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Electronic Materials & Devices: Crystalline State

Electronic Materials and Devices: Module 1
Dr. Naveen Mishra
Assistant Professor (Sr.)
Crystalline State
A crystalline solid is a solid in which the atoms bond with each other
in a regular pattern to form a periodic collection of atoms. The most
important property of a crystal is periodicity, which leads to what is
termed long-range order.
A lattice is an infinite periodic array of geometric points in space,
without any atoms.
When we place an identical group of atoms (or molecules), called a
basis, at each lattice point, we obtain the actual crystal structure.
Thus crystal is a lattice plus a basis at each lattice point.
Contribution of Atom
Number of Atoms
Packing Fraction (SCC)
Packing Fraction (BCC)
Packing Fraction (FCC)