in Tables 5 and 6. Since the shrub categories are not included as test samples, errors of commission into one of the shrub classes are included with the mixed class in the error matrix. As would be expected for an L-band SAR, and based on the backscattering distributions shown in Fig. 5, accuracies are high (greater than 90%) for open water and low (54 – 84%) for herbaceous and woodland categories. Producer’s accuracies for the forest and flooded forest classes were 78% and 87%, respectively, at high water, and 88% and 81% at low water. User’s accuracies showed a greater disparity between the two forest classes, as the relative proportions of nonflooded and flooded forest shifted between high and low water. Although errors for the forest classes were mostly the result of confusion between flooded and nonflooded states, addi- Table 5 Error matrix, producer’s accuracy, and user’s accuracy, high-water classification Validation sample label Map label Nonvegetated-flooded Nonvegetated + herbaceousnonflooded Herbaceous-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-nonflooded Forest-flooded Mixed Nonvegetated-flooded Nonvegetated + herbaceousnonflooded Herbaceous-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-nonflooded Forest-flooded Mixed Total Nonvegetatedflooded Nonvegetatednonflooded 72 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 3 1 0 3 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 3 0 6 5 46 2 24 5 10 0 43 5 3 85 16 0 109 2 6 22 230 5 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 37 112 265 10 542 Producer’s accuracy User’s accuracy 91.1 NA 94.7 NA 65.2 55.8 78.0 86.8 NA 71.4 64.9 75.9 86.8 NA Herbaceousflooded Woodlandflooded Forestnonflooded Forestflooded Mixed Total 418 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Table 6 Error matrix, producer’s accuracy, and user’s accuracy, low-water classification Validation sample label Map label Nonvegetated-flooded Nonvegetated + herbaceousnonflooded Herbaceous-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-nonflooded Forest-flooded Mixed Nonvegetatedflooded Nonvegetatednonflooded Nonvegetated-flooded Nonvegetated + herbaceousnonflooded Herbaceous-flooded Woodland-flooded Forest-nonflooded Forest-flooded Mixed Total 62 3 3 22 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 28 2 0 0 2 0 69 3 1 0 0 4 34 25 0 10 0 0 40 0 25 10 11 0 46 4 0 268 26 6 304 0 4 11 65 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 30 299 104 10 573 Producer’s accuracy User’s accuracy 89.9 64.5 92.5 78.5 62.5 54.3 88.2 81.3 NA 73.1 83.5 89.6 62.5 NA tional errors were caused by confusion with aquatic macrophytes (mostly M. arborescens), woodland, shrub (especially for deeply flooded stands), and open water. Confusion with open water occurred where video samples fell on floodplain channels 100 –200 m wide, bordered by forest. As with the wetlands mask assessment, error sources include classification error, registration error, size-based error, and error related to apparent disparities between video and mosaic. All types of errors were higher for the cover-state classification than for the wetlands mask, owing to the higher number of classes and the finer spatial scale of the mapped features. In addition, the wetlands masking involved human interpretation that allowed spatial pattern and context to inform the classification, while the cover-state mapping was based only on backscattering characteristics. For some applications, knowledge of flooding status alone is required. When vegetation types are grouped together to create only flooded and nonflooded classes, user’s accuracy at high water is 94% for the flooded class and 76% for the nonflooded class. At low water, user’s accuracy is 84% for flooded and 89% for nonflooded. 4. Discussion 4.1. Mapping methodology Although L-HH SAR is the best single-band sensor for mapping central Amazon wetlands, the backscattering Herbaceousflooded Woodlandflooded Forestnonflooded Forestflooded Mixed Total response from nonflooded forest—the most common nonwetland cover—overlaps those of common wetland vegetation such as forest and aquatic macrophyte. The difficulty of class discrimination is compounded by residual radiometric anomalies in the mosaics. A classification based on backscattering alone would thus result in misclassified flooded forest or macrophyte pixels scattered throughout the surrounding upland, and blocks of misclassified pixels related to radiometric artifacts. The polygons created by an image segmentation, however, can be correctly assigned as wetland or nonwetland based on the combination of backscattering response, spatial pattern, and context. The process is largely automated, but correct assignment during the editing phase requires a trained human interpreter knowledgeable about the region’s vegetation, landforms, and patterns of human disturbance. Although the editing phase is labor-intensive, for this study the time and labor expenditure was justified since it yielded a highly accurate product that will be used for multiple applications and which does not need to be updated frequently. The complex spatial patterns and radiometric artifacts present in the data set contributed to large numbers of polygons per segmented tile, but these were readily processed on an ordinary desktop computer. The wetlands delineation thus demonstrates the practicality of applying image segmentation to moderately high-resolution data sets covering areas on the order of millions of square kilometers. The masking out of nonwetland areas eliminated a large potential source of misclassification error, increasing the accuracy of the pixel-based classifier applied to L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 419 Fig. 8. Mapped classes at three 110 90-km sites on the Solimões – Amazonas River; locations shown in Fig. 7, class statistics in Table 7. (a) Mamirauá, near Tefé, upper floodplain; (b) Cabaliana, near Manacapuru, middle floodplain; (c) Curuaı́, near Óbidos, lower floodplain. Red lines on high-water scenes mark floodplain boundaries. Features identified on low-water scenes are Solimões (1) and Japurá (2) rivers and Cabaliana (3), Padre (4), Manacapuru (5), and Curuaı́ lakes (6). 420 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 the wetlands. Use of decision rules that incorporated knowledge of the wetland habitats at high- and lowwater stages allowed the delineation of some vegetation types that could not be distinguished on a single date, such as shrubs. (Nonflooded and flooded shrubs were omitted during accuracy assessment due to insufficient validation samples, but accuracies based on training data were greater than 80% for both classes.) The primary advantage of using a dual-season classifier that incorporated an assumed directionality of water level change was that it constrained the number of possible classes and precluded the mapping of pixels into illogical twodate combinations. Validation of land-cover classifications in remote, cloudy regions is challenging. Airborne digital videography—flown much of the time below cloud cover—made it possible to validate the wetlands delineation and habitat mapping using independent, randomly selected samples acquired across the region. Random sampling ensured that heterogeneous and edge areas were included in the validation, giving a more realistic result than with subjectively chosen samples which tend to be biased toward homogeneous patches. The high resolution of the video samples permitted direct visual interpretation, avoiding the biases introduced when maps or classified satellite images, with unknown accuracies, are used for validation. 4.2. Regional patterns of floodplain habitats While Table 4 provides a regional average of seasonal changes in wetland habitats, conditions at specific sites vary considerably. We therefore present classified images for three representative reaches along the Amazon floodplain (Fig. 8), and accompanying statistics on the proportions of the wetland cover types for each reach (Table 7). Reach statistics are for the Amazon floodplain only (delineated on Fig. 8), and exclude tributary floodplains and wetlands. Fig. 8a– c illustrates geomorphic features described by Mertes, Dunne, and Martinelli (1996) as typical of the Amazon floodplain in its upstream, middle, and downstream reaches, respectively. Upstream reaches generally exhibit greater channel sinuosity and higher rates of bank erosion and channel migration, resulting in a floodplain surface dominated by alternating meander scrolls and swales. Lakes and islands tend to be small and short-lived. Traces of numerous scroll lakes and forested scroll bars are visible in the Mamirauá scene (Fig. 8a). Moving downstream along the main stem, rates of channel migration are lower, channel banks are relatively higher and more stable, and overbank deposition plays a greater role. Along the middle main stem, the distinct ridge and swale topography of the upper reaches is increasingly modified by deposition of fine sediments, forming depressions occupied by larger, rounder lakes such as those at the eastern end of the Table 7 Generalized wetland cover states as percentage of floodplain area at highand low-water stages for three Amazon floodplain reaches Reach Class High (%) Low (%) Mamirauá (Fig. 8a) Nonvegetated-flooded Nonwoody-nonflooded Nonwoody-flooded Woody-nonflooded Woody-flooded Nonvegetated-flooded Nonwoody-nonflooded Nonwoody-flooded Woody-nonflooded Woody-flooded Nonvegetated-flooded Nonwoody-nonflooded Nonwoody-flooded Woody-nonflooded Woody-flooded 12 0 6 11 71 23 0 11 10 56 56 0 20 5 19 10 3 4 59 24 14 10 8 53 15 46 16 12 17 9 Cabaliana (Fig. 8b) Curuaı́ (Fig. 8c) Reach locations are shown in Fig. 7a. Statistics apply to main river floodplains only (Fig. 8); tributaries are excluded. Nonvegetated-nonflooded and herbaceous-nonflooded cover states are combined here into nonwoody-nonflooded; herbaceous flooded and mixed are combined into nonwoody-flooded; shrub, woodland, and forest are combined into woodynonflooded and woody-flooded. Cabaliana reach (Fig. 8b). As documented by Sippel, Hamilton, and Melack (1992), downstream reaches are increasingly dominated by large, dish-shaped floodplain lakes, which may be formed by local subsidence of the floodplain (Mertes et al., 1996). Secondary distributary channels draining into such lakes deposit internal deltas that ultimately may partition the lake into a series of subbasins (Sternberg, 1960), as can be seen within Curuaı́ Lake (Fig. 8c). The contrasting geomorphic features of the upper, middle, and lower main stem are reflected in statistics showing cover states as a percentage of floodplain area (Table 7). Open water area, and the decrease in that area between high and low water, are greater for the middle and downstream reaches because of extensive lakes such as Cabaliana, Padre, and sub-basins of Curuaı́. On the low-water mosaic, mud flats, green grass, and shrubs were exposed on beds and low-lying internal levees in these lakes. The relative areas covered by aquatic macrophytes at the three sites parallel the trend for open water, with higher values along downstream reaches. Favored habitats for macrophyte growth are channel edges, lake edges, and non-forested portions of depositional features within lakes. Conversely to herbaceous vegetation, the percentage of woody vegetation decreases between Mamirauá and Curuaı́. In addition to scroll lakes and dish-shaped lakes, ria or blocked-valley lakes are prominent features of the central Amazon. These formed when valleys scoured deeply during periods of lowered sea levels were subsequently flooded (Irion, 1984). The Manacapuru lake (Fig. 8b) illustrates the vegetation pattern seen in many ria lakes. Table 8 Timing and height of river stages observed on GRFM Amazon mosaics, relative to means Gauging station Timing (day of year) Stage height (cm) High water Low water High water Observationa Mean Differenceb Observationc Mean Differenceb Low water Observationa Mean Differenced Solimões Solimões Solimões Solimões Amazonas 162 155 151 147 138 132 164 168 173 149 30 9 17 26 11 308 301 297 293 284 261 285 289 304 311 47 16 8 11 27 1315 1366 1579 1863 743 1323 1346 1574 1844 704 8 20 5 19 39 Major tributaries 6. Ipiranga Velho 7. Vila Bittencourt 8. Acanaui 9. Ipixuna 10. Santos Dumont 11. Gaviao 12. Seringal Fortaleza 13. Labrea 14. Canutama 15. Aruma-Jusante 16. SG da Cachoeira 17. Tapuruquara 18. Barcelos 19. Manaus 20. Caracarai 21. Humaita 22. Manicore 23. Novo Aripuana 24. Borba 25. Cach. Da Porteira 26. Barra S. Manoel 27. Jatoba 28. Itaituba Ica Japura Japura Jurua Jurua Jurua Purus Purus Purus Purus Negro Negro Negro Negro Branco Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Trombetas Tapajos Tapajos Tapajos 164 164 159 166 160 158 157 153 153 149 160 156 152 146 150 150 147 146 145 141 141 140 138 154 184 188 83 89 110 84 94 106 154 189 186 191 172 196 100 109 111 120 154 74 79 105 10 20 29 83 71 48 73 59 47 5 29 30 39 26 46 50 38 35 25 13 67 61 33 310 310 305 312 306 304 303 299 299 295 306 302 298 292 296 296 293 292 291 287 287 286 284 NAe 27 33 242 265 264 266 270 267 290 52 58 36 303 71 262 269 286 300 344 253 261 306 NAe 82 93 70 41 40 37 29 32 5 111 121 103 11 140 34 24 6 9 57 34 25 22 1326 1145 1300 444 1349 1347 1293 1791 2293 2111 997 738 806 2797 603 1732 2103 2245 1974 1240 619 665 775 1381 1250 1322 1297 2044 1413 2188 2025 2388 2051 1058 728 838 2761 641 2278 2330 2138 2047 995 901 817 807 55 105 22 853 695 66 895 234 95 60 61 10 32 36 38 546 227 107 73 245 282 152 32 Mean Differenced 603 112 380 567 46 502 446 758 929 176 101 334 378 362 130 880 843 792 512 811 NA 760 457 816 643 665 256 271 1536 140 957 1048 1027 812 210 333 426 173 972 585 756 277 641 146 750 511 905 965 623 315 324 1836 111 1076 1050 966 1098 289 341 419 251 92 258 36 235 170 NA 10 54 89 322 42 59 53 300 29 119 2 61 286 79 8 7 78 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Mainstem 1. S.P. de Olivenca 2. Tefe 3. Itapeua 4. Manacapuru 5. Obidos Observationc Stage data was obtained from ANEEL HidroWeb site ( Lengths of daily stage records range from 17 to 97 years. Gauge locations are shown in Fig. 9. a Day of year or stage height observed by JERS-1 satellite for the high-water (1996) GRFM Amazon mosaic scene in which each river gauge is located. b Difference in days between date observed by JERS-1 satellite and mean date of maximum or minimum stage. c Day of year or stage height observed by JERS-1 satellite for the low-water (1995) GRFM Amazon mosaic scene in which each river gauge is located. d Difference in cm between stage height observed by JERS-1 satellite and mean maximum or minimum stage. e Ipiranga Velho hydrograph has two major troughs: 972 cm on day 32, and 1028 cm on day 282. 421 422 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 Upstream from the lowest reaches of the lake, which remains year-round as open water, is shrubland which is completely submerged or barely emergent at high-water stage; further upstream, this transitions to seasonally flooded igapó forest. Junk (1989) related the distribution of plant communities on the Amazon floodplain to the average annual inundation period. For sites near Manaus, he found that the inundation limit for established woody communities was about 9 months for shrubs and 6 months for trees. Hess (1999) extended this range to include semi-permanently to permanently flooded woodlands, inundated more than 9 months per year; these communities were found in lake beds and appeared to be successional. The vegetation patterns seen in Fig. 8 are consistent with the hypothesis of inundation duration as the primary determinant of vegetation structure on the floodplain. Mamirauá, 38% of which remained flooded on the low water mosaic, has 3.5 times more woody cover than Curuaı́, 67% of which remained flooded at low water. Other factors that influence the relative amounts of woody and nonwoody vegetation include fire frequency, soil – water deficits during the dry season, and human activities such as logging, cattle ranching, and farming. Logging on the central várzea is primarily selective (Albernaz & Ayres, 1999), seldom resulting in conversion to nonwoody vegetation. The practice of clearing várzea forest for creation of artificial pasture has grown over the past few decades (Ohly, 2000), and may have reduced the amount of várzea forest in areas adjacent to terra firme, such as along the south shore of Curuaı́ lake, or along levees of the largest floodplain channels. Within the study quadrat, farming of crops such as banana, papaya, jute, and manioc occurs mainly in small plots along high levees, covering a negligible area; these areas are mapped mainly as shrub or forest on the mosaics. 4.3. Hydrologic assessment of mosaics To what degree are the GRFM high- and low-water mosaics representative of inundation extent under average high- and low-water conditions in various parts of the study quadrat? Knowledge of the relationship of mosaic conditions to long-term averages is required for appropriate use of the classified mosaics for biogeochemical modeling and other applications. We analyzed two types of long-term hydrologic data. For floodplains of the main stem and major tributaries (51% of the wetland area), river stage data provide the best indicator of inundation extent. For smaller floodplains and interfluvial wetlands, 423 local runoff is most important. Precipitation data were used to assess whether the seasonality of local runoff was likely to be consistent with the high- and low-water mosaic imaging dates. Daily hydrologic data were obtained from the HidroWeb site of Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), http://hidroweb. In Table 8, imaging dates and stage levels observed on the high- and low-water mosaics are compared with mean dates and stage levels for maximum and minimum river stage at 28 gauging stations on the main stem and 9 major tributaries (tributaries with watersheds >100,000 km2). Station locations are shown in Fig. 9a. Averaged hydrographs were monomodal for all stations except Ipiranga Velho on the Icßá. Manaus provides the longest stage record within the study area. Because of strong backwater effects on the lower Negro, the Manaus gauge can be used as a proxy for Amazon River stage levels (Richey, Nobre, et al., 1989). Based on the Manaus record from 1903 to 1999, the GRFM mosaics imaged a typical annual maximum stage (36 cm higher than the long-term mean) and a lower than normal minimum stage (300 cm lower than the long-term mean). The observed maximum of 2797 cm was reached in 46 of the past 97 years, 1.7 m below the record maximum of 2969 cm, recorded in 1953. The recurrence interval for the observed minimum of 1536 cm is about 10 years, with a range of recurrence from 1 to 32 years. Along the Amazon main stem, the annual flood wave peak takes about 40 days to travel from São Paulo de Olivencßa to Manacapuru. Because the GRFM imaging proceeded from east to west, scenes were acquired about 1 month before the average peak high water at Manacapuru and 1 month after the average peak at S.P. de Olivencß a. Main stem stages observed on the high-water mosaic were thus similar to average high-water conditions. On the low-water mosaic, stage levels at Tefé, Itapeua, and Manacapuru were at least 3 m lower than the average annual minimum. Levels were 130 cm below the average minimum at Óbidos, and about one meter above the average minimum at São Paulo de Olivencßa. The lowwater mosaic is therefore less consistent than the highwater mosaic in its relationship to average conditions for the main stem. In Fig. 9b and c, the differences between observed and mean stage levels are shown geographically. Stations in the southern and northwestern portions of the study quadrat show significant deviation from average high- and lowwater conditions. High-water stage was not adequately Fig. 9. River stage along main stem and major tributaries. (a) Locations of 28 stream gauges for which timing and levels of river stage are presented in Table 8, excepting station 20 (Caracarai, located on Branco River at 61.1jW, 1.8jN). (b) Difference in cm between stage height recorded on high-water mosaic imaging date and mean stage at high water (Table 8); positive value indicates that stage level on high-water mosaic imaging date was higher than mean high-water stage level. (c) Difference in cm between stage height recorded on low-water mosaic imaging date and mean stage at low water; positive value indicates that stage level on low-water mosaic imaging date was higher than mean low-water stage level. 424 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 7 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 observed for areas south of about 6jS, and low-water observation dates were problematic in the southwest and northwest of the study area. The ‘‘high-water assumption’’ of the classification algorithm was valid for all stations except Ipixuna on the lower Juruá. Fig. 10 plots average monthly precipitation at 12 stations distributed across the study area and lists mean statistics for each station. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 3010 mm in the northwest of the study region to 1833 mm in the north central and 1843 mm in the central east. Seasonality of precipitation increases from north to south and from west to east, and a northwest –southeast gradient is seen in the timing of the wet and dry seasons. For all stations, the GRFM high-water mosaic was acquired either during the wet season or within 6 weeks of the end of the wet season. For all stations except station 3, the low-water GRFM mosaic was acquired toward the end of the dry season, or early in the transition period from dry to wet season. We examined the total monthly precipitation received at the 12 stations during the 3-month period preceding each GRFM acquisition in relation to mean precipitation for those periods. Short-term records at a particular station must be treated with caution since rainfall events are episodic and spatial variability of precipitation is high. For most stations, rainfall during the period preceding the high-water mosaic imaging was within F 25% of mean values, and rainfall during the period preceding the lowwater imaging was near or below average. We conclude that conditions in wetlands influenced mainly by local precipitation were likely to be similar to those during the average wet season on the high-water mosaic, and similar to or drier than those during the average dry season on the low-water mosaic. 4.4. Extension of the mapping The approach used here to map central Amazon wetlands—delineation of wetland extent using image segmentation, followed by mapping of vegetation and inundation based on dual-season backscattering characteristics—can be applied to other wetlands having similar vegetation structure and strong seasonality of inundation, provided that appropriately timed L-HH imagery is available. We are currently applying segmentation-based masking to the remainder of lowland Amazonian wetlands, and the dualseason mapping of cover states to the portion of those wetlands for which the cover-state mapping assumptions are valid. Regions where the assumptions are not valid or where wetland landscapes are dominated by vegetation structures for which the current algorithm performance is 425 poor include tidally inundated areas such as Marajó Island, areas with large expanses of M. arborescens along the lower Amazon floodplain, interfluvial white-sand wetlands with low-biomass shrubs and sedges, and wetlands within large savannas such as Roraima-Rupununi, where aquatic macrophytes are typically low-biomass and emergent rather than high-biomass and floating. For such cases, means of improving the accuracy of cover-state mapping include (a) ‘‘regionalizing’’ the classifier by modifying decision boundaries in favor of dominant classes; (b) including additional dates of archived JERS1 imagery or planned acquisitions from the Advanced Land Observing System (ALOS) L-band SAR, scheduled for launch in 2004; (c) merging C-band data from sensors such as RADARSAT or Envisat with the JERS-1 imagery; and (d) incorporating optical data such as Landsat. C-band or optical data would be effective particularly for improving classifier performance for the herbaceous, shrub, and woodland classes. Beyond the Amazon, GRFM mosaics of JERS-1 images have been generated for equatorial Africa (Rosenqvist & Birkett, 2002) and Southeast Asia (Shimada & Isoguchi, 2002). For Southeast Asia, a single mosaic was constructed, primarily from data acquired in January and February 1997 but including several passes that were disjunct in time. Use of the Southeast Asia mosaic for lowland wetlands mapping is complicated by the lack of dual-season data timed to high- and low-water periods, the widespread proximity of wetlands to agriculture and human settlements, and by possible differences in absolute values of rj compared with the other mosaics (suggested by differences for well-characterized targets such as upland rainforest Shimada & Isoguchi, 2002). Nevertheless, the Southeast Asia mosaic provides an important regional data set with which flooding of major rivers such as the Mekong and Irrawaddy and large lakes such as Tonle Sap can be studied. Evaluating the dual-season GRFM Africa mosaics for hydrological applications in the Congo river basin, Rosenqvist and Birkett (2002) concluded that the mosaics were suitable for mapping of flooding extent for some sub-basins, but that three observations within a year would be required to adequately capture high- and low-water stages for this region. Combining the GRFM Africa mosaics with a European Remote Sensing Satellite-1 mosaic, Simard, Grandi, Saatchi, and Mayaux (2002) found that the merged L-HH and C-VV data could map woody and herbaceous wetlands of coastal Gabon. That study also confirmed earlier observations that unlike most seasonally flooded forest, tall mangrove forest may not show enhanced L-HH backscattering when flooded. Fig. 10. Mean monthly precipitation (mm) for 12 precipitation gauges within or near the study area. Precipitation data were obtained from ANEEL HidroWeb site ( Lengths of records range from 8 to 30 years. Listed below each station name are mean annual rainfall, mean rainfall during wettest month, mean rainfall during driest month, and mean range between wettest and driest month (all in mm). 426 L.L. Hess et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (2003) 404–428 4.5. Application to biogeochemical modeling The suitability of the classification approach used in this study for regional biogeochemical modeling was demonstrated by Richey et al. (2002). In that study, the dual-season cover-state mapping described here was combined with field measurements of carbon dioxide concentrations in surface waters to calculate outgassing of CO2 from water to the atmosphere for the central Amazon basin. For the main stem Amazon and its floodplain, seasonal inundation patterns derived from low-resolution passive microwave data (Sippel, Hamilton, Melack, & Novo, 1998) were combined with the high-resolution cover-state mapping to extrapolate dualseason flooding patterns throughout the annual cycle. Mean monthly river stage data from tributaries to the main stem Amazon were used to extrapolate the temporal flooding patterns for these rivers. For the 1.77 million km2 quadrat (Fig. 1), the summation for all rivers and floodplains results in the region being most flooded in May with 350,000 km2 inundated, or 20% of the quadrat. This large inundated area is of importance to outgassing of methane and carbon dioxide and for models of energy and water vapor at a regional scale. Extrapolated over the whole basin, CO2 flux from flooded areas was found to be of comparable magnitude to some estimates of carbon sequestration by upland forests. Hence, the overall carbon budget of intact mature Amazon forests, summed across terrestrial and aquatic environments, may be closer to being balanced than would be inferred from studies of uplands alone. Current work using the wetlands mosaics as input to regional models of methane emissions will further document the role of wetlands in the carbon cycle of the Amazon basin, and contribute a key element to the LBA goal of understanding how Amazônia functions as a regional entity. 5. Summary Using the Global Rain Forest Mapping Project dualseason mosaics of JERS-1 SAR data, we have mapped wetland habitats at 100 m resolution for an 18 8j quadrat of the central Amazon region. Wetlands were defined for this purpose as inundatable areas. A mask showing wetland extent was created by a procedure of image segmentation and clustering, followed by human interpretation and editing of clustered polygons. Within the wetlands portion of the study area, the radar mosaics were classified into two-season combinations of vegetative-hydrologic cover states on the basis of pixel backscattering coefficients. The dual-season approach automatically generated classifications of both the high- and low-water mosaics, without illogical cover-state transitions between the two dates. The maps were validated using high-resolution, geocoded digital videography collected during aerial surveys at highand low-water periods. Thematic accuracy of the wetlands mask was estimated to be 95%. For the open water, nonflooded forest, and flooded forest cover-state classes, producer’s accuracies were good (78 – 91%) at both highand low-water stages. Producer’s accuracies were low (about 65%) for aquatic macrophytes and very low (about 55%) for flooded woodland, both of which have L-HH backscattering responses partly coinciding with those of forest and flooded forest. The results show that by using a hybrid machine- and human-interpreted procedure, image segmentation can be used to accurately map large regions at high resolution. The mapping approach presented has general applicability to seasonally inundated tropical wetlands. C-band or combined C- and L-band would yield higher accuracies for wetlands with primarily herbaceous vegetation. Seventeen percent of the 1.77 million km2 study quadrat is occupied by wetlands, which were 96% inundated at high water and 26% inundated at low water. About half of the wetland area was accounted for by floodplains and channels of the Amazon main stem and major tributaries. Flooded forest constituted nearly 70% of the overall wetland area, but proportions of the wetland habitats showed large regional variations related to floodplain geomorphology and between whitewater and blackwater environments. Analysis of historic river stage and precipitation data shows that the GRFM Amazon mosaics depict average high-water conditions, and below-average low-water conditions, for most of the study area. The mapped classes, which are based on vegetation physiognomy and flooding status, can be used in conjunction with field measurements for regional estimation of trace gas emissions and are also suitable for applications such as fisheries management. Acknowledgements We thank Dana Slaymaker, Ake Rosenqvist, Bruce Chapman, Andre Monteiro, and Ryan Ashker for their contributions in acquiring and processing the radar and videographic data sets. 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