Uploaded by Maxwell Zaparinuk

Ethical Mishaps Research Worksheet

Ethical Mishaps Research Assignment
• Monster study
• Milgram experiment
• Tuskegee Syphilis Study
• MKUltra
• Little Albert
• Stanford Prison Experiment
Research the 6 experiments listed above to be able to answer the following
questions in Full sentences.
1. What was the purpose of the Monster Study?
2. What did the Monster Study prove?
3. What was unethical about the Monster Study?
4. What was the purpose of the Milgram Experiment?
5. What did the Milgram Experiment prove?
6. What was unethical about the Milgram Experiment?
7. When do you think you would stop shocking the learner why?
8. What was the Tuskegee Syphilis Study?
9. What was unethical about the Tuskegee Study?
10.What was the purpose of MKUltra?
11. What university in Canada took part in MKUltra?
12. What was the purpose of the Little Albert experiment?
13. What was unethical about the Little Albert Experiment?
14. What was the Stanford Prison Experiment?
15. What role would you want to be in the prison why?
16. What experiment in your own opinion had the best intentions and why?
17. What experiment in your own opinion had the worst intentions and why?