CONTENT ➢ General Diagram of Microcomputer and CPU ➢ Architecture and Features of 8086 ➢ Memory Addressing ➢ Assembly Instruction Set of 8086 ➢ Buffering ➢ Memory Interface ➢ I/O Interface ➢ Subroutines ➢ Delay Time ➢ Sheet 1 ➢ Sheet 2 ➢ 1st Term Midterm 2017/2018 ➢ Sheet 3 ➢ Sheet 4 ➢ Sheet 5 ➢ Sheet 6 ➢ 2nd Term Midterm 8086 MICROPROCESSOR [NOTES] - VERSION 3.0 Helwan University Faculty of Engineering - Helwan Branch 3rd Computer Engineering 2017/2018 This is not an official document, it’s just some personal notes haven't been verified officially. 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Version Updates ➢ From Version 2.0 to Version 2.0.2: • • Correct the PPI control lines on the draw for Q.2 and Q.3 at Sheet 6. From (MR & MW) To (IOR & IOR) Correct part of program for Q.1 and Q.2 at Sheet 6. From (SHR 01H /*\ JC EVEN) To (MOV AH, AL /*\ SHR AH, 01H /*\ JNC EVEN) ➢ From Version 2.0.2 to Version 3.0: • • • Refine Sheets (5,6) Solutions with: - Obtaining the Concept of odd and even addresses of I/O ports. - Adding second solution using Memory Full Decoding Approach for problems that has memory mapped I/O Ports. Adding more explanation about Memory Interface and I/O Interface. Adding explanation about Subroutines and Delay Time. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 1|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 References A. The Intel Microprocessors Architecture Programming And Interfacing - 8th Edition B. ]محمد ابراهيم العدوي.د.المعالجات الدقيقة [أ C. 8086 Microprocessor [Tutorials Point] D. “Intel 8086 16-BIT HMOS MICROPROCESSOR 8086/8086-2/80861” Data Sheet E. Memory Addressing of 8086(CS502) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 2|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Table of Contents Version Updates ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 3 General Diagram of Microcomputer and CPU............................................................................................. 5 Architecture and Features of 8086 .............................................................................................................. 7 ❖ Architecture of 8086......................................................................................................................... 7 ❖ Features ............................................................................................................................................ 7 ❖ General-Purpose Registers Vs Special-Purpose Registers............................................................... 8 ❖ Functional Units of 8086 .................................................................................................................. 8 ❖ Execution Unit (EU) ...................................................................................................................... 8 ❖ Bus Interface Unit (BIU) ............................................................................................................... 9 Memory Addressing ................................................................................................................................... 11 ❖ Addressing Modes .......................................................................................................................... 11 ➢ Direct Addressing Mode............................................................................................................. 11 ➢ Register Indirect Addressing Mode ........................................................................................... 11 ➢ Based Addressing Mode ............................................................................................................. 11 ➢ Indexed Addressing Mode ......................................................................................................... 11 ➢ Base-Indexed Addressing Mode ................................................................................................ 11 ➢ Base-Indexed with Displacement Addressing Mode ................................................................ 11 Assembly Instruction set of 8086 .............................................................................................................. 12 ➢ Data Transfer Instructions: (MOV, PUSH, PUSHF, POP, POPF) ..................................................... 12 ➢ Arithmetic Instructions: (ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB, CMP, INC, DEC, MUL, DIV) ................................. 12 ➢ Logical Instructions: (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) ................................................................................... 13 ➢ Execution Transfer Instructions: (JMP, CALL, RET, RETF) .............................................................. 14 ➢ Iteration Instructions: (LOOP) ........................................................................................................ 15 ➢ I/O Port Transfer Instructions: (IN, OUT) ...................................................................................... 15 ➢ Shift Operations Instructions: (SAR, SAL, SHR, SHL) ..................................................................... 15 ➢ Rotate Operations Instructions: (ROR, ROL, RCR, RCL) ................................................................. 16 ❖ General Assembly Instructions Notes: (Due to Dr. Maher Mansour) .......................................... 17 Buffering ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 ❖ Latch................................................................................................................................................ 18 ❖ Buffers............................................................................................................................................. 18 ➢ Normal Buffer (Single Input) ...................................................................................................... 18 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 3|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ❖ ➢ Tri-State Buffer ........................................................................................................................... 19 ➢ Bi-Directional Buffer ................................................................................................................... 20 Buses Buffering of 8086 ................................................................................................................. 21 Memory Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 23 ❖ Memory Types ................................................................................................................................ 23 ❖ 8086 Memory Interface.................................................................................................................. 23 I/O Interface ............................................................................................................................................... 26 ❖ I/P Port............................................................................................................................................ 26 ❖ O/P Port .......................................................................................................................................... 26 ❖ PPI ................................................................................................................................................... 26 ❖ Generating Port CS (Chip Select): .................................................................................................. 28 ❖ Mapping .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Subroutines ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Delay Time .................................................................................................................................................. 30 Sheet 1 [8086]: 8086 MCU Architecture .................................................................................................... 32 Sheet 2 [8086]: Assembly Language .......................................................................................................... 36 Task [8086] ................................................................................................................................................. 47 1st Term Midterm 2017/2018 ..................................................................................................................... 48 Sheet 3: Microprocessor Buffering ............................................................................................................ 51 Sheet 4: Memory Interfacing with the Intel 8086 CPU ............................................................................. 54 Sheet 5: I/O Interfacing with the Intel 8086 CPU ...................................................................................... 63 Sheet 6: Intel 8086 CPU Microcomputer ................................................................................................... 80 2nd Term Midterm 2017/2018 .................................................................................................................... 88 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 4|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 General Diagram of Microcomputer and CPU Created By: M. El-Moughazy 5|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ❖ External Buses: used to control memory and I/O. • Address Bus: used to request a memory location or I/O device. • Data Bus: used to transfer data between the microprocessor and its memory and I/O spaces. • Control Bus: used to control memory and I/O spaces and requests reading or writing of data. ❖ Memory locations: Memory locations are actually 8-bits in width. So whenever 16-bit data is accessed two consecutive 8-bit memory location. Using concept of LittleEndian format. • Little-Endian format: The least significant byte is always stored in the lowest-numbered memory location, and the most significant byte is stored in the highest. ❖ I/O Ports: Like Memory, I/O ports are actually 8-bits in width. So whenever 16-bit port is accessed two consecutive 8-bit ports are actually addressed. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 6|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Architecture and Features of 8086 ❖ Architecture of 8086 ❖ Features • Data Bus (Size): (16-bit Internal/External) Microprocessor. • Address Bus: 20-bit. • Memory: can access up to 1 MByte of memory. General laws: Memory Space(Size) = (2^Address Bus) [unit of memory location width(capacity)] Memory Capacity = Memory Space * Memory Location Capacity [bit] = (2^Address Bus) * Memory Location Capacity [bit] • I/O: can access (2^16 = 64K) I/O’s. • Pipelining: supports pipelined architecture, it uses 2 stages of pipelining Fetch Stage and Execute Stage. ▪ Pipelining means fetching the next instruction while the current is executed. ▪ Fetch Stage can prefetch up to 6 bytes of instructions and store them in the queue (cache). Created By: M. El-Moughazy 7|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ❖ General-Purpose Registers Vs Special-Purpose Registers • General-Purpose(Multipurpose) Registers: Include AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, DI, and SI. These registers hold various data sizes (bytes or words) and are used for almost any purpose, as dictated by a program. For some instructions maybe, a multipurpose register has a special purpose, but is generally considered to be a multipurpose register. • Special-Purpose Registers: Include IP, SP, and FLAGS, and the segment registers include CS, DS, SS, and ES. These registers are used for a certain purpose only. ❖ Functional Units of 8086 8086 Microprocessor is divided into 2 functional units • Execution Unit (EU) • Bus Interface Unit (BIU) ❖ Execution Unit (EU) ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ • Its function is to control operations on data using the instruction decoder and ALU. • It gives instructions to BIU stating from where to fetch the data and then decode and execute those instructions. ALU: handles all arithmetic and logic operations. General purpose registers (Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx): ▪ Each register is 16-bit and consist of 2 8-bit register like (AH, Al). • AX (Accumulator register): used with I/O and arithmetic operations. • BX (Base Index register): sometimes holds the offset address of a location in the memory. • CX (Counter register): holds the count for various instructions. • DX (Data register): holds a part of data used in I/O and some arithmetic (DIV & MUl) operations. SP (Stack Pointer register): point to the top of the stack. BP (Base Pointer register): point to somewhere in the stack. SI (Source Index register): used in addressing. DI (Destination Index register): used in addressing. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 8|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ➢ Flag Register (9 Flags): indicate the condition of the microprocessor and control its operation. o Conditional Flags: changes its status according to the result of the last arithmetic or logical instruction executed. • CF (Carry flag) • AF (Auxiliary flag): (half-carry) carry given by D3 to D4 is AF flag. • ZF (Zero flag) • SF (Sign flag) • PF (Parity flag): when the lowest 8-bit contains even number of 1’s the flag is set. else the flag is reset. • OF (Overflow flag): system capacity is exceeded. o Control Flags: • IF (Interrupt flag): interrupt enable/disable flag. • TF (Trap flag): used for single step control allows to execute one instruction at time for debugging. • DF (Direction Flag): used in string operation. When it is set the string bytes are accessed from the higher memory address to the lower and vice-a-versa. (selects either the increment or decrement mode for the DI and/or SI registers during string instructions) ❖ Bus Interface Unit (BIU) • It takes care of all data and address transfers on the buses for EU like: writing/reading data, fetching instructions and sending address. ➢ Instructions Queue(Cache): store up to 6 bytes of prefetched next instructions. ➢ IP (Instruction Pointer register): point to the next instruction in a section of memory defined as a code segment. That will be fetched to be executed by the EU. ➢ Segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES): used by the microprocessor to access memory locations. [Note: our registers are 16-bit but the address bus is 20bit, so we have used segmentations] • CS (Code Segment): for memory locations where the executable program is stored. Works with [IP]. • DS (Data Segment): for memory locations that deals with data. Works with [BX, SI, DI]. • SS (Stack Segment): for memory locations that related to the stack. Works with [SP, BP]. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 9|Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 • ES (Extra Segment): for memory locations that deals with extra destination data (Arrays, Strings). Works with [SI, DI]. ▪ Calculating the absolute (actual) address: SegmentRegisterValue:RegisterValue(OffsetAddressValue) EX: 89AB:F012 ->89AB*10 -> 89AB0 (SegmentRegisterValue * 10Hex) F012 -> 0F012 ----- + 98AC2 (The Absolute Address [20-bit]) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 10 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ✓ Before we get into the Assembly Instruction set let’s first know how we can using and write address in our Instructions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Memory Addressing ▪ To access the content of a memory location having its address we write the instruction operand like that: [address] ▪ The address can be only consisting of any combination from (BX, BP, SI, DI, or a direct displacement 8-bit/16-bit) ➢ Note we can’t use (BX) and (BP) together. ➢ Note we can’t use (SI) and (DI) together. ✓ Note: memory location is 8-bit so when we store or read a 16-bit data it use two sequential locations the first for the lowest 8-bit and the second for the highest 8-bit. ❖ Addressing Modes • • • • • • ➢ Direct Addressing Mode [displacement] like [1111H] ➢ Register Indirect Addressing Mode [BX] or [BP] or [SI] or [DI] ➢ Based Addressing Mode [BX/BP + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + 082H] ➢ Indexed Addressing Mode [SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + 0082H] ➢ Base-Indexed Addressing Mode [BX/BP + SI/DI] ➢ Base-Indexed with Displacement Addressing Mode [BX/BP + SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + SI + 04H] Created By: M. El-Moughazy 11 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Assembly Instruction set of 8086 ✓ Notes: - “Memory” word refer to: [address] - “REG” word refer to: (AX, AL, AH), (BX, BL, BH), (CX, CL, CH), (DX, DL, DH), SI, DI, SP, BP - “SREG” word refer to: CS (read only), DS, SS, ES - “immediate” word refer to an immediate data: 1111H - We can’t use IP register. - If we use chars as immediate data, it will be converted to its ASCII Code. Like (‘A’) will be (41H) ➢ Data Transfer Instructions: (MOV, PUSH, PUSHF, POP, POPF) • MOV operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand2 Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: REG, memory SREG, memory memory, REG memory, SREG REG, REG REG, SREG SREG, REG memory, immediate REG, immediate • PUSH operand1 ~ SP = SP – 2, SS:[SP] = operand (Push 16-bit into stack) • POP operand1 ~ operand = SS:[SP], SP = SP + 2 (Pop 16-bit from stack) Operand1 may be: REG SREG memory • PUSHF NO Operand ~ Push the flag register to stack • POPF NO operand ~ Pop the flag register from stack ➢ Arithmetic Instructions: (ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB, CMP, INC, DEC, MUL, DIV) • ADD operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 + operand2 • ADC operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 + operand2 + CF • SUB operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 - operand2 • SBB operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 - operand2 - CF • CMP operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 - operand2 (update flags only) Conditional Flags changed (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: Created By: M. El-Moughazy 12 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 • • • • REG, memory memory, REG REG, REG REG, immediate memory, immediate INC operand1 ~ operand1 = operand1 + 1 DEC operand1 ~ operand1 = operand1 – 1 Conditional Flags changed (Z, S, O, P, A) Conditional Flags unchanged (C) Operand1 may be: REG memory MUL operand1 (Unsigned Multiply) If operand1 refer to 8-bit ~ AX = AL * operand1 If operand1 refer to 16-bit ~ (DXAX) = AX * operand1 Conditional Flags changed (C, O) CF=OF=0 if high section of result is zero. Conditional Flags unchanged (Z, S, P, A) Operand1 may be: REG memory DIV operand1 (Unsigned Divide) If operand1 refer to 8-bit ~ AL = AX / operand1 AH = reminder If operand1 refer to 16-bit ~ AX = (DXAX) / operand1 DX = reminder Conditional Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 may be: REG memory ➢ Logical Instructions: (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) • AND operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 AND operand2 • OR operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 OR operand2 • XOR operand1, operand2 ~ operand1 = operand1 XOR operand2 Conditional Flags changed (Z, S, P, A) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 13 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Conditional Flags set to 0 (C, O) Conditional Flags unchanged (A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: REG, memory memory, REG REG, REG memory, immediate REG, immediate • NOT operand1 ~ operand1 = NOT operand1 Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 may be: REG Memory ➢ Execution Transfer Instructions: (JMP, CALL, RET, RETF) • JMP operand1 ~ jump to label/address(operand1) (Unconditional Jump) Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 may be: label immediate 4-byte address segment:offset (conditional Jump) JFlag/JCondition operand1 Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 may be only: label like: (JZ (jump if ZF=1), JNZ (jump if ZF=0)), (JS, JNS), (JC, JNC), (JA, JNA), (JO, JNO), (JP (PF=1), JPE (even) (PF=1), JPO (odd) (PF=0) ), JNP (PF=0)) (JE, JNE), (JL, JNL), (JLE, JNLE), (JG, JNG), (JGE, JNGE) • CALL operand1 ~ Push IP into stack then transfer to the called address If it's a far call, then code segment is pushed to stack as well. Operand1 may be: label immediate 4-byte address segment:offset procedure name • RET No operand ~ Pop IP from stack and use to return for caller • RETF No operand ~ Pop IP&CS and use to return for caller (Return form far) • IRET No operand ~ (Interrupt Return) Pop IP&CS&FR from stack Created By: M. El-Moughazy 14 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ➢ Iteration Instructions: (LOOP) • LOOP operand1 ~ Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero (Unconditional Loop) Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 may be only: Label ➢ I/O Port Transfer Instructions: (IN, OUT) • IN operand1, operand2(Port Number) ~ Input from operand2(port) into operand1(AL/AX). Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: AL, immediate 8-bit(byte) AL, DX AX, immediate 8-bit(byte) AX, DX • OUT operand1(Port Number), operand2 ~ Output from operand2(AL/AX) into operand1(Port). Flags unchanged (C, Z, S, O, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: immediate 8-bit(byte), AL immediate 8-bit(byte), AX DX, AL DX, AX ➢ Shift Operations Instructions: (SAR, SAL, SHR, SHL) • SAL operand1, operand2 • SHL operand1, operand2 ~ shift arithmetic/logic operand1 left by number of shifts = operand2 Shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF Zero bit is inserted to the right-most position EX: 11100000b after 1 shift will be 11000000b, CF=1 • SAR operand1, operand2 ~ shift logic operand1 right by number of shifts = operand2 Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF The Sign bit is inserted to the left-most position (has same value as before shifting) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 15 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 EX: 11100000b after 1 shift will be 11110000b, CF=0 • SHR operand1, operand2 ~ shift logic operand1 right by number of shifts = operand2 Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF Zero bit is inserted to the left-most position EX: 11100000b after 1 shift will be 01110000b, CF=0 Flags changed (C, O), OF=0 if operand1 keeps its original sign. Flags unchanged (Z, S, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: memory, immediate REG, immediate memory, CL REG, CL ➢ Rotate Operations Instructions: (ROR, ROL, RCR, RCL) • ROR operand1, operand2 ~ Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF and the same bit is inserted to the left-most position EX: 11100000b after 1 rotate will be 01110000b, CF=0 • ROL operand1, operand2 ~ Shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF and the same bit is inserted to the right-most position EX: 11100000b after 1 rotate will be 11000001b, CF=1 • RCR operand1, operand2 ~ Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF and the previous value of CF is inserted to the left-most position EX: 11100000b, CF=1 after 1 rotate will be 11110000b, CF=0 • RCL operand1, operand2 ~ Shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF and the previous value of CF is inserted to the right-most position EX: 11100000b, CF=1 after 1 rotate will be 11000001b, CF=1 Flags changed (C, O), OF=0 if operand1 keeps its original sign. Flags unchanged (Z, S, P, A) Operand1 and Operand2 may be: memory, immediate REG, immediate Created By: M. El-Moughazy 16 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 memory, CL REG, CL ❖ General Assembly Instructions Notes: (Due to Dr. Maher Mansour) • If an instruction that we know in 8086 needs two operands. It may be given with only one operand and the other operand will be Al or AX. EX: AND Al,05H ~ AND 05H AND Ax,0506H ~ AND 0506H • It’s preferred to write the immediate value of a port number like: (immediate) instate of immediate EX: IN AL, (00H) OUT (00H), AL Created By: M. El-Moughazy 17 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Buffering ❖ Latch Latch is an electronics component that works on coping the data form the input at a certain moment and hold it on the output. Like: D-Flip Flop LE 1 0 Q D Q(t-1) ❖ Buffers Buffer is an electronics component that works on coping the data form the input and represent it on the output with isolation between I/P and O/P. ➢ Normal Buffer (Single Input) has only one I/P as the data I/P without control Lines. Non-Inverting Buffer I/P O/P 0 0 1 1 Created By: M. El-Moughazy Inverting Buffer I/P O/P 1 0 0 1 18 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ➢ Tri-State Buffer has two inputs as a data input and a control input. This control line controls the buffer to work on buffering the input data or to make the O/P high impedance. Control I/P Line 0 0 0 1 1 1 Active High NonInverting Inverting Buffer Buffer 0 High Impedance High Impedance 0 High Impedance High Impedance 1 1 1 0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy Active Low NonInverting Inverting Buffer Buffer 0 1 1 0 High Impedance High Impedance High Impedance High Impedance 19 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ➢ Bi-Directional Buffer Using two Tri-State Buffers constructing one bi-directional buffer and control the direction using a control line Like Active High Non-Inverting Bi-directional Buffer: DIR(AB/BA) OE 0 0 A&B High Impedance 0 1 A = B, (A B) 1 0 A&B High Impedance 1 1 B = A, (B A) So, depending on the type of the two Tri-State buffers can construct: Active High Non-Inverting Bi-directional Buffer Active High Inverting Bi-directional Buffer Active Low Non-Inverting Bi-directional Buffer Active Low Inverting Bi-directional Buffer Created By: M. El-Moughazy 20 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ❖ Buses Buffering of 8086 ▪ Latched Uni-Directional Buffer: the latch use to hold (save) last value and the buffer to avoid short circuit on buses and to provide additional power to the value transferred. Has two pins: - OE (O/P Enable): is active low allow the buffer to transfer the value else its O/P will be high impedance. - LE (Latch Enable): is active high allow the latch to get a new value to hold it. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 21 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ▪ Bio-Directional Buffer: this buffer allows the value to transfer in two directions using “DIR” pin to choose which direction will be active. Has two pins: - OE (O/P Enable): is active low allow the buffer to transfer the value else its O/P will be high impedance. - DIR (Direction): choose the direction for which the buffer works according to its value. ▪ There is a time multiplexing between Data and Address buses (AD0 – AD15) ▪ DEN (Data Enable): is active low pin indicates that the multiplexing lines have data at that moment. ▪ DT/R (Data Transmit/Receive): high value indicates that the data is transmitting from the micro, low value indicates that the data is receiving to the micro. ▪ ALE (Address Latch Enable): is active high indicates that the multiplexing lines have address at that moment. ▪ BHE (Byte High Enable): is active low indicates that the higher byte of data bus is used. ▪ A0 (Least Bit of Address Bus): is active low to indicates that the least byte of data bus is used. ▪ IO (Input Out): is active low indicates that the Data bus is dealing with the IO devices at that moment. ▪ RD (Read): is active low indicates the current operation is reading using data bus. ▪ WR (Read): is active low indicates the current operation is writing using data bus. ▪ Control Bus: (all are active low) o MW: Memory write o MR: Memory Read o IOW: IO write o IOR: IO read Created By: M. El-Moughazy 22 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Memory Interface ❖ Memory Types RAM ROM Random Access Memory Random Only Memory Volatile Non-Volatile SRAM DRAM ROM PROM EPROM EEPROM UVEPROM Static RAM Dynamic Programable Erasable Electrical Ultra-Violet RAM ROM PROM EPROM EPROM fabricated fabricated using using Latches Capacitors Don’t need Need Refreshment Refreshment Circuit Circuit ❖ 8086 Memory Interface Memory locations are actually 8-bits in width. So whenever 16-bit data is accessed two consecutive 8-bit memory location. Using concept of Little-Endian format. The address space is physically connected to a 16-bit data bus by dividing the address space into two 8-bit banks of up to 512K bytes. o Even Bank: is connected to the lower half of the 16-bit data bus (D0 – D7) and contains even address bytes. when A0 bit is low, the bank is selected. o Odd Bank: is connected to the upper half of the 16-bit data bus (D8 – D15) and contains odd address bytes. when BHE (Byte High Enable) is low, the bank is selected. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 23 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Data can be accessed from the memory in four different ways. They are: 1. 8 - bit data from Lower (Even) address Bank. 2. 8 - bit data from Higher (Odd) address Bank. 3. 16 - bit data starting from Even Address. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 24 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 4. 16 - bit data starting from Odd Address. Is accessed using two bus cycles. During the first bus cycle the lower byte with the odd address is accessed. (A0=1, BHE = 0) During the second bus cycle the upper byte with the even address is accessed. (A0 = 0, BHE = 1) Full(Absolute) decoding VS Partial Decoding: 1. Full decoding: The decoding in which all available address line (20 lines) are used for decoding to generate a unique address range. 2. Partial decoding: The decoding in which only minimum needed address line are used for decoding to generate an addresses range. resulting multiple addresses ranges refer to the same Locations range. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 25 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 I/O Interface Like Memory, I/O ports are actually 8-bits in width. So whenever 16-bit port is accessed two consecutive 8-bit ports are actually addressed. And divided into Even and Odd banks. ❖ I/P Port ❖ O/P Port ❖ PPI Refer to Peripheral Programmable Interface Created By: M. El-Moughazy 26 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 • Consist of 2 Groups: Group A (Port A + Port C Higher-nibble) and Group B (Port B + Port C Lower-nibble) • Consist of 3 Prots Programable as I/P or O/P Ports as dedicated by the Configuration Word • Has Configuration Word Register (CWR) that receive the CW to be decoded with the PPI-Control Unit • PPI-A0 and PPI-A1 two accessing selection lines PPI-A1 PPI-A0 Access 0 0 Port A 0 1 Port B 1 0 Port C 1 1 CWR Preferred to connect PPI-(A1, A0) to Address Bus-(A2, A1) And connect PPI-(D7-D0) to Data Bus-(D7-D0) or Data Bus-(D15-D8) according to the address (even or odd). [Can’t use Address Bus-(A0)] • PPI Pregaming: Send the control word to CWR. 1st mode of programing to configure ports D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Mode Selection Port A Port C Mode Selection of Group A 0→ Higherof Group B 00 → Mode 0 Output nibble 0 → Mode 0 1 01 → Mode 1 1→ 0→ 1 → Mode 1 1X → Mode 2 Input Output 1→ Input D1 Port B 0→ Output 1→ Input D0 Port C Lowernibble 0→ Output 1→ Input Notes: (Due to Dr. Maher Mansour) [The Default Mode to Use for Groups A & B is Mode 0] 2nd mode of programing (BSR) Bit Set Rest Mode Used to set or rest the values of port C bits D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 0 X X Created By: M. El-Moughazy X D1 Used to Select the target bit D0 0 → Rest 1 → Set 27 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ❖ Generating Port CS (Chip Select): There are different ways to decode the address and control lines to generate the Chip Select Line for an I/O Port. Like: 1. Using NAND Gate: [ Fixed Single Port Number] 2. Using Comparator: (Compare the Address Bus with a presented Port Number) [ Changeable Sigle Port Number] 3. Using Decoder (DeMux): [may use to generate multiple chip select lines for consecutive port numbers] ❖ Mapping Isolated I/O [I/O Mapped I/O] Use IN & OUT Instructions Use IOR & IOW Control Lines Ports Addressing limited to 16-bit (A15-A0) [and Address Bus-(A19A16) forced to be zero’s] 64 K I/O Ports Port address can be the same address as a memory location Memory addressing range doesn’t affected by I/O addressing range Memory Mapped I/O Use MOV Instruction Use MR & MW Control Lines Ports Addressing can be 20-bit (A19-A0) Port address can’t be the same address as a memory location I/O addressing range is part from Memory addressing range Notes: - If Port Address is larger than 16-bit. Memory mapped approach must be used. - Preferred to use Memory Full decoding approach, when using I/O Memory Mapped I/O. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 28 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Subroutines A subroutine is a special program perform a specific task that can be called for execution from any point in a program. Proper Subroutine: - Is only entered with a CALL and exited with an RTE - Has a single Entry point. - Has a single Exit point. Elements of subroutine: - Save Information to Stack if needed (PUSH, PUSHF) Body. Group of instructions perform the task. Restore Information from Stack if needed (POP, POPF) Return to Caller (RET, RETF) Example: ; Main MOV AL,05H . CALL XX HLT XX: PUSH AX MOV AL, 04H . POP AX RET We can use nested subroutines but must be careful about going into infinite loop of calls. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 29 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Delay Time Subroutines can be used to perform software delay function. Instructions - Clock Numbers Table: Instruction Number of Clocks MOV REG, Immediate 4 LOOP Label 17/5 NOP 3 DEC REG 3 JNZ Label 16/4 JMP Label 15 CALL Label 19(near) OR 28(far) RET 16(near) OR 26(far) Delay Time = Total NO. of Clocks * Clock Cycle Time Delay Time = Total NO. of Clocks * (1 / Rate) Example: ; Main: . CALL DELAY . HLT DELAY: MOV CX, Immediate LOOP0: NOP LOOP LOOP0 RET ; 19 CLK ; 4 CLK ; 3 CLK ; 17/5 CLK ; 16 CLK Delay Time = [19 + 4 + (3+17) * Immediate – (17-5) + 16] * (1 / Rate) By neglecting the clocks of CALL & RET: Created By: M. El-Moughazy 30 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Delay Time = [4 + (3+17) * Immediate – (17-5)] * (1 / Rate) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 31 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 1 [8086]: 8086 MCU Architecture 1. Draw a block diagram for any microcomputer system containing a CPU, ROM, RAM, an input port and an output port. (illustrate signal names and directions on the diagram). - 2. The 8086 CPU is a 16-bit Microprocessor, what does this mean? - That means it has 16-bit Data Bus. 3. What is the relation between Number of address lines in the Address Bus and Memory Space? - Memory Space = (2^ Number of Address lines) 4. The 8086 CPU has 20-bit Address Bus, what is the maximum Memory capacity that can be connected to the 8086 CPU? - According to General laws: (as we know that each memory location in 8086 is only 1 Byte) Memory capacity = (2^Address Bus) * Memory Location Capacity Memory capacity = (2^20) * 8 = 8 Mbit 5. How many address lines we need to address the whole range of the following memories? Created By: M. El-Moughazy 32 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 a. 2 KB (KB: Kbytes). - 2^ Number of Address lines = 2 * 1024 = 2^ 11 Number of Address lines = 11 line b. 64 KB. - 2^ Number of Address lines = 64 * 1024 = 2^ 16 Number of Address lines = 16 line c. 1 MB. - 2^ Number of Address lines = 1 * 1024 * 1024 = 2^ 20 Number of Address lines = 20 line 6. Explain briefly the function of the following registers: a. IP. - IP (Instruction Pointer register): point to the next instruction in a section of memory defined as a code segment. That will be fetched to be executed by the EU. b. SP. - SP (Stack Pointer register): point to the top of the stack. c. FR. - Flag Register (9 Flags): indicate the condition of the microprocessor and control its operation. Conditional Flags (C, Z, S, O, P, A): changes its status according to the result of the last arithmetic or logical instruction executed. Control Flags (I, T, D). 7. State names of the general-purpose registers available in the 8086 CPU. - AX (AL, AH), BX (BL, BH), CX (CL, CH), DX (DL, DH), SI, DI, BP. 8. What are the Indexing Registers, and what are they used for? - SI (Source Index register), DI (Destination Index register), BX (Base Index register) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 33 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Used for Addressing like: Indexed Addressing Mode: • [SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + 0082H] Base-Indexed Addressing Mode: • [BX/BP + SI/DI] Base-Indexed with Displacement Addressing Mode: • [BX/BP + SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + SI + 04H] 9. State functionality of the following flags: Due to the result of the last arithmetic or logical instruction executed a. CF (Carry Flag). - CF = 0 if the result doesn’t send a carry CF = 1 if the result sends a carry b. PF (Parity Flag). - PF = 0 if the result lowest 8-bit contains odd number of 1’s PF = 1 if the result lowest 8-bit contains even number of 1’s c. ZF (Zero Flag). - ZF = 0 if the result doesn’t = 0 ZF = 1 if the result = 0 d. SF (Sign Flag). - SF = 0 if the result is (+) SF = 1 if the result is (-) e. OF (Overflow Flag). - OF = 0 if the system capacity doesn’t be exceeded OF = 1 if the system capacity is exceeded 10. State names of the Segmentation Registers available in the 8086 CPU. - CS (Code Segment), DS (Data Segment), SS (Stack Segment), ES (Extra Segment) 11. Find the actual memory addresses of the instructions having the following CS:IP combinations: a. CS = 1000H, IP = 2000H. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 34 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - 10000H + 2000H = 12000H b. CS = 1A00H, IP = B000H. - 1A000H + B000H = 25000H 12. Find the actual memory addresses for these register values, Given that, CS = 0200H, DS = 1544H, SS = 5000H: a. IP = 2350H. - CS:IP → 0200H:2350H → 02000H + 2350H = 04350H b. BX = 1300H. - DS:BX → 1544H: 1300H → 15440H + 1300H = 16740H c. SP = FFF0H. - SS:SP → 5000H: FFF0H → 50000H + FFF0H = 5FFF0H Created By: M. El-Moughazy 35 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 2 [8086]: Assembly Language 1. Write an 8086 assembly program to save the HEX numbers 01H, 02H, 03H, 04H, and 05H to memory locations 7101H, 7102H, 7103H, 7104H, and 7105H respectively. - ; THIS SOLUTION ~ N.3-B SOLUTION (SEE ALSO NO.3-A AND -C ) MOV CX,05H MOV BX,7105H L: MOV [BX], CL DEC BX LOOP L RET 2. Write an 8086 assembly program to add the value 05H to the contents of each of the registers BL, CL, DL. Assuming BL=11H, CL=22H, DL=33H. - MOV BL,11H MOV CL,22H MOV DL,33H ADD BL,05H ADD CL,05H ADD DL,05H RET 3. Repeat question 1 for memory locations 0100H, 0101H, and 0102H a. Using direct addressing. - MOV [0100H],00H MOV [0101H],01H MOV [0102H],02H RET b. Using indirect addressing. - MOV CX,0002H MOV BX,0102H L: Created By: M. El-Moughazy 36 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 MOV [BX],CL DEC BX DEC CL JGE L RET c. Using relative addressing. - MOV BX,0002H L: MOV [BX+0100H],BL DEC BX JGE L RET 4. Write an 8086 assembly program to add the two numbers 23F9H and 9A35H, and save the result at memory locations 7100H, 7101H, and 7102H. - MOV AX,23F9H ADD AX,9A35H MOV [7100H], AX; SAVING THE MAIN VALUE 16-BIT IN 7100H&7101H MOV AX,0000H ADC AX,0000H MOV [7102H], AL; SAVING CARRY BECAUSE WE HAVE ONE EXTRE MEMORY “7102H” RET 5. Write an 8086 assembly program to add the two numbers F3A56BH and 78B6A9H, and save the result at memory locations 7100H, 7101H, 7102H, and 7103H. * - MOV AX, 0A56BH; SPLIT THE 24-BIT NUMBER ON TO (BLAX) MOV BL,0F3H ADD AX,0B6A9H ADC BL,78H MOV [7100H], AX; SAVING THE FIRST 16-BIT OF THE ANSWER TO 7100H&7101H MOV [7102H], BL; SAVING THE NEXT 8-BIT OF THE ANSWER TO 7102H MOV BL,00H ADC BL,00H MOV [7103H],BL ; SAVING CARRY BECAUSE WE HAVE ONE EXTRE MEMORY “7103H” RET 6. Write an 8086 assembly program to calculate the summation of the contents of each memory location from 7101H to 7105H, with its corresponding contents Created By: M. El-Moughazy 37 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 in memory locations 710AH to 710EH, then save the results in memory locations 7110H to 7114H, respectively. * - MOV BX,0004H L: MOV AL,[BX+7101H] ADD AL,[BX+710AH] MOV [BX+7110H],AL DEC BX JGE L RET 7. Write an 8086 assembly program to contentiously read content of memory location 7100H, and check its content: - if it is zero, put 1 in register BL. - if it is negative, put 2 in register BL. - if it is positive, put 4 in register BL. - L: MOV AL,[7100H] CMP AL,00H JZ LZERO JS LNEGATIVE MOV BL,04H ; IT’S POSITIVE JMP L RET LZERO: MOV BL,01H JMP L LNEGATIVE: MOV BL,02H JMP L RET 8. Write an 8086 assembly program to perform a cyclic displacement on the contents of registers AL, BL, and CL. - MOV DL,CL MOV CL,BL MOV BL,AL MOV AL,DL RET 9. Repeat question 8 with the contents of memory locations FE50H to FE52H Created By: M. El-Moughazy 38 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 a. Using direct addressing. - MOV AL,[0FE52H] MOV AH,[0FE51H] MOV [0FE52H],AH MOV AH,[0FE50H] MOV [0FE51H],AH MOV [0FE50H],AL RET b. Using indirect addressing. - MOV BX,0FE52H MOV AL,[BX] ; BX = 0FE52H L: ; FIRST LOOP ; SECOND LOOP ; BX = 0FE51H ; BX = 0FE50H MOV [BX],AH ; BX = 0FE52H ; BX = 0FE51H DEC BX ; BX = 0FE51H ; BX = 0FE50H CMP BX,0FE50H ; LOOP ; OUT DEC BX MOV AH,[BX] INC BX JG L MOV [BX],AL ; BX = 0FE50H RET c. Using relative addressing. - MOV BX,0FE50H MOV AL,[BX] L: MOV AH,[BX+01H] ; MOV [BX],AH INC BX CMP BX,0FE52H JL L MOV [BX],AL RET d. Which addressing mode fits best? Why? Created By: M. El-Moughazy 39 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - relative addressing special in the case of many locations because it has less number of instruction 10. Write an 8086 assembly program to multiply the contents of register BL by the contents of register BH, and save the result in AL. Don’t use the “MUL” instruction. - MOV AL,00H CMP BH,00H JG L RET L: ADD AL,BL DEC BH JG L RET 11. Draw a flowchart and write an 8086 assembly program to divide the contents of register BL by the contents of register BH, save the result in AL, and the remainder in AH. Don’t use the “DIV” instruction. (Assume that BL > BH, BH≠ 0) - ;IF YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE CONSEPT SEE : ; ; Assume that BL > BH, BH != 0 MOV AL,00H ; INTIAL RESULT = 0 MOV AH,BL ; INITIAL REMINDER = ALL THE BIG NUMBER L: SUB AH,BH INC AL CMP AH,BH ; IF THE REMINTER STILL CONTAIN VALUE MOR THAN THE LOW NUMBER JGE L RET 12. Write an 8086 assembly program to calculate the factorial of an integer in the accumulator, assuming that the result can reside in one byte register. Send the result to register BX. MOV CX,AX MOV AX,01H L: MUL CL LOOP L MOV BX,AX RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 40 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 13. Within the address range 1900H 191FH. Determine the content of BL, BH, and DL registers in which: BL = Number of Positive values. BH = Number of Negative values. DL = Number of Zero values. - MOV BL, 00H ; INITIALIZE THE COUNTER MOV BH, 00H ; INITIALIZE THE COUNTER MOV DL, 00H ; INITIALIZE THE COUNTER MOV SI,191FH L: CMP [SI],00H JZ LZERO JS LNEGATIVE INC BL LX: ; IT’S POSITIVE DEC SI CMP SI,1900H JGE L RET LZERO: INC DL JMP LX LNEGATIVE: INC BH JMP LX RET 14. Write an 8086 assembly program to always check the content of the input port 35H. If the content is positive, put it in memory location 7200H. While if negative, put it on output port 03H. - L: IN AL,(35H) CMP AL,00H JG LPOSITIVE JS LNEGATIVE JMP L RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 41 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 LPOSITIVE: MOV [7200H],AL JMP L LNEGATIVE: OUT )03H(,AL JMP L RET 15. On a production line system of one factory the products are conveyed using moving belts. At the end of the belt, product packaging takes place. Each package contains 12 products. There is a photo cell near the end of the belt (connected to bit7 of port 55H) that generates a positive logic signal when a product passes in front of it. Write an 8086 assembly program to control the belt-motor (bit 0 of port 00H) so as to stop it when product count reaches 12 to allow for the packing process. When packaging is completed a worker may restart the belt-motor manually through a switch (connected to bit1 of port 00H). ; FIRST SOLUTIOUN (LIKE THE IDEA OF N.16-FIRST SOLUTION) ; USE (BL) TO STORE THE LAST READ OF I/P SENSOR ; USE (CL) AS OUR COUNTER START: MOV AL,01H OUT )00H(,AL ; RUN THE BELT-MOTOR MOV CL,00H MOV BL,00H L: IN AL,(55H) AND AL,80H ROL AL,01H ; ROTATE TO AVOID THE OVERFLOW IN CALCULATION (signed numbers) CMP AL,BL MOV BL,AL JNL L ; THE LAST ARITMATIC OPERATION WAS “CMP” INC CL CMP CL,0CH JL L MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL LSWITCH: IN AL,(00H) AND AL,02H CMP AL,00H Created By: M. El-Moughazy 42 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - JZ LSWITCH JMP START RET ; SECOND SOLUTIOUN ; USE (CL) AS OUR COUNTER START: MOV AL,01H OUT (00H),AL ; RUN THE BELT-MOTOR MOV CL,00H L: IN AL,(55H) SHL AL,01H JNC L STILLINPULSE: IN AL,(55H) SHL AL,01H JC STILLINPULSE INC CL CMP CL,0CH JL L MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL ; STOP THE BELT-MOTOR LSWITCH: IN AL,(00H) AND AL,02H CMP AL,00H JZ LSWITCH JMP START RET 16. In mid-town there is a garage that can hold a maximum capacity of 200 cars. There are two photo-cells, one at the entrance and the other at the exit point, each of which generates a positive pulse signal when a car passes in-front of it. Write an 8086 assembly program to control one big red light to show the driver whether there is an empty place for his car, or the garage is full. Assuming that: Entrance photo-cell is connected to bit0 of input port 00H. - Exit photo-cell is connected to bit1 of input port 00H. - The Red (Full) Light is connected to bit0 of output port 00H. ; USE (CL) AS OUR COUNTER ; USE (BL) AND (BH) TO STORE THE CURRENT READ OF I/P SENSORS ; USE (DL) AND (DH) TO STORE THE LAST READ OF I/P SENSORS ;(AT THE PULSE END "CURRENT READ < LAST READ" ) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 43 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - MOV CL,00H MOV BX,00H MOV DX,00H MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL L: MOV DL,BL MOV DH,BH IN AL,(00H) MOV BL,AL AND BL,01H MOV BH,AL AND BH,02H CMP BL,DL JL LENTRANCE LENTRANCERET: CMP BH,DH JL LEXIT JMP L RET LENTRANCE: INC CL CMP CL,0C8H JZ LFULL JMP LENTRANCERET LFULL: MOV AL,01H OUT (00H),AL JMP LENTRANCERET LEXIT: DEC CL MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL JMP L RET ;THE SECOND SOLUTION ; USE (CL) AS OUR COUNTER ; USE (BL) TO STORE THE LAST READ STATE OF I/P SENSORS ; LAST --> CURRENT ; 00 --> ** 0 --> * ~ -----; 01 --> 00 1 --> 0 ~ IN ; 01 --> 10 1 --> 2 ~ IN ; 01 --> 11 1 --> 3 ~ -----Created By: M. El-Moughazy 44 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 ; 10 --> 00 ; 10 --> 01 ; 10 --> 11 ; 11 --> 00 ; 11 --> 01 ; 11 --> 10 ; SO: ; 1 --> 0 ~ IN ; 2 --> 0 ~ OUT ; 2 --> 1 ~ OUT ; 1 --> 2 ~ IN ; 3 --> 2 ~ IN MOV CL,00H MOV BL,00H MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL L: MOV BL,AL IN AL,(00H) AND AL,03H CMP AL,00H JZ LX0 CMP AL,01H JZ LX1 CMP AL,02H JNZ L CMP BL,01H JZ LENTRANCE CMP BL,03H JZ LENTRANCE JMP L LX1: CMP BL,02H JZ LEXIT JMP L LX0: CMP BL,01H JZ LENTRANCE CMP BL,02H JZ LEXIT JMP L RET LENTRANCE: 2 --> 0 ~ OUT 2 --> 1 ~ OUT 2 --> 3 ~ -----3 --> 0 ~ IN+OUT (CAN TAKE NO ACTION) 3 --> 1 ~ OUT 3 --> 2 ~ IN ; IF CURRENT STATE IS 0 ; IF CURRENT STATE IS 1 ; IF CURRENT STATE IS 2 ; IF 1 --> 2 ; IF 3 --> 2 ; IF 2 --> 1 ; IF 1 --> 0 ; IF 2 --> 0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 45 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 INC CL CMP CL,0C8H JZ LFULL JMP L LFULL: MOV AL,01H OUT (00H),AL JMP L LEXIT: DEC CL MOV AL,00H OUT (00H),AL JMP L RET 17. Draw the schematic diagram and write an 8086 assembly program to continuously read 8 input switches and control 8 output LEDs. So that if a switch is LOW, then its corresponding LED is OFF, and if the switch is HIGH, then its corresponding LED is ON, and so on. The 8 switches are on input port 00H The 8 LEDs are on output port 05H L: IN AL,(00H) OUT (05H),AL JMP L RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 46 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Task [8086] 1. In the range 1900H to 1A00H, Find the Max. & Min. Numbers and their address. Store Min. value at AL and its address at SI, Max. value at AH and its address at DI. - MOV BX,1900H MOV SI,1900H MOV DI,1900H MOV AL, [SI] MOV AH, [DI] L: INC BX CMP [BX], AL JL MINFOUND MINFOUNDRET: CMP [BX], AH JG MAXFOUND MAXFOUNDRET: CMP BX,1A00H JL L RET MINFOUND: MOV AL, [BX] MOV SI, BX JMP MINFOUNDRET MAXFOUND: MOV AH, [BX] MOV DI, BX JMP L MAXFOUNDRET RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 47 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 1st Term Midterm 2017/2018 1. a) Compare between general-purpose and special-purpose registers in a microprocessor. - General-Purpose(Multipurpose) Registers: Include AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, DI, and SI. These registers hold various data sizes (bytes or words) and are used for almost any purpose, as dictated by a program. - Special-Purpose Registers: Include IP, SP, and FLAGS, and the segment registers include CS, DS, SS, and ES. These registers are used for a certain purpose only. b) What is the function of each of the following: - IP. - IP (Instruction Pointer register): point to the next instruction in a section of memory defined as a code segment. That will be fetched to be executed by the EU. - SS. - SS (Stack Segment): for memory locations that related to the stack. Works with [SP, BP]. - DI. - DI (Destination Index register) Used for Addressing like: Indexed Addressing Mode: o [SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + 0082H] Base-Indexed Addressing Mode: o [BX/BP + SI/DI] Base-Indexed with Displacement Addressing Mode: o [BX/BP + SI/DI + displacement 8-bit/16-bit] like [BX + SI + 04H] c) Explain: I. The function of BIU. - Bus Interface Unit (BIU): It takes care of all data and address transfers on the buses for EU like: writing/reading data, fetching instructions and sending address. Contains Instructions Queue(Cache), IP, CS, DS, SS, and ES. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 48 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 II. The MUL instruction. - it’s an Arithmetic Instructions for Unsigned Multiply MUL operand1 If operand1 refer to 8-bit ~ AX = AL * operand1 If operand1 refer to 16-bit ~ (DXAX) = AX * operand1 Conditional Flags changed (C, O) CF=OF=0 if high section of result is zero. Conditional Flags unchanged (Z, S, P, A) Operand1 may be: REG memory 2. a. Write an assembly program: I. To always invert the most two bits in the input port 25H. - L: IN AL,(25H) XOR AL,11000000B JMP L RET II. To put the maximum value of the data stored in memory locations A2BC to A3AE in the output port 37H. - MOV BX,0A2BCH MOV AL,[BX] L: INC BX CMP AL,[BX] JL MAXFOUND MAXFOUNDRET: CMP BX,0A3AEH JL L OUT (37H),AL RET MAXFOUND: MOV AL,[BX] JMP MAXFOUNDRET RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 49 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 b. Determine the task of the following program: XX: IN AL,(0F5H) MOV BH,AL AND 02H ~ AND AL,02H JZ YY MOV AL,BH MOV [B102H],AL JMP XX YY: MOV AL,BH OUT (0C3H),AL JMP XX - To always check the D1 (bit-1) in the read of the input port F5H, if it is 0 send the read of the port to the output port C3H, else save the read of the port to the memory location B102. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 50 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 3: Microprocessor Buffering 1. What is meant by buffering? - Buffering means passing an input through to output with providing additional power to the value transferred allows a signal to drive more inputs than it would by itself. 2. When do we need to apply buffering to microprocessor lines? - To avoid short circuit on buses (Data and Address) [To isolate address and data buses from each other]and to provide additional power to the value transferred. 3. The input ports are built using tri-state buffers, why? - To avoid short circuit on Data Bus with the outside environment and control passing the values to data bus only when the port been accessed. 4. Discuss the types of tri-state buffers. - Active High Tri-State Buffer Active High Inverting Tri-State Buffer Active Low Tri-State Buffer Active Low Inverting Tri-State Buffer 5. Explain with sketching how address bus along with tri-state buffers are used to prevent data collision on the data bus 6. Draw a logic circuit to get the Microprocessor 4 control lines (MEMR, MEMW, IO𝑅 and IOW) out from the Intel 8086 CPU output lines (M/IO, RD and WR). Created By: M. El-Moughazy 51 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 7. Draw a complete block diagram to show how the Intel 8086 CPU buffering is done to prepare its buses for interfacing. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 52 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 8. Fill each empty field in the following table with the number of times the corresponding control line in its column is asserted (activated) during execution cycle. Control Line Instruction MOV AL, 89H MOV [0E100H], AL MOV AX, [E100H] IN AL, (00H) OUT (00H), AL MEMR MEMW IOR IOW BHE 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 9. What is meant by time multiplexing between data and address buses in the intel 8086 microprocessor? And why? - There are 16 shared lines between Data and Address buses (AD0:AD15) using time multiplexing and controlled by (ALE and DEN) to indicate the lines carry data or address. - To Minimize the number of pins and chip area. 10. What is the control line that the intel 8086 microprocessor provides to isolate address and data buses from each other? Draw a block diagram to show how this control line is used for this purpose. - Address Latch Enable (ALE): Active High, Data Enable (DEN): Active Low. Diagram included in Question No.7 Answer Created By: M. El-Moughazy 53 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 4: Memory Interfacing with the Intel 8086 CPU 1. Show how to connect 4 KB EEPROM Memory on 2 chips to the Intel 8086 CPU. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 4 KB = 212 B → Total Used Address Lines = 12 Line (A11-A0) 4 KB / 2 = 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip Chips 4 KB EEPROM A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) X X 0 0 0 XX000 X X F F F XXFFF 2. Show how to connect 64 KB EEPROM to the Intel 8086 CPU using memory chips of 2 KB. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 64 KB / 2 KB = 32 Chips (16 Even and 16 Odd) 64 KB = 216 B → Total Used Address Lines = 16 Line (A15-A0) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) X Created By: M. El-Moughazy 0 0 0 0 X0000 54 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 64 KB EEPROM X F F F F XFFFF 3. Show how to connect 128 KB EEPROM to the Intel 8086 CPU using memory chips of 4 KB. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach Created By: M. El-Moughazy 55 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - 128 KB / 4 KB = 32 Chips (16 Even and 16 Odd) 128 KB = 217 B → Total Used Address Lines = 17 Line (A16-A0) 4 KB = 212 B → 12 Address Lines (A1:A12) for each chip Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 128 KB EEPROM (XXX0) bin 0 0 0 0 XXX00000000000000000 (XXX1) bin F F F F XXX11111111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 56 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 4. Show how to connect 256 KB memory to the intel 8086 CPU by using memory chips of 2 KB and 4 blocks. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach Block Size = 256 KB/4 Blocks = 64 KB/Block Created By: M. El-Moughazy 57 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 256 KB = 218 B → Total Used Address Lines = 18 Line (A17-A0) 64 KB = 216 B → 16 Address Lines (A0:A15) for each block 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip IN Each Block 64 KB/2 KB = 32 Chips → (16 Even and 16 Odd) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 1st Block (XX00) bin 0 0 0 0 XX000000000000000000 (XX00) bin F F F F XX001111111111111111 2nd Block (XX01) bin 0 0 0 0 XX010000000000000000 (XX01) bin F F F F XX011111111111111111 3rd Block (XX10) bin 0 0 0 0 XX100000000000000000 (XX10) bin F F F F XX101111111111111111 4th Block (XX11) bin 0 0 0 0 XX110000000000000000 (XX11) bin F F F F XX111111111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 58 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 5. Show how to connect 16 KB EEPROM and 16 KB RAM to the intel 8086 CPU, using 8KB EEPROM chips and 8KB RAM chips. And draw the corresponding memory map. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach - 16 KB/8 KB = 2 Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 8 KB = 213 B → 13 Address Lines (A1:A13) for each chip (16 KB + 16 KB) = 215 B → Total Used Address Lines = 15 Line (A14-A0) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) X (X000) bin 0 0 0 XXXXX000000000000000 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 59 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 16 KB EEPROM X (X011) bin F F F XXXXX011111111111111 16 KB RAM X (X100) bin 0 0 0 XXXXX100000000000000 X (X111) bin F F F XXXXX111111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 60 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 6. Show how to connect 16 KB EEPROM and 4 KB RAM to the intel 8086 CPU, using 8KB EEPROM chips and 2KB RAM chips. And draw the corresponding memory map. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach EEPROM: 16 KB/8 KB = 2 Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 8 KB = 213 B → 13 Address Lines (A1:A13) for each chip RAM: 4 KB/2 KB = 2 Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip USE A14 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (16 KB + 4KB) <= 215 B → Total Used Address Lines = 15 Line (A14-A0) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 16 KB EEPROM X (X000) bin 0 0 0 XXXXX000000000000000 X (X011) bin F F F XXXXX011111111111111 4 KB RAM X (X100) bin 0 0 0 XXXXX100000000000000 X (X100) bin F F F XXXXX100111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 61 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 62 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 5: I/O Interfacing with the Intel 8086 CPU 1. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 2KB EEPROM. b. I/P port (00H). c. O/P port (05H). - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 KB EEPROM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → Total Used Address Lines = 11 Line (A10-A0) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip Created By: M. El-Moughazy 63 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 2 KB EEPROM X X (X000) bin 0 0 XXXXXXXXX00000000000 X X (X111) bin F F XXXXXXXXX11111111111 2. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 2KB EEPROM. b. 2KB RAM. c. I/P port (F3H). d. I/P port (E6H). Created By: M. El-Moughazy 64 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 KB EPPROM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 2 KB RAM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip (2 KB + 2 KB) = 212 B → Total Used Address Lines = 12 Line (A11-A0) I/P Port (F3H) → (11110011) BIN O/P Port (E6H) → (11100110) BIN Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 2 KB EEPROM X X (0000) bin 0 0 XX000 X X (0111) bin F F XX7FF 2 KB RAM X X (1000) bin 0 0 XX800 X X (1111) bin F F XXFFF Created By: M. El-Moughazy 65 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 66 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 3. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 4KB EEPROM. b. 4KB RAM. c. I/P port (A327H), using I/O mapped approach. d. O/P port (05H). - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 4 KB EPPROM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 4 KB RAM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip (4 KB + 4 KB) = 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) I/P Port (A327H) → (1010001100100111) BIN O/P Port (05H) → (0101) BIN Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 4 KB EEPROM X (XXX0) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXXX0000000000000 X (XXX0) bin F F F XXXXXXX0111111111111 4 KB RAM X (XXX1) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXXX1000000000000 X (XXX1) bin F F F XXXXXXX1111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 67 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 68 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 4. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 4KB EEPROM. b. 2KB RAM. c. I/P port (1222H), using memory mapped approach. d. O/P port (1223H), using memory mapped approach. - 1st Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach EEPROM: 4 KB (2 KB Even and 2KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip RAM: 2 KB (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip USE A12 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (4 KB + 2 KB) <= 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) I/P Port (1222H) → (0001 0010 0010 0010) BIN O/P Port (1223H) → (0001001000100011) BIN USE A13 to separate between Memory and I/O Ports Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 4 KB EEPROM X (XX10) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXX10000000000000 X (XX10) bin F F F XXXXXX10111111111111 2 KB RAM X (XX11) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXX11000000000000 X (XX11) bin F F F XXXXXX11111111111111 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 69 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 70 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - 2nd Solution using Memory Full Decoding Approach EEPROM: 4 KB (2 KB Even and 2KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip RAM: 2 KB (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip USE A12 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (4 KB + 2 KB) <= 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) I/P Port (1222H) → (0001 0010 0010 0010) BIN O/P Port (1223H) → (0001001000100011) BIN Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 4 KB EEPROM 0 (0000) bin 0 0 0 00000 0 (0000) bin F F F 00FFF 2 KB RAM 0 (0001) bin 0 0 0 01000 0 (0001) bin F F F 01FFF Created By: M. El-Moughazy A11-A8 A7-A4 71 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 72 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 5. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 4KB EEPROM. b. 4KB RAM. c. PPI chip at base addresses 30H. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 4 KB EEPROM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 4 KB RAM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip USE A12 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (4 KB + 4 KB) = 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 4 KB EEPROM X (XXX0) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXXX0000000000000 X (XXX0) bin F F F XXXXXXX0111111111111 4 KB RAM X (XXX1) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXXX1000000000000 X (XXX1) bin F F F XXXXXXX1111111111111 PPI: Base Address (30H) → (00110000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Port A Port B Port C CWR 0 0 1 1 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 0 1 0 1 Address (Hex) 30 32 34 36 73 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 74 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 6. Show how to connect the intel 8086 CPU with the following: a. 4KB EEPROM. b. 4KB RAM. c. Two PPI chips: i. One PPI at base addresses 50H ii. One PPI and base address 2100H, using memory mapped approach. st - 1 Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 4 KB EEPROM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 4 KB RAM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip USE A12 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (4 KB + 4 KB) = 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) USE A13 to separate between Memory and I/O Ports Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 4 KB EEPROM X (XX00) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXX00000000000000 X (XX00) bin F F F XXXXXX00111111111111 4 KB RAM X (XX01) bin 0 0 0 XXXXXX01000000000000 X (XX01) bin F F F XXXXXX01111111111111 1st PPI: Base Address (50H) → (01010000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 50 Port B 0 1 52 Port C 1 0 54 CWR 1 1 56 2nd PPI: Base Address (2100H) → (0010000100000000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 2100 Port B 0 1 2102 Port C 1 0 2104 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 75 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 CWR 1 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 1 2106 76 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 77 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - 2nd Solution using Memory Full Decoding Approach 4 KB EEPROM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 4 KB RAM (2 KB Even and 2 KB Odd) 2 KB = 211 B → 11 Address Lines (A1:A11) for each chip USE A12 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (4 KB + 4 KB) = 213 B → Total Used Address Lines = 13 Line (A12-A0) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 4 KB EEPROM 0 (0000) bin 0 0 0 00000 0 (0000) bin F F F 00FFF 4 KB RAM 0 (0001) bin 0 0 0 01000 0 (0001) bin F F F 01FFF 1st PPI: Base Address (50H) → (01010000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 50 Port B 0 1 52 Port C 1 0 54 CWR 1 1 56 nd 2 PPI: Base Address (2100H) → (0010000100000000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 2100 Port B 0 1 2102 Port C 1 0 2104 CWR 1 1 2106 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 78 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 79 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Sheet 6: Intel 8086 CPU Microcomputer 1. a. Design a microcomputer has the following: i. Intel 8086 CPU. ii. 2KB EEPROM. iii. 2KB RAM. iv. I/P port (70H). v. O/P port (33H). b. Write an intel 8086 assembly program to read i/p port (70H) and check its content. If the content is odd, put it on o/p port (33H). if the content is even, put it in memory location 0100H. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 KB EPPROM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 2 KB RAM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip Use A11 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (2 KB + 2 KB) = 212 B → Total Used Address Lines = 12 Line (A11-A0) I/P Port (70H) → (01110000) BIN O/P Port (33H) → (00110011) BIN Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 2 KB EEPROM X X (0000) bin 0 0 XX000 X X (0111) bin F F XX7FF 2 KB RAM X X (1000) bin 0 0 XX800 X X (1111) bin F F XXFFF Program: START: IN AL, (70H) MOV AH, AL SHR AH, 01H JNC EVEN ODD: OUT (33H), AL RET EVEN: MOV [0100H], AL RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 80 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 81 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 2. a. Design a microcomputer has the following: i. Intel 8086 CPU. ii. 2KB EEPROM. iii. 2KB RAM. iv. PPI chip at base address 70H. b. Write an intel 8086 assembly program to configure the PPI chip in part (a) such that port A is input, while ports B and C are output. Then read port A forty [40] times and check its content. If the content is odd, put it in port B. if the content is even, put it in port C. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 KB EPPROM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 2 KB RAM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip Use A11 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (2 KB + 2 KB) = 212 B → Total Used Address Lines = 12 Line (A11-A0) Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 2 KB EEPROM X X (0000) bin 0 0 XX000 X X (0111) bin F F XX7FF 2 KB RAM X X (1000) bin 0 0 XX800 X X (1111) bin F F XXFFF PPI: Base Address (70H) → (01110000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 70 Port B 0 1 72 Port C 1 0 74 CWR 1 1 76 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 82 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 83 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Program: START: MOV AL, 90H; CWR → (10010000) BIN OUT (76H), AL MOV CX, 028H; 28H → 40 DEC STARTOFLOOP: IN AL, (70H) MOV AH, AL SHR AH, 01H JNC EVEN ODD: OUT (72H), AL EVEN: OUT (74H), AL LOOP STARTOFLOOP RET 3. a. Design a microcomputer has the following: i. Intel 8086 CPU. ii. 2KB EEPROM. iii. 2KB RAM. iv. PPI chip at base address BF20H. b. Write an intel 8086 assembly program to configurated the PPI chip in part (a) such that ports A and B are inputs, while port C is output. Then read the two ports A and B and send the larger value to port C, while the smaller value to memory location 2100H. - Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach 2 KB EPPROM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 2 KB RAM (1 KB Even and 1 KB Odd) 1 KB = 210 B → 10 Address Lines (A1:A10) for each chip Use A11 to separate between EEPROM and RAM (2 KB + 2 KB) = 212 B → Total Used Address Lines = 12 Line (A11-A0) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 84 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 2 KB EEPROM X X (0000) bin 0 0 XX000 X X (0111) bin F F XX7FF 2 KB RAM X X (1000) bin 0 0 XX800 X X (1111) bin F F XXFFF PPI: Base Address (0BF20H) → (1011111100100000) BIN PPI-A1 → A2 PPI-A0 → A1 Address (Hex) Port A 0 0 BF20 Port B 0 1 BF22 Port C 1 0 BF24 CWR 1 1 BF26 Program: START: MOV AL, 92H; CWR → (10010010) BIN MOV DX, 0BF26H; LOAD CWR ADDRESS OUT DX, AL MOV DX, 0BF22H; LOAD PORT B ADDRESS IN AL, DX MOV BL, AL; PORT B READ IN BL MOV DX, 0BF20H; LOAD PORT A ADDRESS IN AL, DX; PORT A READ IN AL MOV DX, 0BF24H; LOAD PORT C ADDRESS CMP AL, BL JGE ALARGER BLARGER: MOV [2100H], AL MOV AL, BL OUT DX, AL RET ALARGER: OUT DX, AL MOV [2100H], BL RET Created By: M. El-Moughazy 85 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 NOTE: TO SOLVE USING MEMORY MAPPED USE A12 TO SEPARATE BETWWEN MEMORY AND I/O as Memory Partial Decoding Approach OR USE Memory Full Decoding Approach. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 86 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 - Created By: M. El-Moughazy 87 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 2nd Term Midterm 2017/2018 1. Show how we can: a. Buffer the 8086 microprocessor buses. Created By: M. El-Moughazy 88 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 b. Cover the 8086-memory range using 64 KB RAM chips. - 1 MB / 64 KB = 16 Chips (8 Even and 8 Odd) 64 KB = 216 B → 16 Address Lines (A1:A16) for each chip 1 MB = 220 B → Total used address lines 20 (A19-A0) Created By: M. El-Moughazy 89 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 2. Show how we connect 8086 microprocessor with the following: • Two 8 KB EPROM chips • O/P Port (3D) • I/P Port (A2DE0) st - 1 Solution using Memory Partial Decoding Approach Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 8 KB = 213 B → 13 Address Lines (A1:A13) for each chip (8 KB + 8KB) <= 214 B → Total used address lines 14 (A13-A0) O/P Port (3D) → (00111101) BIN I/P Port (A2DE0) → (1010 0010 1101 1110 0000) BIN Use A14 to separate between Memory and I/O Ports Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (BIN) 16 KB EEPROM X (X100) bin 0 0 0 XXXXX100000000000000 X (X111) bin F F F XXXXX111111111111111 - 2nd Solution using Memory Full Decoding Approach Chips (1 Even and 1 Odd) 8 KB = 213 B → 13 Address Lines (A1:A13) for each chip (8 KB + 8KB) <= 214 B → Total used address lines 14 (A13-A0) O/P Port (3D) → (00111101) BIN I/P Port (A2DE0) → (1010 0010 1101 1110 0000) BIN Chips A19-A16 A15-A12 A11-A8 A7-A4 A3-A0 Address (HEX) 16 KB EEPROM 0 (0000) bin 0 0 0 00000 0 (0011) bin F F F 03FFF Created By: M. El-Moughazy 90 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 91 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 Created By: M. El-Moughazy 92 | Page 8086 Microprocessor [Notes] - Version 3.0 3. Compare between: • Microprocessor and Microcontroller Microprocessor Microcontroller Chip contains only the processor Chip contains processor and all the components of a computer (Memory, I/o, ...) Need other components to make Stand alone working system More Flexibility Less Flexibility More components count in system Less components count is system • CISC and RISC Computers RISC Stands For Reduced Instruction Set Execution one cycle Time Speed Faster Number of Minimum Instruction Instructions Instruction Fixed Format Created By: M. El-Moughazy CISC Complex Instruction Set multiple cycles Slower Large Number of Instructions Variable 93 | Page