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Brucella Abortion: Etiology, Transmission, Control

Abortion due to Brucella
Presented to
Sir Ahmad Yar Qamar
Presented by
Kashif Nazir
Clinic Group B
Brucella abortus is a
small , nonmotile ,
coccobacillus bacteria.
Brucellae are
facultative intracellular
pathogens that are able
to survive and multiply
within phagocytic cells
and lymphoid tissues.
Reproductive disease characterized by
abortion and retained placenta
 Infected cow is the principal source of infection f
or other animals.
 It is a zoonotic disease.
 CDC has developed a Staged Tool for Eliminatio
n of Brucellosis programe for its eradication.
Status in Pakistan
Few studies determining the prevalence of a
nimal brucellosis estimate that it is 6 to 21% a
mong cattle.
Human brucellosis rate is 3% in general popu
lation 6% in females & 22% in high risk groups.
Stats by Journal of Pakistan Medical Associatio
Brucellosis (bang’s disease)
Natural hosts
Cattle, caprine , horse and human
Malta fever or undulating fever
By ingestion:
The aborted fetus, placenta, and uterine discharge
Brucella is present in uterine discharge 2 weeks before
parturition & 2-3 weeks after parturition.
The Many Names of Brucellosis
Human Disease
Animal Disease
 Malta Fever
 Undulant Fever
 Mediterranean Fever
 Rock Fever of Gibraltar
 Gastric Fever
 Bang’s Disease
 Enzootic Abortion
 Epizootic Abortion
 Slinking of Calves
 Ram Epididymitis
 Contagious Abortion
Populations at Risk
 Occupational disease
Cattle ranchers/
dairy farmers
Abattoir workers
Meat inspectors
Lab workers
Unpasteurized dairy products
Geographic Distribution
• Distribution
– Worldwide
– Eradicated in
some countries
• Reportable disease
in many countries like
Transmission in Humans
Raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products
Rarely through undercooked meat
Mucous membrane or abraded skin co
ntact with infected tissues
Animal abortion products
• Vaginal discharge, aborted fetuses,
• placentas
Transmission in Cattle
Ingestion of/contact with:
– Reproductive tissues and fluids
– Milk, urine, semen, feces, hygroma fluids
In utero
Venereal (uncommon)
– Artificial insemination
 Ingestion of contaminated material
Oral & nasal route: once infected persist indefin
itely in adult cattle
Localize in lymph node
Infect the gravid uterus during bacteremia
Multiply in placenta
Fetal bacteremia
Trophoblast necrosis and ulceration
Intracellular replication in placenta increase the
ir number
Erythritol and P4 enhance its growth in vitro.
The most commonly observed sign is place
Placenta is dry thickened and leather like
Filled with thick yellowish exudate
Cotyledons have foci of necrosis
Fetal lungs occasionally are enlarged, firm o
n palpation, and ccovered by fine strands of
Clinical signs
First time
Abortion onward to 5th month of pregnancy
Retained placenta and metritis
 Weak fetus which die shortly after birth.
 Arthritis
Post Mortem Lesions
Granulomatous inflammatory lesions
Reproductive tract
Lymph nodes
Abnormal placenta
Enlarged liver
Bulls: swollen scrotum
• Diagnosis:
Milk Ring test
Rose bengal test
 Serum agglutination test (SAT) and (CFT)
ELISA using monoclonal Abs (vaccinated & non-va
 Culturing: Uterine Fluid,Milk.
Some of the animals self recovered .
Treatment through antibiotics is of no value.
Treatment failures are considered to be caused by the inability
of the drug to penetrate the cell membrane barrier.
Live attenuated vaccine (strain-19)
 Injected in female calves between 3-8 months of age.
RB51 works by producing an immune response that incr
eases the animal's resistance to the disease.
Proper handling of abortion case or Slaughtering of infe
cted animals.
Hygienic measures
Degeneration of cotyledons
Arrow indicates necrosis
Thank you
For your time & concentration.