A. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE The education process around the globe as so has the innovations on learning resources. We cannot imagine today’s world without resources available for teacher, enhancement as well as professional development. They are as vital as the teacher who facilitates the learning process inside the classroom. Rona Bušljeta (2018) cited that it is of extreme importance to define and expand beyond the conventional methods of teacher and learning as well as in the teaching and learning resource. Learning resource development is a crucial component to the success of creating effective and holistic learning resources that will aid the students in understanding the different competencies. Learning resources are essentially any tool that aids both teachers and students in the learning process. In today's world, learning resources are more than just old textbooks. Their effectiveness is determined by the variety of teaching methods and innovative learning materials. Every individual has unique learning needs and learning styles. In the same way, each teacher uses various teaching and learning techniques and resources to indicate the effectiveness of the teaching process. Resources are also a collection of tools that allow teachers to teach effectively to make the learning process easier for students. Teaching materials or learning resources are primarily intended to aid in the teaching and learning process in various settings. The main goal of learning and teaching resources is to provide a learning experience that is effective enough to encourage students and teachers to interact during the learning or teaching process. An effectively done learning resource can assist students in the learning process and broaden their learning experience while meeting their learning needs. Learning and teaching resources are no longer limited to textbooks. They can now be found in a variety of formats, including reference books, workbooks, worksheets, web-based learning materials, computer-based Learning, structured coursework, and audio-visual teaching aids. Libraries and learning communities are also valuable tools in the natural learning environment. Specific learning resources are credible when meeting individual learning needs, and a few of the most effective resources used in the senior secondary curriculum are evaluated below to determine their effectiveness. Therefore, there is no doubt that the learning resource development and data management should be meticulous and competently done to deliver the Learning objectives. 1 In terms of module characteristics, Cross, as cited by Vergara (2017), emphasized that learning modules are the result of two educational reform movements: programmed learning and mastery learning. Based on these characteristics, he cited the following reasons for the need for modules in teaching. Instructional Design is a process for creating and developing training and educational materials. The ADDIE model, which is an instructional design model, is presented by Mohamed 2020. According to Education Resource (2015), in order to create a cohesive policy, several steps must be taken, which also apply to manage learning resources. In the Philippine Context, the Department of Education has implemented the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) Unit under the Curriculum and Implementation Division that is in charge of the creation, implementation and monitoring of said resources. The learning resource management section has the following functions and objectives. These are to Strengthened Learning Resource development and distribution systems at Regional and Divisional levels. Improvement of instructional and learning materials system through support for the assessment, acquisition, adaptation, development, production and distribution of teaching/learning materials to schools. It is also in charge of digitized available student learning materials particularly for reading in the early grades and TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) programs, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades, ADM (Alternative Delivery Modality) and ALS (Alternative Learning Systems) . The LRMDS is also needed to enhanced provisions of quality instructional and learning materials, particularly in reading in early grades and TLE, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades. Moreover, it is in charge of modified and enhanced instructional and learning materials for implementing Alternative Delivery Modes and Learning Systems as well as improved development and utilization of Quality Assurance (including Monitoring and Evaluation) systems for provision and utilization of learning resources. Lastly it is task in the development of ICT enabled solutions in the three regions, integrated with national systems, to support the strengthening of the learning resource support systems. Learning resources are vital to the success of student learning. Teachers and personnel in the field look for materials that will help them in their instruction and professional growth. This material should be validated, and quality assured to ensure that the material's content will indeed assist the teachers in attaining this goal. The Learning Resources Management and Development System is a national program that caters to distributing quality digital 2 learning resources. LRMDS is designed to support the increase of distribution and access to learning, teaching, and professional development resources. Through this, the writers, illustrators and validators are given recognition for their efforts. The department and the division office also have an increase of copyright ownership in project-developed materials. Learning Resources are important tool of learning, even made more important in the implementation of the distance learning in the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. Hence, the teacher’s presence are more felt from their presence in the modules and activity sheets. This research will then look into a mechanism to improve data management system however it is limited to the modules and learning activity sheets available in the 1st and 2nd grading. The researcher and the team recognizes the full authority of the writers, illustrators and other developers of the materials and the learning resource unit only acts in a managerial capacity for the said resources. In the school’s division of Camarines Sur the LRMDS mechanism implemented will be the validation of the submitted learning resources for field distribution and archiving of the said resources such as Self Learning Modules (SLMs), Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) and others. To date, the school's division of Camarines Sur has 20,481 LR user yet with only one resource uploaded in the LRMDS portal. It is there the aim of this project to facilitate and recommend quality assured learning materials for LR upload to LRMDS portal. It is another hope to contribute to other schools division offices and the regional office in this metadata cataloguing system and to share the pride and recognize the talents in the schools division of Camarines Sur. B. PROPOSED INNOVATIONS AND INTERVENTIONS To attain the increase in learning resources catalogued and recommended for uploading, the following innovations were implemented: A. Project SWAG (Simultaneous Webinar Action in Groups). Project SWAG is the offshoot of the program that will oversee the online webinar trainings for catalogues, validators, writers and other learning resource creators. This also includes an orientation into the launching of the program and will give the set the direction of the activities to come. In SWAG the teachers/resource development team will have an opportunity to ask 3 questions, suggest and create a better understanding and system to make the program more efficient, and to make it adaptable to various area concerns. B. Project VOLTR (Validation of Online Learning and Teaching Resources). This project entail of a division-based validation of the learning resources. Specifically, its adherence to DepEd order on the Guidelines on Preparing Self Learning Modules, Learning Activity Sheets, Strategic Intervention Materials, and other resources. The project will include subject area validators across pilot subject areas and will be done in groups and schedule from January to June 2022. This will be done via limited face to face on a wellventilated location with stable internet connection. C. Project CARE (CAtaloguing of Resources). This part of the program contains the creating of the division meta data of the consolidated resources from first to second quarter. Furthermore, it entails the online cataloguing of the validated resources. This program will be done using the initial draft before cataloguers account given and will also be on subject area . This will be done via limited face to face on a well-ventilated location with stable internet connection. D. Project STEMS (Strategic Teaching/Enhancing/Monitoring System). Project STEMS will make sure that the resource development team, specifically the validators and cataloguers will be given apt support by the LR personnel’s about LRMDS portal operation, resource file management and organization. Questions and concerns along data and content will be monitored by the subject area experts. E. Project GRIT (Gratitude Reinforced by Incentive to Teams). Project GRIT, as the name states, is the branch of project CARAVEL that covers showcasing of appreciation to the resource development team of each subject area. Specifically, this subject will cover the awarding and culminating program in which all members of the resource team will be given acknowledgement, certificates, and simple tokens for the efforts that they have exerted in the project. Project GRIT will serve also serve as motivation to the writers, staff and all personnel’s who will be participating in this activity. 4 F. Project UP2 (Uploading Process for a Unified Publication) This last activity under project CARAVEL is geared in making sure that the resources catalogue and uploaded online will be approved by the LRMDS Super admin in the regional office. In this regard the researcher will undertake a protegee/advisee system with the super admin and request for bimonthly updates under the regional CLMD Supervisor and the LRMDS Super Admin to follow up the uploaded resources of SDO Camarines Sur. Furthermore, UP2 will implement a meetings with the writers, validators, cataloguers to communicate the recommendations of the region for editing or modification. This is all to make sure that the resources will be approved for online publication. The last strand of this activity is to facilitate the Publication process in the LRMDS portal of all learning and teaching resources in SDO Camarines Sur. Published resources will be announced via a monthly division memorandum. C. ACTION RESEARCH QUESTIONS This action research aimed to measure the improvement in the number of catalogued and recommended learning resources for uploading in the LRMDS portal in the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Camarines Sur. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the current number of resources catalogued and recommended for uploading in the LRMDS portal? 2. What is the level of acceptance of the LRMS Cataloguing team on Project CARAVEL in increasing the number of catalogued resources of SDO Camarines Sur for the LRMDS portal? 3. Is there a significant difference between the number of catalogued resources per learning area before and after the implementation of Project CARAVEL? 4. What are the improvement in the number of catalogued and recommended resources in SDO Camarines Sur? D. ACTION RESEARCH METHODS This action research employed descriptive - quantitative method to answer the main problem and sub-problems of the study. 5 1. Participants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information The participants of this study were the Schools Division of Camarines Sur, selected learning areas and strands who have come up with learning resources in school year 20202021. Moreover, it sought the performance of the division writers, content editors, cataloguers, and validators. The research will was done from January 2022 to June 2022. Table 1. List of Participants Participants Population Administrators/Supervisors 2 Cataloguers and Quality Assurance 65 members LRMS staff 3 External Observers 2 Total 72 2. Data Gathering Methods The researcher used a survey checklist to gather the data in this research project. The monthly catalogue and learning resources report will also be utilized in this project. More specifically this paper will have a Part 1 – the Acceptability level of the individual projects to be implemented using 5 - Extremely Accepted, 4 - Highly Accepted, 3 - Accepted, 2 - Moderately Accepted and 1 - Not Accepted. The data on the number of catalogue and uploaded resources for regional approval was taken from the report as result training and cataloguing. The significant difference before and after the implementation of the project were taken from the result of the survey questionnaire. E. . DISCUSSION OF RESULT AND REFLECTION The following are the results of the project in Camarines Sur. A. The Number of Resources Catalogued and Recommended for Uploading. The number of resources prior to the conduct of the intervention was zero from Calendar year 2019 to 2021. 6 Table 2. Number of Resources Catalogued and Recommended. Catalogued Recommended Calendar year Resources Resources 2019 0 1 2020 0 0 2021 0 0 2022 587 101 Catalouged Resources 700 Deop out arte in Percent 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2019 2020 Catalogued 2021 2022 Recommended Figure 1. The number of resources catalogued in the last four years. In calendar year 2019 the number of catalogued resources were zero however there was one resource recommended for publication and managed by the central office LR office. This was the product of the division storybook writing training and competition. In the years 2020 and 2021 on the on set of the pandemic, despite the big bulks of learning resource produced by the abled subject area development teams, the learning resource unit was not able to catalogue and recommend any of 7 these resources for portal uploading but managed to distribute the materials to the field through division google drive links. In 2022 on the timeline of the implementation of this training, the division LR team with the support of the learning resource developers were able to select three learning resources to undergo the first set of cataloguing training. Of the first and second quarter resources in Home Economics, Araling Panlipunan, Filipino and MTB-MLE, 587 resources were catalogued and 101 resources was initially recommended by the group for online publication. Reflection Cataloguing resources is one of the key functions of the unit however because of the lack of data on the learning resources, creating a catalogue (draft and online) for each learning resources has proven to be a challenge. The result of the data for question number one leads the researcher to note that before resources are accepted in the unit, the complete set of data such as the writer, illustrator, competencies and codes need be provided. It should also be done regularly to minimize backlogs in office data management. It is therefore the recommendation of the researcher that learning resources could only be done after a religious process of checking the material contrast to the standard set the unit. B. Level of Acceptance of Project CARAVEL The respondents of this research were the 72 members of the cataloguing and quality assurance team. Each of the team members were ask to answer the survey with one stem of question related to acceptance of the activities. Table 3. Acceptability indicator per innovation. SWAG Appreciates the online webinar trainings for catalogues, validators, writers and other learning resource creators VOLTR Approves of the division-based validation of the learning resources CARE Shows importance to the creating of the division meta data of the consolidated resources 8 STEMS Respects the given validators and cataloguers support by the LR personnel’s about LRMDS portal operation, resource file management and organization GRIT Acknowledges the given recognition of the facilitators in the LR unit UP2 Recognizes the importance of the follow up on the updates of materials catalogued and recommended Each of the indicator scores were taken, the weighted mean and acceptance level computed with interpretation using the range below: 4.21 to 5 Extremely Accepted 3.41 to 4.2 Highly Accepted 2.61 to 3.4 Moderately Accepted 1.81 to 2.60 Accepted 1 to 1.80 Not Accepted Table 4. Summary of Results on Level of Acceptance of each innovation per population. Appreciates the online webinar trainings for catalogues, SWAG validators, writers and other learning resource creators Weighted 5 Administrators 4 3 2 1 2 Mean Acceptance Level 10 5.00 Cataloguer and QA members 60 5 0 0 0 320 4.92 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 66 6 0 0 0 354 External VOLTR 4.86 Approves of the division-based validation of the learning resources 9 Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 QA members 53 9 1 1 0 306 4.71 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 Observers 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 TOTAL 60 9 1 1 0 341 4.93 Administrators Level Cataloguer and External Shows importance to the creating of the division meta data of the consolidated resources CARE Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 QA members 55 10 0 0 0 315 4.85 LRMS staff 2 1 0 0 0 14 4.67 Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 0.28 TOTAL 60 12 0 0 0 348 3.70 Administrators Cataloguer and External Respects the given validators and cataloguers support by the LR personnel’s about LRMDS portal operation, resource file management and organization STEMS Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 QA members 63 2 0 0 0 323 4.97 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 0 2 0 0 0 8 4.00 Administrators Cataloguer and External Observers 10 TOTAL 67 5 0 0 0 355 4.62 Acknowledges the given recognition of the facilitators in the LR unit GRIT Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 QA members 63 2 0 0 0 323 4.97 LRMS staff 1 2 0 0 0 13 4.33 Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 67 5 0 0 0 355 4.70 Administrators Cataloguer and External Recognizes the importance of the follow up on the updates of materials catalogued and recommended UP2 Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 QA members 49 13 3 0 0 306 4.71 LRMS staff 1 2 0 0 0 13 4.33 Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 52 17 3 0 0 337 4.51 Administrators Cataloguer and External 11 Table 5. Overall Summary of Acceptance per innovation Innovation Acceptance Interpretation Rank level SWAG 4.86 Extremely Accepted 2nd VOLTR 4.93 Extremely Accepted 1st CARE 3.70 Highly Accepted 6th STEMS 4.62 Extremely Accepted 4th GRIT 4.70 Extremely Accepted 3rd UP2 4.51 Extremely Accepted 5th Using the interpretation of values, the result of the survey indicates that all of the interventions done in the project were accepted by the team. It is notable to observe the there is an outlier in the group and that is the CARE activity or the Cataloguing of Resources. On the other end the most accepted activity was the VOLTR or the face to face training, followed by the SWAG or the initial Online training and orientation, 3rd on the list is the GRIT – commendation to the members of the team. Not logging behind are the STEMS and UP2. Acceptance level of Innovations 4,86 4,93 4,62 4,7 4,51 STEMS GRIT UP2 3,7 SWAG VOLTR CARE Figure 2. The summary of acceptability level by innovation. The results show that the overall acceptability of this innovation is therefore extremely accepted. The highest project appreciation was given to VOLTR followed by SWAG and then GRIT. Next on the line are STEMS, UP2 and CARE on last with the lowest value for acceptance. 12 Reflection The result of the data for this question on the acceptance of the different projects allows the researcher and the reader of this material to see that the strategies implied were appreciated and valued by the respondent. This indicates that the group has a clear mindset of what is happening and is aware of each key stages. Still, the score or the perspective of acceptance of the cataloguers and QA population and the external observers tends to be lower than the management and LR staff, indicating that the saturation of information or level of appreciation of the population indeed varies. The learning of the researcher on this result is to create activities that is directly related to the other tasks. This way the team has a cohesive idea of the overall objectives and the individual steps needed to attain said goal. C. Significant Difference and Improvement between the Number of Catalogued Resources Before and After the implementation of Project CARAVEL Table 5. Significant Difference t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means before after Mean 0 195.666667 Variance 0 486.333333 Df 2 t Stat -15.36775596 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.002103785 t Critical one-tail 2.91998558 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00420757 t Critical two-tail 4.30265273 Using Paired Sample T test analysis for test of significance, testing the means of two non-independent variables namely the number of resources catalogued before and after intervention the results to a P – value of 0.002 making the result of result of 13 the data significant. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the scores of catalogued resources before and after implementation of the program. 1. Improvement in Catalogued Resources The improvement in catalogued resources were computed using the rate (input/output percentage) Table 6. Improvement in Cataloguing Before project With project Difference 100% 100 0% The result of this data indicates that the activity of cataloguing of resource is now established and done in the LRMS unit of the division. Reflection The result for the test of significant and improvement confirms that the project started to establish a system of data management that will benefit the Curriculum Implementation unit of the SDO and assist the learning development community is checking their outputs in the rooster of resources. The activity so far has many limitations for it only managed to cater to three subject areas and the cataloguer’s team is few and have regular functions are teachers and other personnel. It is therefore a reflection point of the researcher that the momentum created by the program should be supported so that the platform could be enhance and even be the jumping point to other development data management initiatives. Overall, this paper allows the research and the reader an avenue to further analyze the strengths and challenges of each activity inside the program. F. ADVOCACY, UTILIZATION AND DISSEMINATION The finding and recommendations that were generated from this study may be used as inputs for policy formulation and learning resource and management system enhancement. The data may be used for other learning resource project and innovation activities. It could be added to the division DEDP and become part of the quarterly DMEA assessment report of the unit. The table below shows the activities following the conduct of this research. 14 Table 7. Plans for Advocacy, Utilization, and Dissemination Activity Objectives Participants Research To share to the Output division research SDO presentation committee and Personnel’s related units the LRMDS result of the coordinators Budget Timeline MOVs Supervisors None August Ppt of 2022 Completed report study for consideration in strategic planning and policies. Project To capacitate CARAVEL to 100% of the SDO be included in secondary Personnel’s the LRMDS report coordinators Online ICT Division school and Strategic Planning LRMS unit. district LR None November Proposal. 2022 Completed in personnel in support cataloguing and data management. CARAVEL To catalogue SDO Php March Project Batch 2 80% the division Personnel’s 150,000.00 2023 Proposal initiated learning LRMDS Memo other subject coordinators Training areas. matrix The Division of Camarines Sur, other Divisions, Regional and Central office will be given the published copy – as findings of this study might be related or the same as with the other divisions; thus, recommendations can be used for policy reformulation and system enhancement. 15 The research findings will also be cascaded to the Curriculum Implementation Division personnel and staff. The study will likewise be presented in a research forum or international, national, regional, division, and school conferences Provision of technical assistance on DRRM Implementation to schools 16 G. REFERECES Briones, L. (2017). Department of Education. https://www.deped.gov.ph/wpcontent/uploads/2017/04/DM_s2017_082.pdf Catelli, A. L., Padovano, K., & Costello, J. (2000). Action research in the context of a school-university partnership: Its value, problems, issues and benefits. Educational Action Research, 8(2), 225-242. Coghlan, D., Coughlan, P., & Brennan, L. (2004). Organising for action research and action: Implementing action researcher networks. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17(1), 37-49. LRMDS Framework. 2008. Department of Education Rona Bušljeta (2018). Effective Use of Teaching and Learning Resources. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272575241_Effective_Use_of_Teaching_ and_Learning_Resources DO 70, S. 1988 – Revised policy on master teachers for secondary schools. (1988, July 26). Department of Education. https://www.deped.gov.ph/1988/07/26/do-70-s1988-revised-policy-on-master-teachers-for-secondary-schools/ June 15, 2007 DO 39, S. 2007 – Modified qualification standards for the positions of head teachers and principals. (2007, June 15). Department of Education. https://www.deped.gov.ph/2007/06/15/do-39-s-2007-modified-qualificationstandards-for-the-positions-of-head-teachers-and-principals/ Purpose and importance of various learning resources in teaching and imparting education. (n.d.). Assignment Help by Online assignment experts | ABC Assignment Help. https://www.abcassignmenthelp.com/purpose-and-importance-of-various- learning-resources-in-teaching-and-imparting-education 17 H. FINANCIAL REPORT ACTIVITY CASH - OUT BASIC EDUCATION RESEARCH FUND (BERF) 1. Crafting and preparation of the BALANCE Php 15,000.00 Php 1,000.00 Php 14,000.00 Php 1,000.00 Php 13,000.00 Php 1,000.00 Php 12,000.00 Php 2,500.00 Php 9,500.00 Php 3,000.00 Php 6,500.00 Php 6,500.00 0 research proposal 2. Travel to RO V for the submission of revised research paper for evaluation 3. Printing or learning resources, rubrics and catalogue templates 4. Purchase of training supply, bond paper, ink set and other related documents 5. Hardbound of completed action research 6. Food and travel expenses for consultation, meeting and related works. 18 Appendices A. Summary of Catalogued Learning Resources for Recommendation B. Images and photo documentation on Training, meeting and consultations C. Copy of the cataloguer’s draft and matrix flow D. Report on number of learning resource E. Append the online survey form 19 ONLINE FORM 20 ANNEX 1. Letter of Information from the RRC Chair 21 ANNEX 3: DECLARATION OF ANTI-PLAGIARISM AND ABSENCE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 22 ANNEX 4: RESEARCH QUESTIONAIRE WITH ANSWERS FROM THE RESPONDENTS Appreciates the online webinar trainings for catalogues, SWAG validators, writers and other learning resource creators Weighted 5 Administrators 4 3 2 1 2 Mean Acceptance Level 10 5.00 Cataloguer and QA members 60 5 0 0 0 320 4.92 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 External Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 66 6 0 0 0 354 4.86 Approves of the division-based validation of the learning resources VOLTR Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 members 53 9 1 1 0 306 4.71 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 External Observers 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 TOTAL 60 9 1 1 0 341 4.93 Administrators Level Cataloguer and QA Shows importance to the creating of the division meta data of the consolidated resources CARE Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 members 55 10 0 0 0 315 4.85 LRMS staff 2 1 0 0 0 14 4.67 External Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 0.28 Administrators Cataloguer and QA 23 TOTAL 60 12 0 0 0 348 3.70 Respects the given validators and cataloguers support by the LR personnel’s about LRMDS portal operation, resource file STEMS management and organization Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 members 63 2 0 0 0 323 4.97 LRMS staff 3 0 0 0 0 15 5.00 External Observers 0 2 0 0 0 8 4.00 TOTAL 67 5 0 0 0 355 4.62 Administrators Cataloguer and QA Acknowledges the given recognition of the facilitators in the LR unit GRIT Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 2 0 0 0 0 10 5.00 members 63 2 0 0 0 323 4.97 LRMS staff 1 2 0 0 0 13 4.33 External Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 67 5 0 0 0 355 4.70 Administrators Cataloguer and QA Recognizes the improtance of the follow up on the updates of materials catalogued and recommended UP2 Weighted Acceptance 5 4 3 2 1 Mean level 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 members 49 13 3 0 0 306 4.71 LRMS staff 1 2 0 0 0 13 4.33 External Observers 1 1 0 0 0 9 4.50 TOTAL 52 17 3 0 0 337 4.51 Administrators Cataloguer and QA 24 APPENDICES PHOTOCOPY OF MOA CD WITH PDF 25 26