Strategies For War

Assumed that there would be a two-front war
Strategy called for a quick strike against
France in 6 weeks
Once France was defeated troops would then
head east toward Russia
Main goal was recapture of Alsace-Lorraine
Would advance on Alsace-Lorraine in South:
While advancing on Germany through
Ardenne Forest
Did not expect Germany to strike through
Plan B (Balkans) required an invasion of
Serbia and guarding of Russian border
Plan R (Russia) called for more troops to be
deployed on Russian border: Wanted to curb
Russian assistance to Serbs
Plan G assumed a full scale German attack:
Russia would allow Germans to gain territory
while Russians mobilized for war. Russia
would then eject Germans from territory
Plan 19 called for less sacrifice of manpower
Britain had no desire for war, thus had no
devised plan
U.S. adopts rigid neutrality
Both wanted to protect trade; ended up
favoring Allies