INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY Spurious counts and spurious results on haematology analysers: a review. Part I: platelets M. ZANDECKI, F. GENEVIEVE, J. GERARD, A. GODON Haematology Laboratory, University Hospital of Angers, Angers, France Correspondence: M. Zandecki, Haematology Laboratory, University Hospital of Angers, 4 rue Larrey, 49000 Angers, France. Tel.: +33 2 41 35 53 53; Fax: +33 2 41 35 55 99; E-mail: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2257.2006.00870.x Received 30 January 2006; accepted for publication 30 July 2006 Keywords haematology analysers, automated count, cell blood count, spurious count, platelets SUMMARY The widespread use of haematology analysers (HA) has led to a major improvement of cellular haematology, because of quick and accurate results found in most instances. However, in several situations, spurious results are observed. Inadequate blood samples, situations induced by the anticoagulant(s) used, peculiar changes related to the pathology in the patient, and technical considerations about performances of the various HA must be considered. Spurious thrombocytopenia occurs in several circumstances related to the presence of ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) used as the anticoagulant. Mechanism of EDTA-dependent platelet (PLT) agglutination is related to circulating (auto)antibodies directed against normally hidden epitope(s) in the glycoprotein alpha IIb/beta IIIa complex from PLT membrane exposed only in the presence of EDTA. Other spuriously low PLT counts may be related to EDTA, including PLT rosetting around white blood cells (WBC; satellitism) and PLT-WBC aggregates, but mechanisms responsible for those latter phenomena are less well known. Spurious increase of PLT count may be related to several situations, including fragmented red blood cells, cytoplasmic fragments of nucleated cells, cryoglobulins, bacteria or fungi, and lipids. Flags generated in several of these situations alert the operator on possible abnormal findings and may identify the problem. Analysing only PLT parameters is not sufficient: in many situations the WBC differential scattergram is of crucial help for flagging. Flags generated depend on the software version on the HA used, the performance in detecting the same anomalies may differ according to which analyser is used, even those from the same manufacturer. Operators must be aware of the characteristics of their analyser and be able to recognize and circumvent anomalous results. INTRODUCTION For haematology analysers (HA), blood cells correspond to particles that differ according to various phys- ical parameters including size, impedance and light scattering. Quick and accurate results are the rule, in both normal and abnormal samples. However, in several instances related to abnormal characteristics of 2007 The Authors 4 Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 the sample, corresponding either to a peculiar pathology in the patient or to changes induced after sampling, HA may generate erroneous results for one (or more) parameter(s) of the cell blood count (CBC), because of performance limitations. Such failures to determine accurately one or more of the blood components began to be reported as soon as HA began to replace manual techniques (late 60s). In the early 80s, improvement of instrument hardware and software led to a higher degree of analysis of abnormal results. Quality and control of data increased dramatically in many ways, including various internal flagging routines generated in order for analytic errors to be detected more accurately and graphic presentation of particle analysis for identification and enumeration of specific blood components. Development of new indices or parameters outside the classical red blood cell (RBC) indices, such as red cell distribution width (RDW), mean platelet volume (MPV), percentage of hypochromic or macrocytic RBC, that will not be discussed extensively here, also led to many studies regarding their possible use in haematological practice. Even on the most recent HA, most of the anomalies are related either to a specific condition of the patient, or to the sampling condition [aggregation of blood platelets (PLT), white blood cells (WBC) and red blood cells (RBC) in presence of EDTA for example], or to the principle of the technology used for the analysis of blood samples. It is important to note that every HA is affected with at least one part of spurious measurements, although the degree by which the count is affected varies. Over the years, manufacturers have taken these problems into account and are continuously improving the performances of their instruments, and providing educational programme using oral information for technical and biological staff and printed or on-line information, corresponding to the so-called « user’s guide for the automate ». However, in some smaller HA, the software, histograms and/or graphs and/or flags are less complex or even absent, leading to inability to detect at least part of spurious counts. So, as Bain and Bates (2001) stated « it is important for instrument operators to be familiar with the types of factious results to which their instrument is prone ». Our aim was to give information on the most current situations leading to the inability of HA to perform accurate counts for individual blood cell ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 5 components. The first part of this paper will focus on abnormal PLT counts, whereas abnormal counts and measurements related to the other parameters of the cell blood count (CBC), including WBC, RBC, haemoglobin (Hb), RBC indices, and reticulocytes will be discussed in the second part of this paper. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT PLATELET COUNTS On impedance-type instruments (including: BeckmanCoulter, Miami, FL, USA; ABX, Kyoto, Japan; Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA; Sysmex, Kobe, Japan; Bayer, Tarrytown, NY, USA; and other instruments) particles analysed are suspended in an electrolyte solution and the dilution is passed through an aperture that links two chambers, one containing a positive and the other a negative electrode. As cells pass through the orifice they cause a momentary increase in electrical resistance, which registers as a pulse. One pulse represents a cell and the size of the pulse is proportional to the size of the cell. Using this principle PLT and RBC, which are both analysed in the same channel(s), are discriminated according to their volume, and volume histograms are generated next. For PLT, the histogram generates a log curve if the distribution of PLT volumes fits that of a (log) normal distribution: eventually all particles located under the fitted curve are considered as PLT. Mean PLT volume ranges from 6 to 10 fl, but impedance-type counters analyse particles ranging from 2 to 20 fl and, according to the fitted curve, the upper threshold that discriminates PLT from RBC may either be at 36 fl or may vary automatically depending on the characteristics of individual blood samples (Sysmex). Instrument flags are triggered for cases corresponding to inability to separate clearly PLT from RBC. On laser-type HA (Abbott, Bayer, others) each particle passes through a laser beam and scatters light that is detected by a photodiode (or related). The amount of light scattered (at one, two, or even four angles for some HA) is proportional to the area and therefore to the volume of the particle. PLT are identified on a scatter histogram based on their volume (1–30 fl) and refractive index values (1.35–1.40). Some HA provide up to three counts on the same dilution if required, corresponding to optical, impedance, and immunological (CD61) counts (Abbott). Other HA may determine, if 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS required, an optical PLT count together with the reticulocyte count, after the use of a RNA fluorescent stain (Sysmex). An accurate PLT count is the rule in most instances, but several situations lead to spurious results (Table 1). SITUATIONS LEADING TO SPURIOUSLY LOW PLT COUNTS Pseudothrombocytopenia related to EDTA anticoagulant Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA)-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia (EDP) is an in vitro phenomenon caused by specific proteins from the samples that react with PLT only in EDTA-anticoagulated blood and produce PLT clumps (Gowland et al., 1969; Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Shreiner & Bell, 1973; Berkman et al., 1991; Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995) (Figure 1a). HA do not enumerate PLT from the large clumps and the number printed corresponds to that from a mixture of small clumps and unaggregated PLT, leading to PLT counts as low as 20 · 109/l, whereas the accurate number is within normal ranges (Cohen et al., 2000). Anticoagulants other than EDTA (citrate, oxalate and heparin) are also concerned in several reports (Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Shreiner & Bell, 1973; Onder, Weinstein & Hoyer, 1980; Pegels et al., 1982; Savage, 1984; Payne, 1985; Lombarts & de Kieviet, 1988; Cunningham & Brandt, 1992; Bizzaro, 1995). As thrombocytopenia discovered in a patient may induce several procedures including unnecessary bone marrow aspiration or/and PLT transfusion, recognition of this phenomenon is important (Payne & Pierre, 1984; Vicari, Banfi & Bonini, 1988; Foresti et al., 1990; Berkman et al., 1991; Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995; Cohen et al., 2000). The most important feature related to this condition is that it is unaccompanied by any signs or symptoms of haemorrhage. In some instances, pseudothrombocytopenia was reported to hide either true thrombocytopenia (Forscher et al., 1985) or thrombocytosis (Dahlqvist, Nilsson & Norberg, 1988). In addition to generating spurious PLT count, PLT clumps may be as large as WBC and may be enumerated as such by HA (discussed in part II). The prevalence rate of EDP was reported as 0.07– 0.20% according to the authors (Payne & Pierre, 1984; Savage, 1984; Vicari, Banfi & Bonini, 1988; Garcia Suarez et al., 1991; Bartels, Schoorl & Lombarts, 1997; Sakurai et al., 1997). Prevalence was 0.2% in plateletpheresis donors (Sweeney et al., 1995). For hospitalized patients, 0.1–2.0%, incidence was reported (Manthorpe et al., 1981; Payne & Pierre, 1984; Savage, 1984; Bragnani et al., 2001). Up to 17% of patients referred to the outpatient clinic for isolated thrombocytopenia were in fact found to have EDP (Silvestri et al., 1995; Cohen et al., 2000). According to the various reports, EDP may or may not be either Table 1. Situations leading to altered platelet counts on haematology analysers Alteration of other parameters Spurious decrease PLT agglutination (EDTA, but other anticoagulants may be concerned) PLT satellitism (mainly related to EDTA) Around polymorphs Around other WBC (normal; pathological) PLT-neutrophil agglutination (mainly related to EDTA) Large PLT (outside the normal range) Coagulation within the sample Overfilling the sample (inadequate mixing) Spurious increase Fragmented RBC (schistocytes, severe iron deficiency anaemia, burns) Cytoplasmic fragments of nucleated cells (leukaemia, lymphoma cells) Cryoglobulins, cryofibrinogen Bacteria Fungi (Candida) Lipids (samples taken after a meal, lipid drips) PLT aggregates enumerated as WBC WBC count spuriously low Enumerated together with WBC Abnormal CBC Abnormal CBC RBC count spuriously low (anecdotal) WBC count spuriously increased WBC and haemoglobin spuriously high 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 6 (a) ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 7 (b) Figure 1. (a) EDTA-induced thrombocytopenia. Aggregates observed on peripheral blood smears may contain variable number of PLT within each clump. Some PLT clumps are large enough to be enumerated as WBC by HA. (b) Platelet satellitism around polymorphs (1). In some instances PLT satellitism is the first part of a peculiar phenomenon that develops within several hours into the sample: PLT migrate to one pole of the polymorph (2), clump together (3), and eventually leave the polymorph (4) (peripheral blood smear; MGG staining). slightly more frequent in males and/or in older patients (Berkman et al., 1991; Garcia Suarez et al., 1991; Casonato et al., 1994; Bizzaro, 1995; Sakurai et al., 1997; Bragnani et al., 2001). Patients are either healthy at the time of presentation or, when diseases are present, they are heterogeneous (Boehme, Mahmood & Phanuphak, 1980; Veenhoven, Van der Schans & Nieweg, 1982; van der Lelie, van der Plas-Van Dalen & von dem Borne, 1984; Solanki & Blackburn, 1985; Garcia Suarez et al., 1991; Casonato et al., 1994), although some reports hypothesized a possible relationship with either autoimmune or clinically evident neoplastic pathology (Imai et al., 1983; Bragnani et al., 2001) but in fully healthy patients no clinical manifestation of disease occurred, up to 10 years after follow-up (Bizzaro, 1995). EDP may appear during the hospitalization period (Berkman et al., 1991; Garcia Suarez et al., 1991; Huss et al., 1995; Gschwandtner et al., 1997), or may be transient (Takeuchi et al., 1993; Mori et al., 2000), or an increase in the amount of the related agglutinin may be observed under the same circumstances (Edelman & Kickler, 1993). EDP is not restricted to humans and has been reported in a horse (Hinchcliff, Kociba & Mitten, 1993). EDP has no relationship with the enhanced PLT activity considered to play a role in the pathogenesis of arterial thrombosis, such as cerebral and myocardial infarction (Konstantopoulos et al., 1995). But, in the latter instance, PLT aggregates may be generated in vivo and enumerated on HA if the relevant blood samples are anticoagulated with sodium citrate (Shimizu et al., 2003). The first important observation concerning the mechanism of aggregation in EDP was that serum or EDTA-plasma not only induced agglutination of PLT from the patient but also induced agglutination of EDTA-PLT from nearly all normal individuals (Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Shreiner & Bell, 1973; Veenhoven et al., 1979; Onder, Weinstein & Hoyer, 1980; van der Lelie, van der Plas-Van Dalen & von dem Borne, 1984), with the exception of PLT from patients with Glanzmann’s disease, suggesting that the fibrinogen receptor, Glycoprotein (GP) alpha IIb beta IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa), was involved in EDP (Pegels et al., 1982; Casonato et al., 1994; Ryo et al., 1994; Bizzaro, 1995; Schrezenmeier et al., 1995). Indirect evidence is shown with artifactual pseudothrombocytopenia that develops frequently in patients following exposure to PLT GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists (Christopoulos & Machin, 1994; Stiegler et al., 2000). Other authors implicated either a 78-kDa PLT GP related to GPIIb/ IIIa complex (De Caterina et al., 1993), or more precisely GPIIb (Ginsberg et al., 1986; van Vliet, KappersKlunne & Abels, 1986; Fiorin et al., 1998). A new monoclonal antibody was recently developed that recognized an epitope on the alpha IIb/beta IIIa 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS integrin, whose accessibility was increased upon EDTA treatment of PLT (Dabadie et al., 2001). So far, the most likely hypothesis is that the antigen-binding site, normally hidden (cryptic) in the GPIIb/IIIa complex is modified by EDTA or exposed only in the presence of EDTA. Some authors observed that PLT antibodies were associated to antiphospholipid antibodies in most patients tested, suggesting that antibody subpopulations (naturally occurring autoantibodies?) directed against negatively charged phospholipids could bind to antigens modified by EDTA on the platelet membrane, and might be responsible for pseudothrombocytopenia genesis (Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995). In most instances, no abnormality of PLT function was reported in association with EDP (Casonato et al., 1994). Abnormal PLT from myeloproliferative diseases have been shown to be much more sensitive than normal ones to clumping in presence of EDTA (Norberg & Nilsson, 1987). Agglutinins were shown to be IgG, IgM, or IgA in 33–50%, 10–63%, and 4–40% of cases, respectively (Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Shreiner & Bell, 1973; Onder, Weisntein & Hoyer, 1980; Pegels et al., 1982; Imai et al., 1983; van Vliet, Kappers-Klunne & Abels, 1986; Casonato et al., 1994; Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995; van der Meer et al., 2002). Agglutinins react more strongly at room temperature or below (« cold » agglutinins), but some are temperature independent or react even better at 37 C. The pathophysiology of antibody production is unknown: it has been suggested that they could correspond either to natural autoantibodies or to acquired ones, resulting from the PLT destruction observed in diseases such as septicaemia, toxaemia of pregnancy, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, or myelodysplasia (van der Lelie, van der Plas-Van Dalen & von dem Borne, 1984; Denomme et al., 1992; Kunicki & Newmann, 1992; Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995). In several instances it was shown that EDP appeared during hospitalization, and particularly after an infection, and that antibodies frequently bind to PLT from the relevant patient but also to PLT from all patients, with the exception of PLT from Glanzmann type I patients (van der Lelie, van der Plas-Van Dalen & von dem Borne, 1984; Berkman et al., 1991; Edelman & Kickler, 1993). However, it is not possible to exclude non-Ig proteins as inducing EDP in some instances (Mant et al., 1975; Onder, Weisntein & Hoyer, 1980; Bizzaro & Brandalise, 1995), or other mechanisms, as the interaction of circulating immune complexes with PLT membrane Fc receptors causing agglutination in presence of EDTA (Manthorpe et al., 1981). Agglutination usually occurs within a few minutes after sampling into EDTA and is more conspicuous in blood samples kept at room temperature. Aggregates, as observed in a haematimetric chamber or on stained smears, are quite variable in size, consisting at times of three to five PLT but not infrequently in up to 100 PLT or more (Figure 1a). The most pronounced decreases in PLT counts were associated with the presence of large aggregates in one study (Casonato et al., 1994). PLT clumps are resistant to RBC lysis agents, and on HA which show a WBC differential scattergram, clumps are plotted as a cloud of particles of low to moderate size (Figure 2). If PLT clumps reach the size of WBC, falsely elevated WBC counts may be observed (see part II). HA do not identify these clumps as a definite population of WBC, leading the instrument to generate a flag (PLT clumps, large or giant PLT, or related). Of crucial importance is that alarms are mainly related to inaccuracy to determine WBC count or inability to determine WBC differential rather than related to the inaccuracy to analyse PLT on the PLT channel(s) (Solanki & Blackburn, 1983; Payne & Pierre, 1984; Vicari, Banfi & Bonini, 1988; Bartels, Schoorl & Lombarts, 1997). So, PLT clumps are usually detected on HA which analyse WBC populations in order to perform a WBC differential, whereas HA, which do not perform WBC differential frequently overlook PLT clumps. Bartels, Schoorl and Lombarts (1997) observed that, in situations corresponding to EDP, WBC histograms generated a specific flag for PLT clumps in nearly all instances (90% sensitivity and 100% specificity), whereas analysis of PLT into the PLT channel(s) generated less frequently abnormal findings or specific alarms. In up to 10% of cases, normal PLT and WBC histograms are displayed and EDP is overlooked (Cunningham & Brandt, 1992). Immediate dilution without any anticoagulant or collecting blood using the Unopette system (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) (or related) containing ammonium oxalate and a haematimetric chamber (phase contrast microscopy) obviate the phenomenon. Heparin is not suitable, but an easy alternate is analysis of samples anticoagulated with 10% trisodium citrate (meaningful count is obtained 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 8 ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 9 Figure 2. WBC scattergram form on normal patient (left) and another one showing EDTA-induced PLT aggregates (right). PLT aggregates generate a rocket of particles of small and intermediate size (outing from the origin from the X–Y display), leading to inability to perform accurate identification of WBC (Bayer Advia 120). Ly, lymphocytes; LUC, large unstained cells; Mo, monocytes; PMN, polymorphonuclear neutrophils; Eo, eosinophils. after mathematical correction because of the dilution), although clumping may also occur on such samples (Rabinovitch, 1984; Garcia Suarez et al., 1991; Bizzaro, 1995). In some instances, agglutination was noted as abolished or less evident for samples both drawn and maintained at 37 C (Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Fiorin et al., 1998), but agglutination occurring at room temperature cannot be reverted by warming and leads in most instances to increase in PLT clumping (Watkins & Shulman, 1970; Cornbleet, 1983; Payne & Pierre, 1984; van Vliet, Kappers-Klunne & Abels, 1986). Various other anticoagulants have been proposed to circumvent aggregation, including ACD (Lombarts & de Kieviet, 1988), mixture of citrate, pyridoxal, and Tris (Lippi et al., 1990), theophillin (Ohnuma, Shirata & Miyazawa, 1988; De Caterina et al., 1993), MgSO4 (Nakamoto et al., 1986), or addition of aminoglycosides that both dissociate the aggregates and prevent the phenomenon (Sakurai et al., 1997). Pseudothrombocytopenia related to satellitism around WBC PLT satellitism, or satellitosis or rosetting, is an in vitro phenomenon related to the adherence of PLT to mature polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN; Figure 1b), and occasionally to other cells (Figure 3), PLT surrounding WBC in EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples (Zeigler, 1974; Mende, Doring & Thomas, 1975). This phenomenon is rare (1 of 12 000 blood counts; Bizzaro, Goldschmeding & von dem Borne, 1995), sometimes related to an autoimmune process, but in most instances unrelated to any specific disease (LazoLangner et al., 2002). Its clinical significance is not known. Cryofibrinogen has been associated to the phenomenon in one report (McGregor et al., 1980), and thrombospondin has been involved in the mechanism in another report (Christopoulos & Mattock, 1991). In other reports, after the use of either anti-IgG antibodies or specific absorption to remove IgG fraction, IgG were involved as mediators, implicating or not Fcgamma receptors from PMN (Zeigler, 1974; Greipp & Gralnick, 1976; Bodensteiner, Talley & Rosenfeld, 1987; Yamanaka et al., 1993; Bizzaro, Goldschmeding & von dem Borne, 1995; Lazo-Langner et al., 2002). GPIIb/IIIa from PLT membrane was involved in the mechanism (Yamanaka et al., 1993; Bizzaro et al., 1995), but also an IgG autoantibody directed against a cryptic antigen, sharing community with both GPIIb/ IIIa from the PLT and Fc-gamma receptor III (CD16) 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS (b) (a) Figure 3. (a) Platelets surrounding lymphocytes in a patient known for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. (b) Neutrophil–Platelet aggregates; that latter situation is related to PLT satellitism around polymorphs: PLT are ‘bridges’ between PLT-neutrophil rosettes, generating peculiar clumps, differing from neutrophil aggregates, as no PLT is observed within the latter (peripheral blood smears; MGG staining). from the PMN, possibly unmasked in presence of EDTA, has been suggested (Bizzaro, Goldschmeding & von dem Borne, 1995). Phagocytosis of PLT by PMN has been reported, either after optical or electron microscopical study of the rosettes, but is not a consistent finding (Mende, Doring & Thomas, 1975; White et al., 1978; Payne, 1981; Bizzaro, 1991), and may be related to PLT dysfunction observed in some cases (White et al., 1978; Yoo, Weems & Lessin, 1982). When PLT satellitism occurs the PLT count is moderately reduced (from 50 to 100 · 109/l), leading to pseudothrombocytopenia in some but not in all cases. Flagging is not consistent, and in most cases it is generated after analysis of the WBC differential scattergram, mainly because PMN are abnormally located on the graphs, being either difficult to separate from lymphocytes (impedance-type HA) or looking larger than usual (laser-beam HA). An alarm corresponding to WBC with high peroxidase value may be generated on Bayer HA. In our experience with this anomaly, changes may vary with time within the blood sample: satellitism is observed within a few minutes after collecting the blood sample, followed by a progressive migration of PLT to one pole of the PMN after 1–3 h, mimicking a clump of PLT stuck to the PMN and, eventually, after 4–6 h, clumps of PLT unbind from the PMN, leaving PMN free of PLT on the one hand and PLT clumps free in the blood on the other hand (Figure 1b). According to the time elapsed from samp- ling to analysis, satellitism or PLT aggregates may be the abnormal finding observed as well. Besides rosetting around PMN, satellitism around both PMN and monocytes in EDTA samples was reported (Greipp & Gralnick, 1976). Heparin was also involved as generating rosetting around monocytes (Cohen et al., 1980). PLT satellitism was also reported around basophils but not other cells in a chronic myelocytic leukaemia patient (Liso & Bonomo, 1982), and around eosinophils (Fabryova, Burgi & Brugger, 1991; Lazo-Langner et al., 2002). PLT satellitism to lymphocytes (Figure 3a) or to lymphoma cells was also reported, the mechanism either involving or not involving Ig and CD16 as mediators in the latter instances (Fabryova et al., 1991; Muglia & Davis, 1997; Espanol, Muniz-Diaz & Domingo-Claros, 2000; Cesca, Ben-Ezra & Riley, 2001). Other situations related to EDTA have been described under the term « satellitism », but such situations corresponded either to lymphocytic clumps (Juneja, Wolf & McLennan, 1992) or to RBC surrounding either lymphocytes or mature PMN in the presence of EDTA (Feizi et al., 1973; Sherwood, Shulman & Pierre, 1998). EDTA-dependent platelet-neutrophil agglutination Large aggregates containing hundreds of PLT and >100 PMN were observed, that seemed to be the end 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 10 point of an evolving process initiated by a typical satellitism of PLT around PMN (Ahmed, Minnich & Michael, 1978; Lombarts et al., 1992; Moraglio, Banfi & Arnelli, 1994) (Figure 3b). As the number of cases reported is low, studies dealing with that artifact are scarce and do not allow any definite conclusion about the mechanism of clumping to be drawn, namely what differs with classical PLT satellitism around PMN (Ahmed, Minnich & Michael, 1978; Lombarts et al., 1992; Moraglio, Banfi & Arnelli, 1994). In one patient who demonstrated both PLT aggregation and PLT-PMN agglutination, PLT-PMN clumping was not abolished by dithiothreitol, occurred only at room or low temperature, and was restricted to EDTA anticoagulant, three conditions that were not fulfilled for PLT aggregation, suggesting that PLT clumps on the one hand and PLT-PMN agglutination on the other hand corresponded to two different phenomena (Moraglio, Banfi & Arnelli, 1994). If PLT-PMN clumps are large they are not detected by HA. Depending on the severity of clumping, the WBC differential is likely in most cases to be affected to certain degrees, and usually an accompanying WBC flag will be generated to alert the operator. Spurious PLT counts are likely in most cases. Examination of a peripheral blood film at low magnification is compulsory for each leukopenic sample from an unknown patient or when WBC count falls dramatically: a step of examination at low magnification is often necessary to demonstrate the clumps. In one instance spurious WBC count was the consequence of both diminished number of PMN (located within clumps) and artifact of PLT aggregates that falsely elevated the WBC count (Moraglio, Banfi & Arnelli, 1994). The phenomenon described above is related to EDTA and appears in vitro: it is quite different from the PLT-WBC aggregates that may appear in vivo in several inflammatory and thrombotic conditions, the latter related to enhanced expression of P-selectin after PLT activation (Hu et al., 2003). A flow cytometric assay was proposed to enumerate these PLT-WBC aggregates (Li, Goodall & Hjemdahl, 1999). Large platelets In normal and in many pathological situations a few PLT demonstrate a high volume and for that reason ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 11 HA may consider particles up to 30 or 36 fl in volume (or up to 60 fl for some laser-beam analysers) as PLT. According to the instrument and to the blood sample, some very large PLT (>30–40 fl) may be missed, or not. In pathological situations, such as in myeloproliferative or in myelodysplastic syndromes, one must take care of some PLT as large as WBC that are not identified as such, and at times enumerated as RBC or WBC (Norberg & Nilsson, 1987; see part II). However, missing large PLT is a real challenge in thrombocytopenic states, as true PLT count is of crucial importance for the management of bleeding. In these instances, even if considerable improvement has been made on discriminating large PLT from other particles (fitted curve, changing threshold between PLT and RBC, multi angle scatter, refractive index), some problems owing to PLT counting persist. In some instances, namely if the number of large PLT is high, alternative approaches using immunologic markers have been proposed, that require the use of fluorescent flow cytometers, either optimized for that routine clinical use, or dedicated and integrated to the HA (Ault et al., 1997; Harrison et al., 2000; Kunicka et al., 2000; Sandhaus et al., 2002). Technical considerations regarding sampling Preanalytical variables may contribute to anomalous results. The venepuncture site may lead to spuriously low counts, corresponding to samples diluted because of proximity to a drip or taken from a line. Whatever the anticoagulant used, an increase in its concentration within the sample (less blood drawn because of difficult venepuncture, or difficult sampling in newborns; also discussed in part II) or a delay between sampling and analysis may change PLT volume, leading to an inability of the HA to generate a fitted curve or to ascertain the criteria used to define particles as PLT (volume and refractive index; Wynn et al., 1995). Overfilling of blood collection vacuum tubes has been reported to generate a spuriously low PLT count, because of an inadequate sample mixing: after several aspirates progressive return to nearly accurate results occurred (Pewarchuk, VanderBoom & Blajchman, 1992). Delay in contact between whole blood and the anticoagulant, or difficult venepuncture, may initiate coagulation and generate PLT clumps. 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS Figure 4. Schistocytes are small RBC fragments which size may reach that of large platelets (arrow). Most impedance-type haematology analysers analyse PLT according to their volume and print next a ‘fitted’ curve (arrowhead), the latter allowing discrimination with small RBC and accurate count (Coulter STKS II). SITUATIONS LEADING TO SPURIOUSLY ELEVATED PLT COUNTS Fragmented RBC Accurate PLT and RBC counts are determined both on the same channel(s), but the size of particles (and refractive index for laser beam HA) clearly differs in normal subjects. For impedance-type HA a fitted curve of PLT histogram is generated to improve accuracy and in most patients discrimination between large PLT and small RBC is achieved (Figure 4). However in presence of RBC with extremely low volume, wrong fitted curves may be generated in some cases, namely in severe microcytic iron deficiency anaemia (Savage, Lucas & Hoffman, 1983; Savage & Hoffman, 1985), microangiopathic haemolysis with a large number of schistocytes (Cornbleet & Kessinger, 1985), or microspherocytosis because of acute burns (Akwari, Ross & Stass, 1982), leading to spuriously elevated PLT counts. In such situations altered RBC counts have also been reported (see part II). In acute burns RBC may be split into a large number of very small fragments, which disturb PLT count, leading to a peculiar PLT histogram (Figure 5) similar to that observed with the presence of other very small particles, such as bacteria or cryoglobulins (see later). On Beckman-Coulter HA the threshold between PLT and RBC is fixed at 36 fl, whereas on Sysmex and some Abbott HA that threshold may vary automatically to ascertain better the « valley » between the peak of PLT and that of RBC, improving discrimination between PLT and small RBC in some instances. On laser-beam HA (Abbott, Bayer) a two dimensional method determining both volume and refractive index of PLT or fluorescent staining of platelets (Sysmex) allows an accurate partition between PLT, large PLT, small RBC, and RBC fragments in most samples. Some HA enumerate PLT using impedance and optical methods, and report both results on the same ticket (Abbott, Sysmex), whereas one HA can perform optical, impedance, and immunological (CD61) counts on the same sample, if required (Abbott). Confirmation of PLT result, either by analysing the blood film, or manual count, or using another sample and another method of counting, such as flow cytometry (Dickerhoff & Von Ruecker, 1996), should be Figure 5. After acute burns several changes may be observed on RBC, including spherocytes (arrowheads) and very small RBC fragments (small schistocytes, arrows) (left; peripheral blood smear, MGG staining). Small schistocytes are enumerated together with PLT, leading to a peculiar PLT histogram showing an excess of small particles (right; Coulter counter STKS II). 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 12 performed at least in each following circumstances: PLT curve failing to return to baseline at 20 fl, population of microcytes appearing on the PLT histogram, exaggeratedly elevated mean PLT volume (MPV) or RBC distribution width (RDW; Savage & Hoffman, 1985). Cytoplasmic fragments of nucleated cells Beside RBC fragments or schistocytes, part of the cytoplasm of abnormal cells was reported as leading to the elevation of PLT counts, including leukaemic blasts, monoblasts, or lymphoblasts (Armitage, Goeken & Feagler, 1978; Malcolm, Monks & Katz, 1978; Hammerstrom, 1992; Li & Salhany, 1999; Kakkar & Garg, 2005). Particles originating from leukaemic cells were also reported during the leukaemic phase of poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, both at diagnosis and during chemotherapy (Stass et al., 1979) (Figure 6), and in hairy cell leukaemia (Stass et al., 1977; Ballard & Sidhu, 1981). In some of the above-mentioned cases, cytochemistry (butyrate esterase), immunocytochemistry (peroxidase, CD61), or electron microscopy was performed that demonstrated the leukaemic origin of that particles, and that only a few particles were true PLT. In some situations, related mainly to acute myeloid leukae- ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 13 mias, spurious PLT counts could be related to buds that could develop on the surface of PMN, generating pseudo-PLT, difficult to distinguish from PLT on blood smears, but easier to demonstrate at electron microscopic level because of their myeloperoxidase positivity (Merz, 1983). Routine stained smears show that these cytoplasmic parts of nucleated cells are much more heterogeneous in size and content than PLT (Figure 6). The incidence of this abnormality is far from being small, as shown in a recent study, which found at least some ‘pseudoplatelets’ on May Grünwald-Giemsa stained smears in 43 of 169 (25.4%) patients with acute leukaemia, corresponding in seven (4.1%) patients to a corrected PLT count <15 · 109/l, whereas the mean automated PLT count was 39 · 109/l (range: 21–75; Van der Meer et al., 2003). In some reports PLT transfusion was mentioned to be delayed because of spuriously elevated counts, and the authors proposed that, as high or normal PLT counts are infrequent in acute leukaemias, they should be considered as spurious and verified using another method of counting, namely if bleeding symptoms are present (Hammerstrom, 1992; Li & Salhany, 1999). In many but not in all instances a flag is generated but, as the HA cannot identify these cytoplasmic fragments as such, various kinds of flags may be printed, including: thrombocytopenia, large PLT, RBC ghosts, or other flags related to the inability to produce a fitted curve. Microorganisms Figure 6. Parts of cytoplasm from lymphoma cells (arrows) may be found within blood stream: such fragments are at times difficult to distinguish from PLT, both by HA and after microscopic examination (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in relapse; MGG staining). Bacteria may induce falsely elevated PLT counts, because of their presence in vivo (Gloster et al., 1985; Kakkar, 2004). Although it is a rare situation, even in septic patients, some bacteria may be observed on the peripheral blood smear and are associated with positive blood cultures (Marshall, Theil & Brandt, 1990). Histogram of PLT volumes is abnormal and shows a shift towards low sized particles, corresponding to bacteria or to bacterial clumps (Figure 7). In our experience with infected patients, abnormal PLT histograms related to bacteria were always associated with bacteria observed on the peripheral blood film and to extreme clinical situations. An intermediate situation is that related to bacterial overgrowth in the blood sample from infected patients, because of 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS Figure 7. Bacteria or bacterial aggregates may be enumerated together with PLT and appear as a peak of particles of small size (2 fl or less). In this patient (septicaemia) the fitted curve was established and PLT count was not overestimated (Coulter counter STKS II). the delay between sampling and analysis (Kakkar, 2004). An unsterile tube used for blood sampling may cause bacterial overgrowth. In this situation, the PLT count and PLT histogram are altered, whereas clinical condition of the patient is unrelated to infection. Fungi may show the same size as PLT and may be observed on peripheral blood smears (Arnold, Jowzi & Bain, 1999). They were reported recently as increasing PLT counts in thrombocytopenic patients infected by Candida (Latif et al., 2003). In one patient treated for malaria, small RBC infected by trophozoites of Plasmodium falciparum were misinterpreted as PLT by a HA, leading to a spuriously normal PLT count (Crabbe, Van Poucke & Cantinieaux, 2002). Lipids In patients with hyperchylomicronemia, in samples taken after a meal, or after parenteral nutrition therapy, lipids may form small droplets in vitro, that disturb PLT counts (Nicholls, 1983; Savage, 1989; Cantero, Conejo & Jimenez, 1996), and/or haemoglobin, RBC parameters, and WBC counts (discussed in part II). Some authors compared the effects of hyperchylomicronemia on PLT counts performed by two types of HA: they observed a moderate increase of PLT count for the analyser using an optical method for counting when compared with the one using an electrical impedance method that seemed unaffected (Cantero, Conejo & Jimenez, 1996; Kabutomori, Iwatani & Kabutomori, 1999). If the increase was reported as low and unimportant in patients with normal counts (rise in 2–40 · 109/l), it could not be neglected in those patients with low PLT counts, especially the leukaemic ones treated with L-asparaginase, a drug known as inducing lipid abnormalities (Cantero, Conejo & Jimenez, 1996; Kabutomori et al., 1999). Lipids possess a high refractive index and can generate abnormal signals located near PLT or at the same place as the so-called debris (corresponding to small RBC or RBC ghosts in normal subjects). On some HA that analyse WBC on two channels, reagents used in each channel are not equally sensitive to lipids and, according to the amount and composition of lipids, discrepancy between WBC counts from both channels may be observed (Bayer Advia 2120; Sysmex). Specific flagging and scattergram review are key items to appreciate the potential interference of lipids on CBC. Methods were reported to discard specifically lipids from the sample, but some led themselves to spurious PLT counts, either low or elevated (Nicholls, 1983). Changes more or less superimposable to those observed with lipid droplets were reported after the use of perfluorocarbon emulsions (Cuignet et al., 2000). Cryoglobulins, cryofibrinogen and related Cryoglobulins may lead to spuriously elevated PLT counts and in a few instances to altered RBC counts, but were put forward first as generating erroneous WBC counts (Emori, Bluestone & Goldberg, 1973). Cryoprecipitates disturb measurements according to their size: if precipitates are small enough, they may lead to very high spurious PLT counts, and up to eight times elevation may be observed (Fohlen-Walter et al., 2002). Anomalies are more obvious on HA that act at room temperature (Figure 8), but those which use heated reagents are not fully devoid of changes (Bayer Advia 120). As the mechanism leading to spurious elevation of PLT and WBC counts is similar, both changes will be discussed together in part II of this report. Spuriously elevated PLT counts may also be observed relating to the presence of cryofibrinogen but, as for cryoglobulins, WBC counts are frequently affected, and changes related to that peculiar condition will also be discussed in part II of this report. 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 14 ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS 15 Figure 8. Cryoglobulins may precipitate during the dilution procedure into the HA, and the small particles are enumerated together with PLT. On impedance-type HA (Coulter STKS II) the small size of particles generates a shift to the left of the PLT histogram (up left). On laser-beam HA (Bayer ADVIA 120) the PLT scattergram is overloaded with particles of various sizes, the largest ones accumulating at the top of the scattergram (down left). After warming the sample at 37 C cryoglobulin dissolves, and prompt analysis leads to full disappearance of abnormalities (up right and down right, for the relevant HA, respectively). Miscellaneous Air bubbles, which have resulted from mechanical leaks, being introduced into flow cells and to impedance apertures, can cause spurious counts. Also reagent contamination and debris build up into the analyser can cause erroneous counts. Cleaning and background counting procedures as well as quality control are stressed to prevent these events. Previous generation HA Some HA of previous generations, such as Hemalog 8 (Technicon-Bayer), measured PLT counts on whole blood after lysis of RBC, leaving abnormal intraerythrocytic particles free, which could be enumerated as PLT. So, nuclei of nucleated red blood cells, Howell Jolly bodies, malarial parasites, and Pappenheimer bodies were reported to disturb PLT count in such instances (Morton et al., 1980). Other changes, such as aggregated RBC stroma secondary to haemolytic action of RBC antibodies were also reported as eleva- ting PLT counts on the same HA (Malcolm, Monks & Katz, 1978; Morton et al., 1980). Concluding remarks Preanalytical and analytical variables should be considered first within the laboratory, including human errors in sample identification, site of venepuncture (adjacent to a drip or out of a line), or inadequate mixing prior to analysis. Instrument malfunction, inability to recognize quality control failure, cleaning and background counting procedures are also of considerable importance before pointing out spurious results from the HA. EDTA-dependent thrombocytopenia is certainly one of the most frequent anomalies associated with spurious counts on HA: an alarm or a flag is not consistent and, in previously unknown patients with low PLT count by automated cell-counting, looking for at least PLT clumps (blood smear, haematimetric chamber) is required. Samples should not be heated to 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2007, 29, 4–20 1751553x, 2007, 1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [28/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License M. ZANDECKI ET AL. M. ZANDECKI ET AL. ABNORMAL PLATELET COUNTS ON HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSERS dissociate aggregates and in many instances another blood sample will be helpful. Many other situations may induce spurious PLT counts, either high or low (Table 1) but, even if we consider one given mechanism for spurious count, the depth of the deviation between the true and the spurious result will differ from one patient to the other. As reported in Table 1, if some changes are restricted to PLT, in several situations spurious PLT counts are or may be associated with other abnormalities of the CBC (see also part II). Beside the anomalies described above, others are certainly unexplained (Savage, 1989) and unreported. An important finding is that, in many cases, flags or REFERENCES Ahmed P., Minnich V. & Michael J.M. (1978) Platelet satellitosis with spurious thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 69, 473–474. Akwari A.M., Ross D.W. & Stass S.A. 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