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Social Security in Russia Workbook

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего
«Вятский государственный университет»
Колледж ВятГУ
Дисциплина Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности. Раздел «Социальное
обеспечение в России» _______________________________________________
Специальность 40.02.01 «Право и организация социального обеспечения» ______
Форма обучения: очная
Студента 2-3 курса ___________________________________________________________
Киров 2021
Рабочая тетрадь по учебной дисциплине
« Английский язык»__________________________________________________________
Разработана на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по
специальности среднего профессионального образования:
40.02.01 «Право и организация социального обеспечения»______
Организация – разработчик: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное
учреждение высшего образования «Вятский государственный университет» (ВятГУ)
Колледж ВятГУ
А.А.Гниенко, преподаватель английского языка
Одобрена цикловой комиссией гуманитарных дисциплин
протокол №_____________ от «______» __________20_____г.
1. Social security and welfare in the Russian Federation ..............................................................4
2. Who has to pay Russian social security? .....................................................................................7
3. Russian social security contributions ..........................................................................................9
4. Unemployment benefits in Russia .............................................................................................10
5. Maternity benefits in Russia ......................................................................................................11
6. Pension benefits in Russia .........................................................................................................13
7. Healthcare and health insurance in Russia ................................................................................15
8. Education and child benefits in Russia ......................................................................................16
Sources ..........................................................................................................................................17
1. Social security and welfare in the Russian Federation
1. Basic terms to study and learn.
Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
Social Insurance Fund
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Russian tax office
Department of Labor and Employment
Federal Labor and Employment Service
Social Welfare Office
Mandatory Health Insurance Fund
Министерство труда и социальной защиты
Фонд социального страхования
Пенсионный фонд РФ
Российская налоговая служба
Департамент труда и занятости
Федеральная служба по труду и занятости
Служба социальной защиты
Фонд обязательного медицинского страхования
social security
social welfare
to pay contributions
unemployment benefits
maternity benefits
compulsory amount
claim benefits
социальное обеспечение
пособия, льготы
социальное обеспечение
обязанность, ответственность
платить взносы
пособие по беременности и родам
служащий, работник
обязательная сумма
выход на пенсию, в отставку
требовать, обращаться за пособием, льготами
Read and translate the text.
The Russia social security system is the responsibility of the state. The Ministry of Labor and
Social Protection oversees most aspects of it. In some cases, expats with residency can claim
benefits from social security in Russia if they paid the necessary payments into government
If you are living in Russia or working in Russia for more than 183 days in a calendar year, you
have to pay contributions towards the Russian social security system. The funds you pay entitle
you to claim certain Russian social welfare benefits, such as unemployment benefits, basic
healthcare in Russia, maternity and child benefits, and a Russian pension, although conditions
Find the English equivalents of the phrases
обязанность государства
эмигранты могут обратиться за пособием
если вносили платежи
ты обязан
платить взносы
пособие по безработице
базовое здравоохранение
пособие по беременности и родам
Answer the questions.
1. Who is responsible for Russia social security system?
2. Who supervises Russia social security system?
3. In what case can you claim benefits from social security in Russia?
4. How long can you live in Russia without paying contributions towards the Russian social
security system?
5. What kinds of welfare benefits can you claim in Russia?
 You are the employee of the Social security office. Explain the expats if he can or can’t
get any benefits in Russia.
Grammar. Have to модальный глагол ( видео по ссылке
В комбинации have to модальный глагол обозначает необходимость, долг, вынужденно
принятые меры. Он является аналогом must, и даже заменяет его своей формой had в
прошедшем времени. Однако, существует некоторая разница в смысловых
значениях: must – это то, что необходимо сделать по самостоятельному решению, а have to
– это то, что выполняется под давлением обстоятельств.
Виды сказуемых
Конструкции с данным модальным словом могут использоваться во всех формах времени:
прошедшем, будущем и настоящем.
Как и в смысловом значении, настоящее время образуется двумя видами сказуемого: has
to для третьего лица ед.ч. существительных и местоимений, и have to для остальных лиц.
После модального помощника ставится инфинитив главного глагола. Обобщенная схема
будет иметь следующий вид:
1. Подлежащее + 2. have/has to + 3. infinitive + 4. др. члены предложения
My brother (1) has to (2) clean (3) his room (4) – Моему брату придется убраться в своей
 Children have to go to their granny’s birthday party – Детям нужно идти на
празднование Дня рождения их бабушки.
 I have to finish this report by Thursday – Мне надо закончить этот отчет к
She has to read the Dead Souls by the next lesson – Она должна прочитать
«Мертвые души» к следующему уроку.
В высказываниях, имеющих прошедшее или будущее время, сказуемые будут одинаковы
для всех форм.
Прошедшее время
1. Подлежащее + 2. had to + 3. infinitive + 4. др. члены предложения
Будущее время
1. Подлежащее + 2. will have to + 3. infinitive + 4. др. члены предложения
We had to write him the letter – Мы вынуждены были написать ему письмо.
She had to wash the windows – Она вынуждена была помыть окна.
Probably, you will have to go to Kenya this weekend – Возможно, тебе придется
поехать в Кению на этих выходных.
He say that he will have to meet his relatives from Moscow tomorrow – Он говорит,
что ему надо будет встретить завтра родственников из Москвы.
Найдите в тексте предложение c конструкцией «обязан, вынужден». Постройте
подобные предложение с лексикой из таблицы.
1. Вы обязаны платить взносы.
2. Фонд должен ,был выплатить пособие по беременности и родам в прошлом месяце.
3. Вам придется обратиться в Фонд социального страхования в следующем году.
2. Who has to pay Russian social security?
1. Basic terms to study and learn.
дополнительные добровольные взносы
выход на пенсию, в отставку
подлежащий чему-либо
социальные отчисления
организовать вашу регистрацию
номер социального страхования
самозанятые работники,ИП
вычитать обязательную сумму
отказ, нежелание, неспособность
избегать налоговые взносы
трудовой договор
gross salary
additional voluntary contributions
liable to
social charges
arrange for your registration
social security number.
self-employed workers
deduct the compulsory amount
avoid tax contributions
an employment contract.
Read the text without dictionary. Try to understand, using the vocabulary in the table.
There are two major funds financing the social security system in Russia:
Social Insurance Fund
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Both funds receive support from obligatory Russian social security payments from your gross
salary, although some expenses and bonuses are exempt. You can also make additional voluntary
contributions for a pension in Russia or plan for a better retirement in Russia.
Expats are only liable to pay resident Russian taxes and social charges if they stay in the country
at least 183 days during a calendar year. Your employer will typically arrange for your
registration with the Russian tax office and secure your social security number. Self-employed
workers will need to arrange their tax registration and Russian social security number
Employers are also responsible for deducting the compulsory amount from employee salaries
and paying the state. Failure to do so before the 15th of the following month results in a 20%
penalty. If employers are avoiding tax contributions, they face a 40% fine of the total amount of
Employees don’t pay social security contributions in Russia. Rather, the burden rests firmly on
the employer, including freelancers or anyone employing a third party under an employment
True/false/not stated
1. You can’t pay more money for your future pension.
2. Funds receive support from obligatory Russian social security payments from your gross
salary, including all expenses and bonuses.
3. Your employer must arrange for your registration with the Russian tax office and secure your
social security number.
4. There are no fines if employers forget to pay tax contributions.
5. Self-employed workers don’t need tax registration.
3. Russian social security contributions
Basic terms to study and learn
tax authorities
security payments
mandatory accident insurance
assessed risk
налоговые органы
страховые выплаты
обязательное страхование от несчастных случаев
оцененный риск
From 2017, the Russian tax authorities – instead of social funds – will be responsible for
administering most social security payments. Russian social security contribution rates in 2021
are in the following categories:
pension contributions – 22% of an employee’s salary, up to a maximum of RUB 876,000,
plus 10% of any excess salary above this;
social insurance contributions – 2.9% of an employee’s salary, up to a maximum or RUB
755,000, or 1.8% for foreigners temporarily staying in Russia;
medical insurance – 5.1–5.9% of salary.
In addition, mandatory accident insurance contributions are paid at rates ranging from 0.2–8.5%
of an employee’s salary, depending on the level of assessed risk of the employee’s occupation.
This pays separately to the above social security contributions, and still administered by the
social funds.
In certain situations Russian social security may be exempt; for example, income earned by
foreign employees hired under highly-skilled migrant schemes can be exempt from paying
contributions, although accident contributions will still be mandatory. Most foreigners in Russia,
however, including EU citizens, will be subject to the same mandatory contributions as Russian
4. Unemployment benefits in Russia
In order to claim Russian unemployment benefits, you must be older than 16 years old, able to
work, actively seeking suitable work, and don’t have any kind of income or pension in Russia. In
Moscow, applications should be made to the Department of Labor and Employment of Moscow,
while you need to visit your nearest Federal Labor and Employment Service if you live
elsewhere in Russia.
To apply for unemployment benefits in Russia you must have been living in the country for more
than 183 days in any 12-month period and supply the following documents:
labor record card
the last three-month salary document
professional qualifications document.
The issuing institution must certify all documents. Those who have never been employed only
need a passport and certificate of education indicating the level of qualification achieved.
Upon application, you will undergo a re-assessment procedure to help you find suitable jobs in
Russia. If it still does not help an individual find a job, then they will be registered as
unemployed and entitled to receive Russian unemployment benefits for a maximum of 12
months. If you are still out of work after 12 months, you can reapply for benefits.
Unemployment benefits in Russia are typically paid monthly and calculated on a percentage of
past average salaries, which reduces throughout the 12-month period. Monthly payments range
from RUB 850–4,900 depending on your savings. Low-income families may also claim
discounts on medicine.
5. Maternity benefits in Russia
Under Russian labor law, employees may claim more protections than most other European
countries. Maternity leave in Russia is a good example of this, as pregnant women with
employment contracts may claim 140 days of maternity leave – 70 before the due birth date and
70 days post-delivery – and entitled to receive 100% of their salary. In the event of
complications or giving birth to twins and triplets, the number of days extends to a maximum of
194 days.
When considering Russian maternity leave, the total claimed salary payment should not exceed
RUB 34,583. Maternity benefits are also available to couples who adopt a child below the age of
16. Read more on the government website.
If you are on a foreigner contract with different conditions than the Russian Labor Law, you may
not be entitled to all the benefits of a Russian national. Although this is uncommon, look out for
discrepancies before signing a contract of employment in Russia and check conditions against
your entitlements. If you do encounter any issues or for more information, check out the website
of the Social Insurance Fund (in Russian). This organization is responsible for maternity leave
and the corresponding benefits in Russia. The Russian pension fund provides information in
There are several one-time, maternity benefit payments for pregnant women under the following
when you register the pregnancy in the first 12 weeks;
after giving birth, available for every child born (or adopted) in the same family;
if you adopt a child or a pregnant spouse of a serving soldier;
if a child of a soldier was born while the parent was serving, the family gets a special
Maternity Leave (dekretny otpusk / декретный отпуск) – for details of this, see Maternity
Leave and Benefits
Maternity/Paternity Benefit (until the age of three) – the smallest of all benefits, this was
only recently introduced as part of changes in the benefit programme being rolled out during
Maternal Capital (materinsky kapital / материнский капитал) – a reward for mothers who
gave birth to (or were planning to give birth to) more than one child, which is aimed to
improve living conditions for a young family (for instance, applying for a mortgage or carrying
out reconstruction works on an existing home), for education (if a child is younger than 25
years of age) or for a pension
One-time Benefit for Women who Register a Pregnancy in the Early
Stages (edinovremennoe posobie zhenschinam, vstavshim na uchet v rannie sroki
beremennosti / единовременное пособие женщинам, вставшим на учет в ранние сроки
беременности) – the pregnancy must be registered at the local mother and child centre in
the first 12 weeks
One-time Benefit paid upon Childbirth (posobie po beremennosti i rodam / пособие по
беременности и родам) – This sum is paid for every child born into the same family or for
an adopted child (up to three months old)
One-time Benefit paid upon Adoption of a Child (posobie pri usynovlenii, пособие при
усыновлении) – This sum is paid for every child adopted and can be received by either of
the adopting parents
One-time Benefit for a Pregnant Spouse of a Serving Soldier – a spouse of a serving
soldier with at least 180 days of pregnancy can receive a one-time benefit
Monthly Childcare Benefit (ezhemesyachnoe posobie po ukhodu za rebenkom do polutora
let / ежемесячное пособие по уходу за ребенком до полутора лет) (until the age of 18
months) – parents taking maternity or child raising leave receive a fixed sum for the first child
in the family and an amount for every subsequent child, while those who return to
employment after the birth receive a higher amount of 40 percent of an average salary
(subject to insurance)
Monthly Benefit for Low-earning Families – Salary statements from theprevious three
months must be submitted prior to a claim (until the age of 16)
Monthly Benefit for a Child of a Serving Soldier – This benefit is paid to the child of a
soldier who was on duty, if the child was born while the soldier was serving
Benefits are paid from the first day after the end of maternity (or paternity) leave, and no
later than ten days after all necessary documents were submitted.
6. Pension benefits in Russia
Pension System in the Russian Federation
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assigns and pays various types of pensions and
social benefits to over 338,000 Russian citizens residing in 128 countries.
As of today, Russia has the following types of pensions:
Insurance pension (three types: old age, disability and loss of breadwinner);
State pension (four types: long service, old age, disability and loss of breadwinner);
Social pension;
Funded pension.
And social benefits:
Monthly benefits (including a package of social services);
Monthly supplement to benefits.
In 2002, Russia approved a reformed pension system that encompasses three types of pensions:
state, compulsory occupation pension and non-state pensions. The compulsory pension rewards
workers in three categories – old age, disability, and survivor pension. Before you are entitled to
receive a Russian pension, you must have contributed to the compulsory Pension Fund of
Russian Federation (PFR) for at least eight years.
After two price rises in 2017, the national pension in Russia stands at RUB 13,655 as of April
2017. In previous years, the average pension in Moscow was around RUB 13,470, and RUB
13,600 for St Petersburg.
People who develop a disability caused by general illness, work injury, occupational disease or
military services are entitled to a disability pension. To be entitled to a Disability Labour Pension
you must have been in employment.
Survivor pensions are granted to: widows older than 55 (or widowers and parents older than 60)
or unemployed and taking care of a child younger than 14 or disabled; children up to 18 years
old; sisters and brothers of 18 years old; and grandparents aged 60 and 55 or older or disabled.
Additional pensions pay through non-state private pension funds. To become a beneficiary you
should make an agreement with the fund and make voluntary contributions during your career.
. At present, Russia pays the following types of pensions:
An insurance pension;
o Old age;
o Disability;
o Loss of breadwinner;
A state pension (long service, old age, disability, loss of breadwinner);
A social pension;
A funded pension.
An insurance pension – a monthly payment compensating for the wage or another type of
income citizens were receiving in the period of their work or compensating for the income
unemployable members of the family of the insured person lost after his or her death.
A fixed-rate payment is established for the insurance pension depending on the insurance
pension’s type. The payment is subject to annual compensation according to inflation rates of the
previous year.
An old age insurance pension – is the most widely spread type of pension in Russia. Men older
than 60 and women older than 55 qualify for this pension on the condition of the required labor
record and the minimal amount of pension points (with due account of transitional provisions of
the pension laws). Some categories of citizens can qualify for an insurance pension earlier. The
lists of works, industries, professions, positions, occupations and institutions (organizations) that
qualify for early retirement are approved by the Russian government.
A disability insurance pension is assigned to people with disabilities of the first, second and
third groups on the condition of a labor record irrespective of its duration and irrespective of the
cause of disability and the time of its appearance. Whether or not the person with disability is
employed at the moment of the assignment of pension is not important.
A loss of breadwinner insurance pension is assigned to unemployable members of a dead
breadwinner’s family for whom the deceased breadwinner was providing. The exception is made
for persons whose felony causing the death of the breadwinner is established by court.
State pension – a monthly state payment to citizens compensating for their wage (income) lost
upon the end of their federal public service due to old age (disability) retirement, or
compensating for the lost income of cosmonauts or test pilots upon the end of their long service
and retirement, or compensating for health damage suffered in the course of military service,
radiation or man-made accidents, or compensating for disability or loss of breadwinner, or paid
upon the achievement of the pension age, or paid to unemployable citizens as subsistence means.
A long-service state pension is assigned to federal civil servants, servicemen, cosmonauts and
test pilots.
An old age state pension is assigned to citizens who suffered health damage in radiation or
man-made accidents.
A loss of breadwinner state pension is assigned to unemployable family members of killed
(deceased) servicemen, citizens who suffered health damage in radiation or man-made accidents,
A disability state pension is assigned to servicemen, citizens who suffered health damage in
radiation or man-made accidents, WWII veterans, holders of the Besieged Leningrad Resident
badge, and cosmonauts. The current employment is irrelevant for the assignment of a disability
state pension.
A social pension is assigned to unemployable citizens permanently residing in the Russian
A funded pension – is a lifelong monthly payment of pension savings formed with insurance
contributions of employers and return on their investment.
7. Healthcare and health insurance in Russia
Russian authorities make it compulsory to pay health insurance in Russia to the social security
system. This entitles everyone to basic medical care covering emergency services, and is free to
everyone living in Russia.
The quality of public healthcare in Russia is low in comparison to other European countries.
Russia lacks English-speaking doctors, although there are many private healthcare centers
providing medical services equal to international standards. Learn more about the Russian
healthcare system and Russian health insurance with Expatica’s useful guides.
Foreigners visiting Russia or staying for the short term need to have private travel insurance
before entering the country. If you plan to stay for the long-term and apply for a temporary or
permanent visa, foreign residents are legally required to purchase healthcare insurance. Without
it, you cannot get a Russian visa. Expats can then benefit from the same public healthcare access
as local citizens.
Retire in Russia
Russia is one of the best countries to retire to. The age of retirement in Russia for men is 60 and
55 for women, although these ages are up for review in 2018. The national average pension in
Russia also currently stands at RUB 12,400 while in Moscow the average pension is RUB
13,470 and RUB 13,6000 for St Petersburg.
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has nearly 2,500 regional offices in the country. To
see what your options are, read Expatica’s guides on retiring to Russia and writing a will in
Other types of insurance in Russia
Besides mandatory health insurance, there are other types of insurance in Russia that expats
should be aware of. For example, business insurance is fundamental if you are a business owner.
Policies cover you for vehicles, personnel, public liability together with building and content
If you plan to drive in Russia, you must take out car insurance. It is also advisable to have
personal insurance to cover you for injury to yourself and others. You should also consider home
insurance that covers fire, water damage, theft, and vandalism, whether renting in Russia or
buying Russian property. In some cases, it may be a condition for getting a Russian mortgage.
For personal insurance, there are plenty of insurance companies for foreigners. Russia’s main
insurance companies include Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, and Reso Garantiya.
8. Education and child benefits in Russia
There are several education benefits in Russia worth looking at. For instance, Russia is among a
few countries that offer free tuition for foreign nationals. Each year, the government awards
several thousands of Russian scholarships to international students seeking to study in Russia.
After the birth of a child, Russian child benefits are paid out in certain circumstances, for
example, for low-income families, children born while a parent was serving as a soldier or
parents on maternity or child-rearing leave (although parents who return to work can receive a
higher amount of up to 40% of an average salary).
Low-earning families may claim other benefits under certain conditions. The amount of the
award will be based on your salary statements for the previous three months. Together with
people on disability benefits, you may claim certain legal and medical benefits.