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BIO311D syllabus F2020

Introductory Biology II
Dr. Ann Thijs
Table of Contents
Your Learning Team....................................................................................................................1
Course Description .....................................................................................................................2
Course Aims and Outcomes........................................................................................................2
Learning Objectives – also known as LO’s ..................................................................................2
Course Delivery ..........................................................................................................................3
Lecture and Discussion Section Details.......................................................................................3
Course Schedule .........................................................................................................................6
What is expected of you? ...........................................................................................................6
Required Textbooks ...................................................................................................................7
On-line Resources.......................................................................................................................7
University Policies ......................................................................................................................8
University Resources ..................................................................................................................8
Frequently Asked Questions – Answered!..................................................................................9
Your Learning Team
Your Professor
Office Hours
Dr. Ann Thijs
Fridays 12-2pm
Graduate Teaching Assistants
Office Hours
Becca Carden
Callen Inman
Undergraduate Teaching
Assistants Office Hours
Jack Burns
Rene Menchaca
Luke Larter
!Tip: Visit the Welcome page on Canvas to learn more about us!
Course Description
This course gives an introduction to the mechanisms of inheritance, evolution, physiology, and
ecology. This course may be used to fulfill three hours of the natural science and technology
component of the university core curriculum, and your successful participation addresses the
following four core objectives established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:
communication skills, critical thinking skills, teamwork, and empirical and quantitative
skills. Prerequisite: Biology 311C with a grade of at least C-.
Course Aims and Outcomes
This course is arranged into four “Big Ideas” of biology. (1) Organisms inherit genes, which are
modified by evolutionary processes over time (‘Evolution’). (2) Evolutionary processes have led
to the past and present diversity of life on Earth (‘Diversity’). (3) Organisms demonstrate a wide
variety of distinct evolutionary adaptations to physiological and environmental challenges
(‘Physiology’). And (4) organisms interact with one another and with their environment, and
these interactions change over time (‘Ecology’).
Throughout your Biology courses, you will be developing the following skills:
• PROCESS OF SCIENCE. Engage in the process of science by practicing observation, generating
hypotheses, designing testable experiments and manipulating data.
• QUANTITATIVE REASONING. Manipulate numerical data and evaluate the significance of the
data using appropriate mathematical and/or statistical methods.
• CRITICAL THINKING. Use logical reasoning to apply known concepts to novel situations and to
identify and evaluate source materials and scholarly literature.
• INDEPENDENT LEARNING. Demonstrate personal responsibility to set goals and regularly
engage in self-assessment of progress towards academic accomplishment.
• EXCHANGE OF IDEAS. Collaborate, discuss, and exchange ideas in a team setting in order to
explore creative solutions to complex problems.
• BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY. Apply biological concepts to daily life and issues in society.
Learning Objectives – also known as LO’s
The content of this class is organized into the four big ideas: ‘Evolution’, ‘Diversity’, ‘Physiology’
and ‘Ecology’. These in turn are broken down into 15 learning objectives. These learning
objectives are common to all BIO311D courses, and are tasks you should be able to do after you
have gained a deep understanding of each LO’s content. The learning objectives handout is
posted on Canvas and the LO’s are detailed in the Canvas modules and lecture slides. Use the
different items on the LO handout as learning challenges. Practice writing about each topic, as
these questions will show up on assessments. This class can be detail-oriented, but don’t lose
sight of the big picture! The LO handout is a way for you to focus on the key points of the
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
Course Delivery
All lectures and discussions in Fall 2020 will be in an online format. All instructional materials
and assignments will be contained in ‘Modules’ on Canvas. A new module opens every Friday
and concludes the following Friday. Each module will be organized the same way and contains
the following components:
• Reading list and lecture slides
• Panopto Video: Asynchronous viewing
of recordings with embedded
• Synchronous Zoom Lectures on
Mondays with active learning
• Synchronous Zoom Discussions on
Monday or Tuesday in small groups
• Synchronous Zoom Lectures on
Wednesdays as review
• Asynchronous online homework in
Mastering Biology
• Asynchronous Learning Check
(summative assessment)
Lecture and Discussion Section Details
MW Lectures 12-1pm
Meeting Date
and Time
Meeting Date
and Time
T 12:30-1:30pm
M 3-4pm
M 2-3pm
Becca and Jack
T 3:30-4:30pm
T 2-3pm
T 4:30-5:30pm
MW Lectures 1-2pm
Meeting Date
and Time
Meeting Date
and Time
T 8:30-9:30am
T 12:30-1:30pm
T 9:30-10:30am
T 2-3pm
T 11am-12pm
T 3:30-4:30pm
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
The class is based on 500 points. During the semester, you will accrue points from Panopto
questions, InstaPolls, discussion activities, homework, learning checks, and a final exam. Any
earned extra credit points will go toward your accumulated class points. At the end of the
semester, the total points are divided by 5 (x/5) to determine your letter grade (e.g.
414/5=82.8% = B-; 415/5=83 = B). There will be no curving or adjusting after this point, so
please do not ask.
You can earn 500 total points throughout the semester, broken down as in the table below.
12 x 3 = 36
12 x 5 = 60
12 x 6 = 72
MB Homework
12 x 6 = 72
Learning Checks
12 x 15 = 180
Grade Breakdown
New content is delivered asynchronously through Panopto recordings, with embedded
questions. The recordings need to be viewed, and questions answered, before coming to class
on Monday. The 12 highest Panopto grades factor into your final grade calculation.
Synchronous Zoom lectures focus on active learning and working on problem sets. Correct
answer choices will be explained after students have worked on the questions in breakout
rooms. InstaPoll is the polling software that will be used during synchronous classes.
An asynchronous option is also available: you can copy the problem sets and write out an
explanation in a paragraph for each correct answer. The 12 highest InstaPoll grades factor into
your final grade calculation.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
Zoom Discussions are synchronous small group meetings under guidance of a teaching
assistant. Discussion worksheets need to be submitted online, and synchronous participants
receive a completion grade. An asynchronous option is available: students can complete the
worksheet independently and submit it to be graded. The 12 highest discussion grades factor
into your final grade calculation.
MasteringBiology Homework
The homework assignments consist of reinforcement of material covered in lecture, including
applications and case studies. You can access the homework site through Canvas. Each
homework assignment carries the same amount of credit. The 12 highest homework grades
factor into your final grade calculation.
Learning Checks
Learning Checks are a summative form of assessment, and need to be completed after finishing
all other assignments in a module. While the questions pertain to the most recent material,
they can also contain material from previous modules to promote the synthesis of concepts.
Learning Checks are an 'open resource' assessment: you can use your textbook, notes, slides,
discussion activities, and homework. If you studied and mastered the material, there is no need
for you to use other resources. There is a time limit, so it's in your best interest to prepare
thoroughly before attempting the learning check, and not rely completely on your notes.
'Open resource' does not mean 'other human resources'. I intend to test your independent
understanding of concepts, not everyone's collective understanding of concepts. To promote
independent work, there will be a time limit, questions and answers will be presented in
random order, you need to answer a question before you can move on to the next (i.e. you
cannot go back to a previous question), and each student receives a subset of a larger set of
questions while being tested on the same concepts. These are measures to promote fairness
and independent work at the same time.
Final Exam:
The final exam is comprehensive and will cover material from the entire semester. The format
will be much like the Learning Checks.
Late Policy:
There is a late penalty for all formative assessments (Panopto, InstaPoll, Discussion assignments
and homework): 50% of credit will be deducted for every day it is late. When you miss a
summative assessment (learning check, final exam), contact your instructor or TA as soon as
possible. The availability of a make-up assessment will be dependent on the circumstances and
will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
Course Schedule
This is a mere summary table of the topics we will cover this semester. For more detailed
information, please refer to the following on Canvas:
• Learning Outcomes
• Reading List
• Calendar for all assignment dates
What is expected of you?
Expectations for Coursework
The expectation is that you spend approximately 9 hours a week on coursework for a 3-credit
hour class. How should you spend this time?
• Watch the Panopto lecture material, take notes and answer questions before Mondays
Zoom Lecture
• Attend and participate in Zoom Lectures
• Attend and participate in Zoom Discussions
• Complete all assignments
• Review notes while consulting the text to solidify your understanding
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
Post and answer questions on the Piazza discussion board
Check-in with your professor and TA during office hours
Expectations for Communication
All asynchronous communication from me to you will happen through Canvas. I will regularly
post information using Canvas announcements and all course information is contained within
Canvas Modules and Canvas Pages.
• Check Canvas and your email daily for updates.
• Check your notifications settings in Canvas to ensure that you are receiving the email
version of announcements.
All student questions for this course will be addressed through Piazza, a discussion platform
linked to Canvas. You will use the Piazza Discussion board to ask/answer questions about
content, course logistics, etc. This should be your first stop when you have a question; it may be
that it is already asked and answered. If you have a personal question, you can message
instructors privately through the Piazza discussion board or the Canvas messaging system.
Expectations for Participation
We expect that you are fully present during synchronous class events, ready to participate:
• Check that your microphone is working before class. You will be working with other
students in breakout rooms during each lecture and discussion. Conversing with your
classmates will be an important part of the experience.
• Upload a picture in your Zoom profile for those times when you cannot turn on your
camera. No one likes talking to black screens. While you’re at it, upload that same
profile picture to Canvas.
• Avoid distractions during class: close other applications and turn off notifications.
• Don’t be a distraction during class. When you’re not talking, mute yourself to minimize
the background noise. Clothing is NOT optional when your camera is on. Keep the chat
comments pertinent to class material.
• I'm always happy to take questions during lecture; please use the 'raise hand' feature in
Zoom, or type your question in the chat box, so that I can see that you have a question.
Required Textbooks
Textbook: Campbell Biology 11th edition, Urry et al, 2017.
Associated homework software: Modified MasteringBiology
The textbook and associated software can be purchased as a bundle at the UT COOP or through
a link on Canvas. For the textbook itself, you can choose a hard copy or eText according to your
On-line Resources
Canvas: https://utexas.instructure.com/ is our course management system. Lecture recordings,
slides, discussion activities, quizzes etc. will be delivered through Canvas.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
A Piazza Discussion Board associated with our Canvas site will be used to answer student
questions and promote student discussions.
MasteringBiology, accessible through Canvas, will serve as our homework site and more.
Note: Canvas and MasteringBiology work best while using the Chrome browser. Issues have
been reported with not being able to see quiz figures using other browsers.
University Policies
Academic Integrity
Each student in the course is expected to abide by the University of Texas Honor Code:
“As a student of The University of Texas at Austin, I shall abide by the core values of the
University and uphold academic integrity.” This means that work you produce on assignments,
tests and exams is all your own work. If you use words or ideas that are not your own (or that
you have used in previous class), you must make that clear otherwise you will be guilty of
plagiarism and subject to academic disciplinary action, including failure of the course. You are
responsible for understanding UT’s Academic Honesty Policy which can be found at the
following web address: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sjs/acint_student.php
Sharing of Course Materials is Prohibited
No materials used in this class, including, but not limited to videos, assessments (quizzes,
exams, homework assignments), in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets,
may be shared unless you have my explicit, written permission. Unauthorized sharing of
materials promotes cheating. It is a violation of the University’s Student Honor Code and an act
of academic dishonesty. Any materials found online that are associated with you, or any
suspected unauthorized sharing of materials, will be reported to Student Conduct and
Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students. These reports can result in sanctions,
including failure in the course.
University Resources
Student Accommodations
Students with a documented disability may request appropriate academic accommodations
from the Division of Diversity and Community. http://ddce.utexas.edu/disability/about/ .
Students are required to request a meeting with the instructor as soon as possible to discuss
any accommodations. SSD students who want to use their testing accommodations are
required to request alternate exam time and/or place at least one week before the scheduled
exam by filling out the corresponding Google Form (see Canvas).
The Sanger Learning Center
More than one-third of UT undergraduate students use the Sanger Learning Center each year
to improve their academic performance. All students are welcome to take advantage of Sanger
Center’s classes and workshops, private learning specialist appointments, peer academic
coaching, and tutoring for more than 70 courses, including BIO311D. For more information,
please visit http://www.utexas.edu/ugs/slc or call 512-471-3614.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
Hands-On Learning
Hands-On Learning is a peer-led weekly session to help you connect more deeply with the more
difficult content and to practice scientific thinking. It is open to all students in a BIO311D
course. If you cannot make any sessions, it is still worth it to have access to the instructional
materials they offer on their separate Canvas site. Look for announcements and sign up during
our first week of class.
Counseling and Mental Health Center
The Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) provides counseling, psychiatric,
consultation, and prevention services that facilitate students' academic and life goals and
enhance their personal growth and well-being. http://cmhc.utexas.edu/
If you have concerns about the safety or behavior of fellow students, TAs or Professors, call
BCAL (the Behavior Concerns Advice Line): 512-232-5050. Your call can be anonymous. If
something doesn’t feel right – it probably isn’t. Trust your instincts and share your concerns.
Help with technology
Frequently Asked Questions – Answered!
“How do I request information from Dr. Thijs or my TA?”
If you have a question about class, post it on our Piazza Discussion board so we may answer it
just once. Chances are that if you have a question about something, other students do too!
If you have a question about a personal matter, send Dr. Thijs or your TA a private message
through Piazza or the Canvas Inbox. Messages are usually answered within two work days.
Always include your class, lecture & discussion time in the subject line of your email.
“Should I go to office hours?”
YES! Your instructor’s or TA’s office hours are ideal for informal discussions., and questions
about material can often be answered much more effectively in person than by email. I know
from experience that students who frequent office hours have a deeper understanding of the
material and get much higher grades.
If you have a need for individual office hours, please ask your instructor or TA.
“There are extra credit assignments. Where do these points go?”
All points, whether regular or extra credit points, go into the bin of points that you accrue
during the semester. This means that some students may earn slightly more than 500/500.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020
“May I attend any discussion section?”
No. You must attend the discussion section for which you are registered. Exception: if you want
to permanently change the discussion section you attend, you may do so before the official
headcount day, provided we have the space, and the TA and I agree to the change.
“Will you bump my grade up if my score is very close to the higher grade?”
No. Please do not ask for special consideration. All students have some kind of hardship to
bear, and all want to do well. The way to succeed in class is by learning the material and
performing well on assessments, not by asking for a higher grade after class is over.
The last week of class is too late to improve your grade. Ask for help as soon as your course
average slips below what you want it to be.
Syllabus BIO311D Fall 2020