Roll No.__________________ 01 September, 2015 Sarhad University, Peshawar (Distance Education) Paper : Microprocessor and Assembly Language-EE313 Examination: Final, Spring-2015 Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35) Time Allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Q#1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed. Q1. Mark as True/False statements: i. The 8086/8088 microprocessor operates exclusively in the real mode. (T/F) ii. The three buses of 80806/8088 are address, data and register bus function exactly in the same way. (T/F) iii. The clock speed of 80286 is 4.0 MIPs. (T/F) iv. A procedure is a group of instruction that usually perform only two tasks. (T/F) v. A conditional jump instruction allows the programmer to make decision based upon numerical test. (T/F) vi. MOV instruction provides a basis for the explanation of the register addressing modes. (T/F) vii. The POP instruction performs the inverse operation of a PUSH instruction. (T/F) Q2. (a) (b) Briefly explain a simplified 8086/8088 read bus cycle. Describe the importance of registers. Q3. What is string data transfer? Elaborate briefly INS & OUTS data transfer instruction in details. Q4. Explain the following terms: (i) LEA instructions (ii) MOV instruction (iii) Immediate addressing Q5. Define Interrupts? Discuss very briefly any three different interrupt instructions that are available to user. Q6. How jump and loop instruction are working? Briefly explain WAIT and NOPE instructions. Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following: a) Procedures b) Pin out of 8284A clock generator c) Block diagram of 8086 pin out Microprocessor and Assembly Language EE313 -Spring-2015 Page 1 of 1