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Forensic Science Pioneers Worksheet

Name: _____________________________________
Date: ____________
Who’s Who in Forensic Science?
Directions: On the line provided before each description in the right column, write the number
of the name that matches.
1. Francis Galton
____ Father of Forensic Toxicology
2. Hans Gross
____ Described scientific methods of detection years
before they were actually discovered and implemented
3. Leone Lattes
____ Developed the principles of criminal investigation
which demonstrated the application of many scientific
disciplines to the field of criminal investigation.
4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
____ Developed the fundamental principles of
document examination.
5. Matheiu Orfila
____ Determined that blood can be grouped into four
6. Albert S. Osborn
____ By developing the first scientific system of
anthropometry, he became the father of criminal
7. Edmond Locard
____ Developed the first definitive study of fingerprint
8. Calvin Goddard
____ Developed a procedure for testing and
determining the blood group of a dried bloodstain.
9. Alphonse Bertillion
____ Used the comparison microscope for bullet
10. Karl Landsteiner
____ Developed the Exchange Principle which states
that when a criminal comes into contact with an object
or person, a cross transfer of evidence occurs