Uploaded by MegaChin69

8 week OG

First off, I would like to give a shout out to all my previous coaches who have shared their knowledge with me about training. Without them I truly would
not be able to do what I do. Learning to see things from a different perspective and realizing how you always have room for improvement no matter how
good you think you get in the gym. There’s always room for growth, and it’s always a cool thing to learn from lots of different people because every
coach has a different approach to hitting a nasty workout. With everything that I’ve gathered over the years of being taught all this knowledge and
through personal experience, I have been able to form my own style of training that I can dedicate a lot of my recent progress to. That and dieting
obviously, along with some other lifestyle adjustments… but like I said, there’s always another way of improving, so let me show you what I got. Thanks
for making this purchase and supporting me, and I wish you the nastiest 8 weeks with my program. Take it all in and try to grasp this different concept of
training you’re more than likely not used to, if you have done this style of training then sick, let’s intensify it. Remember how important recovery is as
well, make sure you’re trying to get around 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and please make sure you’re eating good quality foods and lots of them. If any of
you need or want full coaching to really tie things together and to make sure you’re getting the most out of everything, I do offer that as well if you are
unfamiliar with making progress with the whole kitchen aspect of things. Thanks again everyone, now let’s get to work eh
Workout Key Terms:
ISO Holds: When you either hold the contraction, or the stretch of a movement for a certain duration of time.
Either your squeezing, or you’re stretching under the current weight being performed during your set.
MTMC: “Mind to muscle connection” is when you have that feeling, that connection between you and the muscle
group that’s being targeted. Focus on it, and emphasis blood flow into that area.
Negatives: When you are performing reps you have your negatives, when you’re controlling the weight going
down. (Eg, you press some weight on the bench press, on the way down is called a negative.)
Rest Pause Sets: One big giant set of 3 sets, with 15 second rest times in between sets. Using the same weight as
the first set you are trying to do as many reps as you can with clean form until failure on each set.
Cluster Sets: One big giant set of 5 sets, with 15 second rest times in between sets. Using the same weight as the
first set you are trying to do as many reps as you can with clean form until failure on each set.
Drop Sets: Is when you’re using a certain weight then immediately drop the weight by a certain amount. Whether
that be a random number based off your level of pain, or it’s a calculated number of usually either 30% or 50%.
Double Drop Sets: Is when you’re using a certain weight then immediately drop the weight by a certain amount,
but twice. Same thing as a drop set you just do it an extra time.
Triple Drop Sets: Is when you’re using a certain weight then immediately drop the weight by a certain amount, but
three times! Same thing as a double drop set you just do it another time.
Double Rep: Performing your reps you do 1 full rep. Instead with this you will do 1 full rep, then instead of
immediately performing another full rep you’ll only perform the first half of a rep right after. So full rep then half
rep, that’s 1 full rep.
Surf The Rack: At the heaviest weight you end up climbing up to during your sets, you utilize the heavy weight with
as good as form as possible hitting failure on every set then you slowly drop the weight all the way down until
you’ve reached the 5’s. Going down by 5lb increments so these sets are jam packed.
Warm Up Sets: These are the light, warm up sets usually just to feel the movement and get the body prepared for
what’s to come. Higher reps, and faster ish reps. Not crazy, but just feel the movement.
Feeder Sets: These are the sets you use to build up to your working sets, meaning you’ll utilize the rep ranges and
increase in weight as you go on in sets, warming up effectively, while maintain as much energy as we can so we
can apply that towards our real working sets.
Working Sets: Where all the magic begins… Your top working sets are your hardest most to die for sets, I usually
only stick to 2-4 working sets for most of my things because when you give those your 150% good luck hitting that
shit for 4 or 5 sets. Put your all into these like it’s your last day, you should be prepared after your previous sets
have been completed.
Warm up: cable chest fly’s high to low 2x20, 2x12, 1x6
Warm up: DB Rotator cuff’s 3x20-30 each arm
Decline BB Bench:
WARM UPS: 1x20, 2x15 with a little bit heavier weight.
FEEDER SETS: 3x6, increase weight after each set leading to your top set.
WORKING SETS: 2x8 heavy then on the last set do a drop set by 50% and do 1 set to complete failure.
Having a spotter is necessary if possible.
Incline DB Bench:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8 working up to your top set.
WORKING SETS: 3x10-12 then on your last set drop set it by 50% & go to failure.
Incline DB Fly superset Push-ups to failure:
FEEDER SETS: If needed, do 2-3 sets of like 8-10 reps, nothing crazy.
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 then push ups to failure. Squeeze as hard as you can on every rep with both
these exercises. After each set, stand and squeeze your chest as hard as you can. For about 30-60
seconds post set and your muscles will be SCREAMING.
Standing DB Side Laterals “SURF THE RACK”:
Start at the heaviest DB’s you can then hit every set until failure dropping down 5lbs each set
utilizing as strict form as possible. Meaning no swinging, just isolate pure lateral movement here.
Even if you’re doing half reps for the heavy weight, that’s fine. Example: 50’s x failure, 45’s x
failure…… all the way down to the 5’s. This is a huge set that could be like 10 sets long.
Seated DB Shoulder Press:
FEEDER SETS: 3x6-8 WORKING SETS: 3x10-12 then 1xFailure with the same weight drop set by 50%
go to failure doing the cleanest reps possible.
Standing Dual Cable Cuff Tricep Extensions:
WARM UPS: 1x15
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 + 10 partials then 10-15 second ISO Hold at the top of the rep.
reaching total failure.
Incline Bench EZ Bar Skull Crushers:
WARM UPS: 1x15
WORKING SETS: 4x12 + 10 partials then 10-15 second ISO Hold at the top of the rep. reaching
total failure reps then 1xfailure.
Warm up: Single arm cable lat pull downs 2x15 each arm then 2x8 each arm
Standing Rope Cable Half Rep Pull Overs:
Explanation: Standing just like you would to do a normal rope pull over targeting your lats, instead of
hitting the full range of motion of the rep (meaning pulling the rope closer to your pelvic region and
completing that full sweeping motion). You would rather still utilize the top 50% of the range of
motion, meaning you would fully stretch coming up then target extremely hard on only pulling the
weight down with your lats, but only half way, then stop and emphasis that squeeze as hard as you
can for 1 second and keep going. Constant tension will make your lats explode on these ones.
WARM UPS: 1x20, 1x15 FEEDER SETS: 2-3x8 WORKING SETS: 2x12, 2xfailure with the same weight
(nothing over 15 reps you should get)
Meadows Rows:
I use the 25’s as it helps give a deeper stretch. The sets will look like this, 25+25+25+25 or something
like that. I want you to add the 25’s (or 10’s if you really need to) until you get to a hard-working set
of 8 reps.
WORKING SETS: 3x8 each arm then on your last set do 1 massive drop set dropping down to the last
plate. (each arm at once!) each set aim for around 6-10 reps reaching failure each drop set.
Seated Close Grip Cable Rows:
WORKING SETS: 3x15 reps each set I want you to tuck your elbows as close to your lats as you can
and squeeze each rep with a 1-2 second holds as hard as you can. Let’s force some blood in those
T-Bar Row Machine (or incline bench DB High Rows):
Using 25’s OR 45’s if you’re a tank, work your way up to a hard ass set of 10-12 reps. Once you’ve
achieved this, drop set each plate and every set go to failure. It’s nice having someone help strip your
plates for this one.
Standing BB Curls:
WARM UPS: 1-2x10
FEEDER SETS: Build up with sets of 6
WORKING SETS:3x9-12+5-10 partials till failure, but not too heavy, once your form goes stop your
DB Hammer Curls “SURF THE RACK”:
Build up to a heavy of set 4-6 reps utilizing 4-6 reps climbing up to your top weight. Once you’re
there, start at the heaviest weight and complete the cleanest reps as possible till failure with every
set, dropping 5lbs each set until you’ve reached 5lbs.
Legs /Calves Quad Dom.
Leg Extensions
WARM UPS: 2x30, 1x20 FEEDER SETS: 1x15,2x10 WORKING SETS: 3x15 reps + 5-10 partials. I want
you to squeeze at the top of each rep and really melt your quads in preparation for your big sets
coming up.
Leg Press
FEEDER SETS: 3-4x6-8 reps WORKING SETS: 3x20
I want you to keep these slow and very controlled, feel the tension on every rep. These should be
done close to failure and the sets should get harder as they go on!
Walking BB Lunges
WORKING SETS: 3x10-12 reps each leg
Again, nice and slow really feel your muscles ripping here.
Hack Squats
WARM UPS: 1x10
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x4-6 reps
WORKING SETS: 1 Rest Pause Set of 8-10 reps. Example: Pick a weight you can do around 10-12 reps
TOPS then aim for 8-10 reps each set utilizing nice time under tension and full range of motion with
ZERO bounce at the bottom. You’re going to be doing 3 sets back to back here with the same weight
you’ll just be taking 15-20 second rest breaks in between the sets instead of longer rest times like 1-2
minutes or whatever you rest with. Don’t let these rep ranges fully limit you, if you can push past the
pain and rep it out then totally do it. Kill yourself on these.
Seated Leg Curls:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: once you’ve built up to a decent weight to hit 10-12 reps on this, do a crazy focused
Rest Pause Set to finish off the session. To failure and with awesome form.
Seated Calf Raises
WARM UPS: 1x30,1x20,1x15
WORKING SETS: 4x15 + 5-10 partials with a 10 second hold at the bottom of the last rep and at the
end of each set.
Standing Calf Raises
WORKING SETS: 3x12-15+10partials + 5-10 second hold at the stretched position. You’ll need to build
your pain tolerance up for this big time. Just power through it pussy
Warm up: cable chest fly’s high to low 2x20, 2x12, 1x6
Warm up: DB Rotator cuffs 3x20-30 each arm
Flat DB OR BB Bench (if you insist to hit BB):
WARM UPS: 1x20,2x15, 1x10
WORKING SETS: 3x8-10 reps then last set drop set by 30% and go to failure. Try increasing the weight
you use every week.
Incline Smith Machine Bench (or regular BB if you prefer):
WARM UPS: 2x10
WORKING SETS: 3X12 leaving about 1-2 RIR in the tank on the first set, on your last set go to failure
then drop by 50% and go till failure keeping tension on the chest and nice slow negatives.
Seated Machine Chest Fly’s:
WORKING SETS: 4x45-60 second sets with this I want you to really control these reps, get a DEEP
stretch each rep and squeeze as hard as you can at the end of every single rep and hold the squeeze
for 1-2 seconds on every rep. Act as if there’s a pencil in between your pecs for better MTMC. Heavy
weight is definitely not needed for this. Pick something challenging though!
Standing BB OHP (or seated machine shoulder press, which I personally prefer):
WARM UPS: 2x10
WORKING SETS: 4x10 nothing special with these lets just keep tight, and focus on being very
explosive with these! Control nicely on the negatives. Increase the weight used weekly.
Seated DB Side Laterals:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x8-10
WORKING SETS: 4x15-20 do NOT cheat these, don’t grab a weight you have to swing your entire
body to get the rep up. Me personally I use 20’s or if I’m feeling strong maybe the 25’s or 30’s. This
isn’t about being “strong” on these. Its more MTMC, slow these down and hold the stretch and
contraction for a second each rep. Really just blow your side delts TF up, the more time placed under
a set the more growth you will accumulate brahs.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Rows: (not fly’s!)
Facing the bench, hang your shoulders off the bench and not too much, but widen your elbows to a
little over 45 degrees, then instead of performing a fly like most people do, like just drive our elbows
right into the ceiling and use our rear delts to row the DB’s up powerfully, instead of flying them out.
Just like a row, but rear delts.
WARM UPS: 2x15 to pump some blood in there
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x10-15
WORKING SETS: 4x20 reps
Seated Machine Rear Delt Fly’s
WORKING SETS: these are straight up. Just do 4x20-30 reps increasing weight after each set. Simple!
Standing Straight Bar Tricep Extensions
WORKING SETS: 1x10-12 utilizing a cluster set! So, hit this set 5 times back to back with 15 seconds in
between rests. You can warm up with a few sets if needed, but I want you to blast this cluster with
all you got. Your set should look something like this. 1x12,11,10,10,8-9 as long as you give it your all,
you don’t need to hit all the reps. Just go to your own failure until form breaks down.
Standing Rope Overhead Tricep Extensions
WORKING SETS: increase weight after each set
1x20, 1x15, 2x10, 2x6-8 then triple drop set your last set.
Warm up: Single arm cable lat pull downs 2x15 each arm then 2x8 each arm
Close Grip Pull Downs:
WARM UPS: 1x15
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 3x12 reps then last set drop set by 30% and go till absolute failure.
Standing BB T-Bar Row:
WARM UPS: 1x12, use 25’s so you can complete full range of motion.
FEEDER SETS:2-3x6-8 reaching for a hard set of 12 reps for your top sets…
WORKING SETS: 1 rest pause set of 10-12 reps for your first set then the ones after reach failure with
perfect form. Stop once form starts to break down.
Bent Over DB Rows:
WARM UPS: 1x10-15 if needed
FEEDER SETS: 2-4 feeder sets of 6-8
WORKING SETS: 3 working set of 8-10 reps, last set cut the weight by 30% and go until failure using
nice controlled negatives keeping every rep clean.
Standing BB Curls 21’s:
WARM UPS: 2x10 if needed
WORKING SETS: 3-4x21 reps, 7 reps from the middle to top half, 7 reps from the bottom to half way
up, then 7 full reps squeezing as hard as you can. Change your grip width weekly too.
Dual DB Preacher Curl:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4x15+partials working the top half of the rep. Squeeze the DB’s together on every
rep which will allow you to squeeze your biceps even harder.
Standing Rope Hammer Curls:
WORKING SETS: 4x20-30 till absolute failure. Just blast these ones out, use some heavy ish weight if
you can and go as hard as you can with as clean of form as possible. If you need to cheat the last 5
reps or so that’s fine, but make the first 2/3’s nice.
Hamstring/Glute/Calves Dom.
Laying Hamstring Curls:
WARM UP SETS: 2x15-20 reps to get some blood back there.
FEEDER SETS: 3-4x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4x10-12 reps holding the weight at the top of the movement for a 2 second count.
The last set choose a weight that is a hard 10 and do a triple drop set using the same method
decreasing the weight by 30% each set bringing you to failure on each set.
BB Squats or Smith Machine Squats:
FEEDER SETS: 3-5x4-8
WORKING SETS: 1x20-25 with a difficult weight, 1x15 with heavier weight (these should be super
close to failure if not failure.) then last set drop the weight to what you had on your first set and go
to complete failure.
Smith Machine Single Leg Lunges:
WARM UP SETS: 2x8-10 if needed
WORKING SETS: 4x15 reps each leg. Don’t complete a full rep coming to a lockout at the top, I want
you to keep the range of motion about ¾. Come close to locking out but don’t actually, keep
constant tension on your glutes and hammies.
Standing Single Leg RDLS:
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15, slow the negatives down and really focus on using your hamstring muscles.
This helps a lot with MTMC. After each set, do some posing with your hamstrings just by squeezing
them as hard as you can for 30-45 seconds each leg. The blood is insane.
Abductor Machine superset Adductor:
WORKING SETS: I want you to super set these two back to back. 4x25 reps each increasing the
weight after each set. Increase the weight after each set if you can, and try to outdo yourself with
Cable Rope Pull Throughs:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 Slow down the negatives and explode when thrusting forwards and hold
the squeeze!
Standing Smith Machine Calve Raises:
WORKING SETS: 4 sets of 15-20 reps with a 15-20 second ISO hold on every last rep. Increasing
weight after each set bringing you to your top set of absolute failure using the same rep scheme. Last
set do a double drop set bringing each set to failure, including the ISO holds after each set! Each
week you will notice your able to take this pain a little bit better… keep going!
Rest… You’re welcome
Week 5-8
Warm up: Single arm cable lat pull downs 2x15 each arm then 2x8 each arm
Bodyweight Pull Ups:
WORKING SETS: 4xfailure using a neutral grip and possibly a resistance band to help you complete
your reps. If you can’t do at least 10 then use a band.
Seated Machine Single Arm Row:
WARM UP SETS: 2x10 each arm
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set of 10 reps each arm. Using the double rep technique, I want you to do 1
full rep, go all the way down, come half way back then back down. That’s 1 rep.
Smith Machine Bent Over Rows:
WARM UP SETS: 1x10 if needed
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x4-6
WORKING SETS: 3x8-10 reps and on each set, I want you to tuck your elbows as close to your lats as
you can and squeeze each rep with a 1 second hold as hard as you can. Let’s force some blood in
those lats!
Single Arm DB Rows: (keeping your elbows tight!)
WARM UP SETS: 1x10 if needed
WORKING SETS: 2x8-10, then do 2xfailure with the same weight (nothing over 15 reps you should get)
this is using half reps once you’ve reached failure with proper form.
Standing Reverse Grip Curls:
WORKING SETS: 3-4x20-30 reps on each set, don’t go heavy or anything this shit sucks.
Standing Alternating DB Curls:
WARM UP SETS: 1x10 each arm if needed
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6 reps, nothing crazy
WORKING SETS: 3x10-12+5-10 partials each arm from the bottom to half way up.
Legs /Calves Quad Dom.
Leg Extensions:
WARM UP SETS: 1x40, 1x30, 1x20 increasing the weight after each set. Make this semi challenging
towards the end.
FEEDER SETS: 2x10, 2x4-6
WORKING SETS: 4x20 reps + 10 partials. I want you to squeeze at the top of each rep and really melt
your quads in preparation for your big sets coming up.
Quad Dominant Hack Squats: (knees more over your toes and closer feet placement)
WARM UP SETS: 2x10-15 reps, full range of motion no bouncing at the bottom!
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x6-8, slowly increasing and starting to feel the intensity.
WORKING SETS: 1 cluster set of 10-12 reps each set. Example: Pick a weight you can do around 12-15
reps TOPS then aim for 10-12 reps each set. You’re going to be doing 5 sets back to back here with the
same weight you’ll just be taking 15 second rest breaks in between the sets instead of longer rest
times like 1-2 minutes or whatever you rest with. If you want to go lighter weight, use 2-3 second
negatives every single rep, 1-2 second ISO holds at the bottom, and explode up squeezing your quads.
Hit 20+ reps if you want to, you shouldn’t be walking after this.
Walking BB Lunges:
FEEDER SETS: 1-2x6-8 each leg.
WORKING SETS: 3x12 reps, knees over your toes making this quad dominant, and take your time with
Smith Machine Squats: (closer stance, knees more over your toes)
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x6-8… don’t exhaust yourself lol.
WORKING SETS: 1x20, 1x15, 1xfailure using the same weight you used for the sets of 20. Example:
1x20 you used 225lbs, 1x15 you used 315lbs, 1xfailure with your set of 225 weight.
Leg Press Calve Raises:
WARM UP SETS: 2x20 reps, increasing weight after the first set
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x10-15 reps switching your toe placement from out to in. targeting different parts of
your calves.
WORKING SETS: 3xfailure utilizing different toe placements each set. Out, Middle, and In.
Seated Calve Raises:
WORKING SETS: 4xfailure but you’re shooting for 15-20 reps tops for your failure sets.
With your calve exercises what I want you to do in between every working set is to do Toe Raises until
failure. I mean it, in between every set of calve raises, for both exercises. Just stand on the edge of
something and blast your tibialis anterior.
Warm up: cable chest fly’s high to low 2x20, 2x12, 1x6
Warm up: DB Rotator cuffs 3x20-30 each arm
Flat BB or DB Bench:
WARM UP SETS: 1x20, 2x15
WORKING SETS: 3x8 heavy clean reps then on your last set, triple drop set until failure, decreasing the
weight by 30% each set.
Decline DB Bench:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 3x12 last set drop set by 50% go to failure. Flex your chest after your last set for 3045 seconds as hard as you can to force as much blood in there as you can!
Incline DB Fly superset Push-ups to failure:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x8-10 if you want, push ups you don’t really need to warm up for.
WORKING SETS: 3xfailure on both of these, chest fly’s shoot of 12-15 reps.
Incline, Decline, Or Flat Machine Chest Press:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 3-4x15 reps + 5-10 partials. I want you to squeeze at the top of each rep and really
melt your chest and force some more blood in there.
Standing Low to High Cable Fly’s:
WORKING SETS: 3x15-20 then grab an incline bench and do standing push ups to failure. Focus on
your upper chest Squeeze as hard as you can on every rep with both these exercises.
Standing Dual Cable Cuff Tricep Pushdowns:
WORKING SETS: 4x12+5-10 partials from the top to half way down.
Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extensions “SURF THE RACK”:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set utilizing 12-15 reps, nice slow negatives and explode on your way up but
with constant tension on your triceps. I like to do 3/4 of a rep with these
Arms/ Super Set Workout.
Standing cable single arm tricep push downs:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SET: 1xfailure at 15 reps reduce the weight by 30% go to failure, reduce by 30% go to
Rope cable curls:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 1xfailure at 15 reps reduce the weight by 30% go to failure, reduce by 30% go to
*Focus on your strength progression week to week on this movement.
Laying on floor DB Dead-stop Skull Crushers:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4 sets of 8-10 reps increasing weight after each set. Your last set should be to
absolute failure. Focus on your strength progression week to week on this movement as well.
Seated DB Hammer Curls:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4 sets of 10-12 reps increasing the weight after each set. Your last set should be to
absolute failure. Same thing
Weighted Dips:
FEEDER SETS: 2x6-8 working up in weight possibly if you can add some on a belt.
WORKING SETS: 1 working rest pause set with a dip belt or chains. Example: 10 reps 15 seconds 7 reps
15 seconds 4 reps 15 seconds.
Standing Cable Cuff Drag Curls:
WORKING SETS: 1 working set of 12-15 reps, drop by 30% go to failure, drop 30% to failure.
Single Arm DB Seated Tricep Extensions:
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set aiming for 10-15 reps each arm, perform this movement one arm at a
time and just pass the DB back and forth between your right and left hand until you’ve performed
5 total sets per arm. Example, 20lbs DB x 10x8x7x3x2 passing back and forth from arm to arm.
DB Bent Over Concentration Curls:
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set, aiming for 12-15 reps while sitting on a bench with a DB in one hand
lean your other hand on your opposing knee and let the DB down slowly towards the floor and slowly
curl back up towards your opposite cheek. Same idea as the last exercise!
Warm up: Single arm cable lat pull downs 2x15 each arm then 2x8 each arm
Close Grip Lat Pull Downs:
WARM UP SETS: 1x20, 1x15
FEEDER SETS: 3-4x6-8
WORKING SETS: 2x12, then 2xfailure using the same weight! Keeping as clean of form as you can, then
just taking it to another level. Push yourself on these more than you can believe. Your lats will be
Seated Single Arm Cable Rows:
WORKING SETS: 4x12 reps each set I want you to tuck your elbows as close to your lats as you can and
squeeze each rep with a 1 second hold as hard as you can. Let’s force some blood in those lats. Full
stretch going forward as well while keeping your torso upright!
Bent Over DB Rows:
WORKING SETS: 3x10+5partials + 10-20 second hold at the stretched position. By now you should be
accumulated to ISO hold pain a bit better than when we started.
Standing Full ROM Cable Rope Lat Pull Overs:
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 with the same weight, really squeeze your lats and focus on maximizing
blood! Last set double drop set it to failure utilizing the squeeze as much as you can.
Standing DB Hammer Curls (across the body):
WARM UP SETS: 3-4x8-12 reps each arm warming up
WORKING SETS: 3x8-10 reps each arm then using the same weight I want you to push to failure on
your last set then cut the weight by 30% then go to failure again!
Standing Single Arm Cable Curls:
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set so with this pick a weight you can hit roughly 10-12 reps each set. I want
you to hit each arm individually for 5 sets in a row with a 15 second rest in between. Example:
Legs/Hamstring Glute Dom.
Seated Hamstring Curls:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 3x8 reps, on your last set go to failure then decrease the weight by 30% then go to
failure, followed by 10 partials from the fully stretched position 1/3 of the way down followed by a 2030 second ISO hold at the top of the rep all within your final set.
Wide Stance Leg Press:
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x10-15
WORKING SETS: 3x20-30 reps using a 3 second negative for every single rep, coming as deep as you
can and not stopping the pace. Keep constant tension on your hamstring the entire time, and if you
can finish the sets with some deep partials. You should not be walking after these.
BB or Smith Machine Hip Thrusts:
WORKING SETS: 4x10 reps progressing up in weight after each set. Sets are performed with a 3
second negative and a 1 second ISO hold at the top, squeezing your glutes. Tip: point your toes
outwards more than in, you’ll notice it put way more emphasis onto your glutes and hamstrings.
Single Leg Standing Hamstring Curls or Single Leg Cable Cuff Hamstring Curls:
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4x10 reps holding the weight at the top of the movement for a 2 second count. The
last set choose a weight that is a hard 10 and do a triple drop set decreasing the weight by 30% each
set bringing you to failure on each set.
Standing Banded Stiff Legs:
WORKING SETS: 3x20-30 reps using a stiff band, one that’s pretty strong! Each week try hitting more
reps, with slower and better form!
Rope Cable Thrusts:
WORKING SETS: 5x20-25 reps, squeezing as hard as you can on every rep and keeping these ones
explosive! Make these burn bad.
Single Leg Seated Calve Raises:
FEEDER SETS: 2-4x6-8
WORKING SETS: 4x15 reps and on every last rep hold the stretch at the bottom for 10 seconds, then
do 10-15 partials to finish these off.
Leg Press Calve Raises:
FEEDER SETS: 3-4x8-10
WORKING SETS: 4x15-20 reaching failure on each set, slow negatives and very controlled contractions.
To top it off, ISO hold these for 10 seconds at the end, then do 5-10 partials if you can…
Warm up: cable chest fly’s high to low 2x20, 2x12, 1x6
Warm up: DB Rotator cuffs 3x20-30 each arm
Flat DB Bench Press:
FEEDER SETS: 3-4x8-10
WORKING SETS: 1x20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x6 drop set 50% and go to complete failure.
Incline, Flat, Decline Machine Press:
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set reaching around 15-20 reps on your first set. Squeeze on every rep keep
the negatives on the slower side… As much as you can anyways.
Single Arm Incline Chest Press Machine:
FEEDER SETS: 1-2x6-8
WORKING SETS: 1xcluster set reaching 10-12 reps each arm. Place your opposing arm on your upper
chest or wherever you’re targeting to increase the MTMC.
Seated Side Laterals:
WORKING SETS: 1x50, 1x25, 1x10, 1x6, then the set you used for your 1x10 I want you to hit until
absolute failure, then drop set by 30% and reach failure again. After this is done, only on your last set I
want you to grab a band and step on it, with both elbows pull the rope towards the roof. Doing little
front/side raises with the band until failure.
Standing Alternating DB Front Raises:
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 really focusing on actually raising the DB with your front felts. No cheating.
Nothing special.
Single Arm Cable Tricep Extensions “Cluster Set”:
WARM UP SETS: 1x20 each arm
FEEDER SETS: 2-3x6-8
WORKING SETS: (cluster set) perform this movement one arm at a time and just pass the rope or cuff
back and forth between your right and left hand until you’ve performed 5 total sets per arm. Example:
20lbs x 10x8x7x3x2 each arm
Laying On Floor Dead Stop BB Skull Crushers:
WORKING SETS: 4x12-15 reps increasing weight after each set. Your last set should be to absolute
failure. Focus on your strength progression week to week on this movement as well.
Explosive Close Grip Push-ups to Failure:
Now, these are explosive push ups. What I want is for you to push yourself so hard off the ground that
your upper half leaves the ground and your hands come off too, catch yourself and control the
negative until absolute failure. Once you’ve gotten to that point where you can’t do any more
explosive push ups, rep it out with partials until you’re don for good.