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HON 171 The Human Event Syllabus Fall 2023

This syllabus is to be used as a guideline only. The information provided is a summary of topics to be covered in the class.
Information contained in this document such as assignments, grading scales, due dates, office hours, required books and materials may be from
a previous semester and are subject to change. Please refer to your instructor for the most recent version of the syllabus.
HON 171 The Human Event
Section 95824 – MW 10:30
Section 95825 – MW 12:00
Section 95826 – MW 3:00
Professor Mina Suk, Ph.D.
Barrett Honors College
Arizona State University
Fall 2023
Reading List
The following required texts (with correct ISBNs) are on order at the ASU Bookstore and will be
available starting June 1. Please consider, however, purchasing used books instead (for a
fraction of the new-book price) at Alibris.com or Abebooks.com.
Marcus Aurelius (trans. Hammond), Meditations, 9780140449334
Confucius (trans. Slingerland), Analects, 9780872207721
Ramayana (trans. Narayan), 9780143039679
The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma
(trans. Magidow), 9780143134268
Christine de Pizan (trans. Brown-Grant), The Book of the City of Ladies, 9780140446890
Dante, The Inferno (trans. Pinsky), 9780374524524
Machiavelli, The Prince (trans. Bull), 9780140449150
Shakespeare, King Lear, 9780743482769 or 9780743484954 (both are acceptable)
Texts we will read in PDF (download from Canvas and print out hard copies):
Aeschylus (trans. Fagles), Agamemnon
Zhuangzi (trans. Watson), Basic Writings (selections)
Hebrew Bible (NJPS translation), Torah, Exodus (selections)
New Testament (NRSV translation), The Gospel According to Mark
Revised: 10 May 2023
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