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Martial Law in the Philippines: Social Studies Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion students are expected to:
1. Begin to develop understanding about the important history that happened in the
2. Identify and recognize the cause and effect of declaring martial law, and
3. Demonstrate understanding about the value of democracy.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
B. References:
C. Materials:
D. Skills to be developed:
The Martial Law in the Philippines
Internet: Martial Law in the Philippines,
PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids and Modules
Listening, Understanding and Critical thinking
III. Teaching Procedures
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
A. Routinary Activities
1. Greetings
Good afternoon 8-Bonifacio!
2. Prayer
Who was assigned to pray for this
Alright Echada please come here in
3. Checking of Attendance
Is somebody absent today?
Good Morning Sir!
Sir I was assigned to pray today.
(Students will pray.)
Sir we are glad to inform you that
nobody is absent today.
Very good! Because of that, I will
give you bonus points for your activity
4. Checking of Assignment
I gave you an assignment right?
What was the assignment that I gave
to you?
Yes Sir.
Sir you asked us to research about the
Martial law that happened in the
You can pass now your assignments.
B. Review
Do you still remember our topic
Yes Sir.
(Students will raise their hands.)
Good. So what was our topic
Yes Mr Talon.
Very good, so what is the two party
system and what year does this
Yes Ms Alawang.
Well said,
Ms Manese. What type of two way
party does the Philippine have during
1946 according to our discussion?
Very good.
Sir, Our topic yesterday is all about
the history of the two party system in
the Philippines
Sir, A two-party system is a political
party system in which two major
political parties consistently dominate
the political landscape. Following
independence in 1946, national
politics took place within a two-party
Sir, The Philippines has a multi-party
system with numerous political
parties, in which no one party often
has a chance of gaining power alone,
and parties must work with each other
to form coalition governments for
political expediency and convenience.
C. Motivation
I will divide this class into 3 groups.
Group A, B and C.
Each group will be given jumbled
letter. After that give a brief
introduction about the word that was
given to you. As I say go, everyone
should participate to arrange and
figure out the word. The word should
be posted on the board. The group,
who will first got the right answer will
have 10 points in their recitation, the
second group will have 8 points and
the last group will have 7 points. Is it
clear class?
The first group who got the right
answer is group B. What is the word
that you got? And give a brief
introduction about it.
Very Good, you got the right answer.
The Second group who got the right
answer is group A. What is the word
that you got? And give a brief
introduction about it.
Very Good, you got the right answer.
(everyone will go to their designated
group and participate to form the word
Yes Sir.
Sir, our word is President Ferdinand
Marcos. Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin
Marcos Sr. was a Filipino politician
and lawyer who was the 10th
president of the Philippines from 1965
to 1986.
Sir, our word is People Power
Revolution. The People Power
Revolution, also known as the EDSA
Revolution or the February
Revolution, was a series of popular
demonstrations in the Philippines,
mostly in Metro Manila, from
February 22–25, 1986. There was a
sustained campaign of civil resistance
against regime violence and electoral
The last group who got the right
answer is group C. What is the word
that you got? And give a brief
introduction about it.
Sir, our word is President Maria
Corazon "Cory" Sumulong Cojuangco
Aquino was a Filipina politician who
served as the 11th president of the
Philippines from 1986 to 1992.
Very Good, you got the right answer
Yes Sir.
Did you enjoy our activity class?
E. Presentation of the Lesson
I presented to you class an important
history that happened in the Philippines
in the past. Our today’s topic is entitled
The Martial Law in the Philippines.
Dou you have your books/hand-outs in
you? Turn it to page 107 chapter 7 and
we will start today discussion.
Yes Sir.
F. Discussion
Did you read your assignment class?
So based on your assignment can you
explain what is meant by the word
martial law?
Yes, Mr Arquero
Very good, any other answer?
So according to Mr Arquero
Martial law involves the temporary
substitution of military authority for
civilian rule and is usually invoked in
time of war, rebellion, or natural
disaster. When martial law is in effect,
the military commander of an area or
Yes Sir
Sir, According to my searched
assignment. Martial law involves the
temporary substitution of military
authority for civilian rule and is
usually invoked in time of war,
rebellion, or natural disaster. When
martial law is in effect, the military
commander of an area or country has
unlimited authority to make and
enforce laws.
None Sir.
country has unlimited authority to
make and enforce laws.
Martial law in the Philippine
Martial law in the Philippine (Batas
Militar sa Pilipinas) refers to several
intermittent periods in Philippine
history wherein the Philippine head of
state (such as the President) places an
area under the control of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines and its
predecessor bodies. Martial law is
declared when there is violent civil
unrest; most countries use a different
legal construct like "state of
Proclamation of Martial Law
Six hours after the alleged
assassination attempt against Enrile
and citing more than 15 bombing
incidences, chaos and lawlessness,
Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081,
declaring and imposing martial law in
the entire country. By declaring
martial law, Marcos suspended the
writ of habeas corpus and also
the 1935 Constitution,
dissolved Congress and padlocked the
doors to the Batasang Pambansa, and
assuming both legislative and
executive powers. Proclamation No.
1081 was dated September 21, 1972
but it was actually signed on
September 17. The formal
announcement or promulgation of the
proclamation was made only at seventhirty in the evening of September 23,
evidencing the plan to declare martial
law even before the supposed ambush
against Enrile. He had also
commanded his military collaborators
to start arresting his political
opponents and close down all media
and retail (fashion, food, religious,
sports) establishments about twentytwo hours before the announcement.
Did you know, who was the president
that proclaimed martial law in the
Philippines during that time?
Sir, the former president Ferdinand
Marcos was the one who proclaimed
the martial law during that time.
Yes, Ms Bustamante.
Very good, exactly Ms Bustamante
The former president Ferdinand
Marcos was the one that declared the
martial law in the Philippines.
Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin
Marcos Sr. Born from (September 11,
1917 – September 28, 1989) was a
Filipino politician and lawyer who
was the 10th president of the
Philippines from 1965 to 1986.
The declaration of Martial Law was
criticized as a planned precursor to
extending Marcos' term in office,
which under the 1935 Constitution is
limited to two terms of four years each
or a maximum of eight years. Did you
have any clarification or questions
regarding this part?
None Sir.
Ok class, So let’s move-on on our
topic. So next is the
Caused and Effect of Martial Law
in the Philippines
So according to your assignment what
is the reason why President Marcos
declared martial law during that time?
Yes, Mr Ramos
Very well said, Mr Ramos
Sir President Marcos imposed martial
law on the nation from 1972 to 1981
to suppress increasing civil strife and
the threat of a communist takeover
following a series of bombings
in Manila.
President Marcos imposed martial law
on the nation from 1972 to 1981 to
suppress increasing civil strife and the
threat of a communist takeover
following a series of bombings
in Manila.
Communism (from Latin communis,
'common, universal')[1][2] is
a philosophical, social, political,
and economic ideology
and movement whose goal is the
establishment of a communist society,
namely a socioeconomic order
structured upon the ideas of common
ownership of the means of
production and the absence of social
classes, money,[3][4] and
the state.[5][6] Communism is a
specific, yet distinct, form
of socialism. Communists agree on
the withering away of the state but
disagree on the means to this end,
reflecting a distinction between a
more libertarian approach
of communization, revolutionary
spontaneity, and workers' selfmanagement, and a
more vanguards or Communist partydriven approach through the
development of a
constitutional socialist state.
These are the causes of the declaration
of martial law in the Philippines. Is it
clear class?
In relation these are the effects of the
martial law that happened in the
the imposition of martial law
the suspension of civil
law, civil rights, habeas
corpus, and
Yes Sir.
The application or extension
of military law or military
justice to civilians.
None Sir.
However, during Marcos time Martial
law, only writ of habeas corpus was
suspended. Civilian and military
courts are effectively the same.
Civilians defying martial law may be
subjected to military tribunals (courtmartial). Did you have any
clarification or questions regarding
this part?
The People Power Revolution
September 23, 1972, President
Ferdinand Marcos announced on
television that he had placed the
entirety of the Philippines under
martial law. This marked the
beginning of a 14-year period of oneman rule which would effectively last
until Marcos was exiled from the
country on February 24, 1986.
How former President Marcos was
exiled from his position in the country
during February 24, 1986. Anyone
who knows the answer?
Sir, it is because of The People Power
Yes, Ms Panday.
Yes Sir.
Very good, are you all agree with her?
The People Power Revolution, also
known as the EDSA Revolution or
the February Revolution, was a
series of popular demonstrations in
the Philippines, mostly in Metro
Manila, from February 22–25, 1986.
There was a sustained campaign
of civil resistance against regime
violence and electoral fraud.
The nonviolent revolution led to the
departure of Ferdinand Marcos, the
end of his 20-year dictatorship and the
restoration of democracy in the
It is also referred to as the Yellow
Revolution due to the presence of
yellow ribbons during demonstrations
(in reference to the Tony Orlando and
Dawn song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon
Round the Ole Oak Tree") following
the assassination of Filipino senator
Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. in
August 1983 upon his return to the
Philippines from exile. It was widely
seen as a victory of the people against
two decades of presidential rule by
President Marcos, and made news
headlines as "the revolution that
surprised the world".
The majority of the demonstrations
took place on a long stretch
of Epifanio de los Santos Avenue,
more commonly known by its
acronym EDSA, in Metro Manila from
February 22–25, 1986. They involved
over two million Filipino civilians, as
well as several political and military
groups, and religious groups led
by Cardinal Jaime Sin, the Archbishop
of Manila, along with Catholic
Bishops' Conference of the
Philippines President
Cardinal Ricardo Vidal,
the Archbishop of Cebu. The protests,
fueled by the resistance and opposition
from years of governance by President
Marcos and his cronies, culminated
with the absolute ruler and his family
fleeing Malacañang Palace to exile
in Hawaii. Ninoy Aquino's
widow, Corazon Aquino, was
immediately installed as
the eleventh president as a result of the
None Sir.
So did you have any clarification or
questions regarding this part before we
proceed to our activity?
E. Application
Give your reaction or thoughts about
the declaration of martial law in the
Philippines of the former president
Yes Sir.
(the students will now write their
reaction and pass the paper after 5
Ferdinand Marcos during that time.
Are you agree or disagree about his
decisions or his reasons?
Write your answer on a yellow paper.
I will give 5 minutes to state your
opinions. I will collect it right after
that. Is the instruction clear?
Time’s up, now pass your paper.
Yes Sir.
F. Generalization
Did you enjoy our activities for today?
Did you learn something from our
Can you state what you have learned,
Yes Mr Ocfemia.
Very good. Who else wanted to share
about his/her learning?
Yes Ms Quesada.
Yes Sir.
Sir today I’ve learned about the
martial law that happened during
January 17, 1981, under former
President Ferdinand Marcos through
Proclamation 2045 until 1986 when he
went to exile after the People Power
Revolution. Martial law in the
Philippines refers to several
intermittent periods in Philippine
history wherein the Philippine head of
state (such as the President) places an
area under the control of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines and its
predecessor bodies. Martial law is
declared when there is violent civil
unrest; most countries use a different
legal construct like "state of
Sir in addition to that former President
Marcos imposed martial law on the
nation from 1972 to 1981 to suppress
increasing civil strife and the threat of
a communist takeover following a
series of bombings in Manila. The
result accompanies curfews, the
suspension of civil law, civil
rights, habeas corpus, and the
application or extension of military
law or military justice to civilians.
However, during Marcos time Martial
law, only writ of habeas corpus was
suspended. Civilian and military
courts are effectively the same.
Civilians defying martial law may be
subjected to military tribunals (courtmartial).
Well said. I am so glad that you’ve
learned many things today.
IV. Evaluation
After on what you have learned during our discussion about the martial law that
happened in the Philippines and the different effects accompanied by it. As a citizen that
was currently living with democracy. Make a reflection on how will value your freedom
that you are living right now?
 Write your answer on a short bond paper, typewritten with at least 200
 Format; Font size 12, times new roman, justify
 Submit your reflection on or before 4:00 pm at the box on my table.
Sentence Fluency
The writing has an
easy flow, rhythm,
and cadence.
Sentences are well
built, with strong
and varied structure
that invites
expressive oral
Appropriate details
support main idea.
Demonstrates a
good grasp of
standard writing
conventions (e.g.,
grammar, usage,
paragraphing) and
uses conventions
effectively to
enhance readability.
The text hums
along with a steady
The writing mostly beat, but tends to
flows, and usually
be more businessinvites oral reading. like than musical,
more mechanical
than fluid.
Most details
support main idea.
Few details support
main idea.
Shows reasonable
Understands good control over a
writing conventions limited range of
and usually uses
standard writing
them correctly.
Paper is easily read Conventions are
and errors are rare; sometimes handled
minor touch-ups
well and enhance
would get this
readability; at other
piece ready to
times, errors are
distracting and
impair readability.
V. Assignment
Make an advance study about the different types of Constitutions of the