Writing 150 – Fall 2021 Dr. K AWA - TOPOI and Response Due on Blackboard / September 23, 2021 Keeping the WP2 prompt in mind, use the TOPOI method to develop a list of questions as you go through the assigned readings and explore ideas for the prompt. The questions don’t have to be phrased in the same way as the example questions. Those are provided as guides. Once you have generated a list of questions, begin answering the ones you think will be helpful. You are welcome to answer all the questions, but some might generate more helpful responses than others depending on the readings and the prompt. The TOPOI chart we used in class can be seen below. You are free use the chart or erase it and write down the questions in any form you like. You are welcome to complete the entire document, however, for the purposes of the AWA Assignment, you will need to complete the following: 1. 2. A substantial list of questions related to the prompt. Provide questions for all the categories listed below. Your thoughtful response to 2 of the questions. ● Your response should be at least one in depth paragraph, but feel free to write more. The responses should be more than superficial. DEFINITION: How is the term globalization defined? What does it mean when a country is in a trade deficit? Have the advantages and disadvantages of a trade deficit changed over time? What parts can globalization be divided into? What are similar terms/concepts to x? COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: How is globalization related to trade deficit? How are different countries responding to globalization? What are the differences in benefits and drawbacks for developing countries and developed countries? Why are the drug prices different in different Although it may be true that Sovaldi’s 3countries? month treatment plan costs $84,000 whilst an Indian alternative costs $900, Dean Baker has conveniently left out information for the reader to make a convincing argument. Dean Baker falls victim to the confirmation bias as he selectively chooses to present information that support his argument, blatantly hiding from his readers that there is a $64,000 cost to Sovaldi just to provide this treatment. Now the ostensible 40,000% tariff turns into a 23.8% markup: a profit margin that is pretty much standard forprofit incentivized firms. The markups in profit are inevitable given that the private sector dominates this industry because the public sector would be inherently inefficient and there would be very little progress made in the field through research. Dean Baker also conceals the fact that the Indian prescriptive treatment is not chemically identical to Sovaldi at all; in fact, the reason Sovaldi is priced much higher is because it represents a breakthrough in hepatitis C drugs that could not be replicated by other companies. ORIGINS AND CONSEQUENCES: What are the means of globalization and to what end? What are the consequences of allowing doctors and other high paying professions to practice in the US? It is indeed true that doctors and lawyers that received their respective licenses abroad are not legally allowed to practice in the US, but I do not necessarily agree with the notion that that easing these limitations will have its intended consequences. Firstly, each country’s educational structure is vastly different to the US, creating differences in the knowledge each individual in the same field has this is especially true for law since different laws exist in different countries. Because the educational systems are so fundamentally different there is an inherent mismatch between what the US values and the qualifications of the foreign individuals themselves. Even if this barrier to entry was bypassed, the consequences would be immense for US medical students. Prospective students of law or medicine would instantly turn to education abroad given that education is much cheaper there, and thus the US education system would suffer a severe hit in revenue, further worsening its trade deficit. Furthermore, as migration paves the way for an increase level of supply for doctors and lawyers, the wages for these professions would fall significantly; as wages fall, it supports the notion that everyone would flock abroad as there no longer is an incentive to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on graduate level education in the US given that they may still have the ability to practice in the US without having an American educational background. What are the consequences of a trade deficit? What comes before and after globalization? REASONS FOR AND AGAINST: What are the reasons someone might be in favor of globalization? What are the reasons against globalization? In what ways might someone have mixed opinions about globalization? Do the benefits of globalization outweigh its disadvantages? POSSIBILITY: What is possible by limiting US’ globalization? What makes globalization possible? What factors contribute to the likelihood of policy revamping occurring? What could prevent the likelihood of allowing certain professions to practice in the US occurring? Germany. VALUES: What are the ethical/moral values that affect opinions of globalization? What are the practical implications of globalization and how do those influence how the problem is valued? How do the values of a particular society shape the consideration of x? How do political systems/beliefs influence globalization? How to spiritual/metaphysical values influence x?