Coffee Master Activities Overview The Coffee Master Activities are comprised of the five Coffee Master Chapters. Given the activities listed for each chapter, scheduled time, and materials necessary, the Coffee Master Candidate will choose three activities from each chapter with a required activity being Certification with the Coffee Master Coach before moving on to the next chapter. 1.History of Coffee 2. Coffee Agriculture and Farming 3. Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability 4. Our Coffee Expertise 5. Barista Craft – Owning Quality 1 Coffee Master Activities 1. History of Coffee The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Title Description Time History Prepare a tasting with your fellow team members and/or customers and share some interesting stories you’ve learned about coffee’s history; option to go deeper on a particular country or region's history and its place in the industry. Taste Ethiopia and share the story of how coffee began its journey around the globe. 15 min Starbucks History Look at the menu of the original store in Pike Place Market. Do a tasting of one of the coffees that we still offer from the original menu. Share the story of the first store in the market. 10 min Starbucks History Read the article on about our first store. Prepare a coffee tasting of Pike Place Roast and share with a customer or team member the coffee and the story. 10 min Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room Do you work in a Reserve store or have one nearby? Taste a Reserve coffee with a customer or team member and share the story of the Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room in Seattle, WA. To learn about the roastery, explore the Roastery website. 15 min Certification Lead your manager/coach in a guided coffee tasting of your choosing. Share what you've learned from your experience in this chapter, why it's important to you, and how you'll apply it going forward. 15 min History of coffee Passport Recap Using your Coffee Passport, share a tasting 5 min 10 min with your fellow team members and/or customers of some of your favorite coffees from the passport. What do you love about them? Why are they your favorites? How would you describe them to customers? Rediscover a Favorite Starbucks History Rediscover one of your favorite coffees: How long has it been a coffee at Starbucks? Where is the coffee from? How do you describe the taste to customers? What do you recommend for a pairing? Do a coffee tasting with House Blend and talk about why it’s important to Starbucks and also talk about key dates in Starbucks history. Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY 10 min 10 min 2 Coffee Master Activities 2. Coffee Agriculture and Farming The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Customer Seminar Teach about a coffee growing country or region and taste coffee from that region. Speak about terroir and how that can have an effect on the taste. Share your Coffee Passport with the customers. 30 min Compare and contrast Starbucks two coffees from the same region: how and why are they different or similar? (think about climate and processing) Examples: Sumatra & Komodo Dragon, House Blend & Breakfast Blend, Kenya & Ethiopia . 15 min Explore what single origin means, and how it differs from a blend, compare/contrast a single origin coffee vs. a regional blend. Examples: Sumatra, Guatemala & Veranda 15 min Compare and contrast 3-5 apple or grape varieties as a means to understand coffee. If you are in an Evenings store, ask your manager about the possibility of using wine. Identify flavor, aroma and mouth-feel, record your notes and share with other baristas. 15 min One Origin - in depth What is singleorigin What is a varietal? Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY Title Description The Regions, Lead a team tasting of the three origins, part 1 brewed in a coffee press. Time 15 min Examples: Kenya, Sumatra, Guatemala; Ethiopia, House Blend The Regions, part 2 Conduct another "around the world" tasting, with different coffees than in The Regions, part 1. Use a brew method of your choice. 30 min Promo Support 1 Take responsibility for a new promotional coffee before it launches: its story and tasting notes, and share talking points with team members. Brew and taste it with your team. Connect to origin and the Starbucks difference 30 min Reserve support 1 Take responsibility for new Reserve coffees: connect with a favorite core coffee, learn its story and tasting notes, how to brew it, and share its talking points with team members. 15 min Coffee Processing Tasting Compare washed, semi-washed, and natural (if available) coffees to each other. What's your favorite, and why? How would you share this with a customer? 15 min 3 Coffee Master Activities 2. Coffee Agriculture and Farming…………..continuation The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Coffee Lifecycle Do you know the lifecycle of a tree? How hard it works to produce coffee? Research the work of farmers & agronomists, and watch a video from our blog on Now, taste a coffee that you appreciate in a new way and share it with a customer What is processing? Why is it important to flavor? Pick a coffee and discuss how processing has impacted its flavor and lead a tasting. Connect the coffee tasting with your own journey and appreciation of quality.. 15 min Reach out to a Starbucks partner who has been on the Origin Experience, and interview them about their experience and how it changed them. What did they learn about coffee growing regions and farming? How has it changed their experience when talking about coffee to team members or customers? Don’t know how to contact alumni? Email and ask for contact information for a local partner. 30 min Coffee Processing Flavor Interview an Origin Experience alumni Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY Title Description Time Promo Support 2 Take responsibility for a new promotional coffee: where is it from, and how do we describe its processing method? Learn about its origin details, and how you would share its story with your team and customers. Lead a tasting to share this information. What do you find interesting about this coffee? What would you highlight about this coffee's story and origin? 15 min Reserve support 2 Explore current Reserve coffees: identify the processing methods for available reserve coffees. Complete a coffee tasting for others that highlights how processing is a reflection of the coffee's origin and approach to quality: how would you prepare the coffee and share it with a curious customer? In a visual way, draw or chart the journey of coffee on the farm. Think about all the hands that touch the coffee on its journey and incorporate this information into a coffee tasting with customers and fellow team members. Lead your manager/coach in a guided coffee tasting of your choosing. Share what you've learned from your experience in this chapter, why it's important to you, and how you'll apply it going forward. 10 min 15 min Coffee's Journey on a Farm Certification 15 min 15 min 4 Coffee Master Activities 3. Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time C.A.F.E. Practices indicators Go to our C.A.F.E. Practices third-party verifier’s website - Scientific Certification Systems and pull up a scorecard ( Read through a scorecard and select 2 indicators that you thought were interesting. Why do you think we measure those indicators? Share that information with your team Pick a growing region or country of origin, and research the coffee-growing issues that face farmers from that country. examples include: - coffee rust - scale/infrastructure - access to capital - climate change - political instability Share this information in a tasting/seminar with your team Lead a coffee tasting with a coffee that you believe symbolizes your journey: how do you connect your experience with Starbucks to the other people working in the world of coffee? What is your journey so far, and where do you want to go? How are you leading others? 30 min Research Issues Your coffee story Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY Title Description Time Sustainable Coffee Learn about the Sustainable Coffee Challenge and what Starbucks is doing for ensuring a sustainable supply of coffee. Share this information with your team. 15 min Customer seminar Share with a customer about C.A.F.E Practices: share the 4 parts of C.A.F.E Practices, and why each one is important to us. Taste a coffee that you think relates to the story of our ethical sourcing message. 30 min tasting: 15-20 min seminar 30 min 10 min C.A.F.E Practices is our approach to ethical Compare 'ethical' labels sourcing: How does it compare to other coffee sourcing certifications you can find? goal: understand and articulate how we're similar/different from Direct Trade, Fairtrade, Organic, etc. . tasting: 15-20 min seminar: 30 min 5 Coffee Master Activities 3. Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability ………….continuation The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Fairtrade Facilitate a tasting of Fairtrade Italian Roast and answer the question: Why doesn’t Starbucks have more Fairtrade coffee? 15 min Farmer Support Centers Our FSCs are committed to helping our farmers and sourcing partners improve quality and productivity: how are you doing the same with your fellow partners? Put together a plan to raise the bar on quality & productivity in your role, and share that plan in a coffee tasting. Share your plan with your SM. 10 min Reach out to a Starbucks partner who has been on Origin Experience, and interview them about their experience. What did they learn about C.A.F.E. Practices? How did they see evidence of our farmer support in the growing regions? Don’t know how to contact alumni? Email and ask for contact information . 30 min Interview an Origin Experience alumni Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY Title Description Time Promo Support: Every promotion provides the opportunity to talk about how we’re building a future with farmers: - through a featured coffee - through a featured beverage that highlights espresso - or through our commitments to lead as a company (like the One Tree For Every Bag Commitment) Have you considered the components or story of the promo coffee and/or beverage? Can you speak to the impact that Promo has on your at-home coffee business (eg., what number of trees will be derived from coffees sold in your store 15 min Reserve support: Every reserve coffee comes with a story that features the farmer, their family or community. Did you know that we sponsor a social project for in the community for every reserve coffee that we offer? Prepare a coffee tasting of a reserve coffee and feature a story that resonates with you. 15 min CAFE Practices Scorecard Use the C.A.F.E. Practices Generic Scorecard to explore several indicators from the Social Responsibility and Environmental Leadership pillars. Have a discussion with your CM lead about what you learned, and how it affected your understanding of coffee. In your discussion, include what you have learned and how it impacts coffee growing communities. Share what you learn during a coffee tasting with customers/team 15 min s/cafe_scr_genericv3.4_011516.pdf. 6 Coffee Master Activities 4. Our Coffee Expertise The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Title Description Time Spectrum tasting: Pick a coffee from each roast (Blonde, Medium, and Dark): taste them side-by-side, focusing on the differences in roast. Note the impact roast has on coffee flavor, body, and acidity. What do you prefer? Describe the differences in a way you would to a new customer of Starbucks Highlight the points along the coffee's journey where quality is ensured to help your team understand the importance of quality from farm to store. Get familiar the tastes and flavors that contribute to our multi-region blends. Taste similar coffee components individually. For example, Café Verona is similar to a mix of 80% Yukon & 20% Italian Roast. What flavors come from different regions, and how do they contribute to blends? How does this help you appreciate the art of blending? 15 min Describing Roast Think of a creative way to describe roast (eg., a graph, poem, metaphor, vivid description, infographic, etc.). Using the aid you created, make a presentation to your coach/team/customers. 20 min Decaf Tasting Prepare a decaf tasting with your fellow team members and/or customers, featuring at least two coffees. Share an overview of Decaffeination; how is it done, and why are there differences in approach? Only one of the coffees need be Decaf. 15 min Format Tasting We offer coffees in multiple formats: VIA, K-Cup, Verismo, Ground & Whole Bean. Pick a coffee and taste it in 2 different formats, comparing its similarities and differences in taste. How does the format affect the coffee's flavor profile? How would share this with customers? How would you recommend or connect this format to customers? 15 min Pick a coffee: can you tell its story up until this point (including growing, sourcing, blending, roasting)? Lead your team or customers in a tasting that tells this story. 20 min Freshness Tasting Explore the freshness of a coffee: find a stale coffee (past-date or opened for more than 1 week), and compare it to the same coffee when fresh. Can you share the importance of freshness with a customer? 15 min Flow of Quality Beneath a Multi-Region Blend Coffee journey Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY 10 min 15 min 7 Coffee Master Activities 4. Our Coffee Expertise ……………..continuation The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Starbucks Roast Prepare a tasting with your fellow team members and/or customers. The tasting should focus on the Starbucks Roast as a philosophy and why we offer Blonde, Medium and Dark 15 min Promo support Is there a limited time offering or promo coffee available in the store? What is the story behind this coffee? How and when was it developed? Have we offered it before? Share what you learn while tasting the coffee with your team. 20 min Reserve support Why do we offer Reserve Coffees? What makes them so special? Choose 1-2 of your favorites, brew on the Clover, and share the story of our Reserve line-up with customers. 15 min Certification Lead your manager/coach in a guided coffee tasting of your choosing. Share what you've learned from your experience in this chapter, why it's important to you, and how you'll apply it going forward. 15 min Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY 8 Coffee Master Activities 5. Owning Quality – Barista Craft The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to the next chapter. Title Description Time Beverage Skills Develop your beverage skills, and teach others to sharpen their skills on the espresso machine. What makes a perfect shot of espresso? Can you tell the difference in taste? How do you improve milk quality & consistency? Can you teach latte art? Make a flat white and coach another team member as they work on improving their milk quality. 20 min Cleaning & Maintenance Assess your skills at cleaning and maintaining equipment. If you are not familiar with all equipment, then learn more about it! Perform maintenance or train a newer team member how to maintain a particular piece of equipment using the Store Cleanliness and Equipment Maintenance Manual as resource. •Bun Brewer •Clover •Espresso Machine •Coffee Presses/Pour Over equipment 15 min Can you compare a coffee 2 ways: with clean/maintained equipment vs. dirty/outdated equipment? Show/describe how the coffee's flavor quality is affected 15 min Equipment Tasting: methods Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY Title Description Time Equipment Maintenance Brewer Using your Store Cleanliness and Equipment Maintenance Manual, perform the following for your drip coffee brewer. - cleaning spray heads - cleaning baskets - changing spigot seat cups - cleaning out spigot Check the temp on the water you pull from the Hot water spigot / insta-hot to brew a pour over or press: is it within recommended range? What affects will this have upon the brew? How can you fix or problem solve this? 30 min Equipment Maintenance Espresso Using your Store Cleanliness and Equipment Maintenance Manual, perform the following for your espresso machine. - cleaning bean hopper - cleaning group head - cleaning steam wand 30 min Equipment four fundamentals Select a coffee and prepare it on at least 2 different brew methods: how did you apply and control for the 4 fundamentals in preparing the coffee? 15 min 9 Coffee Master Activities 5 Owning Quality – Barista Craft……………..continuation The Coffee Master Candidate will choose two-four elective activities and complete certification with their Coffee Master Coach/Manager before moving on to Coffee Leadership & Certification. Title Description Time Triangulation Triangulation challenge: tasting coffee is a fun activity but, how we can identify differences? 20 min Prepare 3 cups of unmarked coffee: 2 are the same coffee, one is different. see if you and your team members can identify differences in the coffee. Fun examples of this: - 2 coffees from the same region - 2 coffees from within a same section of the roast spectrum - 2 coffees that are the same, but different formats (WB/Via/K-Cup/Verismo) Consider the care and focus that goes into managing quality. Promo support Learn how to prepare and describe the promo beverage(s). How will you ensure all team members know how to make it consistently and describe it? What role does coffee quality play in the beverage? Reserve support All Reserve coffees are also featured on Clover (or additional equipment): can Certification Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY you highlight the impact of Reserve or Clover on your business? How many units of Clover brewed Reserve coffees does your store sell? How do you love to share Reserve with your customers? Pick a current favorite and taste with your team or with customers. Lead your manager/coach in a guided coffee tasting of your choosing. Share what you've learned from your experience in this chapter, why it's important to you, and how you'll apply it going forward. 10 min 15 min 15 min 10