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Science 9: Impulse and Momentum Lesson Plan

San Quintin, Pangasinan
Number of Hours: 1
Impulse and Momentum
The learners demonstrate an understanding of impulse and momentum.
K-12 Grade 9 Science and Technology Learners Manual; Teachers Guide;
Defining Success
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. relate impulse and momentum to collision of objects;
2. define momentum and identify its equation relating momentum to mass and velocity;
3. define impulse and describe its effect upon an object’s momentum; and
4. explain a variety of applications of the impulse-momentum that pertain to safety.
Assessment for Learning: Formative Assessment (Claim-Evidence
Assessment of Learning: Summative Assessment (Determining,
Relating and Explaining with Momentum-Impulse Change )
Assessment as Learning: Self-Assessment (Increase safety
awareness on the daily life applications of impulse-momentum)
Momentum- the product of
an object’s mass and velocity
Impulse- equal to the change
in momentum of a body which
a force causes multiplied by
the length of time the force is
Collision - an event in which
two or more bodies exert
forces on each other for a
relatively short time.
GAD Integration:
 Increase safety awareness
on the daily life applications
of impulse-momentum.
Present video clips on:
A. a guy playing billiards.
B. car crashes
Materials and Teacher’s Tips
- DLP, video clips, Toys
(cars/trucks), eggs, marker,
scotch tape.
Possible Answers/ Outcomes:
A. Playing Billiards:
A long stick called a cue
hit small heavy balls
against each other or into
pockets around the sides
of the table.
B. Car Crashes
Cars hit each other and
the lighter car has a larger
damage when the heavier
one strikes.
Guide Questions:
1. What did you observe on the two video clips?
2. Describe each video clip.
3. Which car do you think has a greater damage?
Egg Toss Activity:
Ask two volunteer students to perform the activity.
1. Present to the class the following:
a. purpose of the activity
b. materials needed
c. procedures
d. safety precautions in playing the activity.
2. Ask the guide questions:
a. What are the characteristics of an egg?
b. How far did your thrower and catcher get from each other
before the egg broke? What was the longest distance
achieved in the class?
c. What was the trick to making a successful catch?
d. Compare a sudden-stop catch with a gradual-stop catch.
1. In which case is the mass of the egg greater? Or is it the
same either way?
2. In which case is the change in velocity of the egg
greater? Or is it the same either way?
1. Back to the video presentation, elicit to the students’ idea in terms
of the sizes of the billiards ball and the vehicles crashed.
Relate the main idea of the video clips on the main topic which is
momentum and collision.
Let the students perform the “Momentum Activity”.
a. Group the class into six groups.
b. Set the standards/criteria of the activity:
- 3 pts
Time management
- 2 pts.
Group output
- 10 pts
- 15 pts.
c. Discuss the procedures of the activity.
Group 1&2 - Marbles Roll
Group 3 – Ball in Motion
Group 4 – Heavy Truck in Motion
Group 5&6 - Small Car vs Big Car in Motion
Big Car vs Small Car in Motion
Two Same Sized Cars in Motion
d. Show the short video clip on each colliding carts of each
group and distribute their toys (cars) to perform the activity.
1. The output of each group will be presented in the class for
Guide Questions will be written in each worksheet of the group.
A. Describe each group’s activity.
B. What happens to the cars when they hit each other?
(Groups 1,2,3,4,5, & 6)
C. What car has a greater momentum (A,B)?
D. Explain why?
2. Facilitate the answers of the students to give additional information
based on their output.
Power point Presentation
Possible Answers:
1. Breakable, has mass and it
doesn’t have a velocity
unless it’s moving.
2. Based on students’
3. The heavier the mass of an
object has more chance to
break than the lighter one.
4. The stronger the force
applied in throwing the egg
has a greater chance to
break the egg than the
lighter one.
Students’ output
Output of each group
1. Elicit from the students’ idea on what did they learn from the
a. Definition of momentum, impulse and collision
b. Formula of momentum
2. Relate the topic on the reasons why does accident involves
3. Let the students state the following:
a. road safety precautions.
b. practical daily life applications on momentum and collision.
Distribute the following scenarios in each group. Let them discuss in
their groups and present their output.
A. Scenario #1 ( Groups 1 & 2)
Using the concepts of momentum and impulse in physics and
using what we have discussed in the egg example describe some
attributes of a car that will help decrease incidence of injury in
collisions. Also explain how they work using the terms momentum,
impulse, velocity, mass, time and force.
B. Scenario #2 (Groups 3 & 4)
If your group was in charge of designing the surface of a new
child’s playground what kind of material would you use and why?
Explain your answer by using physics terms we talked about
such as momentum, impulse, velocity, mass, time and force.
C. Scenario #3 (Groups 5 & 6)
If your group was in a water balloon throwing competition where
you had to throw full water balloons between your group
members at increasing distances while trying not to break them
how would you use physics to help you win? Explain your answer
by using terms we talked about in class such as momentum,
impulse, velocity, mass, time and force.
Give at least 3 examples of scenario that determine collision and
determine which has a greater momentum and explain why.
Prepared by:
1. When the object has
greater mass, it has also
greater momentum and it
momentum and it is difficult
to change the motion of that
object and the direction of
the object is always the
same as that of the object’s
2. A shorter time means that
force will be much bigger
and the object it hit will
moves faster and distant,
while the greater time the
force will be much smaller
and the object it hit will
moves slower and not as
3. The damage of the cars
depends on the mass and
the velocity and time of the
Students’ Output