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Fire Service Communication Procedures: Watch Room & Control Room

Communication procedure between watch room and control
Communication Skills (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
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Downloaded by Ken Zo (zondo.sk@gmail.com)
Communication procedure between watch room and control room
Whenever a fire incident occurs the information is conveyed first to the central fire
control room in Delhi Fire Service through the EFT Units (101) or ERSS (112). The fire control
room decides which fire unit has to respond to the fire scene, looking after the various
parameters like nature of fire, class of fire, the jurisdiction of fire stations, availability of crew
members on different fire stations, availability of types of equipment as well as responding
vehicles on fire stations etc. After making a decision on which fire station has to respond to
the fire scene, FCR needs to contact the fire stations to pass the message for turnout and give
the details of the incident to the watch room present at the fire station. FCR also needs to
communicate to the watch Room for passing departmental announcements & messages to
the fire stations.
On the other side watch Room also needs to communicate the FCR for passing various
types of messages like incident reports, arrival-departure of the crew as well as vehicles etc.
 The procedure
There are two provisions of means of communication between FCR & watch room
namely- 1. telephone set and 2. the wireless radio transmission sets.
FCR can make a call to a Fire Station individually using the telephone set on the specified
telephone numbers or it can broadcast a message to all Fire Stations at a single time through
the wireless radio transmission set.
In the same manner, A Fire station can also communicate to FCR using both the abovesaid means of communication.
 Equipments and it’s operating process:
1. EFT
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2. Wireless Radio Transmission Set:
 Advantages of communication between FCR and watch room
The above-mentioned two means of communication help the Delhi fire service in
uninterrupted contact between FCR & various watch rooms so that the organisation can
perform duties & operations seamlessly and adequately.
It helps the organisation to make all the fire reports, all the O/B entries & other entries
at centralised entry registers, which saves time and transport expenses for the organisation
to cling to its sole motto “WE SERVE TO SAVE”.
abbreviations usedFCR- Fire Control Room
EFT- Emergency Fire Telephone
ERSS- Emergency Response Support System
O/B- occurrence Book
Downloaded by Ken Zo (zondo.sk@gmail.com)