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Resilience Project: Activities & Strategies for Students

Resilience Extension Projects
For this project, we will use Salva’s and Nya’s examples of resilience to create
a product that will remind us that we can be resilient in our lives, too. Read
the article and fill out the planning guide. Then decide what project you’ll
create to show your thoughts about resilience.
A. What are areas of your life that stress you out? (school subjects, behavior,
sports, music, dance, friends, siblings, parents, etc.) For example, timed tests
stress me out. I procrastinate on school projects, so I have to rush at the last
B. Brainstorm objects and colors to symbolize the times when you are stressed.
For example, a timer could symbolize stress from timed tests. “Due
Tomorrow” could symbolize stress from procrastination.
C. After reading the novel and the article, how would you define “resilience”?
D. From the article, what are 3 strategies you use or will try to use to practice
resilience? Explain why you think that strategy is important for you and/or
will work for you.
E. Brainstorm objects and colors to symbolize the strategies. For example,
“looking for a silver lining” might be symbolized by using the color silver. A
microphone could symbolize my need to face my fear of public speaking.
F. Read the project types. Highlight the one you will create.
Resilience Project Types
Basket Weaving:
Weave a basket and fill it with items/images to represent your ideas
about resilience and how to practice resilience.
Clay Moulding:
Design a sculpture to represent your ideas about resilience and how to
practice resilience.
Choreograph a dance to represent your ideas about resilience and
how to practice resilience.
Digital Art:
Create digital to express your ideas about resilience and how to
practice resilience.
Create a drawing (pencil, pen, colored pencil) to express your ideas
about resilience and how to practice resilience.
Profile Mural:
Create a mural to express your ideas about resilience and how to
practice resilience. Include a bibliography.
Paint a picture to express your ideas about resilience and how to
practice resilience.
Write 3 poems to yourself and/or to the world about resilience and
how to practice resilience. (1 rhyming, 1 free verse, 1 your choice)
Coat of Arms:
Design a coat of arms to symbolize your ideas about resilience and
how to practice resilience.
Write or compose a song that relates to resilience and how to practice
Your Idea:
G. What materials will you need to complete this project? For example, I am
going to do the “Profile Mural” project. I’ll need my iPad, a printer, paper,
scissors, and glue.
Mrs. B’s Project Plan (Each color represents one day’s work/homework.)
1. Read the article & pick 3 ways to practice resilience that work for me.
a. Have a healthy perspective
b. Develop a positive outlook
c. Take care of myself
2. Pick a project - mural
3. Make a list of supplies I’ll need. (see G.)
4. Brainstorm images/symbols of times I need resilience and ways I can practice it.
5. Copy & paste images
6. Draw a silhouette.
7. Cut out images.
8. Tape down images.
9. Tape the bibliography to the back.
10. Color white spaces black.
11. Add my strategies to the poster to help me present.
What is your project plan?
Day 1:
Day 4:
Day 2:
Day 5:
Day 3: