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Introduction Procreate Brushes

Procreate Brushes
thanks for downloading
how to install
Thank you for supporting me and downloading this
procreate brush/es.
I hope you will enjoy lettering with my brush/es on your
iPad and procreate.
I think the easiest way using the brush/es is to
download the .zip file with your computer or a mac.
Decompress the file and upload the .brush file to a
cloud hoster which is supported in procreate.
On your iPad you can import the brush in the brushsection of the app.
For downloading directly with an iPad I’ve found a
guide in the internet on: http://www.ipadlettering.com/
Now it’s time for your letterings.
have fun!
Have fun and enjoy the brush/es. Feel free to write me,
if you have any questions.
Also would be great to connect on Instagram. If you
like, my Instagram handle is: studiofabianfischer
Find more brushes on my online store at
www.studiofabianfischer.de/store or on