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Salt Solubility Lab Experiment: LiCl

Ali Bin Abi Taleb School
Chemistry 11G( )
Group ( LiCl )
Lab Experiment
The objective is to measure and graph the solubility of a salt in water.
The Solubility of salts in water
Introduction: For most salts, the higher temperature of the water, the more salt will dissolve in it. In
this experiment, you will dissolve different quantities of The salt in a given amount of water at a high
temperature. Each solution will be observed as it cools, and the temperature at which crystallization
begins will be recorded. That is the temperature at which the solution is saturated. Then, you will
construct a solubility curve which shows the amount of solute which will dissolve at varying
temperatures. This graph shows the relationship between temperature and solubility of the salt.
Purpose: Collect the experimental data necessary to construct a solubility curve for a given salt in water.
So each student group will work in a different salt and will collect the solubility data and graph a curve
for this salt then all will share the result and make the solubility diagram chart for all the salts that used
3 empty beakers 100ml
400mL beaker for west
water have different temperatures.
Glass rod or spoon for stir and pick the salt
Hot plate
Safety First : Wear goggles and apron. Keep your hands away from your
face. Tie back long hair, and never leave a lighted burner unattended.
Leave your station dry and tidy, and wash your hands with soap last
thing before leaving the lab.
Weight 3 samples of salt you have 40g for each
Place 40g water with a different temperature in each empty beaker
Measure the temperature of the water and record the temperature in the table below
Start adding the salt in small quantity to the water and stir until fully dissolve then still adding to
get no more dissolve the you can calculate the quantity that dissolve by subtracting the salt
remains from 30g
40g – (
) g = ……………..g
Solubility Per 100g of water = Mass of salt dissolved X 2.5
Temperature of
Mass of water
Mass of salt
Mass of salt
5- Use the chart below to plot and drew the solubility vs. temperature.
Solubility in (g) /100g water
Salt Solubility Chart for ( LiCl) Lithium Chloride
Temperature in (C)
Solubility per
100g of water
Solubility in (g) /100g water
6- Share the Data of solubility for other salts from other groups and drew all the result on one chart
below to make a solubility cart for the 4 salt given in the lab
Temperature in (C)