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Litoral Power Plant Technical Specification

DEI Compliance
Purchase Technical Specification
Specifica Tecnica di Acquisizione
Document no.
REV. 00
Cluster supporting structure, including platform for inspection and
○ N° 2x100% cake and cloth washing pumps, including motors, for second stage cake and
cloth washing;
○ N° 1 cake and cloth washing tank (capacity at least 2 m3);
○ N° 2x100% first stage washing pumps, including motors, for first stage cake washing;
○ N° 1 first stage washing tank (capacity at least 2 m3), equipped with vertical agitator;
○ N°2 x 100% filtrate transfer pumps, including motor;
○ N°1 filtrate barometric tank (if necessary
○ Local control station.
Filtrate tank
N° 1x100% new filtrate tank (capacity 45 m3), complete of:
○ N° 3 side entry type agitators;
○ N° 2x100% filtrate pumps;
Residual water treatment system
To feed the existing WWT station ENEL will preliminary foresee the reuse of the existing filtrate
tank as secondary hydrocyclone feed tank (residual water tank), including the secondary
hydrocyclone cluster and relevant feed pumps (residual water pumps).
On the basis of the process engineering of the GDW subsystem, the Supplier together with
Enel will check the existing equipment capabilities in order to comply with the whole
guaranteed parameters.
Safety engineering
Hereafter three technical/safety-related review activities are expanded upon to help ensure
they are performed according to ENEL IIN expectations. All reviews will include team or
meeting based activities that will involve both ENEL IIN and the Contractor. The three items
○ Client Review of Conceptual/Preliminary Layout (General Arrangement Drawing)
○ SIFs identification and SIL assessment
Client Review of General Arrangement Drawing
This review shall ensure that any objections or comments by ENEL IIN (which can be safety or
technically driven) are communicated at an early stage of the Design phase so that the
Contractor has the possibility to include these in subsequent DeNOx system design and
preparation of deliverables (e.g. layout). For this reason it is necessary to review the General
Arrangement Drawing early in the design process. It is understood that the layout will not be
final nor exact at this early stage.
The ENEL IIN’s review will include consideration of technical and safety aspects such as:
○ Accessibility for operations and maintenance including access for lifting equipment and
emergency response
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This document is property of Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, wholly or partially,
and to provide any related information to others without previous written consent.
DEI Compliance
Purchase Technical Specification
Specifica Tecnica di Acquisizione
Document no.
REV. 00
○ Egress from areas
○ Preliminary routing of pipe racks
○ Effective use of space
○ Allowance of space for firewater loop
○ Equipment grouping in common process areas to suit independent operation and
shutdown as well as to minimize interconnecting piping
○ Completeness of the process and systems (i.e. does anything seem to be missing)
○ Possible interferences with/from adjacent power plant activities
○ Potential impact on operating power plant and natural reserve area
Review of more detailed layout, arrangement, and plot plan items will occur during subsequent
phases and, possibly, during the HAZOP.
Any recommendation or action arisen from arrangement review and related to safety, must be
implemented in the design and their cost will be at Bidder’s charge.
The HAZOP will occur after the detail design phase, before the emission of the P&IDs for
construction. HAZOP procedures and techniques are well-documented and practiced
throughout industry, but there still exists variation in the way groups conduct HAZOPs. The
following is meant to provide enough requirements to make for a common understanding
between the ENEL IIN and the Contractor as to what the HAZOP will include and the level of
detail the HAZOP will involve.
Two key elements are required to conduct the HAZOP: Process Information and Team
Expertise. The HAZOP team must include certain expertise and the team must have accurate
and complete process information to enable a thorough HAZOP review. The following notes
about the team makeup are not all inclusive:
○ Continuity - Once the team is set and the HAZOP meetings start there shall be no
substitutions or absences except in case of emergency. It is important to have continuity
in the HAZOP team.
○ Facilitator/Leader - The team shall be lead by a facilitator that is qualified by both
experience and training in leading HAZOPs for similar facilities. The leader shall be from
an independent company and have a minimum of five years chemical or related industry
/ HAZOP experience. His training should include at least three to five days of HAZOP
leader classroom training and he should have lead at least four HAZOP reviews. The
leader should hold an engineering degree (or similar); furthermore the leader should be
independent of the Contractor’s design team. Leader traits shall include firmness and tact
when it comes to keeping the team on course and on schedule. The CV of the Contractor
anticipated HAZOP leader shall be issued for ENEL IIN approval at least four weeks in
advance of the HAZOP review meeting.
○ Scribe - The team shall include a scribe that preferably has scribed for HAZOPs before,
but the scribe need not be from outside the Contractor’s organization. The scribe should
have an appropriate software package and PC to use in recording the various nodes, key
words, discussions, findings, and recommendations. The scribe should also have an
overhead projector so that the team may follow his entries.
○ Process Experts - These should include design team members, Client representatives,
process engineers, people with operating experience in similar facilities, people
experienced in maintaining similar facilities, etc (note often one person covers more than
a single one of these roles).
Questo documento è proprietà di Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. E’ severamente proibito riprodurre anche in parte il documento o
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This document is property of Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, wholly or partially,
and to provide any related information to others without previous written consent.
DEI Compliance
Purchase Technical Specification
Specifica Tecnica di Acquisizione
Document no.
REV. 00
○ HSE Expert(s) – People familiar with the health, environmental, and safety regulations
and constraints the facility must comply with should be included in the team.
○ Observers – ENEL IIN will participate as observer to the HAZOP study
○ Team Member Authority – Team members are all on equal footing when it comes to
authority or voting rights or value of opinion. The facilitator should solicit input from
those that are hesitant about sharing with the group. Individual team members, whether
Client or whoever, should not be allowed to speak over others or dominate the opinions
during team discussion. These conditions are important for the team approach to work
The following process information shall as minimum be assembled at the HAZOP meeting
location before the HAZOP commences to give the team facilitator and scribe time to organize
(identify nodes for example) and copy documents for team members:
○ P&ID’s – frozen or nearly frozen.
○ General Arrangement Drawing
○ P&ID’s for vendor packages if they are not included on the main P&ID’s
○ Process and Utility System Descriptions
○ Venting, Depressuring, and Draining Philosophy
○ Electrical Single Line Diagrams
○ Operating and Control Philosophy
○ Narrative of Proposed Control Scheme
○ Hazardous Area Classification Drawing
○ MSDS’s
○ Preliminary Operating Concept
○ Past incident history for similar facilities (if obtainable)
At the end of the HAZOP the scribe and team leader/facilitator will work together to produce a
HAZOP report. They should have the draft reviewed by appropriate HAZOP team members to
ensure the report is representative of the team discussions and findings. This report should be
completed as soon as possible as memories of HAZOP meeting activities fade quickly
(especially details). For this reason, the entries the scribe makes should be complete enough
so that someone can pick the report up in a year and get a reasonable understanding of what
the team discussed and what their conclusions and recommendations mean. The following
table shows some examples of poor and good recommendations:
Examples of Scribe Entry Quality for HAZOP Report
Add a pressure indicator
Add a local PI on the North side of
Vessel V-101 for operator surveillance
Verify Sizing of Relief Valve
Verify relief valve PSV-11 on V-102 is
sized per fire conditions per API RP 520
Study the problem of surge
Conduct a calculation of surge pressure
in line 6-3W-1243 from start-up of pump
P-201 within the next two months
Questo documento è proprietà di Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. E’ severamente proibito riprodurre anche in parte il documento o
divulgare ad altri le informazioni contenute senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta.
This document is property of Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, wholly or partially,
and to provide any related information to others without previous written consent.
DEI Compliance
Purchase Technical Specification
Specifica Tecnica di Acquisizione
Check the level of the overflow tank
Document no.
REV. 00
Add in operating procedure X-123, to
verify daily if overflow tank T-105 is
within 25% of its capacity
The draft HAZOP report is due to the ENEL IIN for approval. A final HAZOP report and close out
report that includes the Contractors disposition of each team recommendation is due according
to “Documents List” in section XXXX.
Any recommendation or action arisen from HAZOP study must be implemented in the design
and their cost will be at Bidder’s charge.
The costs for HAZOP study performed by Bidder will be at Bidder’s charge.
SIFS identification and SIL Assessment
Instrumentation and control must be designed according to section 5.7 respecting redundancy
specified and 6.32.
Safety Function and systems (SIL) shall be identified and the minimum requirements to
availability and reliability for safety functions/systems (SIL) shall be determined based on IEC
61508 / IEC 61511.
The design must be verified in order to ensure a SIL level of the SIFs identified equal or higher
than the minimum level identified by the preliminary assessment.
Management services
The Supplier shall provide:
○ schedule for project execution
○ procurement of all materials within Supplier's scope of supply
○ provide progress control report as per agreed schedule to evaluate a potential area of
○ provide expediting on Sub-suppliers
○ In order to reduce the site work and related times, an appropriate study shall be
provided on feasible solutions for preassembling parts in large-size pieces or subassemblies, suitable for being carried by ship directly to the plant site. The study shall be
included in the bid documentation and shall give sufficient information to enable Enel to
evaluate the overall feasibility of what proposed, highlighting at least shape, size, and
weight of each piece, and the expected shortening of project schedule.
○ Material management according to attachment [ER1]
○ Supervision on anchor bolts positioning and embedment (activities performed by Enel)
Engineering, procurement, fabrication and shop testing of all materials
included in the SOW
Preservation at shop in accordance with “Norme Generali di Fornitura”
Packing and transportation to the site
Material handling and storage at supplier’s workshop before shipping, preparation for shipping,
loading and transport organization, transport from the supplier’s workshop to the erection site,
unloading, storage, and handling at site.
Questo documento è proprietà di Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. E’ severamente proibito riprodurre anche in parte il documento o
divulgare ad altri le informazioni contenute senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta.
This document is property of Enel Ingegneria e Innovazione Spa. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, wholly or partially,
and to provide any related information to others without previous written consent.