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Ghanaian Economics: A Brief History

Henry Mason
Ghana Essay
10/16/20 20
A Brief History of Ghanaian Economics
The story of this country is involved and complicated, and I cannot and will not go over all its
economic antiquity; nonetheless, it is an interesting history. Ghana was, and still is, a prosperous
developing nation that, at the time, had a complex and incredibly complicated society. Even
though the British colonizers wanted to improve the economic standings of Ghana, they did not.
Even now the economic position of Ghana is still not where it could have been, but if the Ashanti
empire had remained intact, the many successful implements that the British introduced would
not have been so utterly successful.
In the pre-colonial Ghanaian economy, land was equally distributed among all citizens. The
product of the land that a family-owned would belong solely to them. This distribution tactic
may have been because there were low population density and access to land within the
kingdom's borders. All land had an owner and the owner would severely protect their rights to
that land. And because of this, the economy was mainly based on agricultural farming of spices
and other grains. The country was very self-sustaining, so it had little need for outside trade. The
main link between Ghana and the rest of the world was its abundance of gold. The export
economy was also fueled by farmers. As a bonus, there were extremely large buildings for trade
Unfortunately, even though the governmental system of Ghana was thriving, the British
settlers and colonizers started plundering the. As a result, there was such an abundance of
resources and labor that the British colonizers stunted the growth of the economy. The first
development "plan" was put into effect around 1900, and a report about the gold coast in 1890
said that 40 million pounds of gold would be extracted within a few years. Some of the main
Henry Mason
Ghana Essay
10/16/20 20
profits at the time were Gold, Cocoa, and Iron. Some of the most advanced mining technics were
introduced by Ghana to most other mining colonies throughout African colonies. And to top this
all off, if the Ashanti empire had remained intact, none of this advanced trade would have been
Now, in current and everyday Ghana most agricultural aspects of Ghana are based upon
Bioenergy and other forms of biofuel. The top three main import partners are the following,
China at 16.8%, the United States at 8%, and the United Kingdom at 6.2%. As of 2018, Ghana's
current population stands around 29,767,108. During the great recession, in 2008, Ghana's
economy was higher than before, at a soaring 9% increase in the annual GDP. The importance of
this is because Biofuel is amazing for the environment, and almost no other economy in the
world did well during the Great Depression.
The history of Ghana is not yet complete, and with that brings hope for a brighter and more
prominent future. The many provinces throughout Ghana and the Ashanti empire were
devastated by colonialism, the many profit-hungry British merchants that wandered into Ghana
manipulated and employed the people of Ghana forcing them to become slaves. Nonetheless,
Ghana has nearly recovered from this diminishing state. It now has a prominent economy and a
flourishing culture. If the devastations of colonialism had never happened, how much better
would off would Ghana and the whole rest of Africa be?