Geologic Principles: An introduction How do scientists apply principles to place the different rock units in the correct chronological order? Andy Goldsworthy ● represents time in ephemeral sculptures composed of natural materials such as snow, mud, leaves, and branches Human concept of time vs Deep time Human concept of time Deep time Relative Time ● placing events in the order in which they occurred ● describing the order or sequence of geologic events. ● Grand Canyon in Arizona Exploration of the Colorado River of the West the rocks in the canyon walls to be the result of long-lived geological processes that he believed had been operating “through ages too long for man to compute.” John Wesley Powell Tom Vail ● the canyon’s rock layers were deposited following Noah’s flood ● the canyon was formed in a few days by a rapidly eroding river that quickly carved through the relatively soft deposits left behind as floodwaters receded. Who is right Steno’s Geologic Principles Nicholas Steno Steno’s Geologic Principles Principle of Original Horizontality Principle of Superposition Hutton’s Geologic Principles ● ● ● ● Father of Modern Geology Invented the modern concept of geologic time The landscape of farmlands remained unchanged with the passage of time “Uniformitarianism” James Hutton Hutton’s Geologic Principles ● all land should be worn flat unless some process acts to renew the landscape by forming new mountains, Hutton’s Geologic Principles ● lower layers of rock formed first (superposition) as flat layers (original horizontality) ● Unconformities are evidence of breaks in the geologic record representing a gap in time Hutton’s Geologic Principles ● “Principle of cross-cutting relationships”. ● older rocks may be cut by younger rocks or other geologic features Hutton’s Geologic Principles ● “Principle of inclusions”. ● to identify older pieces of rock surrounded by younger igneous rocks Read and answer the following: 1. How did Steno used the teeth of sharks that led to his geologic principle? 2. What principle states that younger rocks cut older rocks? Homework 1. How are the different geologic principles applied to examine the geology of the Grand Canyon? THANK YOU!