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IT Trends Research: IoT & Automation

‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
IT Trends Research
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‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
The goal of the research is to solve a problem in the organization as there is a threat may affect the
availability of the service as the service must be available almost 24 hours.
The solution will use IOT technology, and automate the process to ensure the availability of the
service and avoid any harm may cause to the hardware which may cost more than the solution itself,
We identify the IoT as a process of making isolated and dumb – specific task, and very limited –
devices to be connected, smart, produce information, take an action based on given conditions to
automate and the processes.
The devices connected directly with a controller which the controller is a hardware that manage and
control flow of data and transmit it between the devices and controller, controller and servers/client).
There will be an Automation for the process while applying the IOT as this will minimize the
required interaction with the human.
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
Literature Review
IoT is important as the technology that enabling and support growth, IoT already started to
make system more automated such as education which it makes some services automated which
that provide support to the students by enabling the automation for the classes more secure by
tracking (Monitor the track) of students, as well as the other domains and industries such as
health care, factories now developed with sensors that’s linked with the controllers (small
computers), also IoT push the organization to financially grow.
By using IoT organization will increase the efficiently, better understand customers, devices,
or environments, as it will provide more data, that can be analyzed and get more information
leads better understand.
IoT gives higher value to the devices or objects than the objects did not apply the IoT
technology as these can provide data to the database through a communication channel.
(Sharma, Sharma, Geholt, & Singh, 2020)
IOT Application
there are many applications can deploy with the IoT as listed below:
Transport, Logistic and tracking vehicles with goods, and this support the closer view for the
track path and more information for analysis, control of stock in the store, also keep the goods
in good condition by monitor the environment with the sensors such as temperature with bio
Breeding and farming, a useful technology that automate the process of provide the water to
the planet and monitor the area to protect from animals.
Smart Homes and buildings, IoT has gone far in making just normal house to be a smart, also
new technologies that’s enable the human to use the voice has emerge with the IoT to control
the devices and items in the house even if the house owner wasn’t in, and automate some task
such as lights and AC to work in specific time or based on events, IoT also can monitor and
notify for example fire detection.
IoT also support to control and save the resources of the buildings and lead to save cost in most
Smart City is also developed by IoT, it is providing security, monitoring the area and
authorized, and manage the access of people to the city.
Environment can be monitored by IOT, and that’s supported to detect the environment by
collecting huge data and process the collected data, one of these examples monitoring the
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
temperature and detecting the fire, the nature and all around related such as climate, earthquake,
and nature crisis and disaster can be get a faster response based on data got from IoT.
Health care, medical side of IoT also has vast application and experience with the IoT, it can
monitor patients’ vital data and transit it to process it in the center, also now days there are
wearables such
as bands, watches, and specials devices to monitor the human vital health data and activities,
based on the record and data collected, can get better information and history information as
well for the human.
Security is playing main role in the technology, and it’s providing the security for many
different domains such as industries, homes, buildings, and cities.
Smart Energy and grid that support to provide more dynamic energy flow, monitor, and manage
to get efficiently in the exchange the power between supplier and customers.
Retails also has different application in the IoT firm, for example counting the visitors and
analysis the data so they can develop and provide better options.
(Watts, 2016) (Mohammed & Ahmed, 2017).
Beside the application, below list for some Technologies that emerge, used in IoT to achieve,
and run along with the other IoT technology the goal.
IOT Tools listed below.
1. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), component as Tags and receiver, and RFID being
a common and used in many industries such as attendance machines (Irawan, Adriantantri,
& Farid, 2018).
2. TCP/IP stack: IP is the Internet protocol which is used to connect to the internet by
providing the network card unique IP, current version we are using is IPv4 which it’s
divided to different classes and categories based on IP range, Class A, B, C, and D, and
already prepared for the future IPv6.
3. Bluetooth, A wireless communication type which is used to exchange, send, and receive
data, and the distance is limited with a short range, add on that this communication is
cheaper than the other communication methods.
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
4. Wi-fi and that’s for Wireless Fidelity, it a wireless network that let the connected devices
such as mobiles, laptops, or PCs to exchange and transfer the data through the air, without
any need for wire or cable.
5. ZigBee is a protocol that has many advantages affected the features of such as low cost as
well as the data rate also become low, also reliable count as advantage and the design for
the ZigBee is fixed and that’s make it easier, also high range that may reach to 100 Meter,
and 250 kpbs, it’s been using in home automation and Industrial control.
6. NFC, as short term for Near Filed Communication and it’s used for very close range as
wireless, comparing with the ZigBee communication distance, the NFC is used only 4 CM
to communicate with the other devices, NFC has revolution in the technology by enabling
the new technology in the market with the purchase, making transaction by the consumers
and also exchange data can be done without any need to be the devices in the same sigh of
line and other technologies that affected with the physical obstacles.
7. For Automation process, it’s required actuators which in some cases it’s required to create
motion to do the process as given instructions by convert the energy to motion process.
Such as malfunction
8. Wireless sensor network, known as WSN, it used by devices to allow them to communicate
with the other devices without need to connect the internet, these sensors are many uses
domain such as safety with the detectors, health care, manufacturing and so on, which it’s
monitor the physical and environment changes and updates such as temperature, humidity,
motion, and other conditions.
(Madakam, R. Ramaswamy, & Tripathi, 2015). (Colin Dow, 2019).
IoT Protocols
The communication required for IoT to achieve the goals of implementing the IoT, how it’s
act, required standard to be make the devices understands each other and interact together,
These standards are special protocol mainly used in the IoT, the below are some protocols and
brief information about each protocol listed.
(QoS) is a protocol that’s control the traffic in the network, and it’s used in the IoT by
support with other factors such as WSN which it’s used the MAX address as it’s provided
better performance, and reduce the energy consummation, and rise the efficiency. (MarieAurélie Nef, 2012)
(MMS) – Manufacturing Message.
Protocol for exchange information in the (LAN) Local Area Network.
(XMPP) - extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
Protocol for exchange information in (WAN) wide Area Network and has a set of technologies that
can deliver it’s an open source as well.
(MQTT) a protocol that support send and subscribe to receive messages as soon as possible,
which it’s developed to provide higher performance.
(AMQP) is the business messages that’s support different application and different platform
and support, also it’s an open source.
(CoAP) – Constrain Application Protocol, its act like HTTP, but it’s having advantage to
support IoT with low bandwidth and availability. Then will reduce the cost either for
transferring the data, or time, and increase the performance.
(DSS) – Real Time communication protocol that’s support the IoT devices to connect and
communicate with each other’s.
(Colin Dow, 2019) (Tightiz & Yang, 2020)
IOT Security and Privacy
Just like every technology, there are some perspectives related to the security and privacy with
the IoT, the IoT also has vulnerable to the security and threats that affected to the main
cybersecurity pillars for data security and information asset, CIA, Confidentiality, Integrity,
and availability.
Cybersecurity ensures to apply CIA in IoT also, with all related process, behavior, environment,
physical security and more, this known as key aspects for the IoT System Security, and it’s
including, authentication, access control, privacy, physical security, confidentiality, Integrity,
policy enforcement, and attestation.
Based on the Open Web Security Application Projects, OWSPA, has defined the top
vulnerabilities based on the community that participate in the articles provided by the members
and experts in the fields, listed below some of these.
Authentication and Authorization.
Network service.
Privacy issues.
Non-Secure web and mobile interface.
Non-secure cloud access.
Non completed Security adjustments and configurations.
No Availability of data encryption.
(Pal & Purushothaman, 2017)
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
Challenges in IoT.
Many Challenges that’s fit in the security and privacy to keep the IoT works in secure
environment and protected data, that’s the security needs to address them as part of IoT.
1. Protect the data:
The data need to be protected either by applying encryption such as RSA, AES, Blowfish.
Or other threats that’s related to the device such as lost, or stolen the device, or malware
Other threats are network, which may spoof the data, or man in the middle or open port
Also, cloud or web service and application consider as threats, for example data breach,
DDOS, non-secure APIs, cross site scripting.
All the above threats need to optimize and maintain the security configuration.
2. Secure the Communication:
The different type of communication is a must, with the CIA Security, needs to ensure the
communication is available, and data is only accessed by authorized users and services, and
edited by the only authorized access with the right data while the data is transferring from
node to another node.
The channels list below is used by IoT and need to apply the security requirement to secure
the channels that’s data transfers with, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, GSM, are common
wireless communication, and mostly affected options is the by using protocols such as
3. Authentication.
is the process to control the access and mange the access, there are many different methods
for the authentication process, there are many different, and IoT can use one of these
methods such as PIN, Passwords, or other methods for the authentication.
Every IoT protocol is has its own authentication methods will list 2 in below,
ZigBee: pre-shared key and master key used for the authentication with the ZigBee.
DSS: KPI using token RSA and DSA.
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
4. Control the access.
The security also needs to manage and control the permission after they the authentication
granted, which need to specify what the user or service can access and what can do also, by
assigning roles or level of access can control the access.
Role’s access is known as RBAC, Roles Access Basic Control which it’s control the access
based on roles assigned to user or service.
(Al-Qahtan & AyoubKhan, Sep2021) (Madakam, R. Ramaswamy, & Tripathi, 2015)
5. Software update.
One major security practice is updating the software with the updates and patches that either
enhance the software / hardware performance or fix security vulnerabilities.
An update for the software that is affected by IoT needs to also apply the security practice
In update process.
For the updates it’s required to Request for Change, first to go with the process to prepare
all the requirements of time require, backup, and failure plan to go back the normal state
after fail in the update, and this will ensure the availability for the IoT service. (Sennewald,
6. Privacy.
The privacy of the information must be kept private, and as IoT devices its collecting private
date related to different objects, as mentioned before IoT can provide a control and can also
monitor and collect data, for example, IoT can be applied in the Medical field to monitor
the patient remotely and get the report over the network (Internet), hence it’s required to
security practice by implements changes and applying configuration to rise the security to
keep the patient privacy safe of unauthorized access. (Atiyaha & Al-Mejibli, 2022 ).
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
Methodology (or Applications)
This Methodology is about implementing the IoT In the organization and apply the
automation for taking an action after the condition is taken. IoT will be implement in the
server room and connect the device and sensors to monitor the room temperature and
The Case will be as below:
Every site of organization, there will be server room with different equipment, devices and
Items that’s need to be in in low temperature degree, so there is AC dedicated only for this
room, but what if there is something happen in weekends, official holidays, or after duty work
horse, while these devices are running 24/7 and need a low temperature.
Propose Solution with IoT:
Implement the IoT in every Server Room, so, there will be sensors, controller (Arduino),
access point, then all the devices will be connected to the cloud. In the clouds there will be
server the collect the data from all the sites, in the other side, IT representative will need
Access point to get the internet and user interface (web or mobile).
The sensor will be connected to a backup AC as well as will keep monitoring the room
temperature and humidity for any change that goes higher the limit (Event), if the sensor
detect high temperature or humidity, will send message (data), based on the condition the
Arduino will send back to the sensor to turn on the AC Automatically (Automation), So the
backup AC will again lower the temperature in the room and the devices will be safe.
There will be data already recorded in the server (Database), these can display as the
dashboard, or in Central page that can monitor all the servers in one place, for example
(Display Screen in operation office / IT helpdesk)
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
The research has shown the importance of the IoT that can be used in different domain organizations
and application, that will boost the process and increase the product and reduce the cost, in our case
the cost will be lower by avoiding any damage for the devices and ensure the availability for the
service by keeping the devices in safe environment, as well as shows the protocols that is associated
and support the IoT, discussed the challenges, security and privacy perspectives to give an overview
for the IoT and suggested the proposal solution for the given problem.
Al-Qahtan, A. S., & AyoubKhan, M. (Sep2021). Predicting Internet of Things (IOT) Security and Privacy
Risks – A Proposal Model. Journal of Engineering Sciences & Information Technology., 112-133.
Atiyaha, R. F., & Al-Mejibli, I. (2022 ). Security and Privacy in IoT Healthcare System: A systematic review.
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 15–23.
Colin Dow, P. L. (2019). Mastering IOT : Build Modern IoT Solutions That Secure and Monitor Your IoT
Infrastructure. Packt Publishing.
Irawan, J. D., Adriantantri, E., & Farid, A. (2018). RFID and IOT for Attendance Monitoring System. MATEC
Web of Conferences, 8.
Madakam, S., R. Ramaswamy, R., & Tripathi, S. (2015). Internet of Things (IoT): A Literature. Journal of
Computer and Communications, 164-173.
‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics
Marie-Aurélie Nef, L. P. (2012). Enabling QoS in the Internet of Things. Department of Computer &
Communication Engineering, 6.
Mohammed, Z. K., & Ahmed, E. S. (2017). Internet of Things Applications, Challenges and Related Future
Technologies. World Scientific News, 126 - 148.
Pal, A., & Purushothaman, B. (2017). IoT : Technical Challenges and Solutions. Artech House.
Sennewald, C. A. (2011). Effective Security Management. New Yourk: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Sharma, R. K., Sharma, K. K., Geholt, A., & Singh, R. (2020). LoRA and IoT Networks for Applications in
Industry 4.0. New York: Nova.
Tightiz, L., & Yang, d. H. (2020). A Comprehensive Review on IoT Protocols’ Features. Department of
Computer Engineering, Sejong University, 25.
Watts, S. (2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) : Applications, Technology, and Privacy Issues. New Yourk: