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Circulatory System Stations

Read It!
Heart Disease
The circulatory system includes the heart and blood
vessels. Those blood vessels include arteries, veins and
capillaries. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps
blood through arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries
carry blood (with oxygen or carbon dioxide) and
nutrients away from the heart, while veins carry them
to the heart. Capillaries connect arteries and veins.
This is where oxygen and other nutrients are absorbed
into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is. There can
be many diseases associated with the heart.
Heart disease includes quite a few problems. Some are
related to a process called atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is when plaque builds up on the inside
of arteries. The buildup of plaque narrows the arteries,
making it more difficult for blood to flow through. A
blood clot could form which would stop the flow of
blood. If the blood flow is stopped, it could cause a
heart attack or a stroke.
A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to a part
of the heart becomes blocked by a blood clot. If the
blood flow is stopped completely, the part of the heart
that receives blood from the artery may begin to die.
Most people can survive their first heart attack. They
can return to their normal lives and enjoy many more
years of being active. You may have to make some
healthy changes if you have a heart attack. Depending
Circulatory System Station Lab
on how badly the heart was damaged, the doctor may
tell you of medications and lifestyle changes you will
Some other types of heart disease include heart failure
and arrhythmia. Heart failure, or congestive heart
failure, means the heart isn't pumping blood as well as
it should. The body doesn’t get the blood and oxygen it
needs. Heart failure can get worse if it's not treated. If
your loved one has heart failure, it's very important to
follow the doctor's orders.
Arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. There
are many different types. The heart can beat too slow
which is bradycardia, too fast (tachycardia), or
irregularly. If you have an arrhythmia, your body may
not be able to get the blood that is needed.
Your heart also has valves and sometimes these valves
don’t work properly. Valves allow the blood to flow in
only one direction in the heart and control the flow of
blood by opening and closing. Stenosis occurs when the
valve doesn’t open enough to let blood flow through.
Regurgitation occurs when the heart valves don't close
properly, and blood can leak through.
© Kesler Science, LLC
Read It!
Heart Disease
The circulatory system includes the heart and blood
vessels. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps
blood through arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries
carry blood (with oxygen or carbon dioxide) and
nutrients away from the heart, while veins carry them
to the heart. Capillaries connect arteries and veins.
This is where oxygen and other nutrients are absorbed
into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is. There can
be many diseases associated with the heart.
Some heart problems are related to a process called
atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is when plaque builds
up on the inside of arteries. It narrows the arteries,
making it more difficult for blood to flow through. A
blood clot could form, stopping the flow of blood. If the
blood flow is stopped, it could cause a heart attack or a
A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to a part
of the heart becomes blocked by a blood clot. If the
blood flow is stopped completely, the part of the heart
that receives blood from the artery may begin to die.
Most people survive their first heart attack. They can
return to their normal lives and enjoy many more years
of being active. You may have to make some healthy
changes if you have a heart attack.
Circulatory System Station Lab
Some other types of heart disease include heart failure
and arrhythmia. Heart failure means the heart isn't
pumping blood like it should. The body doesn’t get the
blood and oxygen it needs. Heart failure can get worse
if it's not treated. With heart failure, it is very important
to follow the doctor's orders.
Arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. There
are many different types. The heart can beat too slow
which is bradycardia, too fast (tachycardia), or
irregularly. If you have an arrhythmia, your body may
not be able to get the blood that is needed.
Your heart also has valves. Valves allow the blood to
flow in only one direction in the heart and control the
flow of blood by opening and closing. Stenosis occurs
when the valve doesn’t open enough to let blood flow
through. Regurgitation occurs when the heart valves
don't close properly, and blood can leak through.
© Kesler Science, LLC
Read It!
Enfermedad cardiaca
El sistema circulatorio incluye el corazón y
los vasos sanguíneos. El corazón es un
órgano muscular que bombea sangre a
través de arterias, venas y capilares. Las
arterias transportan sangre (con oxígeno o
dióxido de carbono) y nutrientes lejos del
corazón, mientras que las venas los
transportan hacia el corazón. Los capilares
conectan arterias y venas. Los capilares es
donde el oxígeno y otros nutrientes se
absorben en la circulación sanguíneo y se
encuentra el dióxido de carbono. Pueden
haber muchas enfermedades asociadas con
el corazón.
Algunos problemas cardíacos están
relacionados con un proceso llamado
aterosclerosis. La aterosclerosis es cuando la
placa se acumula en el interior de las
arterias. Estrecha las arterias, lo que hace
que sea más difícil que la sangre fluya. Se
podría formar un coágulo de sangre,
deteniendo el flujo de sangre. Si se detiene
el flujo sanguíneo, podría causar un ataque
Circulatory System Station Lab
cardíaco o un derrame cerebral.
Un ataque cardíaco ocurre cuando el flujo
de sangre a una parte del corazón se
bloquea por un coágulo de sangre. Si el
flujo sanguíneo se detiene por completo, la
parte del corazón que recibe sangre de la
arteria puede comenzar a morir. La mayoría
de las personas sobreviven a su primer
ataque al corazón. Pueden volver a sus
vidas normales y disfrutar de muchos más
años de estar activos. Es posible que tenga
que hacer algunos cambios saludables si
tiene un ataque cardíaco.
Algunos otros tipos de enfermedades
cardíacas incluyen insuficiencia cardíaca y
arritmia. La insuficiencia cardíaca significa
que el corazón no está bombeando sangre
como debería. El cuerpo no recibe la sangre
y el oxígeno que necesita. La insuficiencia
cardíaca puede empeorar si no se trata.
Con la insuficiencia cardíaca, es muy
importante seguir las órdenes del médico.
© Kesler Science, LLC
Read It!
Enfermedad cardiaca
La arritmia es un ritmo anormal del corazón.
Hay muchos tipos diferentes de arritmia. El
corazón puede latir demasiado lento, que es
bradicardia, demasiado rápido (taquicardia)
o irregularmente. Si tiene arritmia, es
posible que su cuerpo no pueda obtener la
sangre que se necesita.
Su corazón también tiene válvulas. Las
válvulas permiten que la sangre fluya en
una sola dirección en el corazón y controlan
el flujo de sangre abriéndose y cerrándose.
La estenosis ocurre cuando la válvula no se
abre lo suficiente como para dejar pasar la
sangre. La regurgitación ocurre cuando las
válvulas cardíacas no se cierran
correctamente y la sangre puede filtrarse.
Circulatory System Station Lab
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1 of 4
1. What is the main cause of
a heart attack?
A. Blood flow is blocked by a
blood clot.
C. The valves in the heart don’t
operate properly.
D. A blood clot is blocking a vessel
to the brain.
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3. If your heart is beating
too fast at rest, what is a
potential problem you
may have?
A. Valve won’t open
B. Heart stops beating
C. Heart failure
D. Arrhythmia
Circulatory System Station Lab
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2. Based on how heart
attacks are caused, which
of the following is not a
preventative measure?
A. Someone who chooses not
to smoke
B. Heart beats irregularly.
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B. Regular physical activity
C. A job that allows you to sit all day
D. Healthy diet
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4. There are vocabulary words
on your answer sheet. Use
the space around them to
jot down notes or drawings
to help you remember their
meanings from the reading.
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Watch the following video
on YouTube: “Flow Through
the Heart – Khan Academy”
Circulatory System Station Lab
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1. What is the difference
between veins and
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2. What are the two things
that happen as the blood
passes through the lungs?
3. Briefly summarize how
blood flows through heart.
Circulatory System Station Lab
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Circulatory System Station Lab
© Kesler Science, LLC
Explore It! Station Instructions
One member of the group will read the task cards in order.
The group will be responsible for completing each of the
tasks that are being read.
Each member of the group will then write their conclusions
down on the lab sheet in the Explore It! section.
Circulatory System Station Lab
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1 of 4
Use Diagram A for
questions 1-3.
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1. What role do you think blood
plays in the human body?
2. What organs and components
make up the circulatory
Circulatory System Station Lab
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Arteries carry blood away from the
heart and veins carry blood to the heart.
3. Which vessels do you think contain
the most oxygen and which carry the
most carbon dioxide?
Circulatory System Station Lab
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Use Diagram B for
questions 4-6.
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4. What is the main artery that
carries blood to your brain?
5. What is the main vein that carries
blood from your legs to the heart?
6. What is the main artery that
carries blood to your lungs?
Circulatory System Station Lab
The circulatory system is
responsible for transporting
oxygen, nutrients, hormones,
and cellular waste throughout
the human body.
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The circulatory system is made
up of your heart, arteries,
veins, and capillaries.
7. List these four main
components on your lab
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Diagram A
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Diagram B
Circulatory System Station Lab
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1 of 3
Go to “Innerbody Research
– Cardiovascular System”
2 of 3
Read the Blood Vessels section.
Read the first paragraph.
1. Summarize the structure and
function of the cardiovascular
Circulatory System Station Lab
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2. Describe the difference
between arteries, veins, and
Circulatory System Station Lab
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3. How much blood is in the
human body?
4. What are the three main
functions of the cardiovascular
Circulatory System Station Lab
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Circulatory System Station Lab
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2 of 3
1. Explain in your own words
what the circulatory system
Circulatory System Station Lab
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2. What role does oxygen and
carbon dioxide play in the
circulatory system?
Circulatory System Station Lab
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3 of 3
3. Describe the main organs
and components of the
circulatory system.
Circulatory System Station Lab
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Circulatory System Station Lab
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1. ______
Circulatory System Station Lab
Read It!
2. ______
Name ____________________________ Date _______
3. ______
4. heart
Research It!
Watch It!
Explore It!
1. ____________________________
1. ____________________________
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________
Challenge It!
Circulatory System Station Lab
© Kesler Science, LLC
Illustrate It!
Assess It!
Organize It!
Write It!
Circulatory System Station Lab
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