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AP Euro Timeline: Key Events & Periods

Complete AP Euro timeline
Cooper Gretzema
● First period (1450-1648)
● 2nd Period (1648-1815)
3rd Period (1815-1914)
4th Period (1914-Present)
Big events
● Hundred Years …
● Age of Plague
● Italian Renaissance
Northern Renaissance in Europe
New monarchs
● Reformation
● Wars of Religion
● Scientific Revolution
● Council of trent
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● Enlightenment
Industrial Revolution
French Revolution
Age of Napoleon
● Decembrist revolt
2nd industrial rev
● Bloody sunday
World War I
World War II
Cold war
● Loss of population
Rise of gentry
● Witch Hunts
● Role of men and women
German peasants revolt
● Revolution of 1848: France, German States, Austria, Italy
Fin de Siecle
1st Wave Feminism
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● The Second Sex
2nd Wave Feminism
● Ferdinand and Isabella
● Spanish Armada defeated
● Edict of Nantes
● Gustavus Adolphus dies
English Civil War
● Glorious Revolution
War of Spanish Succession
7 years war
● Napoleon crowns himself Emperor
● Congress of Vienna
● Revolution of 1830
German Unification
Franco-Prussian war
Berlin Conference
Armenian Genocide
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Russian Revolution
● Treaty of Versailles
● Potsdam Conference
● Student protests
Prague Spring
● European Union Created
● Petrarch
● Printing Press
● Hugo Grotius
● Machiavelli writes The Prince
● Bra…
Francis Bacon
Galileo Galilei
Rene Descartes
Isaac Newton
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● Donatello
Leonardo Da Vinci
● Michelang…
● Manneris…
● Baroque
Interactions outside Europe
● Henry the navigator
● Fall of Constantinople
● Commercial Revolution
American Revolution
● British east India Company
● Voc(Dutch East India Company)
● Bank of Amsterdam
● Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"
Great Depression
● Stock Market Crash
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● Spanish Inquisition
● Concordat of Bologna
● 95 theses
● Charles V invades rome
● Start of Calvinism
● Peace of Augsberg
French wars of religion
30 Years War
● Peace of Westphalia
● First period (1450-1648)
 - 
● 2nd Period (1648-1815)
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● 3rd Period (1815-1914)
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● 4th Period (1914-Present)
 ,  - 
Big events
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● Hundred Years War
 - 
● Age of Plague
Plague, famine, and recurrent wars decimated the population. Feudal
governments and papacy struggled against mounting chaos. Failures in
institutions led to Western people fixing said institutions. Population dropped to an
all time low, but by the 1500's had a more productive economy and more powerful
technology. Overall a period of death and failure that led to revitalization and
 - . 
● Italian Renaissance
 - 
The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 by the
House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of
Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France, over the succession of the French throne.
The Italian Renaissance (Italian: Rinascimento [rinaʃʃiˈmento]) was the earliest
manifestation of the general European Renaissance, a period of great cultural
change and achievement that began in Italy during the 14th century and lasted
until the 16th century, marking the transition between Medieval and Early Modern
● Northern Renaissance in Europe
 - . 
● New monarchs
 - 
● Reformation
 - 
More secular than Italian Renaissance
New monarchs gained power and made their countries stronger by distracting the
nobility with wars or not relying on them. Italy was not centralized, leading to the
Time of questioning the catholic church, and taking the trend into politics and
social change. Led to counter reformation
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● Wars of Religion
 - 
● Scientific Revolution
 - 
● Council of trent
● Enlightenment
 - 
● Industrial Revolution
 - 
● French Revolution
 - 
● Age of Napoleon
 - 
● Decembrist revolt
The European wars of religion were a series of religious wars waged in Europe
from 1524 to 1648, following the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Central,
Western and Northern Europe. The conflicts ended with the Peace of Westphalia
recognizing three separate Christian traditions in the Holy Roman Empire: Roman
Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism, otherwise known as the Reformed
Time of great scientific advances and incorporating science into religion
Revitalized catholic church
Legitimized the Jesuit order
Time of human rational thought, social rights and contracts, and natural rights
Textile industry improved vastly and created jobs and urbanization
Overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of
political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that
rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond.
Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while
leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most
of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled
over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815.
Army officers want to have a change in government because they cant rise up
because they're not nobles. It fails, prequel to 1830 revolutions
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● 2nd industrial rev
More focused on steel and production of bigger machines
 - 
● Imperialism
 - 
More colonies, but European superiority belief and Social darwinism gave more
● Bloody sunday
citizens want democratic rights, Czar fires on people then gives the citizens
● World War I
 - 
War between triple alliance and Triple Entente, Austria's prime minister
assassinated, issue ulitmatum to serbia and cash german blank check, France gets
taken and Germany loses. Treaty of Versaiis issued and german war guilt
● World War II
Hitler invading other countries leads to second World War, Blitzkrieg used to take
land quickly, led to disillusionment and anti-facist movement
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● Cold war
 - 
An intellectual war between America and Russia, the two super powers. Led to
space race, many indirect wars and eventually the fall of communist russia
● Loss of population
 - 
● Rise of gentry
 - 
Populations across western Europe lost a about a third of their population, driving
costs down and creating the need for more jobs
The specialized agriculture brought prosperity to the land-owning nobility, but also
to dwellers, lawyers, bureaucrats, and wealthy peasants began to invest in land in
the countryside. These people made considerable profits and gave rise to a new
middle class called the Gentry
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● Witch Hunts
Brutal persecution of females, on the basis of being witches
 - 
● Role of men and women
Men and women worked in separate but complementary tasks
Renaissance and reformation led to questions of women's role
Delayed marriage and childbearing
 - 
● German peasants revolt
Peasants' War, (1524–25) peasant uprising in Germany. Inspired by changes
brought by the Reformation, peasants in western and southern Germany invoked
divine law to demand agrarian rights and freedom from oppression by nobles and
 - 
● Revolution of 1848: France, German States, Austria, Italy
● Fin de Siecle
Emphasis on leisure time, consumerism led to the middle and upper classes
mixing so they're almost indistinguishable from one another
 - 
● 1st Wave Feminism
 - 
● The Second Sex
Women during World War I had worked in factories and did the jobs of men and
they started believing they were equal and fought for voting rights
Book written by Simone Beauvoir that explained women's role throughout history.
● 2nd Wave Feminism
.  - . 
● Solidarity
 - 
Most widespread revolutionary wave in European History, Communist manifesto
shook up middle calss
Women started fighting for more equal rights in the workplace and posed
questions about their body and the idea of abortion and birth control pills.
Polish dock workers revolted for more voting rights
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● Ferdinand and Isabella
● Spanish Armada defeated
● Edict of Nantes
Granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial
rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially Catholic at the time.
Henry IV signed it, and said the famous quote, "Paris is worth the mass"
● Gustavus Adolphus dies
● English Civil War
 - 
● Glorious Revolution
In addition to inspiring nationalism, the defeat of the Spanish Armada gave
England the practical freedom it needed to begin large-scale colonizing missions.
Without the Spanish threat on the sea in the years after 1588, British ships could
ply the waters between Europe and America to bring colonists and supplies to the
new lands and return with the products of colonial labor. The event also had
implications for the Protestant Reformation. A Protestant country, England,
prevailed against the more powerful navy of a Catholic country, Spain.
The fact that a big part of the English defeat derived from bad weather gave some
weight to the Protestant claim that their cause was supported by God. The loss of
the money used to build the huge fleet of 130 ships in the Armada also weakened
the Spanish ability to project power in its new colonies. Many historians view the
failure of the Spanish Armada as the beginning of a long, slow decline of Spanish
power that eventually resulted in a total loss of its vast empire.
Great protestant leader and phenominal military leader dies, huge blow against
Caused by animosity between parliment and the monarchy. The first time a king
was executed for treason.
William of Orange invaded England with a Dutch fleet and took power without any
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● War of Spanish Succession
 - 
● 7 years war
 - 
Fought between France and Austria over the spanish throne, Phillip took throne
but renounced throne in France. First introduction to balance of power
War between britain and france in the Americas, featuring significant impacts of
native americans. Britain then tried to take sugar colonies, against France and
Spain. Also in Inda. British won all of them. First global war
● Napoleon crowns himself Emperor
● Congress of Vienna
● Revolution of 1830
● German Unification
 - 
● Franco-Prussian war
 - 
● Berlin Conference
 - 
● Armenian Genocide
 - 
Meeting that reaffirmed conservative power and promoted balance of power, anti
Romantic nationalist revolutions in 1830, ex. Poland, Portugal, France, Belgium,
German states excluding Austria unified under one crown, inspires nationalism
France feared the new power unified germany would have, fought war over
balance of power
Regulated European colonization and trade in Africa, Germany emerges as an
imperial power
Ottomans systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians
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● Russian Revolution
   -   
● Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that levied heavy war raperations on Germany, screwed them over with
inflation, Germany in chaos
● Potsdam Conference
Meeting between Stalin and Truman, said that Communism and Capitalism cant
 
● Student protests
Russians sent in tanks to literally squash protests
● Prague Spring
 ,  -  , 
● European Union Created
Overthrow Czar Nicholas, Duma created. Then Lenin sent in, overthrows duma
and institutes communism, get out of WW1, then Stalin takes power
Political liberilization in Czechoslovakia, put down by russians
Union between Europeans for mutual defense and economic help
● Petrarch
 - 
● Boccaccio
 - 
Francesco Petrarca, commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was an Italian scholar and
poet in Renaissance Italy, who was one of the earliest humanists. His rediscovery
of Cicero's letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. He
is also known as the Father of Humanism.
an Italian writer, poet, correspondent of Petrarch, and an important Renaissance
humanist. Boccaccio wrote a number of notable works, including The Decameron
and On Famous Women. He wrote his imaginative literature mostly in the Italian
vernacular, as well as other works in Latin, and is particularly noted for his realistic
dialogue which differed from that of his contemporaries, medieval writers who
usually followed formulaic models for character and plot.
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● Printing Press
First printing press invented, spurred spread of information and revitalized religion
due to the printing of the bible
● Copernicus
First book supporting the heliocentric theory, question the humanist belief that
man was at the center of the universe
 - 
● Hugo Grotius
Established foundations for international law, based on natural law
 - 
● Machiavelli writes The Prince
● Brahe
 - 
Invented best instrument for observing the stars before the telescope
● Francis Bacon
 - 
● Galileo Galilei
 - 
● Rene Descartes
 - 
● Isaac Newton
 - 
A book that outlined the ideal monarch in an era where Italy desperately needed
to centralize to survive
English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. He served both
as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. Father of scientific
Invented the telescope, and proved the heliocentric theory. Also discovered new
laws of gravity
Father of western philosophy and geometry
Published theories on gravity and how it relates to astronomy. Believed that the
world was rational and believed in a divine clockmaker type god
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● Donatello
 - 
Renaissance artist, Created another david
● Leonardo Da Vinci
Ideal renaissance man, inventor and artist. Painted mona lisa, last supper,
vetruvian man
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● Michelangelo
Influential renaissance artists, created David, Creation of man, Risen Christ
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● Mannerism
 - 
● Baroque
 - 
Style that replaced plague era paintings with more realistic, accurate paintings
Sweeping brushstrokes of mostly religious views, meant to revitalize interest for
the church and inspire religious zeal and emotion in who viewed it
Interactions outside Europe
● Henry the navigator
● Fall of Constantinople
● Commercial Revolution
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● American Revolution
 - 
Henry the navigator discovered Africa, Marking the beginning of a new era of
exploration and colonization
Use of gunpowder lead to its defeat
Rise of mercantilism pushes exploration, desire of new reasources like spices,
luxury goods, and gold
America revolting against Britain and gaining independence because of taxation
without representation
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● British east India Company
British international trade organization that trades spices and other luxury goods
from India and Asia
 - 
● Voc(Dutch East India Company)
 - 
● Bank of Amsterdam
The first modern bank that brought much wealth to Amsterdam.
● Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"
● Great Depression
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● Stock Market Crash
The Dutch created a monopoly on trade and were the strongest trading empire.
Brought much well to the Dutch and Amsterdam.
Book about how capitalism was the best form of economy because peoples own
interests line up wit hthe interests of the goverment
Time of Economic ruin in Europe and America, led to rise of many facist leaders
American stock market crashes, starting Great depression
● Spanish Inquisition
 ,  - 
● Concordat of Bologna
● 95 theses
Systematic expulsion or forced conversion of all non-Christians in Spain to create
a religious monotony in Spain
French control over religion was not totally catholic, so allowed religious freedom
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences are a list of
propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, led to
people questioning the church and the start of the Reformation, started
Lutheranism, and inspired peasant revolts
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● Charles V invades rome
● Counterreformation
Catholics lead a counter to the reformation and try to fix their mistakes, but barely
anything changes besides the influence of Jesuits.
 - 
● Start of Calvinism
John created Calvinism and the main belief was predestination. People believed
god already decided everyone's path in life
● Peace of Augsberg
Augsburg, Peace of, 1555, temporary settlement within the Holy Roman Empire of
the religious conflict arising from the Reformation . Each prince was to determine
whether Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism was to prevail in his lands
● French wars of religion
 - 
● 30 Years War
 - 
The French Wars of Religion, or Huguenot Wars of the 16th century, are names for
a period of civil infighting, military operations and religious war primarily fought
between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Reformed Protestants) in the Kingdom
of France.
A religious war between Catholics and Prodestants in Western Europe. At the end
of the war, the rise of strong centralized authority made political power the prize
instead of religious power.
● Peace of Westphalia
Holy roman empire invades and sacks rome, forces pope to relocate
Ended the thirty years war, turning point into centralizing power
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