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Importance of Safety and Health Summary

Day 1- Construction Occupational Safety and Health (Recap)
1. Importance of Safety and Health
a. Based on the International Labor Organization Report almost 60,000 fatalities occur
every year at construction sites around the world reaching 17% of work related fatalities
b. Construction continues to be a major reason of disabilities and death.
c. Main cause of injury are person falling from a high place, and being struck by a falling
d. Occupational Injuries
i. Medical Expenses
ii. Equipment Expenses
iii. Wasted Raw Materials
iv. Insurance Premiums
v. Litigation Expenses
e. Indirect Cost of Injuries
i. Injured Workers – Loss of productivity, efficiency, and income
ii. Other Employees - Loss of productivity, efficiency, and additional cost due to
added work
iii. Supervisors - Loss of productivity due to the incident
iv. Replacement Worker – Training
v. Equipment – Downtime
f. Occupation Safety and Health Laws and Issuance
i. Department Order 13 – Guidelines Governing Safety and Health in the
Construction, 1998 is based on
ii. Book IV, Title I – Medical, Dental and Occupational Safety and is based on
iii. Occupation Safety and Health Standards 1978
g. Occupational Safety and Health Standards – Rules issued by Department of Labor and
Employment to ensure safe and healthful employment
h. Department Order 198, Series of 2018 – Implement the rules and regulations of republic
act # 11058 entitled“ An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and
Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof”
Note: Follow D.O. 13 unless revised by D.O. 198