BACK SHU POINTS BACK SHU POINT OVERVIEW ✨ Back Shu Points ✨ The bladder points shown here start at Bladder 11 (at the top), and then the Yin Organ Shu Points are highlighted by the golden points; Lungs BL13, | Pericardium BL 14, | Heart BL 15, | Liver BL 18 | Spleen BL 20 | Kidney BL 23 You can also count and read the yang organs if you would like to - in Deadman - and of note for yin treatments in Golden Lotus and specialised purpose are; Du Mai BL 16 | Diaphragm BL 17 These are also often classified as Marrow Shu and Blood Shu as well. BACK SHU POINTS It gives inspiration to each breath and with it’s penetration of vital energy it provides guidance for Kaatz writes “The heavens above are a vast space of life filling us with vitality… The lungs spread the wisdom of the heart throughout the body. It is no constant wonder. The lungs are said to the the wonder in meditation by focusing on the breath we can find this deep inner wisdom within receivers of this vast wealth of inspiration for they ourselves. Fei Shi is a vital, rich heavenly transfer of vital Qi that flows directly into the lungs. This receive this vital Qi through each breath. With each vital energy nourishes our special unique essence and puts us in direct contact with the greatness of inhalation we not only receive the vital force of life but the Heavens.” This is a beautiful synopsis of Lung Shu point; here on the back we can find immense the inspiration that comes with contact with the tension and even hardening if the person is not breathing in inspiration and alchemy through their heavenly father. Being. Jue Yin Shi means the vital transfer to the mysterious inner place of protected circulation. Jue Yin Shi is a place of direct communication with the heart protector that gives warmth and vitality to every cell in the body.” If we think back to the Liver module where we covered the pericardium we Kaatz writes “In Chinese medicine the heart is can recall that the pericardium and triple burner were responsible for communication our Soul and protected by the heart protector. It is both a secretary our Shen/spiritual and conscious energy through the whole fascial system. This mechanism is that allows in what is necessary and a knight that where/how the Heart can communicate it’s consciousness for embodied tantric experience and bears any difficulties… The heart protector surrounds sensitise every part of our body. This shu point allows us to directly affect, tonify, and open the the circulation of the inner chambers with protection pericardium to being to more easily transmit the secrets of the heart - it also helps to release any and circulates the blood and the Emperor’s warmth emotions which are stuck around the heart, causing this communication of consciousness, warmth and love throughout the kingdom…. and bliss from being opened to the rest of our Being. Be mindful that in general, we cannot physiologically affect the heart through pointwork; the heart, on a physiological level except through the perdicardium. Therefore, the heart, in this capacity, as you can see from the shu points along the channel, refers more to the Shen and the health of our mind and spirit - and the related elements of the heart such as the tongue, throat, and on occasion Kaatz writes “It is said that from the heart comes the cervix. Therefore it is safe to assume that similar to how the cervix’s transformation zone is like a radiance of the spirits… Xin Shu holds this distribution “read out” of the health of the heart, physically, through cells which do regenerate (versus Heart of love and warmth… [it] is a place of direct cells, which do not) - so to, we will find that any work we do on these points will likely be re- communication with the heart revitalising its fire, distributed to areas which are reflexive of the heart’s physiology and spirituality, versus the warmth and love.” This point is the back shu point of physiological heart itself. So use this point for issues with the cervix, menstruation, stress, anxiety, the heart and can tonify the heart. or times when you feel the Heart as a spiritual element of the Being is disturbed. The principal functions of the Liver are to maintain the free flow of qi, store blood, dominate theDeadman says “Ganshu BL-18 is the back-shu point of the Liver, where the qi of the Liver emanates from the interior to the body surface, and like all the back-shu points (especially those of the yin zang)… sinews and open into the eyes. According to Master Dan-xi of the Jin-Yuan dynasty "The Liver governs spreading”.” Here we can see that the Liver ’s relationship to spreading soul energy through the body via the triple warmer is being called upon when we use this point; it moves Kaatz writes “Gan Shu has direct connection with the stagnation, directions chi and energy through the body, and helps to direct energy as well as move liver and it’s inherited idea of what inner plan directs the blood. This point often has tension all around it - and the liver is responsible for directing the our life. Here is the essence of the blueprint we have soul’s energy in the correct fashion, so feel free to unknot any tension in this area; it can feel tender been given to fulfil life in a special way.” to work on, but the results are usually very welcome. It sends and distributes nourishment from it’s great granaries and storehouses full of golden Qi to wherever it is needed in the mind, body and spirit”. This writing harkens back to our understanding of the Pancreas as the flesh which is responsible for receiving all of our sweetness and nourishment - this idea of “pi” being “drawn as flesh” is similar to how the work “creas” means “of flesh” and the concept of the “ancient drinking vessel” reminds me of the well of life and Kaatz writes “Pi is drawn as flesh and an ancient nourishment which is the Great Mother. The “storehouses full of golden Qi” harkens back to the drinking vessel with a handle… Pi Shu is a place of journey towards our inner mothering and to our own inner Earth through the Nine Flowers, along direct communication with the spleen giving us the Spleen Channel’s trajectory. This point nourishes and calls forth the lessons of the spleen, nourishing energy. through the back. Shen Shu is where direct contact can be made with this vitality to rejuvenate our mind, body, and spirit.” This point is best used when you sense that someone is not “in” their lower back, and that for whatever reason; shock, stress, trauma, fear, they have pulled up and out of their lower body. This is a great point to use when you want some one to “come down” out of their upper body and their Kaatz writres “The kidneys are the controller of “will” dominated being, and move into their body to receive the support of resting down into life. water… Here is the inner powerhouse out of which Use this point in conjunction with holding their Kidney 6, or their Kidney 1, or while rubbing their comes will, purpose, vitality and strength. It is the kidneys and you will feel a beautiful descent into their lower back, and a sense of warmth beginning kidneys that have the store of our ancestral to move through their pelvic and lumbar region. This is also a great point for regulating oedema, inheritance… and to hold if you are sitting on the back of someone’s knees. FRONT MU POINTS FRONT MU POINT OVERVIEW ✨ Front Mu Points ✨ The front mu points consist of a variety of points on the front of the body. The ones show here are: Lungs Lu1 | Pericardium Ren17 | Heart Ren14 | Liver Liv14 | Spleen Liv 13 | GB 25 You can also count and read the yang organs if you would like to - in Deadman - and of note for yin treatments in Golden Lotus and specialised purpose are; Yin Organs Liv14 | Diaphragm Ren15 FRONT MU POINTS When we think to the lessons of the lung; those of courage and being drawn in to a new experience of Self, we can understand what Kaatz means when she says “when we are ready and balanced within ourselves, it is then that we can go deep into these inner chambers and find our own special qualities, gifts, and insights.” This beautiful point will put you in contact with the lung’s capacity to circulate the heart’s spirit, and with someone’s relationship with their grief, or inspiration. This point can often, similar to the Pericardium Mu Point, put you in direct contact with someone’s This point should be addressed on the yin side of your expansive breath, and take you to the middle, or centre of their Being and their chest, drawing you treatment method. This point is a beautiful point; it is into their expression of spirituality and their breath. This is a beautiful point to focus on, and to a point of pure, fresh, lung qi - inspiration, spiritual help somebody heal and breathe, or to enjoy tuning into someone’s inner beauty and richness, their refinement, and our inner purity. Kaatz writes “Zhong capacity for alchemy, and allow yourself to be breathed. It is a precious gift to have access to Fu is the palace of the pure quality of our inner essence. someone’s spirituality and their body, and it is beholden to us as practitioners to be available to both This is the beautiful crystal of our inner being.” help transmute as well as enjoy and revel in the beauty we receive. Connecting, just like breathing, is necessary for us all to live. Kaatz translates the name to “The Centre of our Inner Storehouse of Light” which is such an exquisite representation of this heart and thymus based energy centre. She writes “The Sun brings light and purity to all things. There the purest grain is stored. It has the meaning of the place between the two breasts where the heart is protected. It is a place of great illumination.” She also writes that the character of this point is “drawn as flesh and a storehouse with the sun in the middle”. When doing breast massage we often rest our fingers at this central point - and in many of This point is a beautiful point to use during treatment. the practices when we are igniting golden energy through our crown, pineal gland, throat, you will I often experience deep emotions, shock, peace, stillness, notice I often say “see this light pouring into the centre of your chest, your thymus and heart - and or beauty in this point. This point is the most direct overflowing into your breasts.” It is by virtue of this point that we can see the golden light way to find out where someone is in their emotional culminating as a beautiful, radiant bowl which overflows into our breasts… just as Kaatz writes; “It world and journey; I find. is as though the sun itself enters our hearts giving us great compassion for others…” Imagine opening the doorway to the Emperor’s inner chambers in the times when the Emperor was chosen by God to represent wisdom on Earth… It is only with the greatest respect that we should touch and enter these precious inner chambers. But when the time is right, this point can put us back in touch with our inner potential, our greatest dreams and our compassion for others.” This is an eloquent rendition of the understanding of this point, which can feel almost electric to the touch. Kaatz writes “Ju Que is called the gran door of the This is “a place of greatness, a wanting and a void” meaning that when we touch this place at the palace or the great palace gateway. Great for the right time, it can absolutely change our lives, and open something extraordinary like deep spiritual Chinese represents the supreme ruler or the heart realities for us; and when touched at the wrong time, without respect, can feel like a void. As with which is said to rule all the other meridians with all elements of the Heart; direct touching requires the perfect mixture of preparation, timing, loving warmth.Here is the great gateway leading to insight, and energy in order for us to be invited in, spiritually, to our own or someone else’s inner the inner chamber of the great Emperor himself. world. Zhang Men is a gate or an opening into an ornamented, beautiful, chapter of elegant literary composition." At this beautiful meeting point of all of the yin organs (often considered the front mu point for all yin organs) we are encouraged to open a new chapter, and compose or write our journey from the beginning, taking all of our experiences into account, to make our next stage of life a more beautiful variation on the themes we have come to know within ourselves which have This point is is called “Completion Gate” by Deadman, allowed us to become more whole. “Zhang is drawn as an essay or theme in music and the number but Kaatz translates it as “The Opening of a New ten, which is the number of wholeness and completion and means perfect… Here our inner nature is Chapter” or “Beautiful Composition”. Her transition inspired to create the fullness of a new step forward. Zhang Men is the opening of a beautiful speaks to not just the completion of a work or cycle, but composition.” This point gives us great hope to breath in fresh inspiration and receive new energy the potential that a beautiful ending or completion for completion and beginnings. It has an elegant and ornate feeling like entering a great new phase brings to the next chapter or cycle of our life. She says of your life, where everything is new, rich, elegant, and promising; full of potential - and knowing “this is a gateway that can support those new that you have only arrived at these gates because of the work you have completed in the past. It is a experiences and possibilities… new beginning, but that which comes from the successful completion of the last cycle. “The Chinese day that nothing can be achieved without hope.” This point is a harmonising point of our previous cycle and completion into the new Oceans and opportunities at which we have arrived. In Liver 13 we are standing at the threshold of the new and the completion of the old; at Liver 14, we are empty from the old, the cycle is complete as we walk through those gates, and now we are While Liver 13/Zhangmen is translated in Deadman new, and reborn, into a fresh sea of Being, with nothing but our Hope. Kaatz writes “We enter the as “Completion Gate”, Liver 14 is translated as “Cycle world of our vision and bathe in it’s wonder. Here we can feel the joy of growth and see the hope of Gate” . If Liver 13 represents the wonder or arriving the future where all things are possible… It is here we are able to both see and move into a new place at the Gates, knowing that we have arrived here as a in life full of greater possibilities with the hope of one hundred years guiding that vision. Qi Men is culmination, then Liver 14 is what it means to step this gateway.” This point of the Liver is where we step forward into our visions, and into our goal through these Gates, completely new, with nothing yet orientation, knowing that each part of our journey and our soul’s accomplishments must build upon achieved in this new world but the hope which is given the creativity and successful evolution of the last for us to truly reach our highest potential and to us as we arrive. reach our Soul’s ultimate path. It is the base of our feet, the base of our body (Hui Yin/Perineum), the opening of our vaginal canal, the basis of our genetic and primordial beginnings; and relates to the tailbone and sacrum at the base of our Being. It is here that indeed we find the Gate of the Empire of our Being, where we can truly being to make contact with our primordial beginnings from conception to formation, deep This is the front mu point of the Kidney. The within the bones. This is the Gateway to our Jing; our ancestral lineage, our DNA, and our foundation of our Being; “Jing Men is the gateway to evolutionary journey which ties us to the beginning of all of life. This is also the gateway to where the vitality and possibilities of our inner Empire” we can liberate and open our sexual energy (jing) and restore our energy, or refine it, through the writes Kaatz, who translates the meaning of this point journey we take in Golden Lotus. This is where we store the dense, rich substances, matrix’s and to be “The Gate of the Empire”. liquids which we use to enhance our potency and power us all the way to our Awakening.