Q. How you are responsible for the performance of your Oracle database? A. B. C. D. As an Project baseline As an Change baseline As an Oracle database administrator As an Governance Answer Key: C Q. As an Oracle DBA, you can expect to be involved in the following tasks: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Installing Oracle software Creating Oracle databases Upgrading the database software to new releases Starting up and shutting down the database Managing the storage structures of the database Managing user accounts and security Managing schema objects, such as tables, indexes, and views Making database backups and performing database recovery, when necessary Monitoring proactively the condition of the database and taking preventive or corrective actions, as required J. Monitoring and tuning database performance K. All of the above Answer Key: K Q. What does offer enterprise-class performance, scalability and reliability on clustered and single-server configurations? A. Standardization B. Interoperability C. Solid state drives D. Oracle Database Answer Key: D Q. What is Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control), a web-based interface? A. B. C. D. Primary tool to manage the database Project Investment Expenditure Data architecture Answer Key: A Q. What does automates the database application tuning process, thereby significantly lowering database management costs while enhancing performance and reliability? A. Visualization B. Denormalization C. Oracle Tuning Pack D. Batch ingestion Answer Key: C Q. Oracle Real Application Testing consists of the following key features? A. B. C. D. Database Replay SQL Performance Analyzer None of the above All of the above Answer Key: A,B Q. What is the main database management page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control)? A. Virtual firewalls B. Work items C. Database Home page D. None of the above Answer Key: C Q. What is an iterative process? A. B. C. D. Project lead Patterns Default assignee Performance improvement Answer Key: D Q. What is the first step toward ensuring that your changes improve performance? A. B. C. D. Accurately diagnosing the performance problem Data stewards Project's lead Intelligence Solution Answer Key: A Q. What can be applied until performance goals are met or deemed impractical? A. B. C. D. Oracle performance method Content Analyzer Team-managed board All of the above Answer Key: A Q. What does implement the Oracle performance method and analyzes statistics to provide automatic diagnosis of major performance problems? A. Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) B. Operational data store C. Early adopters D. Execution Plan Answer Key: A Q. What does provide information about the type of load on the database and the internal and external resources used by the database? A. B. C. D. Software project Community edition Dashboard Database statistics Answer Key: D Q. What is a count such as the number of block reads? A. B. C. D. Disks Cumulative statistic Service offering Reporting Answer Key: B Q. What are queried from memory? A. B. C. D. Team-managed boards Digitization Statistics gathered by AWR All of the above Answer Key: C Q. Which of the following initialization parameters are relevant for AWR? A. B. C. D. STATISTICS_LEVEL CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS None of the above All of the above Answer Key: A,B Q. The database statistics collected and processed by AWR include: A. B. C. D. E. F. Time Model Statistics Wait Event Statistics Session and System Statistics Active Session History Statistics High-Load SQL Statistics Project Specification Answer Key: A,B,C,D,E Q. Which of the model statistics measure the time spent in the database by operation type? A. B. C. D. Consumer groups Default assignee Associated issues Time model statistics Answer Key: D Q. What are incremented by a session to indicate that the session had to wait for an event to complete before being able to continue processing? A. B. C. D. Project lead Data lineage Wait events Component lead Answer Key: C Q. What are samples of session activity in the database? A. B. C. D. Workflow schemes Private Key Data Science Active Session History (ASH) statistics Answer Key: D Q. The light vertical lines represent samples of inactive session activity that are not captured in the ASH statistics. The bold vertical lines represent samples of active sessions that are captured at: A. B. C. D. E. 7:38, while novels by the author are being queried 7:42, while the user is browsing the query results 7:50, when one novel is added to the shopping cart 7:52, during the checkout process All of the above Answer Key: E Q. What are consuming the most resources produce the highest load on the system, based on criteria such as elapsed time and CPU time? A. B. C. D. Virtual Resource Management SQL statements Decisioning Service Log management Answer Key: B Q. What is an iterative process to identify, tune, and improve the efficiency of high-load SQL statements? A. B. C. D. Company-managed projects SQL tuning API lifecycle Incentives Answer Key: B Q. Applying the Oracle performance method involves the following: A. Performing pre-tuning preparations, as described in "Preparing the Database for Tuning" B. Tuning the database proactively on a regular basis, as described in "Tuning the Database Proactively" C. Tuning the database reactively when performance problems are reported by the users, as described in "Tuning the Database Reactively" D. Identifying, tuning, and optimizing high-load SQL statements, as described in "Tuning SQL Statements“ E. None of the above Answer Key: A,B,C,D Q. What does automatically detects and reports performance problems with the database? A. B. C. D. Discovery scans Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) Problem management Service level management Answer Key: B Q. What is diagnostic software built into Oracle Database? A. B. C. D. Service desk Problem management ADDM Relationship management Answer Key: C Q. What is performed after each AWR snapshot (every hour by default), and the results are saved in the database? A. B. C. D. Change management ADDM Analysis Service level management Continual service improvement Answer Key: B Q. Where you can use ADDM to analyze the throughput performance of a database cluster? A. In an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment B. Global permissions C. Project permissions D. Issue security permissions Answer Key: A Q. What are short-lived and typically do not appear in the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis? A. Service portfolio design B. Process definitions C. Transient performance problems D. Service design package Answer Key: C Q. Sampled data captured by ASH can be aggregated based on the dimensions in the data, including the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. SQL identifier of a SQL statement Object number, file number, and block number Wait event identifier and parameters Session identifier and session serial number Module and action name Client identifier of the session Service hash identifier All of the above Answer Key: H Q. What is an important SQL tuning activity that must be performed regularly? A. B. C. D. Project administrator Disk size Applications Identifying high-load SQL statements Answer Key: D Q. SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL Access Advisor can make various recommendations, such as the following: A. B. C. D. E. Creating SQL profiles Restructuring SQL statements Creating additional indexes or materialized views Refreshing optimizer statistics All of the above Answer Key: E Q. What is primarily responsible for making schema modification recommendations? A. B. C. D. SQL Access Advisor Service asset Appliance specification page Board administrator Answer Key: A Q. What can generate SQL tuning reports automatically? A. B. C. D. Two quad core physical CPUs. Board usage permissions Information security management Oracle Database Answer Key: D Q. Which type of view provides access to table data by storing query results in a separate schema object? A. B. C. D. Materialized view A board administrator for the board itself Project baseline Change baseline Answer Key: A Q. When considering instance tuning, take care in the initial design of the database to avoid bottlenecks that could lead to performance problems. In addition, you must consider: A. B. C. D. Allocating memory to database structures Determining I/O requirements of different parts of the database Tuning the operating system for optimal performance of the database All of the above Answer Key: D Q. What does requires a different, although related, method to the initial configuration of a system? A. B. C. D. Board's administrator Service strategy Service design Performance tuning Answer Key: D Q. What is driven by identifying the most significant bottleneck and making the appropriate changes to reduce or eliminate the effect of that bottleneck? A. B. C. D. Data Information Knowledge Tuning Answer Key: D Q. What does occurs on a regularly scheduled interval, where several performance statistics are examined to identify whether the system behavior and resource usage has changed? A. Proactive monitoring usually occurs B. Availability management C. Capacity management D. Performance figures Answer Key: A Q. What is usually part of a larger capacity planning exercise, where resource consumption is examined to see changes in the way the application is being used, and the way the application is using the database and host resources? A. B. C. D. Monitoring Functions Teams All of the above Answer Key: A Q. When the query optimizer determines the most efficient execution plan after considering many factors related to the objects referenced and the conditions specified in the query? A. When a SQL statement is executed on an Oracle database B. When a SQL statement is executed on an Functions C. When a SQL statement is executed on an Teams D. When a SQL statement is executed on an Analysis Answer Key: A Q. What is essential for identifying and correcting performance problems? A. B. C. D. Effective data collection and analysis RACI model Incident model Continual service Answer Key: A Q. What are mainly automatic, managed by Oracle background processes? A. B. C. D. Parallel sprints Problem management Change management Oracle Database gathering and monitoring features Answer Key: D Q. What are the performance information sources used by all Oracle Database performance tuning tools? A. B. C. D. Creating a baseline Windows proxy Measurable targets V$ views Answer Key: D Q. Which of the performance begins with design and continues throughout the life of your system? A. B. C. D. Storage discovery. Capacity plan. Service level agreement. Optimal system performance Answer Key: D Q. What is designed and built into a system? A. B. C. D. Service strategy System performance Service design Service transition Answer Key: B Q. What are challenged by very short development timeframes with limited time for testing and evaluation? A. B. C. D. Local Centralized Outsourced Applications Answer Key: D Q. What can vary between the hard disk on a client PC and high performance disk arrays? A. B. C. D. I/O subsystem Change management IT service continuity management Burndown Chart Answer Key: A Q. What is important to successful relational application design? A. B. C. D. Data modeling Active Directory proxy Credential Windows proxy Service catalog management Answer Key: A Q. What is largely a compromise between flexibility and performance of core transactions? A. B. C. D. Table design Appliance Service level Service portfolio Answer Key: A Q. What are particularly useful when querying on composite columns to produce a derived result or to overcome limitations in the way data is stored in the database? A. B. C. D. Function-based indexes Availability management Capacity management Appliance firewall Answer Key: A Q. Oracle Database provides the following methods to manage database memory: A. B. C. D. E. F. Automatic Memory Management Automatic Shared Memory Management Manual Shared Memory Management Automatic PGA Memory Management Manual PGA Memory Management None of the above Answer Key: A,B,C,D,E Q. What is a vital component of an Oracle database? A. B. C. D. I/O subsystem Facilities management Access management Request fulfillment Answer Key: A Q. What is a suite of features that greatly improves performance for real-time analytics and mixed workloads? A. B. C. D. Oracle Database In-Memory Process owner Change manager JQL Answer Key: A Q. Which of the feature set includes the In-Memory Column Store (IM column store), advanced query optimizations, and availability solutions? A. B. C. D. Oracle Database In-Memory (Database In-Memory) feature Service catalogue management Demand management Saved searches Answer Key: A Q. What is materialized as a hidden virtual column in a heap-organized table, but is accessed in the same way as a non-virtual column? A. B. C. D. Omitting unnecessary IM expression Service portfolio management Supplier management Answer Key: B Q. What is a designated tablespace where IM FastStart stores and manages data for INMEMORY objects? A. B. C. D. Virtual firewalls Cultural debt Project keys FastStart area Answer Key: D Q. What is the iterative process of improving SQL statement performance to meet specific, measurable, and achievable goals? A. B. C. D. Incentives Project admins SQL tuning Ralph Kimball Answer Key: C Q. After you have identified the problem, a typical tuning session has one of the following goals: A. Reduce user response time, which means decreasing the time between when a user issues a statement and receives a response B. Improve throughput, which means using the least amount of resources necessary to process all rows accessed by a statement C. None of the above D. All of the above Answer Key: A,B Q. Which type of application tracing simplifies the process of diagnosing performance problems in multitier environments? A. B. C. D. Splitting an issue Business Logical Model Administrators End-to-End Application Tracing Answer Key: D Q. What is an instruction passed to the optimizer through comments in a SQL statement? A. B. C. D. Subtask Disks Guardrails Hint Answer Key: D Q. What is a binary program that, when executed by the SQL engine, produces the result set? A. B. C. D. Iterative plan Multi-dimensional data Experience Events Virtual object Answer Key: A Q. What is a row set returned by a step in the execution plan along with a control structure that can iteratively process the rows? A. B. C. D. Row source Business glossary Interface management Confluence pages Answer Key: A Q. The row source generator produces a row source tree, which is a collection of row sources. The row source tree shows the following information: A. B. C. D. E. An ordering of the tables referenced by the statement An access method for each table mentioned in the statement A join method for tables affected by join operations in the statement Data operations such as filter, sort, or aggregation All of the above Answer Key: E Q. What is built-in database software that determines the most efficient method for a SQL statement to access requested data? A. B. C. D. Private Key Glance STIGs Query optimizer (called simply the optimizer) Answer Key: D Q. What is the process of choosing the most efficient means of executing a SQL statement? A. B. C. D. Links Custom fields Data Science Query optimization Answer Key: D Q. What is a nonprocedural language, so the optimizer is free to merge, reorganize, and process in any order? A. B. C. D. Decisioning Service Log management SQL Identity management Answer Key: C Q. What is the number of rows returned by each operation in an execution plan? A. B. C. D. Service catalog capability Velocity Tag export and import utilities Cardinality Answer Key: D Q. Which of the statement displays execution plans that the optimizer chooses for SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements? A. B. C. D. Service Operation Service Design FTP daemon EXPLAIN PLAN statement Answer Key: D Q. What is the default sample output table into which the EXPLAIN PLAN statement inserts rows describing execution plans? A. B. C. D. PLAN_TABLE Transition Audit system All of the above Answer Key: A Q. What is a database object that contains auxiliary statistics specific to a SQL statement? A. B. C. D. Local Area Network App Connect LDAP client SQL profile Answer Key: D