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Understanding and Overcoming Ego

Ego is the root cause of all misery. It is identifying with the name and form,
considering ourselves this limited body and chattering mind. knowledge is falling of
i-ness, that is detachment from the mind and body and knowing ourselves as the eternal,
timeless, formless, spaceless, still, presence, in which all events are taking place.
For thousands of years, we have identified with the mind so much that what the voice in
the head says we think it to be ourselves. As for exampleWhen the head says – I am not happy or there are so many problems in life, we think it
to be true, although in reality our real nature is peace and bliss.
Another significant trait of ego is – it is never satisfied with what is, it wants more and
more and it feels more complete and fulfilled when it gets success, name, fame,
property – all these gives an egoistic person a sense of completeness. The Being is
already complete and whole but ego is never satisfied.
Another very pronounced dimension of ego is – it is always thinking about past and
future. It is clinging to the past because ego thrives on misery and the mind created
story, the unhappiness. Unhappiness gives more energy to ego and ego is always
seeking the future because it is not happy now and thinks it will be happy when it
achieves something great in its life.
What Does Ego Do?
1) Ego is always thinking about past and future. Past is like rotten fruit, like eating from
the dustbin. It is like a cancelled cheque. Neither we eat a rotten fruit nor we eat from
the dustbin, the same way a cancelled cheque is useless. Thinking of the future is like a
raw fruit, like a promissory note. Ego always recalls the sad story because this sad story
pampers ego.
2) Ego always speaks of its need to be recognized from time to time. If we question
ourselves, what do we want- peace or drama. The part of us which answers peace is
our real self but ego always answers drama. Ego thrives on conflict, when everything
seems to be at peace, ego feels at danger.
3) Ego spurs all pains, negativity, fears and worries.
What Does Ego Lead To?
We are already whole and complete but self-forgetfulness creates holes which we want
to fill with worldly possessions. Ego leads to1) Dissatisfaction– Ego never makes us feel complete and fulfilled. It always wants
more and more. An egoistic person always says- give me, give me. It has been rightly
said keeping in mind the egoic part of a man that there is enough for man’s need but not
for man’s greed.
2) Diseases– There are three basic components of the well-being of a person•
Ego creates physical ailments, mental discomfort and emotional blockages. Thus, ego
pulls us back from our well- being.
How to Recognize Ego?
1) Blame and complain– Ego is never satisfied with what is. It wants something else to
make it happy and fulfilled but doesn’t know what it wants. An egoistic person always
has his finger pointing towards the other person- “You did this to me”. He is always
blaming the other person, situations for his miserable condition, although nobody can
make us unhappy if we don’t identify with the mind.
When ego complains about others, it feels superior and it labels people as unworthy,
idiot, good for nothing and if the person is unconscious, it may lead to shouting and
sometimes even violence. The solution is non- reaction. When you don’t react at the
unconsciousness of the other person, i.e., you forgive him, it dissolves your ego and it
helps the other person also to dissolve his unconsciousness.
2) Reactivity and grievances- When the mind is badly hurt and we harbor that hurt for
a long time, it becomes a grievance and the ego keeps it alive by repeating it again and
again. The best way to overcome grievances is to forgive one’s own self and the other
person who has hurt you. Forgiveness is a gift which you give to yourself as you set a
prisoner free and that prisoner is you yourself because you are hurting yourself by
repeating the unhappy story again and again.
3) Fear- Ego is always fearful because it sees the other person as a threat. This threat
arises out of the feeling of insecurity that he may lose his name, position and
recognition. He thinks that the other person will snatch all the love, money, position that
was his share. He always compares himself with the other person and feels jealous
of others success which, at times, hinders his own success. All these feelings arise out
of duality, i.e. seeing everybody as another person which creates threat. When he sees
that the same consciousness has manifested itself in different forms, he feels oneness
with the whole existence, thus ego vanishes.
4) Judgement- The egoic mind is always judging and labeling people and situations.
Whenever we see any person, place or thing, the mind immediately labels it as good,
bad, happy, unhappy. When we stop labeling and judging, the mind is more silent and
less turbulent. Judgement clutters the mind. We all love the company of small children
because they don’t judge us. We love animals also because they don’t label us, they
give unconditional love. When we don’t judge anybody and we see them as our own
self, it is unconditional love and gives immense happiness. So don’t judge anyone.
There are certain other traits also that ego brings with it like anger, frustration, stress,
criticism and guilt. When mind brings these, just detach from the mind, know that this is
all egoic mind.
How to Overcome Ego?
1) Be in the Now- Our real Self- Being is timeless. There is always the Now. Past and
future have no existence. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory
note and today is like cash money. Brooding over the past will give us only
unhappiness. It is like eating from the dustbin. Future doesn’t exist, it is like a raw fruit.
Both past and future are only in the mind. They are mental phantoms. To go beyond
ego, be in the Now.
2) Be an observer of the mind- Mind is only a tool, when we mistake this tool to who I
am, we are ruled by the mind. To overcome ego, we should learn to see the mind as a
detached observer. Whenever there is a misery, blame, complain, past and future, just be
aware- it is only the egoic mind that is trying to overpower you. Detach from this mind.
Tell yourself-I am Atma- ‘Being’. I don’t have to mix with these thoughts. When we
mix with the mind, we give it energy. Recognize the egoic mind, detach, come back in
Self. Slowly you’ll overpower the egoic mind.
3) Acceptance- Acceptance weakens our ego. An important step towards welcoming
acceptance in life is being a Yes person. Yes has lot of power, it kills our ego. When we
say ‘Yes’, we say yes to life and when we say ‘No’, we say no to life. Repeatedly
saying ‘No’ strengthens our ego. We may be saying ‘Yes’ outwardly but inside there is
a lot of resistance and non acceptance. Acceptance makes the mind silent.
4) Surrender- A peaceful way to overcome ego is to surrender. When we surrender, the
Consciousness works through us. But surrender never means not doing any action. It
means doing action with a feeling of internal acceptance and faith that whatsoever life
brings to me is for my good. For example, if you buy a new car and the next day
somebody hits the car, your mind starts grumbling and abusing but that won’t do any
good to the situation, what you need to do is to surrender from inside and let the
required action happen through you and that action will be surrendered action and not
egoic action. Thus surrender makes the mind silent. In silence, you are connected to the
Supreme, and ego dissolves.
5) Silence- To overcome ego, we need to be silent for some time. Access the stillness
anytime in the day, be silent for 2-2 minutes several times a day. Our mind continuously
brings lots of thoughts. A common man has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day.
Silence not only means being quiet from outside but it means accessing the gap between
two thoughts. When slowly this gap increases, ego weakens its grip over us. With
acceptance, surrender, meditation and unconditional love, mind becomes silent.
6) Unconditional love- Unconditional love is a way to overcome ego. When in the
presence of a Divine Mentor, we receive His unconditional love, our mind becomes
silent. His love is not based on the physical appearance of a person and his merits but it
is at the Atmic- Being level. When we receive such unconditional love, we also learn to
love a person unconditionally, without judging and labeling. Unconditional love- seeing
all as our own self makes our mind silent and ego is dissolved.
There are certain other ways also through which ego vanishes like being able to say
sorry, not carrying past hurts, working as a team, appreciating and encouraging others
and being in the attitude of gratitude. By being grateful and happy, the egoic mind loses
its existence, as it thrives on misery. Ego gone, gone all the troubles.
We all are a fountain head of joy, we can experience that joy when our mind is not
thinking this or that. Hence when the egoic mind loses its grip, mind is always in
present moment awareness, full of unconditional Divine love. Life becomes a