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Honoring Geebs (Aki)

What a blessing to know a soul so kind, helpful, intelligent, discerning, protective and whimsical.
Nicholas and I became kindred spirits many years ago, and there is no way I could've known
just how much our friendship would bloom over those years to become more like family & how
much we would witness each other through many defining moments in life.
Nicholas showed up! He was there to help and support in any way he could for so many. We
both enjoyed shining the spotlight on others and had the same passion of finding ways to bring
more unity in the Denver art scene. The artist collective Conscious Creatives was born in 2015
and weekly gatherings were held as a safe space for artists to work on their individual projects
and/or collaborate with other artists. Nicholas went on to create the “Doodlecast” which also
highlighted Denver artists as they talked and doodled together. Over the course of 2 years we
hosted events, recorded podcasts and uplifted artists. Nicholas was one of the artists who would
attend practically every event and always contribute ideas, set design and thought provoking
conversation. Often when Nicholas and I talked there were moments that felt so insync with our
thinking that we could talk almost telepathically, it’s very hard to come by friends like that.
When Nicholas moved in with my family I got to experience even more of his wisdom of plants,
food, music, history, art and world views. We would talk for hours and I would try to keep up with
all the many facts and topics. I appreciate our friendship and having someone to talk with, who I
could confide in, who wouldn’t judge me and who listened and offered insight like an older
brother who wants the absolute best for you. I know Nichloas felt the same in that he could
confide in me and share the ebbs and flows of life and receive my insight. Although Nicholas
has an extremely gentle nature he was not afraid to speak his mind or stand up when there was
injustice. When he cared for someone and saw them being mistreated it was hard for him to be
a bystander and he would address the situation. His level of empathy was something to be
admired. Sometimes I think the amount of empathy he had for others at times could weigh him
down. He used his art to express and move through the pain of injustice he saw in the world
around him. His art was something to be marveled at and his “doodles” were so packed with
emotion, information and divine thoughtfulness.
I’m grateful that I had a chance to tell Nicolas just how grateful I am to have him as a friend and
witness and just how much his love, support and friendship has meant to me. Still I know he is
witnessing me and I too am witnessing him and find miraculous things that remind me of him.
On my porch the first Magnolia Flower recently bloomed, yet on its branches were other
magnolias all in different stages of life. It was a reminder that all the stages of life can happen
simultaneously. The magnolia also symbolizes dignity, nobility, perseverance and love for
nature…how fitting a flower that embodies the overall character of Nicholas and reminder that
our dear friend will bloom again.