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Physics Lab Report: Forces, Mass, Acceleration Calculations

c.) It's important to note that whether you pushed on the blocks from the right side or the
left, the acceleration was the same in both cases. Given that you are still applying the same
force on the same mass overall, you should experience the same acceleration. It took lesser
force to accelerate a 1.2 kg mass in Part A than it would have in Part B, where the reaction
force must accelerate a bigger mass of 2.3 kg. This is because block 2 only needed to
accelerate a mass of 1.2 kg. Therefore, in order to maintain the overall same acceleration in
both problems, the reaction force had to be larger in Part B because it needed to accelerate a
mass of 2.3 kg as opposed to in Part A where that reaction force only needed to accelearate
a mass of 1.2 kg.