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Implementing of face to face is choice among students

Implementing of face to face is choice among students
The Department of Education (DepEd) is thinking about implementing face to face, but as
we all know it cannot be done without students’ decision, opinion and approval. Some students
chose to have a face-to-face classes, while some don’t want to.
According to some student, face-to-face education helps them to engage with others and
learn how to socialize with individuals from all backgrounds. People's views and values vary
around the world. As a result, the strategy allows students to meet individuals from all origins and
learn about different cultures. It also helps a person recognize and appreciate the roots of others.
Another source of contention in the society is religion. Consequently, face-to-face schooling is
critical because it allows pupils to mix with students of different religions and learn the value of
respecting all faiths.
One of the most valuable features of feedback is the information that the teacher obtains.
Students may struggle to study on their own and may be unable to instantly ask questions to their
particular lecturers if they are unclear about the content. Feedback provides a chance to clarify
what is anticipated. Students' performance and accomplishment improve in face-to-face classes so
they can comprehend the expectations for the assigned assignment or project. They might ask
questions while it is still fresh in their minds, or they can assist with a specific difficulty. This
procedure also helps to reduce any frustrations that may exist.
However, among the students who agreed, there are students who didn’t. Some learners
who do not like a social environment often prefer online learning situations in which they can work
on their own. A student may be hesitant to speak in front of the entire class, and this fear might
impede learning.
Face-to-face learning is essential in organizations, particularly in firms for training and
growth. This method's implementation is based on the operational model, but its relevance and
usefulness cannot be overstated, it aids in easy and quick learning. Why should we allow Covid
19 to succeed and our students to become accustomed to it?