THE NUPTIAL MASS CELEBRATING THE UNIO N OF Thank you for coming to our wedding celebration. It means a great deal to us that you are witnesses to our marriage vows. Father Stanislao will signal when to sit and stand and this program will serve Sarah Elizabeth Thomas AND as a guide to the order of the service. Nicholas James Brown We encourage you to listen, pray, and sing. IN THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY All music can found in the Breaking Bread hymnal, located in the pews. SATURDAY THE TWENTY FIRST OF JUNE TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN In order to respect the dignity of the ceremony, we ask that there is no flash photography during the service. Additionally, please silence all cell phones and other electronic devices. ST. ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH MASSAPEQUA, NEW YORK The Wedding Party CELEBRANT Reverend Charles H. Allen S.J. PARENTS OF THE GROOM PARENTS OF THE BRIDE Albert & Sue Brown Bob & Ann Thomas We would like to express our sincerest thanks to all of you BEST MAN MAID OF HONOR for helping us make this day a joyous celebration, Gregg Brown Casey Thomas Brother of the Groom Sister of the Bride Thank You especially our parents who gave us life; our families who shared our life; GROOMSMEN BRIDESMAIDS our relatives and friends who helped us Paul Viggiano Natalia Thomas to reach this special day. Friend of the Groom Cousin of the Bride Peter Emmanouilidis Kristin Bishop Friend of the Groom Friend of the Bride We are honored you can share these sacred and joyous moments with us today. May God bless each one of you. Bryan Bernhard Natasha Long Sarah & Nick Friend of the Groom Friend of the Bride Jeffrey Thomas Nicole Farmer Brother of the Bride Friend of the Bride USHERS Joseph Addison Brian Rogers Friend of the Bride Friend of the Groom The Ceremony The Rite of Marriage Please stand. STATEMENT OF INTENTIONS PRELUDE “I Can Only Imagine” Mercy Me PROCESSIONAL Please stand. “Canon in D” Johan Pachelbel CONSENT AND EXCHANGE OF VOWS BLESSING AND EXCHANGE OF RINGS PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL INTRODUCTORY RITES Please respond to each prayer with the response indicated by the lector. OPENING PRAYER Liturgy of the Eucharist Liturgy of the Word PRESENTATION AND PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS Please sit. Genesis 2:18-24 FIRST READING "Come to the Feast" Located in Hymnal #333 Sharon Root, Aunt of the Bride Psalm 103 RESPONSORIAL PSALM NUPTIAL BLESSING Please join the cantor on the refrain. Colossians 3:12-17 SECOND READING Tom Tschimperle, uncle of the Groom SIGN OF PEACE Closing Rites Mark 12:28-31 GOSPEL "One Bread, One Body" HOLY COMMUNION GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia Please stand and join the cantor on the refrain. THE LORD’S PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL HYMN “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” Located in Hymnal #836 FINAL BLESSING RECESSIONAL HOMILY Please sit. “Ode to Joy” Located in Hymnal #691