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Historical Newspaper Articles on Racism & Civil Rights

Assignment Number: 1
Newspaper Name: New York Amsterdam News
Publication City/State:New York, New York.
Issue date: September 21, 1935
Page piece appears on: page 10
Headline: Rebuffing Hitler
Author Byline: Ishmael P Flory, Berkeley Calif
Type of Source: Opinion/ Letter to the editor/ Political Cartoon
Historical Background:Hitler’s rise to power
Document Analysis:
Other News that Day:
Assignment Number: One
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: april 8 1933
Page piece appears on: A6
Headline: Another Klansman
Author Byline: Chase
Type of Source: Opinion/ Letter to the editor/ Political Cartoon
Historical Background: Americans limiting immigration for european jews/24 american
lynchings/Jewish business boycott
Document Analysis: comparing Hitler to KKK klansmen
Other News that Day: mob of 200 britain's decatur jail
Assignment Number: Two
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: June 15, 1940
Page piece appears on: B3
Headline: The Cost of Racism
Subheadline: The Economic Impact of Discrimination
Author Byline: Smith
Type of Source: News article/ Economic Analysis
Historical Background: The Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North/
Racial discrimination in the workforce
Document Analysis: Examining the financial consequences of racism in the United States
Other News that Day: Germany begins the occupation of Paris
Assignment Number: Three
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: September 1, 1942
Page piece appears on: A1
Headline: The Double V Campaign
Subheadline: Fighting for Victory Abroad and at Home
Author Byline: Johnson
Type of Source: News article/ Civil Rights Movement
Historical Background: World War II/ African American soldiers fighting for freedom abroad while
facing discrimination at home
Document Analysis: Analyzing the African American community's call for equal rights and
treatment during WWII
Other News that Day: U.S. launches major offensive in the Pacific
Assignment Number: Four
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: January 21, 1944
Page piece appears on: C2
Headline: The Struggle for Education
Subheadline: Fighting for Equal Opportunities in the Classroom
Author Byline: Williams
Type of Source: News article/ Education and Civil Rights
Historical Background: Jim Crow laws and segregation in schools
Document Analysis: Examining the challenges and obstacles faced by African American
students in the 1940s
Other News that Day: U.S. and British forces land on Anzio beachhead in Italy
Assignment Number: Five
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: April 12, 1946
Page piece appears on: B1
Headline: The Fight for Fair Housing
Subheadline: Breaking Down Barriers in the Real Estate Industry
Author Byline: Brown
Type of Source: News article/ Housing and Civil Rights
Historical Background: Racial discrimination in housing and real estate
Document Analysis: Analyzing the efforts of the African American community to gain equal
access to housing opportunities
Other News that Day: Nuremberg War Crime Trials begin
Assignment Number: Six
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: July 5, 1948
Page piece appears on: A4
Headline: The Road to Voting Rights
Subheadline: Overcoming Discrimination at the Polls
Author Byline: Jones
Type of Source: News article/ Voting Rights and Civil Rights
Historical Background: Racial discrimination and voter suppression
Document Analysis: Examining the challenges and obstacles faced by African American voters
in the 1940s
Other News that Day: President Harry S. Truman signs Executive Order 9981, desegregating
the U.S. armed forces
Assignment Number: Seven
Newspaper Name: Journal & Guide
Publication City/State: Norfolk VA
Issue date: October 14, 1950
Page piece appears on: C1
Headline: The Fight for Economic Justice
Subheadline: Breaking the Chains of Poverty and Discrimination