modify GLUTES modifiedbymercedes © mod·i·fy /ˈmädəˌfī/ verb past tense: modified; past participle: modified 1. make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it modify WELCOME TO GLUTES! WHY MODIFY? As a personal trainer, I believe my mission in this life is to emphasize the importance of SELF LOVE when embarking on this lifestyle change. As presented above, modify is defined as partial change as to IMPROVE: not complete alteration. I aim to assist you in making adjustments that will allow you to become the best version of yourself! Recently I coordinated, and executed, a particular cadence of exercises to test it’s efficiency and the results were astounding! In this 8week program, I will be disclosing every single aspect of what was done that provided me with so much success! You will also be provided with insight regarding proper form, proper nutrition, and more! schedule M T W TH F S S D A Y C A R D I O D A Y C A R D I O D A Y A C T I V E R E S T 1 2 3 I’ve cultivated this schedule in order to accommodate several different schedule types. You can adjust the program to become either a 3-day, 4-day, or 5-day split. Primary focus will be to ensure that, at the very least, lifting sessions are happening THREE TIMES A WEEK [M, W, F]. You can utilize the schedule as is, or adjust by combing your weight training with your recommended cardio. EX: M: execute day one routine, execute cardio cadence immediately after weight lifting R E S T FREQUENTLY USED ABBREVIATIONS *:asterisks will be used to indicate alternative for beginners _ so _ : SETS OF EX: 3 SETS OF 10 REPETITIONS _,_,_: indication of drop set/ reverse DS RDL: SDL: DB: KB: BB: POS: BW: ECC: PR: RDS: DS: S.: ROMANIAN DEAD LIFT SUMO DEAD LIFT DUMBBELL KETTLE BELL BARBELL POSITION BODY WEIGHT ECCENTRIC:execute movement at slower pace PERSONAL RECORD REVERSE DROP SET : increase weight / decrease repetition DROP SET: decrease weight: maintain /increase repetition SECONDS NUTRITION carbohydrates 1. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body. 1. protein any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies. monounsaturated fats 1. are found in plant foods, such as nuts, avocados, and vegetable oils. Eating moderate amounts of monounsaturated (and polyunsaturated) fats in place of saturated and trans fats can benefit your health. NUTRITION Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan or other: WHOLE BALANCED MEALS ARE THE PRIORITY. I don’t believe in restrictive dieting, I don’t believe in eliminating food groups (unless medically necessary), and I don’t see the significance in calculating every meal. If you learn nothing else from this program, please remember that your nutrition is above all. What you place in your body sets precedence, and is the LARGEST drive in your success in this lifestyle change. Exercising is the smaller portion, to the bigger picture: your health is contingent to how well you fuel your body. In order to eliminate excess weight, we need to fuel the organs the allow your body to detox itself (e.g. gallbladder, kidneys, liver etc.) because detox teas, and shakes are simply not effective: they never have been. To increase muscle mass, a higher intake of protein is certainly necessary. I’m going to provide a SAMPLE MEAL PLAN to provide a foundation for those who may feel slightly overwhelmed by choice, in the next slide, along with a few supplements that may* maximize results. SAMPLE MEAL PLAN breakfast • 3 eggs: two whole, one egg white • turkey sausage • grapefruit • almonds lunch • ground turkey • jasmine rice • asparagus dinner • grilled chicken • sweet potatoes • mixed vegetables snack suggestion • tuna • high fiber crackers • sliced tomato • kombucha • fruit smoothie • plain yogurt • assorted fruit •granola • honey FAVORITE SUPPLEMENTS PROTEIN GREENS shop all these supplements at: AMINO ACIDS COLLAGEN WARM UP UTILIZE FOAM ROLLER: 45 S. HIPS | QUADRICEPS | BACK BI-PHASIC HIP STRETCH: 45 S. EA GLUTE BRIDGE: UTILIZE BAND KETTLEBELL SWING: 30 S. INTERVALS JUMP SQUAT: 30 S. INTERVALS BW SQUAT: ECC. 25 REPITIONS Incorporating upper body movements will be key to maximizing the results desired for your lower body. UPPER BODY MOVEMENTS TO INCORPORATE: Insert select movements immediately after lower body lifting session, or on designated elliptical days: prior to executing cardio Just as we will do for our lower body: the goal is to increase weight as the weeks progress within the program DB BICEP CURL: DS DB SHOULDER PRESS: 3so10 8, 10, 12 DB CHEST PRESS: 3so10 TRICEP CABLE PULL DOWN: DS 3so12 BW PUSH UP:3so10 modified push up’s acceptable* DB LATERAL RAISE: 3so10 CONVENTIONAL PULL UP’S: TRICEP OVERHEAD PRESS: utilize assisted pull up machine* LAT PULL DOWN: DS 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 3so10 BB BACK ROW: 5so5 CARDIO CADENCE NEVER EXECUTE CARDIO PRIOR TO LIFT* M W F: TEN MINUTES ON STAIR MASTER UPON COMPLETION OF LIFT. If you execute weight training days cardio prior to a lift, you will cardio UTILIZE completely ELLIPTICAL: deplete the WEEK 1-3: WEEKdays 4-6: 5 S. FAST : 10 S. FAST: glycogen that SQUAT POS. SQUAT POS. is present in 10 S. SLOW 15 S. SLOW the body: WK 1: 10 min. WK 4: 20 min. which is WK 2: 15 min. WK 5: 25 min. needed for WK 3: 20 min. WK 6: 30 min. optimal lifting sessions. T TH S WEEK 7-8: 15 S. FAST: SQUAT POS. 20 S. SLOW WK 4: 30 min. WK 5: 35 min. WK 6: 40 min. weight training focuses FOCUS ON FORM. Force yourself to become comfortable with documenting your journey. Not only is it an optimal way to monitor progress, recording yourself will help you identify your opportunities with proper form. Maintaining your form throughout the entirety of every movement will always be far more significant than lifting heavier. Without sacrificing your form, to maximize results: INCREASE WEIGHT WEEKLY. We want to stimulate as much growth as possible within these next few weeks, utiziling what’s known as progressive overload, so ensuring we are incrementally, and safely, increasing the amount of weight we are training with to provide us with the best results. A 10% week-over-week increase is sufficient. PRIORITIZE YOUR EATING. Successful muscle growth is accomplished by placing a larger emphasis on your intake of WHOLE, BALANCED MEALS. You will receive the best results if you make what you intake on a day-to-day basis a huge focal point. We want to ensure we are consuming all good groups: carbohydrates, monounsaturated fats with a higher protein intake to support exceptional muscle growth. Avoid incorporating different movements, and try your very hardest to refrain from altering the program in any way. I’ve placed this methodology into practice myself before creating this program. It may feel slightly redundant but: TRUST THE PROCESS! MBM © official YouTube MONDAY line up CLICK ME FOR ASSISTANCE WEEK 1-3 WEEK 4-6 BB BOX SQUAT: DS 8, 10, 12 ECC SUMO SQUAT: RDS 12, 10, 8, 6 BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT 3so7 BB BOX SQUAT: 3so12 DB STEP UP 3so12 LEG EXTENSION: RDS 6, 8, 10, 12 LEG PRESS: 5so5 LEG PRESS: 3so15 KB PAUSE SQUAT: 5so5 ZERCHER SQUAT: 3so10 WALKING LUNGES: 5so5 BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT: DS 8, 10, 12, 15 FINISHER: LEG EXTENSION 10so10 / only 30 s. rest between FINISHER: WALL SIT: UTILIZE WEIGHT, 3so30 s. final weeks direction on page fifteen WEDNESDAY line up MBM © official YouTube page CLICK ME FOR ASSISTANCE WEEK 1-3 WEEK 4-6 BB HIP THRUST: RDS 12, 10, 8, 6 GLUTE PRESS: 5so5 DB PULSATING SQUAT DS: 8, 10, 12, 15 BB HIP THRUST: 7so7 HIP ABDUCTION MACHINE: RDS 12, 10, 8, 6 HIP ABDUCTION MACHINE: DS 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 2 CABLE PULL THROUGH 3so30 s. intervals BB HIP THRUST: RDS 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 FINISHER: BANDED GLUTE BRIDGE TO HIP ABDUCTION: 3so30 s. intervals CABLE PULL THROUGH: ECC: 5so7 FINISHER: FROG PUMP 2so10 FINISHER: FROG PUMP 2so50: 90 s. pause final weeks direction on page fifteen FRIDAY line up MBM © official YouTube CLICK ME FOR ASSISTANCE WEEK 1-3 WEEK 4-6 BB RDL: 7so7 BANDED DB DL: RDL 5so5 SUMO DL: 5so5 TRAP BAR DL: 4so7 DB DL: RDS 12, 10, 8, 6 ZERCHER GOOD MORNINGS: 3so7 BB GOOD MORNINGS: 5so5 SUMO DL: 3so12 LINEAR HACK SQUAT: DS 10, 8, 6, 4 SNATCH GRIP/WIDE GRIP DL: 3so4 FINISHER: HAMSTRING CURL 1so50: NO BREAKS FINISHER: REVERSE LUNGES 2so15: NO BREAK SATURDAY MBM © official YouTube active rest day CLICK ME FOR ASSISTANCE WEEK 1-4 WEEK 4-8 BB OVERHEAD SHOULDER PRESS: 3so12 BB CHEST PRESS: 3so7 BB LANDMINE ROW: 5so5 SEATED CABLE ROW: 3so12 ARNOLD PRESSES: 4so5 LATERAL SHOULDER RAISES: 3so10 PLANK: 5so30 s. intervals STAIR MASTER: HOLD DUMBBELLS challenge MONDAY WEDNESDAY finale finale WEEK 7-8 WEEK 7-8 BB BACK SQUAT: RDS 8, 10, 12, 15 SINLE-LEG DB RDL: 2so15 BB BOX SQUAT: 6, 8, 10, 12 DB DL: 4so5 BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT: MAX 3so30 s. intervals, each leg TRAP BAR DL: 3so5 BB DL: 7so5 HACK SQUAT: 3so8 SUMO BB DL: 5so6 LEG PRESS: DS 8, 10, 12 BB HIP THRUST: 5so7 REVERSE LUNGE: 3so15 KB SQUAT CLEAN: 3so45 s. intervals FINISHER: LEG PRESS 100 REPETITIONS | 30s. pauses GLUTE PRESS: 2so50 FINISHER: GLUTE BRIDGE TO HIP ABDUCTION: 2so60 s. intervals congratulations, YOU DID IT!